Chapter 85 Brother, how to get to Rose Hotel?

As the words trailed off, she couldn't help but propose, "Why don't we go to the Spirit Hall to anonymously report the situation?"

Lin Manshan shook his head, "What good would that do to us?" In this world of might, without strength in oneself, reporting would be a joke. It's not surprising that before the person who was reported gets solved, the person who reported it will be gone first.

Of course, some succeeded as soon as they reported, such as the one he encountered in his previous life, where someone reported the author. Male and female protagonists shoulder to shoulder enter the hotel to eat, screenshot that Paragraph, and click on the keyboard, it becomes: two people under the age entering the hotel to open a room to do some indescribable things, this description makes me unconsciously brainstorming such a scene, it is unbearable.

Another example is the battle between the two forces, with blood and flesh flying, when the keyboard is clicked, it becomes: too bloody, the scene is too bloody, how can you bleed in a fight, it's not right!

The point is, that person, even reported it successfully, and the author was put into a small black room and spent a long time revising it.

Who can you blame for this kind of thing!

However, I later heard that the author has very good computer skills, so he directly scolded the reporter in the group for wasting his time revising the text and breaking the shift.

After that, somehow, on the third day came the news that the malicious reporter died in a car accident.

Turns out, that person is also a writer.

Later, it is said that the person's wife also remarried, and the child is not biological, in short, someone sent evidence for that tragedy to him while he was driving.

So Lin Manshan continued:

"And even if reported, based on Tang Hao's strength, it is still unknown whether the Spirit Hall can deal with him, and he may just take Tang San and escape. It's better to not care about it first, the hostile person is in the open while we are in the dark, maybe it can be used later."

"That's also true." Zhu Zhuyun nodded.

"A Tang San who has always stood in the sunlight will always be more valuable than the son of Clear Sky Douluo who hides in the darkness, and it can also be used to draw out and restrain Tang Hao in the future. After all, he is the Clear Sky Douluo."

"Not bad, that's what I mean."


The next day, Tang San took Xiao Wu and left.

The Balak Kingdom bordered the Fasinuo province, so Nuoding City wasn't too far from Suotuo City, where Shrek Academy is located; it could be reached in two or three days if one travelled fast by horse-drawn carriage. However, it is still the New Year season, and it is still early for the major spirit master academies to be in session.

Therefore, Lin Manshan guessed that Tang San should have brought Xiao Wu back to Nuoding Academy to stay there first, and hadn't set off for Shrek Academy. Although the two had already graduated, with Yu Xiaogang's relationship with the dean, staying at the academy would be easy.

However, to be on the safe side, Lin Manshan still bid farewell to Old Jack and returned to Nuoding City not many days after Tang San left. On the same day, through some confirmation through the beast control technique, he found that Tang San and Xiao Wu were indeed still at Nuoding Academy.

Yu Xiaogang was also there.

As for Tang Hao, he wasn't there. The point in time, when Tang San would return to Holy Spirit Village to celebrate the New Year, had long since become Tang Hao's regular schedule for travelling to meet the Blue Silver Emperor, and he wouldn't likely return at this time.

When he dared to absorb the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone directly within the waterfall, he also made use of this time difference.

That night, after cultivation, and taking a beautiful bath, he released the pent-up fire that had been accumulated for many days, venting it to the end.

The next day, he woke up in high spirits, pushed his toes out of the room, washed up, and began to make a caring breakfast.

Shortly after, he carried the breakfast into the living room.

In no time at all, the crowd gathered, and Lin Manshan made a speech, "The New Year is over, and the time is almost up. Today, I'll make a trip to Uncle Tie's house and transfer this courtyard to their disposal, and buy some more things, so everyone pack up tonight, so we can leave in the morning."

According to the time calculation of his previous life, it was now almost the 15th day of the Lantern Festival, and after that, it was the time for all walks of life to resume their normal operations, the caravan drivers started to go on line, and the students of the major spirit master academies who had travelled far away to their homes should start to set off for the academy.

Most importantly, the treacherous merchant Flender's grocery shop should also be open for business, right?

Luckily, Nuoding City is a small city and doesn't have much of a population, otherwise, I would still have to grab a carriage ticket

Lin Manshan secretly sighed, having experienced the wave of homecoming and returning to work after the new year in his previous life, he has always had an inexplicable sense of urgency about such things as getting a ticket and boarding the carriage.

So he always learnt not to hesitate if he could get on the carriage first and make up the ticket later.

Thanks to this, he now has two high-speed carriage passes in his family, which has provided him with an excellent experience in his previous rides. The third one had also already been booked and was just about to embark on the road.

"How about this? You guys cultivate at home first, and we'll go shopping in the city in the afternoon." Lin Manshan continued.

"Okay." The three girls nodded and after finishing their meal, they watched Lin Manshan leave. Then with a click, the door was closed.

Only then did the three women retract their gazes and chat idly.

On the other hand, Lin Manshan rushed to the blacksmith workshop and after explaining the situation, he took Tie Shan on a trip to the city lord's mansion to re-register the property, then returned straight to his residence.

After cultivating for a while and having lunch, he began to take the three girls shopping, and when he returned home, he began to instruct the three girls on how to cultivate the skills and continued to cultivate spirit power at night before going to bed.

Early the next morning, under the farewell of Tie Shan's family, the four of them boarded the carriage that they had booked yesterday.

After leaving the city gates, they headed towards Suotuo City.

On the other side, the Nuoding Academy dormitory.

"Xiao San, you'll set off to Shrek Academy with Xiao Wu today. It just so happens that Master is also going to make a trip to the Imperial Capital, Heaven Dou City, which is a long way away, so Master must set off as early as possible, and when the time comes, I will come back earlier to meet up with you." Looking at the respectful Tang San in front of him, Yu Xiaogang was full of gratification, reaching level 29 at a young age, looking at the history of the spirit master world, it was also the existence of a phoenix feather.

And such a genius is the disciple he taught. A disciple who has innate full spirit power and a twin martial soul.

"I've already booked the carriage for you, at present, it should be outside the school gates by now."

Saying that he picked up his bag from the table, "Let's go, go back and pack up. I'll wait for you guys under the dormitory building."

"Yes, master." Tang San nodded, following Yu Xiaogang out of the door.

Not long after, both carriages drove out of Nuoding City, running alongside each other for a while before going their separate ways.

Two days later, Suotuo City.

When they entered the city gates, the time was already close to evening.

Getting off the carriage, looking at the bustling crowd around, the shops lined up on both sides of the street, and the soldiers patrolling in the distance, Lin Manshan couldn't help but sigh, "Worthy of the name of Balak's breadbasket, the crown of the Kingdom, Suotuo City, a big city is a big city, and the degree of prosperity is indeed far beyond what Nuoding City can be compared to."

Star Luo City is located in the southern part of the continent, close to the big river, when he went there, it happened to be winter, the temperature was wet and cold, so there were basically not many people on the street, and it seemed a bit cold and quiet, so he didn't see the prosperous side of it.

So in his impression, Suotuo City was already considered the most prosperous city he had ever seen in this world.

"There are indeed quite a lot of people," Zhu Zhuyu, who had just got off the carriage, still looked a bit shy and leaned towards Lin Manshan's side as she spoke.

Then, Lin Manshan grabbed her small hand, and only then did her somewhat tense face relax a bit.

"Not bad." Zhu Zhuyun, who had seen the prosperous scene of Star Luo City, nodded slightly without comment.

Zhu Zhuqing beside her gazed around without uttering a word.

"It's almost dark, let's go find a hotel to eat and rest first." Saying this, Lin Manshan pulled Zhu Zhuyu towards a small stall selling sugar gourds on the side and bought four bunches, paying for them while inquiring.

"This big brother, may I ask how to get to the Rose Hotel?"


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