Chapter 61 Tang San was ecstatic, Tang San was angry

Not long after, he slowly opened his eyes again and sighed, shaking his head, "I am unable to control it. Never mind, what goes around will come around. At least I know that this energy did not cause any damage to my body, but instead greatly enhanced my strength."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile silently.

'Next, let's try the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track and Mysterious Jade Hand to see just how big the enhancement is.'

Leaping off the boulder with a nudge of his toes, his figure instantly transformed into a phantom, flashing across the vacant ground.

'The speed has at least doubled.' In amazement, the figure flickered to the boulder again and raised the right hand. In just a moment, the entire palm of his hand transformed into a white jade colour. Flexing his body, twisting his waist, he fiercely hurled his fist.

"Boom!" With a rumble, cracks spread out.

Retracting his right hand and looking again, a two-finger thick pit had been left on the rock, and the cracks were spreading from the pit in all directions.

"So strong!" His eyes widened slightly, and his face revealed joy.

But the one who was even more overjoyed was Lin Manshan who was sitting 120 metres away, as his eyes were shining and the corners of his mouth were already about to split to the base of his ears, as he inwardly exclaimed in admiration.

'Tang San, great job! Performing all of them at once, what a way to save me a lot of time pondering over the route of operation for these skills.'

'In addition, this Mysterious Jade Hand surprisingly also contains the method of spirit power operation, involving quite a few meridians in the palm. The spirit power is transported in the meridians and dispersed on the muscle surface, and unexpectedly it can manage to produce changes on the surface of the skin of the palm, truly a profound mystery.' Lin Manshan praised him quietly, and then wondered, 'However, why is it limited to the palms of the hands, and not the arms, or even the entire body? If it could be done, the absolute battle power would increase greatly.'

Dropping his head in thought, he was once again enlightened, 'The world Tang San lived in his previous life was an ancient martial arts world after all, they all had to rely on ordinary hidden weapons to kill people, so it could be seen that the upper limit of their strength isn't very high. The so-called martial arts masters are after all just mere mortals, although if their internal strength is practised to a high level of depth, they would be able to see the meridians internally, they can only glimpse the internal energy running through the meridians, they can't see the specific condition of the meridians, and they don't have a wide-ranging and clear perception of the meridians of the whole body.'

'To avoid risks, one can only try boldly and accumulate experience little by little and improve.'

'Unlike the metaphysical world, where spiritual (mental) power is externalised, the soul is out of the body, and an internal glimpse of the meridians of the whole body is child's play.'

'But why didn't the original Tang San improve his Mysterious Heaven Skill even after his spiritual (mental) power reached the Vast Sea realm in the later years?' Lin Manshan was a bit puzzled.

'As long as the spiritual power is strong enough, one can naturally peer into the finer meridians, and with enough spirit power control, it's entirely possible to open up those finer meridians as well, or even open up and widen the meridians of the entire body. Wouldn't that be more beneficial to cultivation?'

According to his observation with his soul power, the meridians in the human body were like large trees, with the thickest ones being like tree trunks and the finer ones being like branches, and the twelve main meridians and the eight strange meridians were among them. On top of that, there were more and even finer veins that extended out from these larger meridians, interlocking with each other like a network of leaves on a tree, and could be said to be present in almost every corner of the body.

'When I return to Nuoding City, I might be able to use these Tang San's skills as the basis to sort out my entire body's meridians and acupoints again, let's not talk about recreating them, but slightly improving them, I might be able to do it, and it might have better effects.'

'With the soul power to protect them and the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone to provide a backup, as long as the general direction doesn't change, then it shouldn't be a big deal.'

'But before that, let's go back and try cultivating Mysterious Heaven Skill.' Thinking of this, he looked up in the direction of the mountaintop, smiled faintly and murmured, "Tang San, I hope that when you wake up tomorrow, you'll be able to smile."

Saying this, he turned around and left.

"Kiki." Only a small magpie was left still on the branch of a large tree standing at the top of the mountain, looking down with its head slumped.

On the way back, with his soul perception, Lin Manshan shot a rabbit incidentally and carried it back home.

After handing the rabbit over to his adoptive mother, he directly slipped back into his bedroom.

Sitting on his knees in his bed, he began to operate Mysterious Heaven Skill with his eyes closed and didn't stop until his adoptive mother called out for lunch. Jumping off the bed, he couldn't help but shake his head, 'This Tang San fellow is really a big liar, it's obvious that there's nothing wrong when I cultivate this skill, without a bit of conflict in my spirit power. Well, the cultivation speed is at least thirty percent faster, not bad. If it wasn't for the fact that I've previously perfected my meditative method, I'm afraid it would be almost fifty percent faster. Tsk, this is the gap.'

After a nice lunch, he continued to cultivate his spirit power in the afternoon.

Since there is a technique that can accelerate the cultivation of spirit power, at least during this period of time in the Holy Spirit Village where there's nothing to do, it has to be grasped well.

At night, after cultivating soul power for a bit of time. In the wee hours of the night, he made a night visit to Tang San's house and retrieved his soul power.

The next day, early morning.

Tang San opened his eyes early as usual, then skilfully jumped out of bed, twisting in place in preparation for stretching his body. Yesterday, his body strength had inexplicably skyrocketed, but he had spent quite a bit of time re-adapting by practising boxing and kicking martial arts, as well as striking iron.

With a twist of his waist, he then froze.

Clenching his fist again, his face became cloudy, "What's going on here? That power suddenly disappeared."

The power suddenly surged and then suddenly disappeared, and the body had a sense of some sort of vague emptiness that was very clear under careful sensing.

Closing his eyes and operating the Mysterious Heaven Skill, his face was completely gloomy, "That greenish colour on the outer wall of the meridians has also disappeared."

"Damn it, what the hell is going on here?"

Even if his mentality is more stable, Tang San couldn't help but feel a little angry and blood rushing up at this moment, opening his mouth to curse.

Gritting his teeth, he grimly put on his clothes, and strode out of the house, running in the cold wind.

"Hahahaha" On the other side, Lin Manshan, who had already dressed and sat on the bed, was laughing with his hands on his belly.

After a while, he walked out of the room, holding back his laughter, and ran towards the hill in the other direction.

These days, who doesn't have a Purple Demon Eye?

Since then, Lin Manshan's tight daily routine had an additional training exercise added to it.

A month passed by in a flash, and after the New Year, Lin Manshan said goodbye and returned to Nuoding City.

After visiting Tie Shan's family with local specialities, he returned home and tidied up his house, then Lin Manshan immediately rushed into his bedroom.

From the spirit tool, he pulled out dozens of drawings and hung them on the wall in order. These were all preparations he had made long ago, as early as when he decided to rely on his soul power to spy on Tang San's Mysterious Heaven Skill, he had already drawn the whole body's meridians that he had sorted out in batches. One batch corresponded to a complete connected meridian, divided according to the degree of thickness, hiddenness, and degree of risk, with red pen dotting the acupuncture points, with clear primary and secondary distinctions.

Subsequently, he pulled out a large diagram that was nearly two metres wide and three metres high, with various meridian acupoints drawn all over it, and spread it on the ground.

Pulling out the homemade chalk, according to the Mysterious Heaven Skill's operating route, one by one, he checked and linked them up against each other.

Time passed day by day. In order not to delay his cultivation, Lin Manshan chose to pause his afternoon forging practice and used it to study the newly obtained Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record's various techniques, attempting to integrate their principles and improve them after thoroughly understanding them.

A month later, Lin Manshan sat on the large diagram of the meridians that was already somewhat old.

"Hmm? Why does it feel like this running route on the Twelve Main Meridians has a small detour when it passes through these acupoints? Is it faster to go around farther to attract spirit energy, or is it faster to go straight through?" Thinking, he hurriedly sat up in place and closed his eyes to try.

'It doesn't seem to feel faster, but the spirit power runs a little easier.'

'Then look at the other positional routes to see if this is the case.'

'Holy shit, the body is so hot, scared me for a second, fortunately, I stopped in time!'

'Whew, it got better. Fortunately, I have the Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone.'

'Tang San, your mum's spirit bone is really good!'

"Let's try this route today."

"Let's try this today."

'Have to mention it again, Tang San, your mum's spirit bone is truly great!'



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