Chapter 97 Still missing a herb

This grandson-in-law of mine doesn't look like he has a problem in his head. This was Dugu Bo's first reaction.

Creating his own spirit skills, being proficient in medicine, first saving the two daughters of the Shui family from the mouth of a thousand-year-old Agility Spirit Beast, then saving the two daughters of the Zhu family from the siege of a thousand-year-old Stromwind Demon Wolf pack, and then breaking into the Star Luo Imperial Academy alone to pick up Zhu Zhuyu afterwards, what kind of strength is needed for this. Thinking carefully, Dugu Bo finally felt that things were not simple, 'If this is true!' His eyes couldn't help but flicker.

Then my family Yan'er can be considered to have picked up a treasure.

The kind with infinite potential!

In the future, punching Tang Hao, kicking Qian Daoliu, and pressuring Pope Bibi Dong might not be a big deal.

Well, whether it's true or not, the person in question is right in front of me, so why not just ask for confirmation? Thinking of this, Dugu Bo shook his head slightly, then his gaze fixed on Lin Manshan, "It's not that Grandpa doesn't believe it, but this kind of thing is simply unheard of. Man'er, how did you do it?"

"Grandpa, it's true that my Great Sword Martial Soul can't retain its spirit rings and spirit skills. However, the spirit rings can still be absorbed as usual." Lin Manshan smiled.

"Grandpa, have you heard of the Clear Sky Clan's Exploding Spirit Ring Skill and what effect it has after using it?"

Eh? Exploding a ring, the spirit ring shatters, the spirit ring energy returns to the spirit master's body, the overall attributes are increased, and the spirit skill disappears as the spirit ring disappears. Dugu Bo's eyes suddenly widened, and he said, "Is it because the energy of the spirit ring is absorbed by the body, so the strength of the physical body is higher than that of a spirit master of the same rank?"

No wonder it was impossible to retain the spirit ring and spirit skills!

"That's right." Lin Manshan nodded, "When my martial soul absorbs a spirit ring, the energy is fully absorbed by my body and used to raise my cultivation and strengthen my martial soul and my physical body. However after that, the spirit rings will not be retained due to energy depletion, and the spirit skills will disappear as a result. However, the cultivation that I raised after absorbing the spirit ring was thus higher than that of a spirit master of the same rank, and the strength of my martial soul and physical body was also equally high."

"But even so, absorbing ten-thousand-year-old spirit rings for the third spirit ring, that's too much." Dugu Bo was inwardly shocked, but still raised his disagreement, "According to what I felt when I absorbed my spirit rings back then, absorbing ten-thousand-year-old spirit rings can be faced with spiritual impact, how did you manage to endure through it?"

"This is because I accidentally comprehended another kind of power, which I call Soul Power, and after cultivating it, it can enhance the strength of the soul while increasing and protecting the physical body. On top of that, the Purple Haze Pupil that I created also has the effect of enhancing spiritual power." Saying this, Lin Manshan shook his head slightly and sighed, "It's a pity that I haven't figured out how to pass on the method of soul power cultivation to others yet. The prerequisite to cultivate this kind of power requires one to be able to perceive one's own soul, and it cannot be taught, one can only rely on one's own comprehension."

"Perceiving one's own soul..." Dugu Bo fell into deep thought, then smiled wryly, "That's really too difficult."

Anyway, he can't perceive his own soul right now, this thing feels extraordinarily mysterious no matter how he thinks about it.

Is my grandson-in-law lucky?

He can even comprehend something like this!

But so what if I can't learn? If my grandson-in-law knows how to do it, that's all that matters. Besides, can't I still cultivate the Meridian Treasure Manual? The effect of those techniques is no worse than the techniques of the Clear Sky Clan. Thinking of this, his spirit rose again, and with excitement on his face, he patted Lin Manshan on the shoulder, "Worthy of being my Dugu Bo's grandson-in-law, you can absorb the 10,000-year-old Spirit Ring for the third Spirit Ring, not bad, not bad! Now that I think about it, not being able to retain your spirit ring is rather a good thing, it can prevent you from being targeted by those people from the Martial Spirit Hall and the Upper Three Sect."

"Moreover, you have your self-created Meridian Treasure Manual, and you know mysterious soul power. I heard Yan'er say that the Great Sword Martial Soul can also wield sword energy, which should also be a self-created spirit skill. Hehe, when spirit masters fight, they can't use several spirit skills at the same time, and when they really fight, self-created spirit skills can be more practical than ordinary spirit skills, it's much easier to use as well."

"When Tang Chen fought with Qian Daoliu, ordinary spirit skill was just a decoration, they used self-created skills."

"After a spirit master cultivates to a certain realm, it's ultimately necessary to make use of personal realisations. Sometimes having a lot of spirit skills doesn't necessarily represent how strong the spirit master's practical combat ability is. After all, having it and being able to use it and use it well, that's not the same thing."

"On the contrary, as for you, Man'er. The fact that you were able to create these skills on your own proves that you've comprehended the principles of these skills extremely thoroughly, and you're naturally adept at using them. This is by no means something that those spirit masters who acquired their spirit skills by absorbing spirit rings can compare to. If they want to use the acquired spirit skills well, it would take them quite a bit of time to familiarise themselves with them, and if they want to use them with sophistication, it would be even more difficult."

"An external object is an external object after all, hey, this is the limitation that Spirit Masters who hunt and kill Spirit Beasts to obtain Spirit Skills have."

"But what can be done about it? The human lifespan is only about a hundred years, and a spirit master's prime cultivation age is only so many years. If you can't work hard to raise your realm when you're young, you'll only age and die faster, and that's the reason why there haven't been many people in the Spirit Master Realm who have been able to comprehend self-invented spirit techniques over the years. Even if there are, they are basically veteran powerhouses who have already achieved the rank of Titled Douluo."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but look at Lin Manshan up and down and skimmed his lips, "Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that you've been kind to me and are my granddaughter, I would really want to crack open your brain to see how it's different inside."

"Not to mention being proficient in pharmacology, you can comprehend a self-created spirit skill when you say you want to comprehend it, damn it, it's still a complete set, why is your brain so good?"

"..." If I am not your grandson-son-in-law, do you think I would be talking to you about this? Lin Manshan was speechless for a while.

He scratched his forehead without words.

"Alright, let's go. I am saying this because I want you to remember to never freely disclose these techniques to outsiders in the future, or else there's a real possibility that you'll be dissected." Dugu Bo spoke in a serious tone and continued to lead the way.

"I understand." Lin Manshan followed along at the same pace.

As they walked, they chatted again.

"Grandson-in-law, how about we have a deal? You have so many wives, and I only have one granddaughter, so could you let one of her children have Dugu as the first name."

"Yes, we can name one of the children with a name I already thought of, let's call the child Dugu Qiubai (seek defeat)!"

"This name sounds quite domineering, but I have a feeling that the child will get beaten up because of this name."

"It's alright, we'll be there to protect the child, who would dare to beat him up?"

"Seems a bit reasonable! Anyway, I am already a Titled Douluo."


Not long after, the two came to the backyard of the mansion, a three-storey building stands on the left side, and there's a lush garden in front of it, with mountains and water, clusters of various medicinal herbs divided into orderly blocks by wooden fences, which looks extremely beautiful.

Such a good-looking garden had been turned into a medicinal garden, as expected of Dugu Bo. Lin Manshan inwardly commented.

"How is it? This medicine garden of mine is not bad, right?" Dugu Bo slightly puffed out his chest and nodded proudly.

"To actually grow so many rare medicinal herbs, it's truly impressive." Lin Manshan gave a high evaluation.

Dugu Bo just loved this feeling and waved his hand, "These are nothing compared to the other ones."

Saying that he stepped towards the left side of the building, "Come on, Grandpa will take you to see the dried herbs that have been collected over the years."

Dried herbs, sun-dried herbs?

Lin Manshan's heart fluttered, and he hurriedly followed.

Stepping through the door, it was indeed sun-dried medicinal herbs, the strong smell of medicine hit him, there was no need to even guess.

Shelves filled with various boxes and dustpans filled with sun-dried herbs, all of them lined up like bookshelves in the entire building.

The surrounding windows were all wide open with screens for good ventilation, and an old man was standing to take care of them.

Seeing Dugu Bo walk in, he immediately bowed and saluted, "Greetings, Master."

"No need to be polite, Old Jia, you continue to busy yourself." Dugu Bo waved his hand, turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, and proudly said, "Grandson-in-law, pick whatever herbs you need."

One hour later, Lin Manshan plucked out the last of the fresh herbs and put it into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse that Dugu Bo had given him, turned his head, and said in a well-mannered tone, "Grandpa, the herbs that need to be used are basically all gathered together by you here."

"However, there is still one more medicinal herb missing."


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