Chapter 56 Spirit Bone and Spirit Tool

"Then I'll take this belt, and this wrist guard." Lin Manshan pointed with his left hand, and with his right hand, he pulled out the head spirit bone from his pocket, "Master, I will buy the other one with the money from this, it's a piece of head spirit bone from a 400-year-old Golden Armoured Beetle. I came to Gengxin City this time, in addition to certifying as a blacksmith, I also have another purpose which is to sell this piece of spirit bone and use it to buy a storage spirit tool and various rare metals."

"For fear of being discovered, I wrapped the spirit bone in iron." He said, handing it to Lou Gao.

"A 400-year-old Golden Armoured Beetle head spirit bone?!" Lou Gao was taken aback and carefully took it, then his fingertips pinched and tore the iron sheet apart, instantly revealing a golden head spirit bone with a single horn, he smacked his lips and said, "My dear apprentice, where did you get this? The Golden Armoured Beetle is a top insect spirit beast that excels in strength and defence, this piece of head spirit bone is definitely worth far more than an ordinary thousand-year-old spirit bone."

"In addition, spirit bones can be encountered but not sought, why don't you absorb it yourself?"

"Master, I'm just a commoner with no background or strength, I wouldn't dare to use this piece of spirit bone even if I could absorb it." Lin Manshan shook his head with helplessness, "As for the origin, it was dropped when I obtained the first spirit ring in the Primary Spirit Forest back then."

First spirit ring, no wonder. Lou Gao let out a faint sigh, then nodded his head, "This power-type head spirit bone skill would certainly exhibit obvious characteristics when used." After saying that, he slightly pondered and continued, "However, this piece of spirit bone can't be auctioned in the Blacksmith Association's auction house, although Gengxin City is one of the main cities of the Star Luo Empire, its status can only be regarded as the middle and lower level, and the people who live here are either blacksmiths or merchants engaging in commercial activities, and there aren't any great spirit master forces residing here, therefore, there are very few people who can purchase this piece of spirit bone. "

When he said this, the face of Bishop Meyers of the Gengxin City Spirit Hall could not help but appear in his mind, and he frowned slightly.

"In addition, the Bishop of the Gengxin City's Spirit Hall, Meyers, is a person who likes to seize things by trickery, and when he sees this spirit bone being auctioned off, he might have some bad thoughts. My disciple, you also know the status of our blacksmiths, although Master is a renowned Spirit Saint, and my strength is much stronger than Meyers, when it comes to behemoths like the Spirit Hall, for the sake of the entire Blacksmith Association, it's really impossible to offend him."

Slightly wrinkling his brows in indignation, Lou Gao continued, "Therefore, to be able to sell it for a higher price, and also for safety considerations. Master's suggestion is to bring it to the Star Luo Empire's Imperial Capital Auction House to be auctioned off. Spirit bones always have a high market value and demand, and head spirit bones are even rarer, this piece that you have obtained, even though it may be less than a thousand years old, I estimate that it can be sold for a high price of a few million Gold Soul Coins in any case."

"A few million!?" Lin Manshan was taken aback.

"That's natural!" Lou Gao smiled and patted his belly, "Apprentice, don't underestimate this piece of spirit bone, this is the dream treasure of all spirit masters, a lot of spirit masters who have cultivated to spirit douluo level may not necessarily have come across a piece that hasn't been fused. If not for the fact that I am a blacksmith, usually don't love to fight, only like to delve solely into forging, honestly, I would like to absorb it now."

"This is what they might refer to as rare things being more valuable." Lin Manshan couldn't help but lament. A few million might be a huge sum of money for ordinary people. But for certain big powers, it might just be a small sum of money, such as those like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

"Yes, that's the point." Lou Gao smiled, put the spirit bone into his spirit tool, and mused, "Let's do it this way, apprentice. I'll offer 2 million gold soul coins plus that other spirit tool you chose to trade for this spirit bone, what do you think?"

"Two million, that much!?" Lin Manshan was shocked and then shook his head.

"Master, it's still unknown how much this piece of spirit bone can actually be sold for. 2 million is just too much." Saying that he turned his head to look at Lou Gao, "Master, why don't you give me 1 million, and then give me a discount on future raw metal trades? To be honest, I can't use this money anywhere else other than occasionally using it to buy some rare metals for casting."

This disciple of mine is a generous person. Lou Gao was inwardly pleased, then nodded: "That's fine, however, there is no need for a discount. You are my disciple, why would I earn your money? In the future, you can just go to your senior brother's place to get the goods at a cost price. In addition, if this piece of spirit bone really sells for a high price, the excess money excluding the cost of that spirit tool, I will keep it for you until we meet again."

"Master, how would that work?" Lin Manshan shook his head once again, "Master, you are the president of the Blacksmith Association. You have to think about the industries under your command, and there is a risk for you to sell this piece of spirit bone. Let's do it this way, we'll split the rest of the money 50/50, When the time comes, you can ask senior brother to help me put it on the account for purchasing the metal ores" When he said that, his tone of voice was determined, "It's a deal."

Lou Gao was silent for a moment, and after a few moments, he smiled and nodded, "Good, let's do it as you say."

After saying that, he picked up one of the two spirit tools chosen by Lin Manshan, it was a black belt, with a faint metallic lustre, on which there were twenty-six dark green gemstones neatly arranged, most of which were embedded in the interior of the belt, with only the size of a diamond-shaped small thumb exposed, "This is a large storage spirit tool that allows one to easily store things in different sections and categories, and these gemstones embedded on it, each of which has a storage capacity of 1.5 cubic metres. Due to the gemstones being embedded deeply, it looks no different from an ordinary belt, and it's quite stealthy."

While handing the spirit tool to Lin Manshan, his right hand took out another silver bracelet-shaped spirit tool from the box, "As for this wrist guard, it is a dual-functional storage spirit tool. The front side can be used for defence, and according to tests, it can easily withstand Spirit King level spirit skill attacks, as for higher ones, it has not been tested for fear of damage. This line on the front is in fact an inline of three connected gemstones, each of which comes with 10 cubic metres of storage space, and it can be considered a superb medium-sized storage spirit tool."

Saying that he handed it to Lin Manshan.

"In addition, the bridging design of these two spirit tools are both well done, with good stretchability, so you don't have to worry about being unable to wear them now, or that they will become too tight to wear in the future as your body grows up."

"Thank you, master." Lin Manshan nodded and carefully took it, speaking respectfully.

"A small thing." Lou Gao patted his belly and began to introduce the method of use. After Lin Manshan was able to use it proficiently, he added, "Let's go, go to my forging room, let's continue with the assessment. Master will also take a look at what level you've honed your forging craftsmanship now, and in addition, have your senior brother give you that one million."

"Yes, master!" Lin Manshan nodded and followed Lou Gao out of the room.

After an unknown amount of time, he received his gold card with satisfaction and went down to the ground floor alone to start his shopping trip to pick up bargains.

While Lou Gao and the several onlooking personal disciples under his banner remained in the forging room.

"What, curious why I am so attentive to Ah Man?" Lou Gao stroked his long stray beard and raised his eyebrows.

"This, indeed, it's a bit." Several disciples looked at each other in bewilderment, and Si Long spoke up on behalf of them.

In his heart, he secretly thought. Master, it is no longer called being attentive, but rather kneeling and licking.


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