Chapter 95 Awesome!

When they entered the main campus of the academy located halfway up the mountain, along the way, Lin Manshan didn't see many students, according to Sun Buyei, most of the students were scattered in the major mimicry cultivation sites, which led to the main campus not having many people inside.

And Dugu Yan was also cultivating in the mimicry cultivation ground at this point in time.

Bringing the four of Lin Manshan to a forest entrance, Sun Buyei stopped, turned his head around and said with a smile, "Brother Ah Man, next please wait here for a moment, I'll go in and notify student Dugu Yan."

"Then I'll trouble Teacher Sun." Lin Manshan arched his hand.

"As I should," Sun Buyei smiled and nodded, turning around and stepping onto the forest path.

Not long after, ta-ta-ta, the sound of hurried footsteps came.

Immediately followed by a blue silhouette running out in the wind, her hair flying and her face staring in surprise.

Although his body has grown much taller, but that familiar face, and familiar eyes, there is absolutely no mistake.

With a fleeting glance at the three women behind him, her eyes carried a trace of doubt and vigilance for a second.

"Ah Man!" In a cry full of deep emotion, the exquisite and delicate body directly crashed into his embrace.

With tears brimming in her eyes and her eyes reddening, she looked as if she was about to break out in tears.

Crap! No wonder he dared to call Dugu Bo as grandfather, this is his grandson-in-law. Sun Buyei, who followed behind, was taken aback.

Then his expression was odd, and in his heart, he mourned for Yu Tianheng, who was interested in Dugu Yan, which he was aware of as well.

No wonder Dugu Yan didn't give a damn about Yu Tianheng in these past two years, it turns out that she has a boyfriend.

At this moment, I feel like a scumbag. Lin Manshan embraced the young girl tightly, in his heart there was both the joy of reunion and the loss of being away for too long, he reached out and touched her hair, and softly said, "Well, well, am I not here?"

"Hmm." Dugu Yan softly responded, raised her head and carefully sized him up, keeping her appearance in mind, then she braced herself and rubbed her eyes, displaying a smile, "Ah Man, two years have gone by, you've really changed a lot, grown much taller and stronger."

Saying that, she looked to the side, wondering, "These three are?"

Seeing Dugu Yan looking over, Zhu Zhuyun, who was the first to stare, responded with a very generous smile.

Lin Manshan's face instantly looked embarrassed, and he said with some nervousness, "It's similar to Bing'er and Yue'er's situation, only it's much more serious."

Similar to the situation of Bing'er and Yue'er. Dugu Yan suddenly froze, the next moment, her face instantly had a small aggrieved look, her mouth pouted as she looked up, and her small fists hammered his chest, "Ah Man, in the future, no matter where you go, I will follow, and you are no longer allowed to run around by yourself."

Fortunately, my wife didn't get that angry. Lin Manshan's heart suddenly relaxed, and he laughed awkwardly on the spot.

Seeing Lin Manshan's appearance, Dugu Yan immediately pursed her lips and nudged with her palm, "Don't you want to introduce them to me?"

Upon hearing this, Lin Manshan couldn't help but glance at the shocked teacher Sun Buyei behind Dugu Yan.

The status of these three people is not simple, I'm afraid, ah. Dugu Yan immediately understood and pushed her body back, turning her head to look at Teacher Sun Buyei, "Teacher Sun, I need to make a trip home to entertain my guests right now, so please inform Teacher Qin Ming about me taking a leave of absence."

"Oh, well, well good," Sun Buyei nodded his head blankly.

Then he saw Dugu Yan walk up to the three girls, smiling kindly, "Three sisters, the carriage journey must have been bumpy, and the road was long, so you must be a little tired from the journey. Let's go, I'll first take you back to the Heaven Dou City residence to recuperate, we'll talk about everything later."

"Then I'll trouble sister Yan." Zhu Zhuyun responded gracefully.

After saying that, the four women left the place by themselves in a group, leaving Lin Manshan standing in place all alone.

"Teacher Sun Buyei, thank you for leading the way today. I'll take my leave first." Arching his hand, he turned to follow.

"." As if he had been greatly shocked, Sun Buyei was secretly digesting the dramatic impact of his three views just now, nodding his head with a dull gaze.

It wasn't until Lin Manshan walked away that he opened his mouth to blurt out a foul-mouthed remark in a shocked manner, "Crap!"

Three sisters?

Bing'er, Yue'er, it couldn't be the new best friends Dugu Yan made two years ago, the Skywater Academy's Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, right? One, two, three, four, five subconsciously he pinched his fingers and counted silently in his mind, counting Dugu Yan as well.

"Shit, six?" Surprisingly, Dugu Yan was not angry. Sun Buyei was greatly shaken.

"Who exactly is this kid? Surprisingly, he can have this kind of appeal." Murmured in a sour tone, raised his head to look up distantly in the direction where the few people left, and didn't move his feet for a long time.

Heaven Dou Imperial Academy was nearly twenty miles away from Heaven Dou City, after sitting in a carriage for ten days, now that he was able to set foot on the ground, Lin Manshan naturally didn't want to sit in a carriage anymore, so he proposed to walk back to the city, and incidentally, he was prepared to inform Dugu Yan of his experiences over the past two years on the way.

Dugu Yan also treasured the opportunity to meet and talk freely and wanted to spend more time together, so she naturally agreed to do so.

The story has ups and downs, and Dugu Yan was deeply absorbed in the story on the way.

Not long after, with a surprised expression on her face, she looked at the Zhu Zhuyun trio, "So the three sisters are from the Zhu Family of the Star Luo Empire." Saying that she turned her head to look at Lin Manshan, "Ah Man, your luck is really something, you can even stumble upon something like this."

As a matter of fact, that pack of wolves had been scared away by me, and I don't know if it's a butterfly effect or something... Lin Manshan scratched his head and said somewhat helplessly, "I find It quite strange myself."

Looking up at the somewhat restrained Lin Manshan, Zhu Zhuyun smiled in amusement and turned her head to look at Dugu Yan, her words were sincere, "Sister Yan, thank you for your understanding."

"Sister Zhu Zhuyun is joking." Dugu Yan shook her head, "Let alone the fact that Ah Man was doing a good deed by stepping in to save others, he was willing to take the initiative to shoulder the responsibility, doesn't that just prove that I made the right choice in the first place? From a certain perspective, I should even be proud of him."

"Sister Zhuyun, you and your two younger sisters can rest assured in the future and just stay in Heaven Dou City. With my grandfather here, even if the people of the Star Luo Empire realise your identities, they won't dare to say anything. What kind of bullshit marriage contract, it's just a pile of waste paper when it comes to us, no need to pay attention to it."

"Right, sister Zhuyu, how did Ah Man save you from Star Luo City at that time?"

"Ah Man wants to set up an academy? Then I'll join too. Hehehe, we'll be teammates from now on."


Lin Manshan smiled and didn't answer, quietly listening to the four girls chatting with great interest.

It was only when they reached the gates of Heaven Dou City and there were more people around them that the four women quieted their voices and walked into the gates together.

Afterwards, under the lead of Dugu Yan, they came to a gorgeous mansion, "This mansion was given to my grandpa by Prince Xue Xing at the beginning, I usually live in the academy and seldom return. Grandpa is the same, he usually lives in his mysterious medicine garden and rarely comes back to visit. However, in recent months, he has basically been living in this mansion" she said, turning her head to look at Lin Manshan.

"Ah Man, this matter is still related to you. Back then, after I came back and told Grandpa about us, the old man was so excited that he blamed me for not tying you back directly" she said, pursed her lips and smiled, "and then he left to look for you personally for a few months. After coming back he was downcast for a while, he lived in the mansion when he saw that the date of the appointment was getting closer and closer."

"..." Directly kidnapping a person, this is indeed very Dugu Bo like. Lin Manshan was speechless.

After waiting for more than two years, this Dugu Bo won't beat me up later, right? Suddenly, he was a bit apprehensive.

In the middle of his thoughts, "Duk Duk Duk."

Dugu Yan knocked on the door.

In an instant, the door was opened, and a middle-aged man pushed open a crack in the door and poked his head out.

"It's Miss who has returned." His face was instantly happy, and he hastily shrank back and pushed the door open.

"Grandpa and I are usually not at home, and we are originally people who like to be quiet, so we didn't hire any servants at home, the ones sent by Prince Xue Xing in the past were also returned by Grandpa, and the ones who remained are older ones who are usually in charge of serving tea and cleaning up the courtyard and whatnot." While saying this, Dugu Yan led the crowd into the gate, and when she passed by the middle-aged man, she shook the arm of Lin Manshan who held her hand and said, "This is my future husband, and the three next to him are my good sisters, so they must not be neglected in the future."

"Yes, Miss!" The middle-aged man hurriedly bowed down, hiding the flash of surprise in his eyes.

Amazing, what a formidable person, this new young master!


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