Chapter 115 Two women arrive and absorb the immortal herb

When coming, it was one person, when returning, it was two, and it is still two women, so they can't be carried and run. Therefore, the only option available was to take a carriage, which was no match for a Titled Douluo's travelling speed. The following morning, Dugu Bo brought Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er back to Heaven Dou City.

Entering the mansion, before he arrived at the backyard, he ran into Lin Manshan who arrived to greet him.

As early as the two girls entered the mansion, he had already detected it through his soul perception.

With a glance at the few women walking behind Lin Manshan, she lowered her head and glanced at them again, Shui Yue'er's small mouth instantly deflated, her gaze tinged with a hint of gloom, and she thought sourly in the bottom of her heart, 'How can they be so pretty with such good figures.'

'Especially the three that look alike, they should be the three from the Zhu family, right? This is too much of an exaggeration!?'

On the way to Heaven Dou City, she had already learnt about Lin Manshan's experiences over the past two years from Dugu Bo, and at that time, she didn't think much of the fact that Lin Manshan and the three girls of the Zhu Family got together and even felt that Lin Manshan's heroic rescue of the beauty was a courageous and powerful act.

But at this moment when comparing, her heart inexplicably had a feeling of losing the battle.

'And Ah Man is now so handsome, he won't dislike me, right?' For a moment, her nose went sour.

Shui Bing'er, on the other hand, was much more calm, and apart from the stunned expression at first glance, she quickly returned to calm. Her eyes were firmly fixed on Lin Manshan who was walking at the very front, with tenderness and longing, as well as a trace of frustration and inexplicable nervousness.

"Yue'er! Bing'er!" Lin Manshan smiled and shouted, quickly stepping closer, very firmly reaching out to grab the two women's waist and pull them into his arms, then he looked down and glanced at Shui Yue'er, whose eyes were a little red, and immediately swayed her, "What's wrong? Yue'er?"

As if everything was suddenly resolved, Shui Yue'er's pretty face reddened as she lowered her head and rubbed her face on his chest, "No, it's nothing..."

Raising her head, she revealed a smile and said crisply, "I just missed you too much."

"Well, I've already picked up the person, next, you few take your time to chat. This labouring life of mine, it's time to go take a break." Unwilling to stay as a light bulb, Dugu Bo skimmed his mouth and said while turning around to head out.

"Grandpa, I'll come back to you in the evening to talk about something." Lin Manshan raised his head and shouted.

"Hm." Dugu Bo lightly responded and left without looking back.

Lin Manshan looked back and smiled, "Let's go. Let's go inside first."

Not long after, inside the bedroom.

After teaching the Meridian Skill, Lin Manshan pulled out an exquisite jade box from his spirit tool, and uncovered the lid, revealing a white-as-jade herb, "Yue'er, this is the Origin Energy Immortal Grass, with a mild medicinal nature that allows the spirit energy flow to be prolonged and contains origin energy, which when consumed, will merge with the spirit master's spirit energy, assisting him in compressing the energy to condense his spirit core, and in the process have an effect on the spirit master's flesh, and improve the qualifications of his body. Of course, it's only an incidental effect when the origin energy compresses spirit energy after all, so the process is very slow."

"However, the advantage is long-lasting."

Long-lasting, this is the important point!

"As for the attribute, it has more benefits, it's very singular, purely enhancing the spirit power cultivation." Lin Manshan continued.

Shui Yue'er could be said to be the least talented of the several women, and her martial spirit is a water-attribute dolphin with low attack power. In the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, there are also Ice Attribute Immortal Herbs, but this kind of extreme attribute Immortal Herbs are invariably highly poisonous, and with Shui Yue'er's physical body and Martial Soul's quality and strength, she simply can't withstand the modification of this kind of extreme attribute Immortal Herbs.

Therefore, starting with spirit power seemed to be the best choice in his opinion.

The Origin Energy Immortal Grass could assist in compressing spirit energy, which meant that the concentration of spirit energy in Shui Yue'er's body after consuming it would be a great deal higher than that of an ordinary spirit master of the same rank. Using compressed spirit energy to activate a spirit skill, not to mention the increase in power of the spirit skill, the consumption of spirit energy should be reduced, right?

After all, the quality of spirit energy had gone up.

Wouldn't this also mean that the total amount of spirit energy in Shui Yue'er's body would be higher than that of an ordinary spirit master of the same rank in the future? It's fine to have less attack power, but it's also fine to have more spirit power. Firing spirit skills can be like drinking water, let's see who can't withstand it.

When they think your spirit power is empty, you can fire spirit skills a few more times!

"As for how much the spirit power will be raised..." Lin Manshan smiled and continued, "Yue'er, as long as you physically bear it, this immortal herb should be able to directly raise your spirit power level to the Spirit Emperor level."

"Spirit Emperor!?" The girls were all taken aback.

Shui Yue'er was also shocked, her beautiful eyes slightly widened with an incredulous look, "That much!?"

"It's quite normal." Lin Manshan smiled and shook his head, "The more single attunement a spiritual object brings, the more prominent the enhancement effect on the respective attribute. To use an analogy, if we say that the effect of each immortal herb is to raise the spirit power by about ten levels. Then, due to the differences in characteristics and attributes, after taking it if part of the medicinal power is consumed elsewhere, the effect of the enhancement on the spirit power will naturally be greatly diminished. Like the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum that I consumed, its benefits are focused on refining the body, and it has very little effect on spirit power enhancement."

"I see." The girls nodded slightly.

"Also, there are side effects in taking this Immortal Herb." Lin Manshan continued:

"The Origin Energy contained within the Origin Energy Immortal Grass has a strong exclusiveness, and after fusing with the spirit power, Yue'er won't be able to take any other Immortal Herbs in the future."

"In addition, the martial soul cannot absorb the spirit rings of any plant-based spirit beasts in the future."

"However, Yue'er's martial soul is a Beast Martial Soul Dolphin, and there is no need to absorb the spirit rings of plant-based spirit beasts, so it won't create much of an impact." Saying that, he turned back to look at Shui Yue'er and raised the immortal grass in his hand, "Yue'er, the way to consume this immortal grass is very simple, take it slice by slice, and when you take a slice, you should operate the meditation technique to absorb the energy in the slice, and gradually raise your spirit power."

"The rest that can't be absorbed, put it in a jade box for preservation first."

When Shui Yue'er carefully took it, Lin Manshan once again popularised the spirit core concept to the crowd.

After listening to the introduction, Shui Yue'er, who was holding the jade box in her hands, was moved beyond belief, her eyes filled with ripples as she sniffled, "Thank you, Ah Man."

Ah Man is so good to me, I must reciprocate Ah Man in the future. She inwardly thought so.

"What is there to be polite between us?" Lin Manshan smiled faintly and urged, "Alright, Yue'er. Hurry up and go consume the Immortal Herb and absorb it."

"Hmm." Shui Yue'er nodded, got up, walked to the side of the vacant space and began to take the Immortal Grass on her knees.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Shui Bing'er, his face carrying a trace of gravity for no reason as he pulled out a jade box from his spirit tool.

The moment the jade box appeared, a bone-chilling coldness filled the air suddenly, and the girls in the audience almost shivered at the same time, and their faces changed from astonishment to seriousness. They could clearly feel that the temperature of the surrounding air had dropped several degrees at once.

The fact that even through the jade box it could affect the surrounding temperature was a testament to how powerful the ice attribute attached to the immortal herb inside is.

"Bing'er, what is stored inside is called Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, an Immortal Herb that contains Ultimate Ice Attribute Poison. But at the same time, it is also a great tonic that can push your martial soul's ice attribute to another level. If you can fuse it, perhaps your cultivation won't increase by much, but the ice attribute affiliated with your martial soul will have a great possibility of evolving to the legendary Ultimate Ice level, increasing all of your martial soul's abilities."

"There is also a chance for you to have an additional Spirit Master talent, which is Ice Elemental Control."

"This talent allows you to easily communicate with the ice-attributed auras in heaven and earth, and even mobilise them directly. Even if you don't gain complete control at first, you will at least be able to have preliminary control of it, which will be of great benefit." As he said this, Lin Manshan's tone took a steep turn, "However, opportunities and crises exist side by side. If you want to fuse it, you will inevitably have to endure the pain of the cold erosion it brings, and if you fail to endure and stop operating your spirit power in the middle of the process, you will most likely die!"

"Will die!" The faces of the girls changed drastically, and they looked towards Shui Bing'er with a worried expression.

Then they heard Lin Manshan continue, "Bing'er, although I have figured out how to fuse it, the process of the body and martial soul transforming by the Ultimate Ice Attribute medicinal power cannot be avoided by any means, and to get through this process, you will undoubtedly need tenacious willpower."

"Moreover, because it involves the martial soul, I can't help you with my soul power. You must endure all of it on your own."

"I can." Shui Bing'er solemnly voiced out, lifting her head and smiling faintly, "Ah Man, since you said that it can be fused, then it definitely won't be directly dangerous to my life. It's just that I have to endure some pain during the process, so I'll be fine if I get through it."

"Good." Lin Manshan didn't hesitate and continued, "Immortal herbs have a spirit, thus, the best way to perfectly fuse the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass is to obtain its recognition. Such recognition, to put it simply, refers to the fact that the attributes of the martial soul and the medicinal properties of the Immortal Grass are extremely attuned and that the medicinal power and one's own physique can be perfectly fused together, as long as one can reach this level, then the medicinal power will naturally not do much damage to the body during the process of it being absorbed, and the erosion of the cold energy one has to withstand will be much more minimal, and the pain will naturally be drastically diminished."

"Bing'er, your Ice Phoenix Martial Soul is also an Ice Attribute one, so it is naturally more compatible in terms of attributes. As for your physique, I have used my spirit power to heal your injuries, so I also have an understanding of your physique. According to my many verifications, your physique is also compatible with the medicinal power of the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass. As for whether or not it is perfect compatibility," Lin Manshan showed a bitter smile on his face.

"After consuming the Immortal Herb, the medicinal power might interact with both the physical body and the martial soul at the same time, and there are too many unstable factors, so it's not something I can predict."

Saying that he placed the jade box on the desktop and turned back to gesture for the girls to step back, his expression once again turned solemn, "However, it is possible to test out the compatibility roughly, and this is also a necessary step that must be done before consuming it, which is receiving the approval of the Immortal Herb."

Opening the jade box, revealing the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass inside that was like ice crystals, which continuously exhaled a fierce coldness, Lin Manshan continued:

"Bing'er, spit out a sip of blood on the immortal herb, then summon your martial soul, activate the power of your martial soul's origin, and wrap the immortal herb with your spirit power. If the coldness can merge with your spirit power, and you don't feel too much coldness, then it means that the compatibility is good. The less chill you feel, the higher the compatibility, and the safer it is to consume."

"If the compatibility is really too poor, to avoid you being in danger, I will have to use my medicine refining technique to forcibly refine the medicinal power of this Immortal Herb and plunder its origin for you to consume. Although the medicinal effect and absorption effect of doing so is not as good as the previous method, it is better in terms of safety."

"Hmm." Shui Bing'er nodded, promptly summoning her Martial Soul to position it behind her, and then urged her spirit power, drawing her vital energy and blood upwards from her heart, her soft tender lips opened, and a sip of fresh blood jutted out to land on the grass blades, which instantly transformed into ice crystals.

The next moment, her hands neared the herb, the white frost-like light blue spirit power instantly wrapped the not-so-big Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass, and almost in the blink of an eye, it wrinkled up.


PS: I will skip the content of hunting the spirit ring after the immortal herb stage, it will be boring to read about the process.

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