Chapter 45 Dugu Yan

I had the same reaction when I was sick as a child and went to the hospital for an injection, closing my eyes in fear. In this life, it's finally my turn to help someone else get an injection, and it's still a pretty girl. Lin Manshan smiled and comforted, "Miss Yan, don't worry, it won't hurt."

It hurts to look at such a long needle. The crowd couldn't believe it and subconsciously averted their eyes.

With this needle, blood would spurt out on the spot, wouldn't it? Shui Yue'er covered her eyes with both hands, with her fingertips opening a slit, wanting to look but not daring to look.

In the end, she couldn't help but look.

Only to see Lin Manshan's left-hand fingertips lightly pressing on the centre of Dugu Yan's elbow, his right-hand index finger and thumb lightly pinching the needle body and rotating it.

The tip of the needle slowly disappeared.

It didn't seem to hurt much. Dugu Yan opened her eyes with some surprise, and her face turned pale, the silver needle had gone into one-third of her body, and this was all right?

Huh, unexpectedly there was no outburst of pain. Those who did not dare to look at it could not help but turn their heads back, and suddenly their scalps were numb, and their eyes showed surprise.

"Good magic, surprisingly did not even bleed, after inserting it so deep, it does not hurt?" Shui Yue'er blinked her eyes, quite curious.

"At first there was a slight stinging sensation, now there is a little bit of swelling if anything, other than that there isn't much feeling." Dugu Yan said truthfully.

"This is a normal reaction." Lin Manshan said while transmitting soul power by performing the transfer art by flowing it along with the silver needle.

Soul power could integrate into the flesh, blood, root and bone. Strengthening and protecting the physical body, enhancing the body's resistance and even promoting self-healing ability. Although it couldn't directly detoxify and dispel the poison, it could play a certain role in resisting and preventing the poison.

'Act Against the Sky' has been suffering from an incurable petrification disease, but he has been able to resist it for many years because the soul power in his body is sufficiently abundant. The soul power passed into the joint of Dugu Yan, and penetrated into the bone, enough to provide good protection to the joint area. Of course, this time it was still just a small attempt to try and see if it was effective or not.

What a subtle control of spirit power. Watching the 'spirit power' on the silver needle slowly seep into the skin like a thread, the crowd was silenced for a moment.

In such a delicate operation, they were afraid that their voices would bring unnecessary complications.

Not long after, Lin Manshan stopped his hand movements and slowly pulled out the silver needle.

From the body of the needle to the tip, from light green to even greener, although it was very faint, the contrast was still very obvious compared to before insertion.

'This is all poison?' The crowd was taken aback, their scalps tingling.

"The part that was inserted is all dyed green." Shui Yue'er's eyes widened.

"Well, it is the poison in Miss Yan's body, and unsurprisingly, it has penetrated deep into her internal system and attached itself to her bone surface." Lin Manshan frowned and looked up at Dugu Yan, pretending to be unaware of it, and said with a surprised look on his face, "Miss Yan, the poison in your body doesn't seem right. It's not like you were poisoned recently, rather it's like an old poison that has been accumulating for more than ten years, and this has penetrated your entire body."

"To put it bluntly, if you don't encounter any special circumstances, you probably won't live past 30."

"Not being able to live past 30, so serious!" The faces of all the people in the Heaven Dou Academy changed.

So tragic? The women of Skywater Academy were also wide-eyed, and they couldn't help but show a hint of sympathy in their eyes as they looked at Dugu Yan.

"This, the reason for this, I don't know, but it's certainly so judging from the diagnostic results." Lin Manshan scratched his head, "In addition, just now, I have already suppressed the poison in the elbow area for Miss Yan by using the silver needle acupuncture point transit method."

As the words fell, Dugu Yan, who was feeling the difference in her elbow area with her eyes closed, violently opened her eyes and looked over with a shocked expression on her face.

At this exact moment, her gaze happened to meet Lin Manshan who was looking back over again, "Miss Yan, how do you feel now? To be honest, this is also the first time I've tried to use this method to help others suppress poison."

Dugu Yan's expression obviously had some excitement, her eyes were watery and full of hope, and her tone became urgent, "Very good, I feel my elbow area has become much more relaxed. Ah Man, since you know the method of suppression, I wonder if you can think of a way to eradicate it?"

"This, I'm afraid I still need Miss Yan to state the root cause of the poison, so I can prescribe the right solution." Lin Manshan sighed, "This poison of yours is really a bit odd, It's also the first time I've encountered this situation, and without understanding it clearly, there's really no way to start."

Upon hearing this, Dugu Yan's face dimmed as she nodded, uttering a shocking truth, "The poison on my body is the poison inherited from my family's martial soul, the Jade Phosphorus Serpent, as the description suggests, the poison is passed down from generation to generation, and it will also get stronger the more it accumulates."

"My father passed away from the poison when he was less than 40 years old, and now that the martial soul poison has been passed down to my generation, the situation is even more serious, maybe it's just like what you said, Ah Man."

"If I don't encounter any special circumstances, I wouldn't be able to live past the age of 30." Saying that she skimmed a glance at Yu Tianheng once, "In addition, although my grandfather's strength is high, in reality, he is also deeply poisoned, and I don't know how much longer he can hold out. Perhaps, after another ten or so years, my Dugu Family will completely disappear from the continent."

During the period of time when she joined the Heavenly Dou Imperial Academy, Yu Tianheng had good feelings towards her and showed a lot of attempts to pursue her in his behaviours, which was something that she completely noticed. However, in her situation, she was self-conscious of being a liability. In addition, Yu Tianheng might not be genuinely fond of her. As the heir to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, he might be thinking that through her, it might not be impossible to persuade her grandfather, Poison Douluo, to consolidate his position and expand his clan's power.

Did he really like her or was he just faking it?

If he knew that she was suffering from severe poison, fearing the risk of contagion and the danger of causing harm to future generations, would he dislike her?

If her teammates knew about the poison in her body, would they alienate her?

Due to all these considerations, she had not explicitly said anything about the poisoning, nor had she responded to Yu Tianheng.

'A martial soul inheritance poison, wouldn't that mean that all her offspring would be infected with the poison and would not have a long life?' Yu Tianheng was also reflecting deeply, as the heir of a clan, passing on the bloodline is also one of his duties, 'Dugu Bo only has one granddaughter, if I bond with Dugu Yan, I will definitely be able to bring them together and strengthen the clan, but according to Dugu Yan, I am afraid that both grandfather and granddaughter have a short time left to live. This one called Ah Man, who looks absolutely less than twenty years old, can he really cure Dugu Yan and Dugu Bo?'

Thinking of this, his eyes flickered, 'In addition, will the poison on Dugu Yan's body be transmitted to her mate? If so, won't I be unable to touch her?'

Oh, sure enough. Dugu Yan retracted her gaze and continued to look at Lin Manshan.

She has been living with her grandfather all these years and has long been accustomed to the coldness and warmth of human beings. Being sassy and headstrong is only because she doesn't want to be looked down upon by the people around her, and in her inner heart, she still very much hopes to have someone to accompany and take care of her. But at this moment, he saw the hesitation and flinch in Yu Tianheng's eyes.

And from Lin Manshan, she saw hope, saw the hope of life.

I also want to live like a normal person, together with Grandpa. Thinking of this, her gaze became more and more filled with hope.

"The poison inherited from the martial soul, that means it's been there since you were born." Lin Manshan fell into thought.

"Jade Phosphorus Serpent, Beast Martial Soul hmm."

While murmuring, he raised his head, met the gaze of hope, and said without humbling himself, "Miss Yan, I have a way to cure the poison on your body, but I am not qualified to cure you right now."


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