Chapter 29 Meeting Yu Xiaogang Master and Apprentice

The next day, the group woke up early and continued their journey.

After spending half a day, they finally found a Scaled Beast of the right age on a river bank.

According to the plan, the group dug a deep pit on a path leading to the river bank a few tens of metres away from the beast and placed sharp stumps underneath, and then Lin Manshan headed out to attack it from a distance with a hidden weapon technique. In the end, it is still only a hundred years old spirit beast, with low spiritual intelligence, coupled with the nature of the scaled beast that is relatively murderous and violent, it chased up on the spot, and then directly stepped on the empty ground and fell into the pit.

Three brothers with weapon martial souls once again swarmed together and stabbed chaotically, unfortunately, the scaled beast was fine, but its soft underbody was stuck in the stumps and soil, even after a lot of twisting it could not come out, instead, it caused it to bleed. The beast spirit master Xiao Zi Wang also has no way to help in this situation, he can not risk jumping down to fight with it alone, and can only rely on the crowd tactic, throwing down rocks one by one, focusing on the head to smash.

Then, Brother Hoe and Brother Rake took the responsibility of finding the rocks. After half an hour of smashing under their aid, the scaled beast was finally smashed to death. After 10 seconds of silence for the scaled beast, Xiao Zi Wang absorbed the spirit ring as he wished.

Unfortunately, no spirit bone popped out.

'It seems like it's mainly a matter of who gives it a finishing blow.' Lin Manshan sighed quietly and followed the group back the way they came.

After another night of rest in the middle, the next morning, the group finally walked out of the Spirit Forest.

After finding a clearing to sit down and celebrate together, they rushed together to the station where the carriages would be hired.

As soon as they got close to the station, Lin Manshan saw Yu Xiaogang, Tang San, and the dean of the Nuoding Academy sitting and drinking tea from afar.

As expected of a dean, a rich man.

The tea sold at the station outside the Spirit Forest is very expensive.

"Big brother Xiao, it looks like you don't need to offer me a ride." Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Xiao Zi Zai, at the same time reaching forward and pointing, he whispered, "That one is the dean of our academy, the flathead next to him is our dean's friend, the little boy next to him is his disciple, and at the same time is the roommate who lives in the same dormitory as me, with a Blue Silver Grass martial soul, innate full spirit power, and now is estimated to be a Spirit Grand Master."

"Innate full spirit power! Spirit Grand Master?" Everyone was taken aback.

Tang San didn't even look as old as Ah Man, but he was already a Spirit Grand Master, this undoubtedly refreshed their three views.

But in the next second, Xiao Zi Wang bristled, "Heh, isn't this a proper differential treatment? When you encounter a highly talented one, the dean himself comes out, and when you encounter a low-talented one, they simply ignore us. He is obviously going to the spirit forest, but he didn't help Ah Man hunt his first spirit ring."

"Yes. If he hadn't met us, with Ah Man's understanding of spirit beasts, although the chances of success are high, at least it wouldn't be quite so easy." Xiao Zi Zai on the side looked at Yu Xiaogang and the others with despise, and the surrounding buddies echoed.

"Well, you guys misunderstood. I took leave to come out first, the dean shouldn't have known." Lin Manshan hurriedly explained in a low voice, then said, "But that flathead is quite petty, so you guys don't speak out of turn later, or he will definitely find a chance to make me wear small shoes."

"Okay, we know how to weigh our words." Xiao Zi Zai and the others nodded their heads in unison.

Soon, the group walked into the station, and Lin Manshan separated from the group and ran straight in front of the dean.

The station wasn't big, and when Lin Manshan's group approached, Yu Xiaogang trio had already seen them. When the dean saw Lin Manshan wearing his academy's uniform and mixing with a group from the other academy, his face showed a hint of surprise. Yu Xiaogang's gaze was similarly a bit surprised, but it was more of indifference and dislike.

Tang San, on the other hand, still had a bland look on his face.

"Hello Dean, I am a third-year work-study student Ah Man." Slightly bowing, Lin Manshan politely said.

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Yu Xiaogang and Tang San.

"Hello, Master."

"Xiao San, it's been a long time."

The two just nodded slightly and didn't say anything.

With such a response, Xiao Zi Zai and the others who were standing in the distance watching suddenly frowned slightly.

Especially Xiao Zi Wang, who had obtained the Scaled Beast Spirit Ring thanks to Lin Manshan, had a fire in his eyes, and if it wasn't that it would be impolite to rush up, and it might get Lin Manshan into trouble, he would have already punched the two in the face with his tightly clenched fists.

"Ah Man, why are you here?" The dean's face was still somewhat puzzled.

"Dean, my spirit power broke through level 10, and this time, I took leave to come out to obtain my first spirit ring." Lin Manshan scratched his head.

"You came alone!?" The dean was instantly taken aback.

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded his head.

Then he turned his head to look in the direction of Xiao Zi Zai and the others, and smiled innocently, "I was lucky, a few seniors from the Evergreen Tree Intermediate Spirit Master Academy happened to be short of a token, so I got into their team, and managed to obtain my first spirit ring with their help."

"Oh? What kind of spirit beast was it?" The dean looked at Xiao Zi Zai and the others who were looking over with slightly puffed-out chests, smiled and nodded his head slightly, since they were all 17 or 18 years old and intermediate academy students, and could easily agree to help Ah Man hunt a spirit beast, their strength would not be far off even if they didn't reach the Spirit Grand Master, so it is very likely that they would become a Spirit Emperor in the future, and their talent is still above him, so they deserve to be treated friendly in return.

"A 400-year-old Golden Armoured Beetle." Lin Manshan still smiled innocently, maintaining a modest look.

"A 400-year-old Golden Armoured Beetle!?" The look of surprise on the dean's face increased. No matter what, he had stayed with Yu Xiaogang for so long, so he knew about certain rare spirit beasts, and the mutated individual of the Golden One-Horned Beetle, the Golden-Armoured Beetle, was such an existence.

Yu Xiaogang also looked incredulous, opened his mouth, and finally muttered in his mind, 'Shit luck!'

A 400-year-old Golden Armoured Beetle, it was much stronger than the Datura Snake Tang San had hunted.

If these two fought, the Datura Snake would be a chilli stick.

There was no way, the Golden Armoured Beetle's strength and defence was unparalleled, and it could also fly, rushing down to cut the Datura Snake off on the spot with a single clasp.

Moreover, whether it was the team configuration or Lin Manshan's physical changes, it didn't seem like he was telling lies.

Previously when they met at the faculty office, Lin Manshan's height was still around 1.45 metres, but now, he is 1.47 metres by visual estimation. His body build has obviously become sturdier and stronger, which is obviously a change that can only be produced by absorbing a hundred-year-old spirit ring that is of good quality.

Tang San was naturally also clear about the existence of the Golden Armoured Beetle, his eyes sized up Lin Manshan, and he also secretly sighed at his good fortune.

"Come on, Ah Man, summon your martial soul out and let me take a look?" The dean's face had become somewhat thrilled.

"That, Dean, my situation is a bit special." Lin Manshan's face showed some embarrassment, and he informed truthfully, "After absorbing the spirit ring, my spirit power was raised by 3 levels, but the martial soul did not retain a spirit ring above it, nor did it generate a spirit skill."

"." The dean's expression instantly turned stupefied as he opened his mouth, "There's such a thing?"

Then he frowned slightly, "Summon your martial soul first and let me take a look."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan glanced in Xiao Zi Zai's direction with a sidelong glance, nodded his head, summoned his martial soul, and took the lead in speaking as if he was bewildered, "I don't know what happened, it just turned out like this, probably because my martial soul is a mutated martial soul."

"???" Looking at the greatly changed martial soul before them, even Yu Xiaogang and Tang San were dumbfounded.

No, wasn't it a green hatchet before? How did it turn into such a mighty and domineering sword?

They all knew very well that Lin Manshan definitely didn't have a twin martial soul, otherwise, his innate spirit power wouldn't be just level three.

What's going on here? The self-proclaimed Theory Master, Yu Xiaogang, was also a little confused at this time.

However, there is no spirit skill. Yu Xiaogang's gaze flickered and instantly turned to disdain, even if the form changed greatly, even if the martial soul had a secondary evolution, the strength and attack attributes increased greatly, what is the point if it can't generate a spirit skill? Moreover, the cultivation of a spirit master with low cultivation qualifications is very difficult to improve in the later stages, this point can be seen from the fact that Lin Manshan took two years to raise his spirit power from level 3 to level 10.

The upper limit of the realm gets stuck, and there are no spirit skills. With such a martial soul, what difference was there between it and a good knife forged by a random blacksmith on the side of the road with some good materials?

If the green hatchet from before had been able to generate spirit skills, it was estimated that its actual combat power would have been stronger than this big sword that couldn't generate spirit skills. After all, spirit skills generally brought a certain amount of amplification effects with them.

A trash martial soul that is flashy and impractical. Yu Xiaogang skimmed his mouth and tagged it in his heart.

After glancing in the direction of Xiao Zi Zai and the group, to outsiders present, it is not appropriate to make more comments, the dean could not help but pat Lin Manshan's shoulder and said in a soft voice: "Ah Man, the situation of your martial soul, I can not understand it for the time being, it is better to wait until we return to the academy and then examine it more carefully."

"It just happens that we are also preparing to head back to the academy, so you can come with us."

At those words, Lin Manshan, who had already retrieved his martial soul, bowed slightly, "Thank you, Dean."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Xiao Zi Zai and the others and waved his hand, "Big Brother Xiao, Brother Dog... Bye!"

Fortunately, we didn't report our nicknames back then. Xiao Zi Zai and his brother waved with joyful smiles.

"." The dog, pig, hoe and a few brothers' faces became a little embarrassed, and they waved with a forced smile.

Afterwards, they quickly turned around, and without even cutting the price, they flocked into a carriage in a puff of smoke, urging the driver to hurry up and make the horses run.

Lin Manshan's side also quickly hired a carriage and set off on the road back to the academy.

On the carriage, Yu Xiaogang glanced at the napping Lin Manshan, his eyes flickered, 'A martial soul that can't generate spirit skill, then is it still possible to call him a spirit master? Since he can't even be called a spirit master, what's the point of staying in the spirit academy? It seems like the academy can't teach him anymore. Moreover, the two of them, Xiao San and Xiao Wu, don't seem to have a good relationship with Lin Manshan, especially Xiao Wu, letting Lin Manshan continue to stay in the academy would be a bit of an eyesore.'

Let's just treat it as a way for Xiao San to be in a good mood... thinking like this, he couldn't help but look towards the dean who had his eyes closed and was faking a nap.


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