Chapter 40 Antecedents

The next day, the three of them woke up early.

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er had already recuperated from their injuries, so they casually ate some breakfast together and started discussing their next journey.

The two women wanted to return the way they came to see if they could meet up with their instructor and teammates, but they had forgotten the way back.

Lin Manshan casually asked in response.

"Since you guys were travelling with your academy instructor, why did you get separated in the middle of the night and were chased down by a pack of spirit beasts?"

Shui Yue'er flushed a little with a swish.

A trace of self-blame squeezed out of her delicate features as she whispered, "It's all because I was too careless."

"This hunting trip, as planned, was a joint hunt by me and my teammates. We did succeed as well, killing a thousand-year-old spirit beast of the right age by the river. After the battle, everyone was a bit tired, so we were recuperating by the river, and then..." She hung her head low and stammered, "That. That came to me."

Which one? Was it the red one or the sprinkled water one? Lin Manshan chose to remain silent and wait for the following.

"It's only natural for people to have three urgencies," Shui Yue'er revealed the answer, "so I looked for someone to accompany me to release the heat…"

So that's how it is.

Lin Manshan nodded slightly and listened carefully.

"I don't know what happened, initially it was fine, but it wasn't long before the leaves of the trees next to me suddenly trembled, and I," Shui Yue'er's face was flushed as if she was trying to squeeze out water, "I had already cleaned up very quickly and got up to follow Bing'er and ran in the direction of my instructor."

"But before I could take a few steps, a thousand-year-old spirit beast suddenly sprang out from the bushes on the side." She subconsciously slapped her small chest with a startled look, "I was shocked, luckily Bing'er used her first spirit skill, Ice Bind, to freeze it. At that time, the situation was urgent, we could hear something behind the bush running over, very fast, so we hastily leapt up the tree together."

"At that time, the instructor was also shouting for everyone to climb up the tree out there, and since the line of sight was blocked, I followed suit and shouted out a report on the situation."

"As soon as I made a sound, several spirit beasts ran out of the surrounding bush, there were leopards and cats. All of them were agility system spirit beasts that weren't too big, and all of them were thousand-year spirit beasts. Before that batch of agility spirit beasts ran past, the ground rumbled again, the sound was particularly loud, and then quite a few large spirit beasts ran out, there were buffaloes, hippos, and rhinoceroses. Several of them crashed into the tree we were standing on and almost broke the tree." Shui Yue'er said with a look of horror.

"At that time, we guessed that something might have happened inside the forest, causing a riot of spirit beasts, which then started a chain reaction, chasing off the spirit beasts in the forest along the upper reaches of the river."

"The academy's instructor had taught that when encountering a spirit beast riot in the forest, one must not flee in the direction that the spirit beasts are running, because one definitely can't outrun the spirit beasts, and one can only run backwards, or in a left or right direction on either side of the path. So, we chose a direction with fewer spirit beasts and jumped off. Then, I don't know what kind of bad luck we had, just as we ran out of range, we encountered a thousand-year-old phoenix-tailed cockatrice."

"It's unknown what kind of twitch that guy had, it flew directly towards our side."

She said with an exasperated look on her face.

Because it considered you guys as prey. Lin Manshan said so in his mind, spirit beast riots, this is the best time for flying spirit beasts to hunt, as long as they can catch a weak one, or an injured one, they can easily have a full meal.

Driving away, and then fishing in troubled waters, is an advanced hunting technique.

At that time, the spirit beasts that ran in front were all agility-system spirit beasts, so the vibration caused was very small, resulting in the two not being able to notice and run back to the team in the first place. In addition, for the girls, it was indeed more troublesome to clean up certain things. This also resulted in them encountering the riot of spirit beasts after cleaning up, with the speed of the thousand-year-old agility system spirit beasts, it was too late for them to leave, and they could only be forced to climb up the tree, which then led to a series of subsequent incidents. Lin Manshan brainstormed the picture, and he couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart, 'Going to the toilet can let you encounter a spirit beast riot, that's truly bad luck.'

Moreover, once they run out of the range, they can encounter a thousand-year-old phoenix-tailed cockatrice that was fishing in the muddy water, this is still really...

Bad luck opens the door to bad luck.

Unlucky to the core!

Lin Manshan glanced at the two with slight sympathy. The vicinity of the river has been the favourite living area for large group-dwelling herbivorous spirit beasts since ancient times, not to mention that it also happens to be in the living range of the thousand-year-old spirit beasts. If you switch to a different place, you won't encounter so many large spirit beasts crashing into the trees.

If it is not by the river or the spirit beasts have low years of age, there is no risk of the tree falling, and the two of them will not be scared into moving to a different place.

"The thousand-year-old Phoenix-tailed cockatrice has an extremely fast flight speed, and we definitely couldn't outrun it on the tree, so we jumped straight to the ground. It's a good thing that the Phoenix-tailed cockatrice is a non-venomous and has a singular means of attack, it will only use its tail to entwine the enemy physically." Speaking of this, a hint of pride rose on Shui Yue'er's face, "Relying on Sister Bing'er's First Spirit Skill, Ice Bind, we began to take advantage of the large trees around us for cover, and as soon as it landed on the ground, we froze it and beat it up. When it was about to break the seal, we ran again and managed to chase it away after a few tries."

"Smart choice!" Lin Manshan nodded his head in praise as his eyes lit up as well.

"Then, we got lost." Shui Yue'er was a bit helpless and deflated, "The trees in this Star Dou Great Forest are tall and big, and it's pitch black everywhere you look, so we had no idea where we were at that time. Moreover, it was almost dark, so we could only find a place to temporarily recuperate first. But..." Her face reddened under, "I accidentally got scratched by a thorny bush on the path."

Saying that, like a child who did something wrong, she whispered in defence, "It was so dark around me that I didn't even notice that the shrubs near the ground had thorns."

"Then we found a small cave underneath a rocky hill, spent some time getting rid of the poisonous insects inside, laid down some leaves, and put blankets to make a makeshift shelter. Originally, nothing happened during the first half of the evening, but eventually in the early hours of the night, probably because I had scratched my foot earlier and left blood on the path, a leopard-shaped spirit beast found our shelter."

"Originally, we wanted to repel it, and Sister Bing'er did use her Ice Bind skill to restrict it, but it broke free in an instant. We also knew that it wasn't an ordinary thousand-year-old spirit beast, so we could only run away again. As soon as that leopard-shaped spirit beast got close, it was frozen and controlled."

"As a result, the more we ran, the more spirit beasts we encountered, and on the way, because we couldn't see the path clearly we bumped into quite a few plants, and our feet and hands were all scratched, and after running for a while I felt a bit dizzy in my head and had no strength, so we quickly ate the detoxification pill to cure the poison. I don't have much strength, I soon ran out of steam, so I could only be carried on the back by Sister Bing'er later."

"Then we met you."

After saying that, Shui Yue'er's face suddenly brightened up as she raised her head, her eyes shining brightly, looking cute and adorable.

This story tells us that survival in the wild requires caution, when walking, one should not leave any traces, and at the same time, one should not run blindly when things go wrong, especially in the Star Dou Great Forest where spirit beasts are all over the place. Lin Manshan summarised the story and kept it in his mind.

"Do you still remember the direction where the beast tide occurred in the first place?" Lin Manshan pondered and couldn't help but ask.

"The north-west of the river."

Shui Yue'er blurted out.



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