Chapter 36 Successful Hunting

'Learned your lesson?' As its arse didn't pucker up, Lin Manshan could not find a way to insert the needle.

The weaknesses of the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear were just a few points, its eyes, and its balls. It is tall, strong and powerful, with a thick waist and rounded buttocks with sufficient hair, thus high defence, this is the strength of the Dark Gold Dread Claw Bear, but also its weaknesses, its eyes are relatively easy to protect, but the bottom is not that easy to protect.

There is no way, its waist and hips are too thick.

It is not a genuine upright walking beast, running up on all fours, the kind that can only lie down and bend down to look at its 'thing'.

It is an excellent blind spot for attack.

The back is full of fur, and there is no spot for Lin Manshan to attack, jumping to the side, he was ready to make a detour.

Before he jumped two times, "roar roar roar" Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear suddenly turned its head and ran wildly with red eyes.

'Shit, it's gone berserk!' Lin Manshan glimpsed the blood trail at its bottom, his heart was clear, and he chose to avoid it for the time being, hastily turning his head and running away.

The Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear had already swallowed the poison, and now all he needed to do was to drag it out, consuming its stamina while waiting for the poison to kick in.

A human and a beast both ran, and for a time the earth trembled, mixed with the roar of the frenzied beast, the forest was ploughed out a winding road that could not be seen by the naked eye, and the surrounding birds and beasts fled.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." Lin Manshan could completely hear the birdsong in the sky moving away, and the number of souls that could be sensed around him was decreasing.

A thousand years old Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear is really too fierce, not something an ordinary 10,000-year-old spirit beast can compare, not to mention that this area is mostly inhabited by thousand-year-old spirit beasts, a big man is furious, just listening to the sound they will know that they can't afford to mess with it, and all the beasts can only abandon their homes and run away.

"Swoosh" Another silver light shot towards the giant bear's lower body, but by reflex it pressed its body down and resisted with its thick fur.

'What the hell, with such a large size, how come it still has so much vigour?' Lin Manshan couldn't help but complain, glancing back with his spare glance, his thoughts perked up, 'After all, it's only a hundred-year-old spirit beast's poison, this one's physical body is too strong, so the speed of the toxin's flare-ups is too slow.'

'I have to find a way to accelerate its physical strength consumption and the attack of the poison!'

'After all this stalling, I have to pull it off in one go, I can't let it get defensive.' Thinking of this, Lin Manshan's right hand clenched hard, his martial soul instantly appeared in his palm, and the glowing green spirit power continued to converge along his arm towards the body of the blade, in a moment, he abruptly turned around, slashing his sword diagonally.

'Ominous Moon Light, Slash!'

In the past three years or so, he had long been able to use his spirit power instead of his soul power to perform the Night of Eternity Sword Technique, the Ominous Moon Light Slash, the principle was simple, through the extreme compression of his spirit power, he wielded an absolutely tyrannical sword energy, a pure eruption of power.

Compared to wielding it in a state of soul power stimulation, the power was naturally far inferior.

However, relying on his spirit power alone, it was already the strongest attack he was currently able to launch.

The glittering green sword energy that was more than three metres long and shaped like a half-moon shot out from the body of the sword, tearing down everything, and wherever it passed, the branches and leaves were instantly chopped off, and in just a few moments, it arrived in front of the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear's eyes.

"Roar!" With a loud roar, a huge sharp claw was raised.

"Swoosh." Two silver arcs streaked into its lower body, and the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear reflexively lowered its body.

Sword energy directly hit its head, green light piercing the eyes, the Duskgold Dread Claw Bear's eyes subconsciously closed, "Poof!"

It just chopped off a few patches of bear fur, and the leaf-shaped arrow was also resisted by the thick fur.

'Vanishing Art!' Lin Manshan's not-so-tall body had already arrived three metres away.

Retracting his martial soul, his fingertips slipped and two black needles glowing with ebony light appeared.

After looking so impressive, it just scraped some fur when it hit its body, the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear was a bit angry and roared, opening its eyes.

"Swoosh." Two black lights went straight into its eyes, and with an afterimage, a black shadow disappeared from its sight in an instant.

"Ow." Sharp pain penetrated straight into his mind, and the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear rolled on the spot.

Not long after, its body violently straightened up again and landed on all four limbs.

"Roar roar roar!" As if engulfed in rage, and as if it had stimulated its survival instincts, it began to swing its sharp claws like a maniac, turning its body to launch a savage dash at its rear. "Bang Ka Ka" a giant tree suddenly fell. Its figure stumbled, and then charged again, waving its claws continuously, but it was also because of this stumbling, that its sense of direction deviated, and its running direction deviated by thirty degrees.

'Really fierce.' Lin Manshan, who was standing on a tree branch thirty metres away and watching, couldn't help but sigh.

'Let's just wait next, the toxin has already invaded both eyes, it should soon spread to the brain.' In his line of sight, although the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear had been running wildly, it had actually been circling around in place, raging helplessly, luckily, it was the surrounding trees that had suffered, having been ploughed up in a large area, 'Moreover, the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear must be consuming its stamina fast with such a rampage.'

Two-quarters of an hour later, with a loud boom, the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear suddenly collapsed to the ground, its body slightly heaving.

'It's done!' Lin Manshan's eyes lit up, and he rushed over, stopping at a position five metres away.

Bleeding from all seven orifices was by no means an overstatement to describe the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear at this moment, Lin Manshan could clearly see the scarlet blood that was staining its eyes, ears, nostrils, and fur outside of its lips, tinged with a faint purplish-black, and fishy mist was rising from it.

"This physical body and willpower, it is really strong, surprisingly it can last for so long." While sighing, Lin Manshan immediately summoned his martial soul.

'Ominous Moon Light!' The sword blade in his hand swung continuously, and countless 1-metre long crescent-shaped sword energy shot out.

It slashed at the side of the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear's head.

If Ominous Moon Light Slash is the extreme compression of spirit power, then Ominous Moon Light is a simple-compressed version that doesn't need to store much energy, has less power, but is faster, the sword energy is denser and can be stacked to attack, belonging to the long-range harassment skills.

Of course, if it was used by stimulating soul power, then it is not a simple harassment skill.

Once the soul power inside the natal weapon was in the state of stimulation, the attack power would increase exponentially, and the power of each move would be absolutely remarkable.

What he was using now was merely a castrated version.

But it was also enough for him!

After just a few seconds of swinging, a purple spirit ring slowly rose up.

Only then did Lin Manshan withdraw his martial soul, and with excitement, he rubbed his hands together and ran to sit down next to the corpse.

After confirming that there were no other spirit beasts around with his soul perception, which seemed to have run away, it was just the right time to absorb the spirit ring.

When he closed his eyes and concentrated, the spirit ring was tugged, and the spirit ring floated towards Lin Manshan's body.

Berserk, this was Lin Manshan's only feeling of the energy within the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear's spirit ring, the surging spirit energy was like a galloping wild horse almost tearing the meridians of his entire body apart.

Without hesitation, Lin Manshan hurriedly mobilised the life energy within the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone and infused it into his meridians.

Only then did the tearing pain ease, and although there was still a strong sense of swelling, at least it was safe.

However, in the next second, an intense burning sensation suddenly rose from between his palms.

The crackling sound of knuckles crushing, as if the bones were being scorched by a blazing fire and chiselled by a giant hammer.

"Could it be..." Lin Manshan thought of some sort of possibility and hurriedly stabilised his mind and gritted his teeth.

Time passed little by little, about one and a half hours later, Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes.


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