Chapter 105 Martial Soul Evolution

Turquoise greenish scaled armour, with an elongated body shape, with four limbs born from the femur, and claws divided into four fingers, with fins between them.

The backs of the limbs carried neatly arranged spikes, which were likewise attached to pale greenish-coloured fins, including those on the back, tail, and sides of the head, as well.

Two large, long horns, sharp as spears, protruded from the back side of the turquoise-coloured vertical pupils, their tips flushed with gold, with sharp, piercing edges.

"This, should I call it a sea dragon or a scaly dragon, I have to say, these fins are really pretty" Lin Manshan couldn't help but sigh, "The neck has shrunk a lot, from a distance it looks skinny, but at a closer look it's all muscle. This scale armour seems to have a high defence at a glance, and the claws are so long, the attacking power shouldn't be bad."

Of course, all of these were not the point!

The most important thing was that the person had become even more beautiful. The place where it should be fat has become fat, and the place where it should be thin has become thin.

Lin Manshan was satisfied and sighed in appreciation repeatedly.

'This waist, it's so curvy.'

Squatting down, he admired her in detail.

One hour later.

Dugu Bo was worthy of being a Titled Douluo, under the support of the Meridian Skill, he absorbed the medicinal power quickly and woke up fast.

The first words that came out of his mouth when he opened his eyes were, "Comforting..." With that, he got up, twisted his waist and turned his neck, doing warm-up exercises.

Lin Manshan turned his head to look over, Dugu Bo looked a lot younger than before, with frosty white hair mixed with a few strands of black hair, and his stature was upright and very spirited.

Standing up, he trotted forward in small steps.

"Grandpa, how do you feel?"

"Very good, feel soothed and full of strength" Dugu Bo slightly puffed out his chest, while proudly voicing his feelings, he urged his spirit power to summon his Martial Soul, the corners of his mouth rose, "Spirit power has also been raised by 1 level, it's level 93."

In the next second, "Damn!"

His eyes went wide as he stared at the shrunken version of his martial soul in his hand with an incredulous expression, "This is my martial soul?"

After dispelling the poison and reconditioning his body, his spirit power had risen by 1 level, and now it had risen by 1 level after taking the immortal herb, which was pretty good. After all, he is a Titled Douluo, moreover, his martial soul has also evolved!

Lin Manshan smiled and nodded, "Grandpa, perhaps you should change the name of the martial soul."

"It's said that snakes turn into scaled dragons (Jiao), and scaled dragons (Jiao), even though this martial soul of yours isn't a true dragon, it should be called a Jiao-long (scaled dragon)."

"Then let's call it the Jade Phosphorus Jiao (Dragon) Emperor." Dugu Bo examined the martial soul in his hand with a joyful expression, his eyes were full of deep emotion, and he reached out to touch the scales, his tone was very casual.

"That's fitting." Lin Manshan nodded, then took a step, no longer disturbing Dugu Bo who was enjoying himself alone, and wisely returned to sit not far from the sister.

Closing his eyes, he began to cultivate.

It wasn't until two hours later, "Hmm."

Dugu Yan murmured and woke up quietly.

"Yan'er, how does it feel?"

Dugu Bo was the first to arrive to enquire.

Dugu Yan did not speak, her eyes looked towards Lin Manshan who had just been awakened and stood up, waiting until he reached her side.

Only then did she smile and speak out, "The spirit power has increased by 3 levels, just like Ah Man, it's also level 40."

"Not bad, not bad!" Dugu Bo immediately brightened up, he is after all a Titled Douluo, and the energy required to raise every level is massive, previously absorbing that 10,000-year-old spirit bone didn't provide him with much of a boost, but an immortal herb not only allows his martial soul to evolve, but also allows his spirit power to be raised by 1 level, which is already extremely impressive. Dugu Yan's strength was low, and the quality of her martial soul was also worse than his, previously when she absorbed the 10,000-year-old spirit bone her spirit power had risen by 1 level, now that she had consumed the same quality of Immortal Herb, she could still rise an additional 3 levels after completing the evolution of her martial soul, it was already pretty good.

"Not bad indeed." Lin Man Shan nodded, "Through my soul power, I can sense that there is still medicinal power in Yan's body that has not been fully absorbed. Now that the spirit power has increased only by 3 levels, it is not only limited by the realm, it should also be the limit of what her physical body can adapt to at the moment."

"I believe that as long as her physical body is strengthened after absorbing the 4th spirit ring, her spirit power will still be greatly improved."

"Good, good, good," Dugu Bo instantly beamed with even more joy.

After saying that, he raised his eyebrows and laughed, "Yan, hurry up and summon out your martial soul, hey, the real joy is still ahead."

"Okay!" Dugu Yan nodded and reached out to summon out her martial soul.

"This is. The martial soul has evolved." A small hand covered her vermilion lips in disbelief.

"Hehehe, that's natural," Dugu Bo instantly straightened his back.

Then he saw his granddaughter jump into Lin Manshan's arms with a face full of affection, rubbing her face, and speaking in a sweet tone, "Thank you, Ah Man!"

"???" Although it was this kid who discovered how the herbs could be used, it was your grandpa who discovered this medicinal garden. Without you Grandpa, everything that follows is fart, why don't you thank me. Dugu Bo immediately felt a blockage in his heart, he felt sour.

It is said that the granddaughter who married out will spill out their water, this sentence is really right.

"Cough." Coughing lightly, Dugu Bo who couldn't stand to watch immediately interjected, "Man'er, Yan'er, since both of you have already broken through level 40, it just so happens that the Sunset Forest is right outside, I'll take you guys out to hunt for the right Spirit Beasts right now."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded, "And since we've been out for so long, it's time to go back."

Saying that he looked around the valley and continued, "Grandpa, the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse can store living things, so I'll bring back the immortal herbs that are suitable for Zhuyun and the girls."

"Good." Dugu Bo nodded, "Then hurry up and pick it up."

Two-quarters of an hour later, the three of them arrived at the top of the mountain and descended into the mists.

"Ah Man, since we're already out of the valley, you should hurry up and take back your soul power." Dugu Yan suddenly said.

"There's no rush." Lin Manshan shook his head and smiled, "Did you forget that soul power can enhance the physical body strength? Hehehe, you have just consumed the Immortal Herb, so the strength of your physical body has increased quite a bit. With your current base, plus the augmentation of soul power. Perhaps it's still not possible to resist the soul shock from absorbing a 10,000-year-old spirit ring, but below 10,000 years I feel you can handle it."

"Right! Why didn't I think of that?" Dugu Bo immediately slapped the back of his head with a look of sudden realisation and turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, "Man'er, this soul power of yours is really useful, it can even help people absorb spirit rings over the levels."

Worthy of being my grandson-in-law!

Grinning, he hurriedly urged, "Go go go, let's hurry up and do it!"

An unknown amount of time passed.

"Hmm?" Lin Manshan stopped and looked to the right, "There's a Spirit Beast on the right that's around nine thousand years old."

"Man'er, this soul perception ability of yours is more useful." Dugu Bo praised under his breath and walked towards the right side.

The three of them soon came to a mountain crack and looked around from thirty metres away, the width of the fissure was roughly two metres, the interior was deep, and the top was covered by branches and leaves.

"The fissure seems to be a snake hole." Dugu Bo's eyesight was remarkable, and he knew a lot about snakes, so he could see the signs at a glance.

"You guys wait here." 

Soon, a green snake head emerged.


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