Chapter 43 This kid has been staring at me

Four eyes meet, and the young girl's cold grunt heard, "If you look at me again, I'll dig your eyes out!"

The voice echoed within the inn, and the surrounding popcorn munchers instantly followed the sound and looked over in unison.

The Skywater Academy crowd also followed the voice and looked over, "Someone from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy? Is that, Dugu Yan?"

After glancing around, Team teacher Qin Ming, team members Yu Tianheng, Ye Lingling, and Shi brothers. The Emperor Team members were all there.

Then they glanced back at Ah Man, whose face looked a little awkward; did Ah Man stare at Dugu Yan just now?

"Isn't it normal to enter the door and observe the situation in the interior first?" Shui Yue'er followed her voice and looked at Dugu Yan, looking very annoyed, tilting her head and glaring, "Ah Man just accidentally glanced at you, is it necessary for you to have such a big temper and speak so harshly!?"

Dugu Yan glanced at Lin Manshan with scorn in her eyes, and retorted with a sarcastic smile on the spot, "What do you mean by glancing at me, this brat has just been staring at my face since he entered the door!"

With a swish, the crowd of students from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy immediately focused all their eyes on Lin Manshan, their faces looking a little displeased.

"Huh?" Shui Yue'er was instantly a bit aggrieved, turning her head to look at Lin Manshan with wide eyes, "Ah Man, is it true?"

Could it be that Ah Man likes mature girls? She couldn't help but think so in her heart.

Shui Bing'er also looked at Lin Manshan with a puzzled expression. After getting along with him for the previous few days, she thought that Lin Manshan was by no means the kind of person who would be controlled by lust, otherwise, he would have already laid his hands on the two of them, and at that time, in the middle of nowhere, it was just the right opportunity to lay his hands on them.

The rest of the Skywater Academy also turned their heads to look at Lin Manshan, waiting for an explanation.

Feeling the gazes focused on himself, Lin Manshan awkwardly scratched his head, "Sister, if I say that I looked over to observe your face because I smelled a hint of fishy breath coming from you. Not only did I find that you were severely poisoned, but it has penetrated into your internal organs and soaked into the bone surface, and I'm worried about your life, would you believe me?"

At these words, the crowd present was all stunned at once.

Poisoned? You can smell it when you just enter the door?

Are you that good?

So it is poison. The faces of the people of Skywater Academy suddenly became clear, when Lin Manshan met Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er in the Star Dou Great Forest, he was able to tell that the two were poisoned at a glance, and by relying on the herbs that he had collected along the way, he was able to help the two detoxify the poison right on the spot.

It had only been a few days since then, and now that it was just a reoccurrence of the scene, they believed in it.

Their eyes glanced at Dugu Yan, and their gaze immediately took on a trace of sympathy.

Deep into the internal organs, soaked to the surface of the bone, as soon as they heard that the poisoning was not shallow, they knew it wouldn't be easy to cure, so the chances of dying were very high.

At such a young age, hey, what a pity.

However, the granddaughter of the Poison Douluo is surprisingly poisoned, this is truly something that all women find somewhat incomprehensible at the moment.

Seeing the change in the expressions of the Skywater Academy's people, Yu Tianheng, who was sitting opposite Dugu Yan, suddenly believed a few points in his heart, and turned his head to look at Dugu Yan, his gaze carrying a trace of a plea for confirmation, "Yan, is it true?"

The teammates also looked over with worried faces.

Dugu Yan didn't say anything, instead, she gritted her teeth, her gaze fixed on Lin Manshan, her tone softened.

"What basis do you have?"

The poison on her body couldn't even be solved by her own grandfather who is a Titled Douluo, but it was spotted by the teenager in front of her at a glance, no matter what, it was at least a glimmer of hope. Having been tortured by her ailment for many years, for her own sake and for her grandfather's sake, she was unwilling to miss out on any glimmer of hope.

Surprisingly, it was true!

The onlookers were taken aback, although Dugu Yan didn't explicitly say anything about it, but this change in expression, this tone, this manner of speaking, in the ears, anyone in the crowd could hear that this had actually been considered an admission.

"Eyes, your pupils appear dark green, this is not a normal pupil colour. Of course, this is still just the surface, the most important thing is that the colour presented inside the pupil is not only turbid and abnormal but also has a motley colour. In addition, the colour of the blood at the edge of the eyeball is also unusual, the normal colour is not so dark. All of the above signs are manifestations of poisoning." Lin Manshan spoke eloquently.

"Especially the hit of fishy odour that emanates from your body from time to time, this is a sign that the toxin has penetrated deep into the internal organs and discharged on the surface of the body." He said pointing to the doorway, "The position you are sitting in right now is by the window. The wind is blowing in through the window, and it happens to flow out from this door. The hint of fishy odour naturally drifts along the air, I often deal with medicinal herbs, and I have a keen sense of smell for this kind of odour."

"So, I smelled it as soon as I entered the door." After saying that, he shrugged his shoulders, with an attitude that this was a simple thing to do.

"Ah Man, you are awesome!" Shui Yue'er's eyes instantly glowed, looking up with a face of adoration.

Low-key, low-key. Lin Manshan smiled and said seriously, "It's all just some pharmacological common sense."

Invisible pretence, it is the most fatal, damn it. To be able to pretend in front of so many girls. The popcorn munchers were speechless and choked with envy.

"Then, Your Excellency, is there a cure?" Dugu Yan's face visibly changed, and her tone became respectful.

Although this person looked young, he spoke with reason, like he had real skills, no matter what, what's the harm in giving it a try? Even if it is just a hint of gain, when it is relayed to her grandpa, perhaps it will allow him to get a hint of inspiration, and provide some help in getting rid of the poison.

"This, it's hard to say as it has yet to be diagnosed in depth." Lin Manshan shook his head and said modestly.

According to the original story, the method Tang San used to help Dugu Bo get rid of the poison was nothing more than mixing a small amount of his own blood with some blood-soothing medicine. This simple and rough way of dispelling the poison, in Lin Manshan's opinion, it was a completely irresponsible method.

The poison in Dugu Bo's body had been stagnant for many years and had already penetrated deep into the five viscera and six bowels as well as the meridians and bones, and under the accumulation of days and months, these parts of the body naturally suffered damage and had even been injured to the root. In this case, just removing the poison, regardless of the subsequent treatment, the damage will still be there, and it will definitely affect the subsequent cultivation. If not, Dugu Bo would not have made little to no progress in his cultivation for many years.

But it is reasonable when you think about it, after all, Tang San was captured in the past, and was almost killed. It is unreasonable to say that there is no resentment in his heart, so it is certainly not possible to treat him with care. However, later Dugu Bo put his heart and soul into repaying Tang San, willing to serve as a thug and protector for Tang San and help him solve the crisis many times. However, Tang San still didn't think of helping Dugu Bo solve the hidden problems or find a way to help him improve his strength.

Honestly speaking, he is really cold.

In addition, using a spirit bone as a container to carry poison, how much poison can a bone hold? Not to mention that it's still a poison that spreads all over the body, hell knows if it will one day exceed the limit of spirit bone. In addition, when using a spirit bone skill, or in the event of a violent battle, if the strength of the enemy's attack is too great and injures the spirit bone, or if the poison is triggered when using a spirit bone skill, there is a risk of the poison overflowing.

Isn't this equivalent to having a highly concentrated poison bomb on your body? If you are not careful, you will die on the spot.

This is not something he is looking for.

'That person, Dugu Bo, although his style of doing things is both good and evil; he is a man of love and righteousness and would not do anything that would backstab his friends. If I cure him and Dugu Yan, isn't this equivalent to directly finding a gold medal guardian? For a guardian, of course, the stronger, the better.'

Lin Manshan secretly pondered, and decided inwardly, 'I have to properly help him cure his poison, and it's best if I can make his strength go up to the next level, and become an even more formidable warrior.'

Thinking in this manner, he glanced at Shui Yue'er and Shui Bing'er next to him with a fleeting second glance.

By the way, I'll give these two girls some drugs if I get a chance, and make sure that in the future, they'll be able to violently beat Tang San's dog's head one-on-one in the tournament arena, as well as Xiao Wu's rabbit's head.

That scene, thinking about it, seems awesome!


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