Chapter 79 Reunion

Twenty days later, Nuoding City.

Lin Manshan and Zhu Zhuyu jumped off the carriage and walked into the city gates side by side, "It's not in vain that we travelled day and night to rush to the city, we didn't miss the deadline after all" he looked around with a smile on his face, as the New Year was approaching, there was already some festive atmosphere in the city. Although this world does not have such things as spring couplets, hanging red lanterns, or pasting down the word of blessings, some customs are still present, at this time both sides of the shop door wall have been decorated.

"Well, it will be New Year's Eve in five days."

Zhu Zhuyu was also sporting a smile on her face. She was also extremely happy to be able to reunite with Zhuyun and Zhuqing for the New Year, especially after successfully escaping from the Star Luo Empire and the Zhu Family, this is extremely symbolic for her.

"Let's go, let's go home!" Taking a deep breath unhurriedly, Lin Manshan said cheerfully.

"Mm-hmm." Zhu Zhuyu nodded her head repeatedly, her pretty face squeezing out a bright smile that was beautiful to behold.

Not long after, outside the courtyard door with an upside-down blessing affixed on both sides, Lin Manshan loudly called out, "Zhuyun, Zhuqing, I'm back!"

Scuffling, the sound of hurried footsteps soon came, followed by a silhouette pushing out the door.

"Ah Man." Eyes surging upwards, soft as water, like a baby goose crashing over, was caught by Lin Manshan.

Firmly hugging her waist, enjoying the warmth, he looked up to Zhu Zhuqing who then stepped out of the door, stopped and stared, he gave her a reassuring look, smiling broadly and nodding slightly.

"Alright! Let's all go inside first." Lin Manshan patted Zhuyan's shoulder.

Only then did Zhu Zhuyan back away, turning her head to look at Zhu Zhuyu, smiling, "Zhu Zhuyu, long time no see."

"Mm-hmm..." Zhu Zhuyu also looked a little excited, her eyes slightly red, and walked up to Zhu Zhuyun to pull her hand, followed by Zhu Zhuqing behind her, who also followed over.

The three of them gathered into a ball and exchanged pleasantries with joyful faces.

Lin Manshan smiled and watched, a feast for the eyes, all three are rare beauties in the world, Zhu Zhuyun is charming and passionate, Zhu Zhuyu is gentle and lovely, Zhu Zhuqing is cold and soft, at this time together, mirroring each other, as if the beauty of the world.

Three women walked and talked, Lin Manshan followed behind with the eyes to appreciate the beauty of the scene and together entered the house.

It is said that three women make a drama, and it is true. Lin Manshan, who was unable to intervene at all, said he couldn't stand it.

Near the New Year, and will soon be travelling, he wanted to pay a visit to Tie Shan's family as well as the Spirit Hall's Matthew Nuo, so he said a quick word of greeting and went out on his own.

"What, it was Ah Manshan who went to pick you up alone?" Inside the bedroom, Zhu Zhuyun's eyes widened.

"Hmm." Zhu Zhuyu nodded.

She continued to finish the process of picking up to the end.

After listening, Zhu Zhuyun's complexion was suddenly a bit complicated, and her gaze was mixed with a trace of self-reproach and fear. Zhu Zhuqing, on the other hand, bit her lips, her eyes slightly red.

In a short while, the former let out a sigh, "Hey, Ah Man doesn't want to drag his teacher and the Blacksmith Association into this."

"I'm sorry, it's all because of me." Zhu Zhuyu instantly lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuyun hurriedly raised her head and reached out to pat the back of her hand with a soft smile, "Zhu Zhuyu, there is no need to blame yourself. We didn't anticipate this matter, and besides, aren't you both returned safely?"

After that, the topic changed, she added: "Zhuyu, I think that on this journey you have many questions about what happened to me and Zhuqing, next let me tell you about it."

After saying that, without waiting for Zhu Zhuyu to respond, she began her narration.

Ah Man is so good. The story had ups and downs, Zhu Zhuyu listened with jaws agape and made a summary in her mind.

At the same time, she looked at Zhu Zhuqing with her spare glance, secretly thinking in her heart, 'Both of them have had physical contact with Ah Man, it feels like things are a bit complicated.'

Zhu Zhuyun, who was always paying attention to Zhu Zhuyu's expression, seemed to have guessed what Zhu Zhuyu was thinking about, and followed by turning her head to look at Zhu Zhuqing, nodded slightly and smiled, "Zhu Zhuyu, Zhuqing has already made a decision."

"Ah?" Zhu Zhuyu was instantly taken aback, turning her head to look at Zhu Zhuqing.

"Hmm." Zhu Zhuqing blushed shyly and slightly lowered her forehead.

On the day after Lin Manshan left, Zhu Zhuyun passed on the skills from the Meridian Treasure Manual to her. When she had just passed on the first technique of the Meridian Skill, she knew in her heart that her destiny was already bound to Lin Manshan. An inheritance masterpiece like the Meridian Skill without a doubt, when placed in any power only the male direct lineage would be qualified to learn it. A woman would one day marry out, so she couldn't have access to it.

If one wanted to learn it, there was only one choice.

And she made the choice.

This. Zhu Zhuyu suddenly felt a bit confused in her head.

Then she heard Zhu Zhuyun's slightly solemn voice come out, "Zhu Zhuyu, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"Oh." Zhu Zhuyu instantly came back to her senses and turned back to look at Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuyun's face was solemn, surely she had something important to say to me, hmm, hmm?????

In the next second, her body stiffened, scarlet red crawled up her cheeks, and she quickly lowered her head, her voice was soft and fluffy.

"Sister Yun, you don't mean you want me to"

"Guessed it?" Zhu Zhuyun instantly raised her eyebrow and continued, "Zhuyu, this is just a suggestion, it's fine if you don't want to. Since we've come to the Heaven Dou Empire, it means that we've chosen to break away from the clan."

"From now on, you are free, you can be with whoever you like."

Zhu Zhuyu blushed and lowered her head without saying anything.

Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, and the former spoke again, "Zhu Zhuyu, there is no need to decide in a hurry, I am just mentioning it now. Now that we're out of the clan, we don't need to worry about anything, and the days ahead are still long."

"Hm." Zhu Zhuyu clutched the hem of her coat and nodded slightly.

What was the meaning? Is this willing, or unwilling? Zhu Zhuyun was momentarily puzzled, but she did not dare to ask more, she knew what kind of character she had, and saying more would only make it seem like she had the intention of forcing her, forcing her to make a choice.

So, she was ready to change the topic. Zhuyu had just arrived, and the room where she would live had to be tidied up again.

Stretching her body, just as she wanted to get up and speak, Zhu Zhuyu's voice, as light as a mosquito came.

"I'm willing."

"." Zhu Zhuyun instantly sat down again and softly said, "Zhu Zhuyu, there is still a good deal of time, you don't need to make a choice so early."

Then she saw Zhu Zhuyu raise her head, her face flushed, and she said in a thin voice, "Sister Yun, I believe in your vision and choice, and that Ah Man is indeed a very good person. So, I also believe that I can lead a good life by staying with him. Moreover, in this way, we will never have to be separated again."

"Zhuyu, this is also exactly my selfishness, your nature is too soft, I don't feel comfortable with you marrying outside, it's better to... Alright, alright, I won't make fun of you guys anymore."

Seeing the two women's faces that had already reddened to the roots of their ears, Zhu Zhuyun chuckled and continued to look at Zhu Zhuyu, "Then next, I'll transfer the skills that Ah Man has passed on to me to you, and this is also one of the reasons why I hope that you can accompany me to follow Ah Man."

After saying that, she turned her head to look at Zhu Zhuqing and nodded slightly, "Don't worry, I'll go and talk about it on Ah Man's side."

Not long after, Zhu Zhuyu opened her eyes with a shocked expression and turned her head to look at the smiling Zhuyun.

Ah Man is really great. She thought inwardly.


The next few chapters are still transition chapters before the main plot points.


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