Chapter 124 Leave some thoughts for Tang Hao

Nuoding City.

Stepping off the carriage, Lin Manshan, who was a local, led the crowd straight to the hotel to open rooms and settle down.

Afterwards, he came to Tie Shan's house alone.

Thus, the blacksmith shop was officially closed for business that day, and the blacksmiths each went home to pack up their things.

Leaving the blacksmith shop, Lin Manshan directly travelled to Nuoding City's Spirit Hall and managed to meet with Matthew Nuo.

After some enquiry, Lin Manshan was surprised, "What, Brother Tao has gone to Heaven Dou City?"

"Hmm." Matthew Nuo nodded with a smile, "Ah Man, speaking of which, this matter still has something to do with you. When you first left, I conveyed the news of your donation and made it clear that you didn't want to receive a proclaimed accolade."

"Not long after, the Heaven Dou City Saint Spirit Hall sent someone to deliver the news."

"Not only that money wasn't collected, but the above even gave our branch hall an extra commendation. In addition, the quota of work-study students in the surrounding villages was also removed of restrictions."

"In the future, whenever a spirit master with spirit power appears, he or she will be able to obtain a work-study quota."

"Su Yuntao and I also received commendations and promotions and were given the opportunity to be transferred to Heaven Dou City. However, at my age, I'm pretty old, so I declined."

"That Su Yuntao kid is different, he's still young, and it's good for him to venture out to a big city like Heaven Dou City. Thus, with my strong support, he followed the emissary that came and went to Heaven Dou City."

"He recently wrote, saying that he had a good time and saw many novel things."

"Brother Tao has a generous nature, and will thrive wherever he goes." Lin Manshan smiled, although the world is cruel, the basic principle of communication between people; you are good to me, I will be good to you; such a basic principle of communication still exists in the hearts of most people.

"Haha, that's true." Matthew Nuo also laughed.

Then he asked, "By the way, Ah Man, did you come back this time for something? Have you found the new academy yet?"

"Well, found it."

Lin Manshan nodded, "And have already formed a battle team to participate in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament. In addition, I've decided to settle in Heaven Dou City, and this time I came back to pick up my adoptive mother and her family to go over and live in Heaven Dou City together. Grandpa Matthew Nuo, do you want to come?"

"No." Matthew Nuo shook his head, "Ah Man, I'm old. Old age makes me homesick, and compared to living in a big city, I prefer to live in Nuoding City where I grew up. Moreover, here, I can do what I can for all the children from poor families, which has been my dream since a long time ago."

Saying that, he said with a relieved face and some reluctance, "Ah Man, in the future, when you have time, come back to visit once in a while."

"Well, that's natural! When the tournament is over, I will definitely drag Brother Tao back to see you." Lin Manshan laughed.

Upon hearing this, Matthew Nuo instantly showed a delighted look on his face, "Alright, alright, Grandpa is waiting for that day."


After some more small talk, Lin Manshan excused himself and left.

Returning to the hotel, after resting at the hotel for the night, the next day, he brought the crowd back to Holy Spirit Village.

At this time, Old Jack had already resigned from his position as the village head to retire at home, and when the crowd arrived, the old man was leaning on a rattan chair, leisurely basking in the morning sun with his old companion.

"Grandpa, Grandma, I'm back." With a shout, the two old folks turned their heads in unison.

"Little Five, are you back?"

A vast group of people, with seven little beauties followed behind their own adopted grandson.

Old Granny Chun Yan instantly brightened up, and her body surged with vigour. At that moment, Miao Ni, who was busy at the back of the courtyard, and the old fourth Jamon, who was helping also ran out at the sound of the voice, the former's eyes lit up, lifting the hem of her skirt and quickly walking up to greet them, her gaze resting straight on the little beauties in the back to survey them. The latter's eyes glazed over in astonishment, then he saw Lin Manshan arrogantly tilting his head with a you-know-what look.

''Old Five, you're such a beast.'' Old Fourth Jamon instantly became sour, skimmed his lips, and followed up unhurriedly.

"Little Five is back." Miao Ni was a step ahead of the others, shouting as she made her way to the front.

"Greetings Auntie." After some pleasantries plus introductions, a few women shouted crisply.

"Good good good," Miao Ni proudly led the crowd into the house.

Not long after, the toolman fourth Jamon, once again did the errand work and acted as the messenger boy.

Lin Manshan, on the other hand, led the crowd of girls to his parents' graves to pay a visit and offer incense.

In the afternoon, according to local custom, as the only child, Lin Manshan held the ancestral tablet to each grave to pay his respect, from the great-grandparent's generation all the way up to his parent to bow. The whole thing was completed in the evening, and the relocation ceremony was completed.

The next day, after giving the new village head a large sum of money, Old Jack dragged his children and grandchildren and brought along his granddaughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law's family who were willing to follow along, then the dozens of people followed Lin Manshan to Nuoding City.

After meeting up with Tie Shan's family, they boarded a hired carriage, escorted by Shui Ziliu's wife and the clansmen she brought with her, and set off first, rushing to Heaven Dou City.

When he passed by outside Suotuo City on the way there, Lin Manshan had already confirmed Tang Hao's location through his beast control technique, he was in Suotuo City. Moreover, Yu Xiaogang, Tang San and his group were also there.

Counting the time, Shrek Academy was initially opened for enrolment at the end of February, and now it was the middle of June, so nearly four months had passed. According to the original storyline, this was precisely the point in time when Tang San and the others had finished obtaining their third spirit rings, ending the three-month first stage of training, entering the second stage of training set by Yu Xiaogang, heading to Suotuo City's Great Spirit Arena to participate in the Spirit Fighting Matches.

The Great Spirit Arena is a gathering place for spirit masters, so for the sake of Xiao Wu, Tang Hao had to be there as well.

And this was just the perfect opportunity for him to go to the Blue Silver Emperor's location.

Leaving Shui Zilu to look after the girls, Lin Manshan took Dugu Bo and set off directly.

A few days later, they were at the familiar water pool, the familiar waterfall, the familiar cave, and the familiar Blue Silver Emperor.

"This is the Blue Silver Emperor?"

Dugu Bo looked at the slightly swaying Blue Silver Grass underneath him, and couldn't help but sigh and lament, "As a 100,000-year-old Spirit Beast whose strength is comparable to that of a Titled Douluo, after coming to the human world after re-cultivation, it actually ended up in such a state."

"Tang Hao called her Ah Yin, now, its body is still too weak to carry its powerful soul, so the soul is still dormant, it can be said that it is completely unaware of our arrival." Lin Manshan said, squatted down, pulled out a porcelain pot from his spirit tool, and without hesitation he began to dig up the soil, quickly digging out the entire Blue Silver Emperor with its roots and soil, and moving it into the porcelain pot.

Putting it into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, he slowly stood up and said, "Grandpa, let's go."

"Man'er, don't you think we should leave something behind for Tang Hao?" Dugu Bo stroked his chin, "Looking at the freshness of the soil around here, Tang Hao shouldn't have been here for two or three months. After such a long time, it should be reasonable to say that the Blue Silver Grass has grown a bit. Moreover, today's Blue Silver Emperor's body cultivation is far less than a hundred years, and Tang Hao would only be able to discern this at most, as for the strength of its soul."

"He can't discern it anyway!"

"Grandpa, are you trying to?" Lin Manshan's heart stirred, and he couldn't help but inquire.

"There are plenty of Blue Silver Grasses in the forest outside, there should always be a plant with a similar stem and leaf distribution, right?" Dugu Bo raised his chin, "As for the golden pattern, just get some golden plant sap to mix up the medicinal properties and inject it in, and then just use your soul power to guide it."

Thinking about Tang Hao kneeling in front of ordinary blue silver grass and crying in front of it in the future makes me feel great. Dugu Bo thought.

Grandpa, you're really bad! But I like it. Lin Manshan nodded with deep approval.

It is good to leave Tang Hao some thoughts, lest he become too sad.

"It's not too late, Grandpa, let's go outside and split up, you look for plants with gold patterns, I'll look for blue silver grass."

"Hmm." Dugu Bo smiled and nodded slightly.

About half an hour later, the two of them returned to the water pool to meet up.

Lin Manshan who was holding a Blue Silver Grass glanced at the plant in Dugu Bo's hand and his eyes lit up.

Leaves with golden strands, known as Golden Thread Orchid, also known as Bird Ginseng and Golden Thread Linn.

Another half an hour later, looking at the blue silver grass under the light of the hole overhead, with golden veins through the leaves, the two looked at each other and smiled, and after cleaning up the traces in the hole with satisfaction, they jumped off the waterfall and stood shoulder to shoulder.

With a cheerful pace, they disappeared into the jungle.


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