Chapter 91 Plan for Tianxing Academy

South of the city, small forest.

"Ah Man, what skill did you just use?" Looking at the little sparrow that stood in Lin Manshan's palm, obedient and no longer struggling, Zhu Zhuyun asked in surprise.

"This is a kind of spiritual skill, after using it, you can manipulate weak creatures for scouting." Lin Manshan let the sparrow fly off his shoulder and shook his head slightly without making much of an explanation.

"It's just a pity that this skill involves the soul and the difficulty of getting started is too great for you guys to learn it for the time being."

"Soul!" Zhu Zhuyun was instantly taken aback.

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded, turned his head to look at Zhu Zhuyun, and smiled, "I haven't figured out a way to safely pass on this skill to you guys right now, I'll teach it to you when I figure it out one day."

"Let's go, let's keep looking."

While walking, Lin Manshan explained.

"Tang San's teacher's name is Yu Xiaogang, and he's been a good friend of Flender for many years. If my expectations aren't wrong, Yu Xiaogang should let Tang San join Shrek Academy as a student, which means that Tang Hao will also follow. And as long as I arrange these little insects and birds in various places within Shrek Academy, I can monitor Tang San and Tang Hao's movements, which is also one of my purposes for coming to Suotuo City."

"I see."

Zhu Zhuyun nodded, then as if she thought of something, she laughed coldly, "Indeed, the same kind of people flock together!"

"Haha, that does make sense." Lin Manshan laughed and continued to walk forward.

About an hour later, looking at the sparrow that picked up the spider and flew away, the four of them turned around and walked towards the city gates.

Not long after, "Eh?" Lin Manshan stopped in his tracks.

Facing in the direction of the Rose Hotel.

The three women followed and stopped.

Zhu Zhuyun subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

"Hm, they've already entered the city." Lin Manshan smiled brightly, "And just entered the Rose Hotel."

"So it's right that we don't go to Shrek Academy." Although she didn't know how her man had sensed it, Zhu Zhuyun still chose to believe it unconditionally, "You beat up that stupid girl last time, so I guess they're still holding a grudge. If we have a conflict with them at the entrance of Shrek Academy, Flender will definitely help them, not to mention that person in the background."

Saying that she raised her eyebrows, the corners of her mouth hooked into a light smile, "Ah Man, now I kind of understand why you want to pick up your adoptive mother, Uncle Tie Shan and their two families and take them to Heaven Dou City."

After all, it is Tang San uh... Lin Manshan turned back and smiled confidently, "Believe me, they will definitely go to Heaven Dou City to participate in the continent-wide spirit master tournament."

"Hehe, wouldn't that be just right? I still hold a grudge against that stupid kid with a foul mouth!" Zhu Zhuyun chimed in with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's go, they've already gone far away." Turning back, Lin Manshan led the three girls forward.

Not long after, the four of them returned to the hotel.

"Ah Manshan, when we get to Heaven Dou City to meet up with Sister Yan'er and the others, and you managed to cure Dugu Bo, what are your plans for the rest of the journey?" Zhu Zhuyun, who was wrapped in a bath towel, with slightly wet hair and cheeks tinted with lingering moisture, rested on Lin Manshan's chest and asked in a soft voice.

"Zhu Zhuyun, what are your thoughts?"

Lin Manshan asked in return, the relationship between the two had long been intimate and familiar, and he was well aware that this wife of his would never say something without a purpose, and if she asked this, she must have already had her own thoughts.

"Originally there was no idea, but after hearing you introduce Shrek Academy today, I did have some thoughts." Zhu Zhuyun raised her head and smiled brightly, "Ah Man, why don't we build an academy as well? Right now we already have four people, plus the three younger sisters, Yan'er, Bing'er, and Yue'er, it's just enough to make a seven-member battle team. When the time comes, you can ask Elder Dugu to make use of his connections, and it should be easy to register the academy, now that there are still two years before the tournament starts, there's enough time to build the academy as well."

"Moreover, with the money we have on us, with Senior Dugu's help in dealing with the situation, even if we can't buy land in the inner city, I think it won't be difficult to buy a piece of land in the outer city. When the academy is established, you can hand over the academy's canteen to your adoptive mother and her family to take care of. If they want to farm their own land, then they can just buy another piece of land outside the city. As for Uncle Tie Shan and his family, they can take care of the maintenance of the academy."

"In that case, won't they have something to do when they're bored? Also, at that time, you could hire some people from the outside, and when your adoptive mother, Uncle Tie Shan and the others wanted to take a break, they could just hand it over to the workers below them. I think this arrangement should be to their liking."

Two years is enough time for my sisters and I to cultivate the top techniques on the Meridian Treasure Manual to completion, and at that time, our strength will definitely be able to rise to a terrifying level.

When the academy is established, with the strength of our battle team, it is not impossible to conquer the Spirit Master Tournament Championship.

At that time, the reputation of the academy will certainly be able to attract a large number of spirit masters to join, then the family's basic foundation will be ready, and there will be a constant stream of fresh blood injections. As for the high-end combat power, Dugu Bo is already enough to support the scene in the early stage.

After that, it's just a matter of waiting for Ah Man, me and the other sisters to grow up. Zhu Zhuyun secretly thought inwardly.

For a family, the inheritance of the bloodline is a must, but the vanguard of external forces is equally necessary, and as a woman of the Zhu Clan who was once part of the vortex of power, she was very clear on this point.

"This is indeed a good idea." Lin Manshan also brightened up after hearing this and nodded with a smile.

I'm born a commoner, but my wives are all aristocrat-born rich beauties, my story can definitely be written into a classic fairy tale love story called 'Born a Commoner, Rich Girl Falls in Love with Me'. Well, I have to leave my future students with this chance to meet rich and noble beauties by chance as well, so that they can carry forward my love story. Hence, noble students should be enrolled as well.

After all, one also has to consider the thoughts of the wife and in-laws' side.

Thinking of this, Lin Manshan said seriously, ''In that case, let's establish an academy that teaches all classes. Both nobles and commoners can enrol, of course, we should set strict rules and regulations to avoid a situation where a single rodent dropping spoils the pot of gruel. As for the name of the academy," he stroked his chin, pondered a little, and continued, "Let's call it Tianxing Academy."

"Heaven moves unceasingly, so we must strive for continuous self-improvement."

"Heaven and earth revolve, the cycle begins again and again, and it still never stops despite millions of years of time. While we, those of us who want to go farther on the path of spirit masters, should also follow the example of the heavens and earth, strive for self-improvement, and keep forging ahead."

"If one day we are in a desperate situation, we even have to go against the heavens to get that glimmer of light."

"This is my interpretation of the word Tianxing, and also the words that future academy students need to keep in mind."

As the words fell, he looked down to see.

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyu had already raised their heads in unison, their eyes shining brightly as they looked at him, and Lin Manshan could completely see the small admiration that could not be concealed in the eyes of the two. Only Zhu Zhuyun, still froze with a shocked look on her face, mumbling.

"Heaven moves unceasingly, so we must strive for self-improvement."

"Being in a desperate situation, against the heavens."

In a short while, with an excited expression on her face, she raised her head, the look of adoration in her eyes was unmistakable, and she proudly said, "That's a good name, so let's call it the Tianxing Academy."


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