Chapter 113 The fickle and vain father-in-law

Shui Chaozong seems to have long been accustomed to such a tease, with a gentle smile, he glanced at the congee with nothing but wolfberries in his hindsight.

The corners of his mouth pulled, only to feel a little pain in his old waist, he then put down the documents and picked up the congee, "Good, thank you, madam."

Just as the rim of the bowl reached his lips, he heard the beautiful woman say with a smiling face, "Chaozong, counting the days, tonight, elder sister should bring Yue'er and Bing'er back for dinner."

Her bosom friend and elder sister, Bai Xue, with level 73 spirit power, martial soul Aqua Green Luan, the eldest lady of the Shui family, the family's strong woman, and now the dean of the Skywater Academy.

As for her, Yun Qian, level 69 spirit power, martial soul Dolphin, second wife of the Shui family, she didn't have any ideals, and just wanted to be a young wife, so she stayed at home to help her husband with the household chores.

As for her husband, Shui Chaozong, Level 79 spirit power, Martial Soul Snow Eagle, Skywater City's City Lord, a man in his middle age, his body is a bit weak now, and he needs to make up for it every day.

Shui Chaozong's right hand that was carrying the bowl shook a little bit visible to the naked eye, he slightly straightened up his waist and responded in a breezy manner.

"Well, I know."

Seeing this, Yun Qian who was accustomed to this continued, "Chaozong, when do you think that mysterious son-in-law of our family will come to see me, his mother-in-law?"

Upon hearing this, Shui Chaozong immediately frowned slightly and drank the wolfberry congee in one gulp, revealing a tasteless expression.

His precious little daughter was taken by surprise when she went out for a trip, his old father's heart felt very irritated, and he couldn't help but skim his lips, "How would I know?"

"A big old man, why are you still jealous?"

The charming and affectionate Yun Qian immediately rolled her eyes, then her body slightly tilted sideways, her chin slightly raised, "If you ask me, Ah Man is still quite capable. He saved our daughter's life, not to mention, at such a young age, he was able to create such a powerful inheritance spirit skill as the Blinking Steps, and said that he would give it as a bride price, which is quite a generous one."

After saying that, there was a flash of anticipation in her eyes.

"I wonder how Elder Dugu Bo will make his choice when he meets Ah Man? If even he agrees to marry his granddaughter, then there's nothing wrong with our daughter marrying Ah Man, it's even a profit."

The daughter likes him, the son-in-law has great potential, and we even got a Titled Douluo relative for nothing... three birds with one stone... isn't it a profit?

How can a person who can become a Titled Douluo be a simple character, not to mention Dugu Bo, who is equally good as well as evil and has a notorious reputation. If even Dugu Bo thinks there is no problem, then Ah Man is definitely a very promising youngster and will become a great man in the future, so they must choose him.

This was also the reason why their family didn't immediately object but chose to wait and see first.

Otherwise, do you think I would have held my tongue until now? Where in this world is there a relationship that doesn't last more than a few days with the male partner directly disappearing? Shui Chaozong's face was bland, and he nodded faintly with an unbreakable expression, "Let's wait for that brat to come and talk about it."

When the time comes, we must rub that little brat's sharpness well, and in the meantime, we will be able to reduce our anger. He inwardly thought so.

"Well, I am also looking forward to it." Yun Qian smiled and nodded, just wanting to continue to ask questions.

"Master! Master," The maid's hurried footsteps and shouts suddenly came from outside the door, "Lord Dugu Bo is here, and the guards have already led him towards the guest hall."

Just talked about that person, and he came?

Yun Qian brushed herself up, exchanged glances with Shui Chaozong who stood up in kind, and quickly walked towards the hall.

"Greetings, Elder Dugu."

The couple bowed politely just as they entered the door.

"From now on, we are also considered half a family, so don't be polite." Dugu Bo put down the hot tea and stood up from his seat.

Before the couple could speak, he continued, "I'm in a hurry, so I won't beat around the bush." Saying that, his spirit power surged, the spirit rings unfolded under his feet, and behind him, the Jade Phosphorus Jiao Emperor Martial Soul appeared, and his majestic might burst out all of a sudden, and under the couple's shocked gazes, while withdrawing his spirit power to retrieve the Martial Soul, he said, "Man'er came to Heaven Dou City and has already dispelled poison in the body of Yan'er and me, and both of our Martial Souls have also evolved as a result of this, and our strength has increased greatly. I came this time to pick up Bing'er and Yue'er to go there."

Saying this, he asked again.

"What level are Bing'er and Yue'er's spirit power now?"

"Bing'er is level 39 and Yue'er is level 29." The delicate-minded beautiful woman blurted out as if she had thought of something.

She had phrased and remembered what Lin Manshan had said to her daughter before he left in the first place.

There is something that must be done, it's not dangerous, but the rewards will help her daughter's cultivation greatly.

"That's just right, I came to bring Bing'er and Yue'er with me this time, to make a convenient one-time trip to the Spirit Beast Forest to help the few little ones get their spirit rings all together." Dugu Bo nodded slightly and uttered a shocking statement, "Man'er is refining pills for them that can boost their strength without side effects."

"He moved almost all of my treasures!" Gritting his teeth, he pretended to be heartbroken.

"Boosting strength with no side effects!?" The couple were taken aback, then bowed in unison, the head of the family, Shui Chaozong, spoke in a respectful tone, "This, it has really made senior Dugu suffer losses. In order to make up for the senior's loss, the junior is willing to offer all the medicinal herbs treasured in the mansion."

"Forget it!" Dugu Bo revealed an expression of disgust, "Could it be that Bing'er and Yue'er didn't tell you the special features of the method used by Man'er to select herbs?"

In all seriousness, he began to talk nonsense.

"The herbs that Man'er chose at my place are all rare treasures that I have collected over the past few decades by searching the continent's various dangerous places, and each one of them is not bad in terms of medicinal power, so How could it be compared to the ordinary herbs that you have collected and that can be bought on the market. Besides, even when all my family belongings moved out, Man'er did not refine a few copies, of your family's little collection, it is estimated that even the edges of a piece can not be refined."

"Nourishing the body is fine, refining medicine that can improve cultivation qualifications and enhance strength is simply a dream."

Shui Chaozong immediately showed embarrassment, Dugu Bo had travelled the entire continent to get rid of the poison, and there were rumours of his presence in all parts of the two empires, and the rare herbs he had collected were indeed not comparable to the hundred-year-old ginseng in his mansion.

In addition, Lin Manshan's way of identifying medicinal herbs was indeed a bit special, completely looking at people to find medicines, so he would help his own daughter to refine pills that were extremely targeted as well. Moreover, with such a powerful medicinal effect and no side effects, there was no doubt that the number of rare medicinal herbs that needed to be involved to make up a portion of it was absolutely huge, and it was by no means something that could be made up from the medicinal herbs that could be found in the secular world.

Only Dugu Bo, who was always on the lookout for medicines and was strong enough to be able to pull the wool of the Imperial Family, could have this kind of collection in his possession. With Dugu Bo's character, he was able to predict that this old guy must have gone to the Imperial Family's side to scrape off a layer of land when he was gathering medicines for himself.

But no matter what, now that it is being used on his own daughter, this is definitely a great favour that is hard to repay.

Thinking of this, he arched his hand and spoke in a more respectful tone, "I've let Senior Dugu see the joke."

In addition, that son-in-law of mine, actually pulled out all of Dugu Bo's collection to refine medicine for Bing'er and Yue'er.

Not bad, not bad indeed!

When we meet in person, we must treat them well...

Inwardly, he thought so.


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