Chapter 33 Huge Harvest

"Buzz," as soon as the spirit bone was close to the right leg, accompanied by a slight buzzing sound, a cool breath instantly surged into his right leg from all directions, and then soaked into the flesh and blood, dipped into the root bones, converged into the meridians, and scurried through the meridians at a very fast speed, spreading towards all parts of the body without any discomfort or hindrance, the cool and comfortable feeling made Lin Manshan unable to hold back a slight tremor in his body.

Subsequently, the crackling sound of bones crushing resounded, but no pain was felt, instead, his entire body was as relaxed as if a heavy burden had been lifted. It was also as if he had dabbled into a cool river on a hot summer day, soothing to the bone.

Lin Manshan then enjoyed this sense of comfort, gradually immersing himself in it.

In the next second, with a snap, his body lay down on the side, and his breathing gradually evened out.

When he woke up again, it was already four days later in the morning, and when he slowly opened his eyes, he was greeted by a beam of clean white light shining down from the hole above his head.

Rubbing his eyes, Lin Manshan slowly stood up, secretly celebrating, 'Luckily, as I guessed, Tang Hao didn't show up, or else I would have absolutely been hammered down on the spot and died a peaceful death after sleeping so deeply.' With this thought, he clenched his fists and closed his eyes to feel the changes in his body, then he opened his eyes with a wide grin, the colour of joy was obvious, 'Spirit power has been raised by 5 levels, It's level 18 now.'

Absorbing 100,000-year-old spirit bone and raising his spirit power by only 5 levels, Lin Manshan didn't feel unsatisfied.

He was still self-aware of his own cultivation qualifications, he was just using his future knowledge as a good horse to pull his heavy-loaded slow-moving carriage.

Although the energy contained in the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right spirit bone was terrifying, the amount he could absorb and transform was very limited, and the fact that his spirit power could be raised by 5 levels was already far beyond his expectations.

Moreover, the spirit bone was different from a spirit ring, and its function was mainly to strengthen the physical body, not to elevate the cultivation level.

'My current physical body strength, compared to before, has at least more than doubled. Moreover, the energy within the spirit bone is still abundant, before it was only because of my limited qualifications, the efficiency of absorption and transformation was not efficient, and I couldn't use it properly in a short period of time.' Lin Manshan waved his fist in place a few times, 'But the transformation of the spirit bone on my body will continue, and the strength of my physical body will slowly increase in the future.'

'The only pity is that... Damn it, there's really no spirit bone skills.' Stopping his hand movements, Lin Manshan tugged the corner of his mouth, with a trace of helplessness on his face.

The two Spirit Bone Skills attached to the right leg bone of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor were undoubtedly both extremely useful skills, and it was indeed a pity that he hadn't been able to obtain them. Previously, when he started absorbing the spirit bone, he had felt the faint soul fluctuation within the spirit bone being blocked from his body, and at that time, he knew it was going to be bad.

Now that it had been confirmed, it was nothing more than what was expected, so he didn't feel too bad about it.

Besides, it wasn't like there was no good news. Thinking of that, Lin Manshan's face was covered in smiles again.

The place where the soul power is stored is the flesh, blood, root and bone, and this root and bone naturally included the spirit bone; when he absorbed the spirit bone he discovered that while the spirit bone energy was surging to all parts of his body, the soul power in his body was also surging inside the spirit bone and combining with the majestic life power in it. This meant that he was capable of mobilising this life energy and that the soul power would continue to strengthen this piece of spirit bone in the future, meaning that this piece of spirit bone would become stronger as he became stronger in the future.

This spirit bone, from a certain perspective, had truly become his own bone.

Using two top-quality spirit bone skills in exchange for a 100% integration match between the spirit bone and himself with the capability of growth, Lin Manshan felt that it was worth it.

Besides, even though the 'Wildfire Cannot Destroy the Grass, It Grows Again With the Spring Wind' skill was gone, the magnificent life energy inside the spirit bone that served as the foundation of the skill still existed, so he could mobilise it when he suffered an injury to achieve the same effect.

Thinking about it this way, he only lost a flight skill.

This wave was not a loss!

'Unfortunately, that skull is only a hundred years old, if it had been a ten-thousand-year-old piece, it would definitely be worth absorbing.'

'Also, I'm afraid I'll have to go out less when I get back.' Lin Manshan walked over to the stone wall, put his palms on top of his head and turned his head, 'Damn I grew 4 centimetres straight away, 1 centimetre in 1 day, I'm now 1.56 metres tall. Worthy of being a 100,000-year-old spirit bone, this transformation effect is outrageous!'

'But to suddenly grow so much, how am I going to explain this to Tie Shan's family?' Lin Manshan couldn't help but wonder.

'And now that my physical body strength has increased so much, I definitely have to focus on cultivating my soul power next, until my body is fully saturated to begin transferring my excess soul power to my martial soul and cultivating my spirit power at the same time. But in that case, my height will continue to skyrocket in a short period of time.'

'In addition, with the presence of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, my cultivation speed should increase slightly. And now that I have a level 18 spirit power; when I get to level 20, I'll be able to absorb a spirit ring again, and my height will increase again when the time comes. Could it be that this is happy trouble?'

'However, it's not without its benefits, at least I can act mature. In the future, when I go to Gengxin City to sell spirit bones, this is an advantage.' After pondering in place, Lin Manshan shook his head, 'No matter what, let's go back first.'

Jogging over to the lead box and picking it up, he adjusted the position, put it back in place, and cleaned up the surrounding traces.

Turning around, he left the stone room.

Returning the way he came, and spending seven days again, Lin Manshan finally returned to Nuoding City.

Because he had been cultivating at home for the two months before he left, he basically never left the house, and the houses in this area were scattered, so the neighbours naturally hadn't seen him before, which was just perfect to take advantage of. After returning home, Lin Manshan hurriedly found the nearest neighbour and gave him some copper spirit coins to help bring a message to Tie Shan's family, conveying the news that he would soon have a breakthrough in his cultivation and would be in seclusion for the next few months.

Hearing that Lin Manshan is a spirit master, the neighbour agreed on the spot.

Since then, Lin Manshan once again put himself into a tight schedule of cultivation, and apart from running to the top of the mountain in the morning to practice his sword, and occasionally making a detour to buy the ingredients needed for three meals a day, he basically never left his house.

Time passed like this day by day, and it was only near September that Lin Manshan finally ended his seclusion.

After nearly three and a half months of cultivation, although the spirit power in his body had grown a little under the self-feeding of the spirit bone energy, his level remained at level 18. It had to be said that the fastest improvement was still his height, after the slow transformation caused by the spirit bone, coupled with the continuous stimulation of his physical body when he ignited his soul to cultivate his soul power, his height directly soared by 7 centimetres, and now his height had reached 1.63 metres.

"Forget about other things, if I walk up to Tang San now, I'm definitely qualified to look down on him and call him a dwarf." Lin Manshan jumped off the bed and walked over to the mirror for his own appreciation, "I'm still kind of a little handsome!" Saying that he couldn't help but complain, "It's only been a few months, and the clothes need to be bought all over again."

"The next cultivation plan will also require a change, In the past it was the physical body that couldn't keep up with the soul power cultivation speed, now it's the other way round." Soul power is obtained by igniting the soul without harming the soul origin. The ignited soul will be repaired slowly under the feedback of the physical body, the more vigorous the life force is, the faster it is repaired, and every time the soul is repaired, it will be enlarged by a portion.

This is just like fitness muscle building, first do aerobic exercise to consume fat, and then eat more and more supplementation, so that the muscles will grow stronger.

'It's good that I absorbed the right leg bone of the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor, with my current physical state, after a night's sleep at night and a day's cultivation during the day, my soul should be able to recover almost as much as it should. In the future, I'll still practice sword techniques in the early morning, cultivate my spirit power in the mid-morning, practice forging and crafting hidden weapons in the afternoon as well as read the memories retained by spiders and spy on Tang San with the Beast Control Technique, and at night, I'll just continue to cultivate my soul power.'

"With my current physical strength, hammering raw iron no longer serves as much of a tempering effect, and I've almost integrated the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer. However, even so, it still can't be left behind. At least this way, it would allow me to quickly adapt to my physical body that was constantly being grown and strengthened due to the cultivation of soul power. In addition, hidden weapons are still very helpful to me in the early stages, so I still have to build them."

Forget about anything else, using a hidden weapon to sneak up on a spirit beast's weak point is still quite useful, and last time, when he dealt with the Golden Armoured Beetle, the effect was very good.

With this thought, Lin Manshan slowly stood up and walked towards the door.


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