Chapter 63 Returning to Star Dou Forest

Closing his eyes, he couldn't help but murmur in a low voice, "Stay and spend the New Year with Old Jack's family first."

'And by the way, talk about travelling far away to Heaven Dou City, and persuade the old man to step down as the village head. When I heal Dugu Bo after arriving at Heaven Dou City, let him help buy a big mansion and take Old Jack's family over. Well, Uncle Tie Shan and the others can also be taken over, just think of it as hiring them as personal blacksmiths to help me build some hidden weapon parts and whatnot so that I won't be bored with idleness.'

Thinking of this, his brows couldn't help but frown, 'But before that, after the New Year, I still have to make a trip to Suotuo City as soon as possible, and buy that hair crystal from Flender's shop. This kind of good stuff, how can I leave it to Tang San, it would not be good if he uses it to sneak up on people close to me in the future.'

'As for the top three hidden weapons in the mechanical category, Tang San shouldn't have much hope of building them in this lifetime.' As if thinking of something, Lin Manshan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and smile.

As early as a few months ago, he had already asked the convoy leader who had brought him to Gengxin City back then to help send a letter to Lou Gao.

The letter detailed the identification methods he had summarised at home when he was researching several rare metals such as Hair Crystal, Deep Sea Sunken Silver, and Cold Core Iron Essence.

He also purposely instructed Lou Gao to have several senior brothers buy them when they were found and collect and store them all.

'Hehehe, Tang San, the materials aren't even there, I'll see how you can build them in the future.' Thinking like this, Lin Manshan was in a happy mood. Standing up with a hop, he walked over to the table, picked up a pen, and pulled over another piece of drawing.

As early as he created the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, he had thought about whether or not he could create a pistol in this world.

Compared to a crossbow, a pistol is obviously more compact and practical.

Although he had not seen a real pistol in his previous life, he had seen countless gun movies, and he remembered the appearance clearly, he had also bought a toy pistol when he was a child, but most of his memories were already fuzzy because of the long period of time.

Regarding the memory of the pistol that he still retains, it has a butt, a barrel, an internal spring, an ejector pin, and bullets that are automatically charged by the spring.

He drew the shape of the pistol a long time ago, but he never figured out the internal structure after working on it for a long time. Although the pistol may look small, it is not easy to deduce the internal structure and parts from the memory of his mind.

Now that the meditation method had been successfully improved, he was going to try to find inspiration by making a smaller version of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow.

The simpler something looked, the deeper the knowledge contained within it, and he was still too lacking in practical experience. After all, he had previously been casting agricultural tools in Tie Shan's workshop, and his hidden weapons had also been cast according to the drawings. Lou Gao's casting handbook contains half of his life's work, so it is not possible for him to fully understand it in a short period of time, and he has not finished learning, let alone applying it in practice, so he is still far from it.

November, Star Dou Great Forest.

Lin Manshan came to the Star Dou Great Forest for the second time, so he was familiar with the path. According to the old routine, he first followed the river that he had travelled before all the way up to the 10,000-year-old spirit beasts' living area. Because he had travelled up the river in his previous journey, he didn't make any detours this time, except for sleeping at night, he basically ran all the way up the river, and it took him four days to finally arrive at the 10,000-year-old spirit beasts' living area.

Eerie, damp and dark, this was his evaluation of the Ten Thousand Year Spirit Beast living area.

According to the current common spirit ring absorption limit in the spirit master world, generally, only spirit masters whose strength had reached level 50 would come to the 10,000-year-old spirit beast living area. Spirit Masters who had reached this level were already an extremely small number of existence in the entire Spirit Master Community. This also led to the vast Star Dou Forest 10,000-year-old spirit beast's living area, which almost can be said to be completely unable to find traces of humans walking around.

The fact that few humans were walking around meant that there were very few battles, causing little damage to the forest environment.

Therefore, the vegetation here grows dense and taller than the 100-year and 1,000-year spirit beasts' living areas, and one can hardly see a bit of sunlight when standing on the ground.

In addition, the chances of bumping into a spirit beast had also become lower.

This is quite understandable, after all, ten-thousand-year-old spirit beasts are already quite intelligent and have a strong sense of territory.

This was also good news for Lin Manshan because it meant that if he managed to kill a ten-thousand-year-old spirit beast and absorb its spirit ring, there wouldn't be any other spirit beasts disturbing him in a short period of time.

"Shoo Shoo" A figure shuttled through the dense forest, and Lin Manshan carefully felt the fluctuations of the surrounding souls.

Eight hundred metres was the range he could currently perceive, it had become wider, which was a great thing.

However, he now faced a problem, damn it, there were really a lot of Plant-type Spirit Beasts here.

In the areas where a hundred and thousand-year-old spirit beasts lived, the plants were basically ordinary plants, and the soul aura was almost negligible, and he could ignore it. But in the region of ten-thousand-year-old spirit beasts, hundred-year-old plant-type spirit beasts were almost everywhere.

And his soul perception ability could only perceive soul strength, and could not perceive the type of spirit beast.

So if he was slightly inattentive, he could be walking down the road and be tied up and hung up and whipped by a certain plant-type spirit beast, and hell knows if it would have some special ability.

In case he happened to run into one, wouldn't that be an instant overturn? Therefore, he could only take a detour.

'However, for the ten-thousand-year-old spirit beasts in the territory, these hundreds and thousand-year-old plant-type spirit beasts are a natural barrier. Harmonious coexistence between one beast to another, is the magic of nature, isn't it? In addition, this also showed that ten-thousand-year-old spirit beasts and thousand-year-old spirit beasts were no longer at the same level in terms of intelligence. Ten thousand-year-old spirit beasts are clear of almost everything in the interior of their territories with the help of plant-type spirit beasts, and will not be plotted and hunted by someone easily, therefore they also will not choose to purge out these plant-type spirit beasts.'

'Instead, they utilise them wisely, using them as barriers or sentries, to protect themselves.'

'If they hear these Plant-Type Spirit Beasts clashing with an external enemy from afar, they will definitely be the first to be on guard, either fleeing or rushing in to fight and kill.' Thinking of this, Lin Manshan couldn't help but sigh deeply, 'Luckily, I have the soul perception ability to circumvent it, or else I'm afraid this journey wouldn't have been so peaceful.'

Between thoughts, his pace picked up slightly, and he accelerated once again.

"Ten thousand-year-old Earth Demon Spider, inferior, skip over" Looking at the black spider in front of him, Lin Manshan turned around and walked away.

"Streaming Shadow Leopard, Agility Attack System, farewell!"

"How come it's an agility system once again, where's my power system spirit beast?"

"Black Widow Poison Spider, Poison System, slip away."

"Earth Demon Spider? Did I stumble into a spider's nest? Or is this area encompassed by spider spirit beasts?"

"Shit! Let's find a place to sleep first."

The next day, Lin Manshan changed direction.

Facing east, he continued on his way.

"It's either spiders or snakes, no, there's also rats, vines, and lizards. Did I not check the calendar when I went out this time? How come I encountered all these things?"

Scratching the back of his head, Lin Manshan had a helpless look on his face as he felt that he might have chosen the wrong area to begin with.

Because he was searching along the river to one side and close to the river, the forest was dense and the ground was dark and damp, and these were indeed the environments that spider and snake species spirit beasts liked to live in. Moreover, it was his first time coming to the Star Dou Great Forest 10,000 years spirit beast area, and he was not clear about the power system spirit beasts living in this area, so now he could only go all the way to the end of the path.

Walking back was too much of a waste of time.

And it wasn't certain that he could find the right location the second time.

'Can I blame the spirit beast knowledge that Yu Xiaogang taught Tang San for not specifying the division of the Star Dou Great Forest's spirit beast regions?' Lin Manshan shook his head, 'Yu Xiaogang is only a level 29 Spirit Grand Master, he doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the 10,000-year-old spirit beasts' living areas. Not to mention that Tang San is only level 20 or so right now, and even if Yu Xiaogang had first-hand information from the Spirit Hall, he wouldn't teach it to Tang San right now. After all, if he taught them all at once, why would he need him as a master?'

'Now I can only hope that I'll encounter power system spirit beasts next when I get farther away from the river.'

With a deep sigh, he continued to rush on.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Manshan stopped, "Hmm? Another 10,000-year-old spirit beast, let's check it out."


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