Chapter 107 I was shocked!

"Well, it is." Dugu Yan hurriedly replied while stimulating her spirit power to display her spirit ring.

It seems that as long as you don't inject your soul power into your martial soul it won't affect the spirit skill generation. Lin Manshan couldn't help but recall the difference between when he absorbed his spirit ring and his spirit bone.

The absorbed spirit bone would be directly integrated into the physical body, so it would be affected by the soul power in the body, and the spirit bone skill would naturally disappear.

While absorbing the spirit ring needs to summon the shrunken version of the martial soul outside the body to facilitate the attraction of the spirit ring, so the energy of the spirit ring will directly influx into the martial soul from the outside, and the spirit skill is also generated at that time. Now that I think about it, the main reason why my martial soul was unable to retain the spirit ring and spirit skill was because, I had made my martial soul into a natal weapon in advance, and the spirit skill was eliminated by the soul power inside the martial soul.

However, it also allowed the spirit ring energy that poured into the martial soul to return to the body and maximise the utilisation rate.

Although it was a mishap, I will try to make my martial soul into a Natal Weapon sooner or later. If the spirit ring disappears and the energy returns to itself, it will only be a matter of time before the spirit skill disappears with it. Lin Manshan couldn't help but sigh deeply.

At the same time, he was secretly relieved.

Although he had already made up his mind by observing himself, it was after all the first time he had tested it on another person. Dugu Yan is still unable to cultivate soul power at present, if she doesn't have a spirit skill too, then it will really affect her battle power.

Looking at the joyful Dugu Yan in front of him, his gaze warmed up, and with a smile, he asked again, "Yan, what is your spirit skill?"

"Medusa's Gaze unleashed through the eyes, can cause people to petrify." Dugu Yan dispersed her spirit power and said sweetly.

"." Why didn't I get this skill when I absorbed the 10,000-year Medusa spirit ring back then, but instead it appeared on the head spirit bone. Dugu Bo instantly felt a storm of attacks on him about his luck.

'It's fine, I have a spirit bone after all.' With a self-consoling remark, his heart was slightly relieved.

He glanced at the spirit beast's corpse with his spare glance and did not feel any spirit power fluctuations from it.

"To think you got this skill!" Lin Manshan also brightened up, holding her small hand, "That's truly good."

Dugu Yan smoothly embraced his arm and was in a happy mood, "It's not bad, a bit of good luck."

Lin Manshan nodded and then said, "Since the spirit ring has been absorbed, Yan, then I'll take back my soul power."

"Mmm, okay, it's your turn to absorb the spirit ring next." Dugu Yan nodded her head in succession.

So Lin Manshan withdrew his soul power, and Dugu Yan felt a sudden emptiness, twisted her body somewhat uncomfortably, and sighed, "Honestly, this feeling really isn't that pleasant." Saying this, she raised her head and smiled faintly, "However, I will quickly adapt to it."

After all, the soul power had been in her body for twenty days, and her body had already adapted to it, and now that it had suddenly disappeared, the feeling of disparity was indeed a bit obvious. Lin Manshan patted her small hand reassuringly and smiled, then he glanced at the sky and turned his head towards Dugu Bo, "Grandpa, it's getting late, why don't we rest here first tonight?"

"Hmm." Dugu Bo, who had eaten dog food, was in a bad mood and responded with a slight nod.

After eating something and setting up the tent, Dugu Yan directly burrowed inside.

Lin Manshan understood her feelings, after all, after absorbing the spirit ring, certain places seemed to have gotten a little fatter again, and the clothes naturally became tighter, and needed to be changed into looser clothing.

Not long after, after greeting his cheap grandfather, Lin Manshan also burrowed in.

The next day, the three of them continued their journey.

"A 20,000-year-old Ghost Tiger, the quality is poor."

"Ten thousand-year-old Scaled Beast, it would be good if it is a bit higher in age."

"Thirty thousand-year-old Pit Demon Spider, no."


"Man'er, you're demanding too much." Dugu Bo finally couldn't help but spit out his complaint.

"Grandpa, the first spirit ring I hunted was a Golden Armoured Beetle, the second spirit ring was a Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear, and the third spirit ring was a Soul Devouring Spider King." Lin Manshan introduced while smiling and appeasing, "Grandpa, there's no rush anyway, what's the harm in looking further?"

With you being the thigh, of course, we have to look for the top one. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of resources. Inwardly, he thought.

"Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear, Soul Devouring Spider King!?" Dugu Bo immediately stared with wide eyes, opened his mouth, and eventually revealed a bitter smile expression, "No wonder you have such a high requirement for the fourth spirit ring, the quality of the spirit beasts you've hunted for the first three spirit rings is just too good."

There is comparison before harm, compared to the spirit beasts that Lin Manshan hunted for his first three spirit rings, the ones he encountered previously were indeed dregs.

"Hehehe, it's all luck." Lin Manshan said with a smile.

"Luck is also part of strength sometimes." Dugu Bo shook his head, then lifted his spirits and chatted as he asked, "Looking for spirit beasts is boring in any case, Manshan, quickly tell us, how did you obtain your first three spirit rings back then?"

Upon hearing this, Dugu Yan also looked over with an interested expression, with a hint of small admiration hidden in her eyes.

"Fine, then I'll tell you guys about it." Lin Manshan nodded and began to narrate.

Worthy of being my grandson-in-law, even dared to single-handedly challenge the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear. The more Dugu Bo listened, the more surprised he became, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

Where can I find such a grandson-in-law? Worthy of being my granddaughter, her vision is accurate just like mine!

Inwardly he added with pride.

Worthy of being my husband, so awesome. Dugu Yan's eyes are full of strange splendour, and her admiration for him is unmatched.

No wonder he was like a bull the other night. Inwardly, there was some small shyness added.

Walking while telling stories, time passed quickly, and without realising it, the three of them came to the foot of a mountain.

Suddenly, "Roar!" A loud roar rang out, and in that instant, Lin Manshan only felt that the entire mountain was trembling.

"Holy cow, what the hell, it startled me!" Dugu Bo reflexively turned to look at the source of the sound.

Dugu Yan was also startled, her hands tightened around Lin Manshan's wrists, her face put on vigilance.

"I didn't sense the soul of this spirit beast, the distance should be quite far." Lin Manshan's tone had a trace of gravity, "Of course, it could also be that this mountain has an issue, in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, my soul perception was somewhat restricted, as if there was a natural magnetic field in the surrounding area that was disrupting my perception, and I believe that the poisonous fog around the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well is not dispersed all year round due to the same reason."

"Look guys, the mountainside of this mountain is covered with clouds, perhaps there is a similar magnetic field within."

Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan subconsciously raised their heads, and through the holes in the branches and leaves, thick white clouds were indeed floating above their heads.

The jungle was dense and covered the sky along the way, and they had been listening to the story, so they really hadn't paid attention to it.

"There are indeed quite a few strange places in the Sunset Forest, especially around the northern part of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, which is dotted with all sorts of cracks and valleys. Not only do they tower up steeply, but they are also covered by poisonous gas and clouds all year round, and the deeper you go, the more mysterious they become. Back then, I came here to explore the dangerous area to find rare herbs that can expel the poison, and I stumbled upon the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well." Dugu Bo gave a slight nod.

His mind recalled the sense from before, it was true that he felt the entire mountain trembling as if it had been smacked by a big beast, then he added, "That roar just now, it seems like it came from some kind of lion-type spirit beast. In the Sunset Forest, there are also spirit beasts that are more than 50,000 years old, I just don't know whether or not this is the same. But regardless of whether it is or not, just by listening to the power of the roar, I'm afraid that this spirit beast's age won't be low."

"We will know if we go and take a look." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Honestly I'm quite curious."

"Okay." Dugu Bo didn't hesitate and said as he walked towards the mountain, "Man'er, Yan'er, follow me closely."

The two nodded their heads in unison and followed with the same steps.

Walking up the mountain slope and arriving at the halfway point, there was a small hill less than three metres wide. In the centre of the mossy vine-covered stone cliff ahead, there was a teardrop-shaped cave. The stone walls on both sides were extremely round and smooth, soaked with water. It was very wet and moist, and it sloped slightly upwards leading into the depths.

"A cave?" Dugu Bo stroked his chin, "The width of this seems to be just over a metre, how could a ten-thousand-year-old spirit beast be living inside, still a lion type with a not-so-small body size?"

"Perhaps it's not merely a cave, but a natural passageway that leads to the other side of the mountain instead." Lin Manshan pondered slightly and continued, "The reason why the roar was so loud just now is probably also because the sound formed an echo in this passageway, causing the sound to be amplified."

"It is indeed possible." Dugu Bo nodded, then got a little excited, "Let's go, let's go in, I've never been to this place before."

"Maybe there's a treasure place like the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well inside, with rare immortal herbs growing or something."

Quite an adventurous spirit.

Lin Manshan nodded slightly, his heart was also stirred with anticipation, leading Dugu Yan along with his footsteps.

The cave was slippery, but it was not too steep, with Dugu Bo in the front holding a gemstone as a lamp to open the way, and killing the poisonous insects in the process, except for the clothes on both sides of the body being soaked and shoes sticking with mud, the three of them didn't encounter any danger.

After about half an hour, the light finally appeared in front of them.

Increasing their pace to walk out of the passageway, looking around, the three of them were all surprised.

"I can't imagine that there is such a place in the Sunset Forest." Dugu Bo, who had explored the Sunset Forest, could not help but sigh.

Turning back and looking up, it was completely different from the sloping mountain before the passage, the mountain at this time could be completely described as a wall, the jagged stone wall was ninety degrees upwards, and at the bottom, there were various kinds of ferns, and upwards there were various kinds of hardwoods and vines growing in the cracks of the stone.

Looking around back to the sides, there was a long valley about two hundred metres wide, with the Rocky Mountains towering on both sides, and the bottom was relatively flat, lush and full of all kinds of giant trees, and in the middle a river could be vaguely seen passing by, and a small white waterfall could be seen from a distance on the right side.

"This rocky mountain seems to contain some kind of mineral, no wonder it can disrupt my soul perception."

Lin Manshan got close to check the mountain wall and touched the rubble, "Also, I didn't feel anything before I walked, but now that I think about it, this passage is quite long."

"Indeed." Dugu Bo nodded and said, following Lin Manshan who had turned around, walking towards the edge of the steep slope that was almost a broken cliff ahead.

In a few moments, the three of them looked downwards at the same time, the canopy of the trees concealed the sun, it was deep and gloomy, and the ground could not be seen at all.

"Grandpa, I can now sense the soul of that spirit beast. However, the age should be less than 20,000 years." Lin Manshan's eyes carried a hint of disappointment as he turned his head towards the right side of the canyon and reached out to point in a distant direction.

"It's just three hundred metres away on that side."


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