Chapter 102 It feels like cheating, so good!

'Eh? The spirit and soul power colours have both changed, becoming lighter, with a sense of both green and gold. And this aura, it's obviously become even thicker.' Lin Manshan's eyes gradually narrowed slightly, his fingertips caressing the sword's blade, "There's not much change in the martial soul's appearance, but the strength has increased"

"Worthy of being an immortal herb."

Lamenting, he withdrew his martial soul, strode away, and walked to the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower and half squatted down in front of it.

'My medicinal power absorption is limited now, how is it not related to the existence of impurities in my flesh? Since it's already saturated, let's quench it next! People usually have to walk around when they are full to aid in digestion.' While thinking about this, he performed the Refining Jade Hand to eliminate the heat radiating from the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, and then quickly walked to the previous open space to sit down on his knees, and without hesitation, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.

'Medicine Refining Technique!' Once again, he performed the Medicine Refining Technique, then quickly closed his eyes and operated the Meridian Skill.

A few seconds later, "Hiss, so hot."

But there was nothing that could be done about it, so he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

Not long after, a faint white mist with a fishy odour rose from the surface of Lin Manshan's crimson skin, fine black fluid was squeezed out a little bit from his pores, then hardened and turned into a black film on the side, which fell off over time, then reformed again.

Time passed little by little.

After an unknown amount of time.

"Whew" Lin Manshan exhaled lightly, his eyes slowly opened, flashing in red and blue colours, and he blinked slightly in discomfort.

Then subconsciously twisted his body, the feeling of clothes sticking together with the skin, was extremely uncomfortable.

Slightly lowering his head, the tip of his nose slightly moved, "!!!" Quickly covering his mouth and nose, 'What a damn stench!' He hurriedly stood up and jogged to another open space, peeling off his clothes in a burst.

From the spirit tool, he took out clean water to clean himself.

"Tsk, this line, this eight-pack abs, this pecs, and this skin, it's really white and clean. Damn, I actually had a day where I turned back into a white face. My body is filled with a sense of power, and it feels lighter, is it because my body got rid of impurities?" While washing and feeling the changes in his body, "Eh, it seems like I've grown a bit taller again, I just don't know if I've become more handsome?"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly jogged to the side and pulled out a mirror from his spirit tool to inspect his body.

The next second, he was dumbstruck, with an incredulous face, "Crap, who is this big handsome guy?"

His facial features didn't change too much, but his silhouette was obviously more silky smooth, as if he had been polished and processed twice. If he said that his face value counted as seven points before, then now he felt that his face value was a proper nine points, and the remaining one point was minused out of fear that he would be too proud of himself.

"That's right, it's exactly me!"

Very satisfied, he nodded slightly.

Not long after, after changing into different clothes, Lin Manshan walked over to a rock, sat down, and began to feel his physical enhancement.

"My Spirit power level is 40 now!"

He clenched his fist without any internal fluctuation, then his face showed surprise, and he couldn't help but sigh, 'It's true that concentration is the essence, after the impurities in the body were quenched, the strength and power of the physical body has unexpectedly increased by 30% once again.'

'Well, it should also be related to the fact that the body once again absorbed a portion of the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum medicinal power after being quenched.'

"This kind of feeling of cheating is truly great!"

With a grin, he then closed his eyes.

Checking the immortal herb's medicinal power within his body.

'There's still a lot of medicinal power! It feels like it can at least last until I absorb the sixth spirit ring. Eh? The medicinal power of the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower in my muscles seems to be shifting, converging towards my meridians and lower abdomen.' Lin Manshan couldn't help but be surprised inwardly, and after a moment of contemplation, it changed into relief, 'That's right, the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower is a nourishing immortal herb that replenishes the yang after all, and its main role isn't in refining the body. It looks like it's going to partly sink into the meridians to be converted into cultivation, and partly nourish the kidneys and spleen, the organs of the body where yang energy converges.'

He slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly felt something a bit stiff, without the need to touch he knew what it was, and quietly thought, 'Eating two Yang attribute immortal herbs in a row, I don't know if my physique will later turn into the novel's Pure Yang body with the most masculine power as the medicinal power is absorbed, and if it becomes like that, it will be awesome.'

In his heart, he silently set up a Flag, expecting the physique that every Emperor and man hoped to have to form on him, and walked towards another medicinal herb.

'Well, it looks like Full Moon Wearing Autumn Dew, hmm, although the medicinal properties don't clash, after all, I've already eaten two of them. It's better to wait for the body to adapt before eating it.' While walking towards a larger clearing in the distance, he pondered, "There's no need to rush to hunt for the fourth spirit ring, with such a huge increase in spirit power in a short period of time, the body will also need some time to adapt."

Pulling out a medicine pot, he built a fire and began to refine poison removal pills for Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan.

He hadn't eaten the Infernal Delicate Apricot or the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, so he couldn't do such an operation as refining pills with a copper cauldron set on top of an extremely hot Yang Spring. Moreover, coating the bottom of the medicine cauldron with herbs from the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well to resist the high temperature of the Yang Spring and avoid the copper cauldron from melting, he doesn't have the heart to sacrifice any of the immortal herbs for such a purpose!

"I have to say, Tang San is really a prodigal child." He muttered and began to do the herb mashing.


"Grandson-in-law, I'm coming."

A clear shout sounded from the cliff wall on the side of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Lin Manshan who was practising sword technique stopped his movement and looked up, Dugu Bo was carrying Dugu Yan who was holding Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal herb in her hand and descended from the sky.

With a stamp of his feet, Lin Manshan hurriedly dashed to the front, ignoring the astonished gazes of the two of them, 'Soul Transfer Art!'

Majestic glowing green soul power instantly erupted from his body, surging towards Dugu Yan's body.

Isn't this the same soul power that my grandson-in-law used a few days ago when he used the Silver Needle Acupuncture Method to help me check for poison? Looking at the glowing green energy surging into Dugu Yan's body in front of him, Dugu Bo couldn't help but have his eyes slightly widened, and then his face took on a look of concern, 'Man'er passed this power to Yan'er to protect her physical body...'

'What about his own body?'

'Also, after not seeing him for a few days, why has Man'er changed so much? Could it be from eating the herbs here?' Thinking of this possibility, his face couldn't help but relax again, and he thought quietly, 'It seems that Man'er has already thought of a way to defend himself thoroughly.'

At this moment, Dugu Yan on the side also gradually felt the enhancement of her own strength and asked with a shocked face.

"Ah Man, what's going on? Why do I feel like I'm getting stronger."

"This is normal, I'm now transferring the soul power in my body to you, this power will not only protect your physical body but also fully increase your basic abilities." Lin Manshan looked down with a smile on his face.

Dugu Yan instantly became anxious, her face showed worry, and she blurted out anxiously, "What will you do then?"

"Don't worry, I've already found a suitable herb to take in this medicinal garden, even if I lose part of my soul power I can still ensure that I won't be affected by the two extreme energies here." Lin Manshan shook his head.

The Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum and the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower were, after all, Immortal Herbs that grew in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and had long since adapted to the surrounding two extreme energies, and since he had taken these two Immortal Herbs and had medicinal power all over his body, he naturally possessed a notable amount of resistance to them as well. This was something that he had thought of before when checking the medicinal properties of the immortal herbs and had attempted it briefly.

Applying some pollen on the back of his hand was enough to measure it.

At this moment, although the soul power in his body was being lost, other than a sense of emptiness from losing power, he did not feel any other discomfort. On the contrary, his body was warm and felt quite good.

"That's a relief." Dugu Yan sighed in relief.


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