Chapter 134 Poison (2 in 1)

After an unknown amount of time, Suotuo City, Tang Hao walked out of the Great Spirit Arena with a heavy heart.

'Level 32 spirit power, how did Lin Manshan manage to attain such a high level of spirit power in those short period of time? Spirit power external release, casually swinging out sword energy, from the description, it should be a highly compressed spirit power that converges on the blade body, and then being released, at such a young age, it is surprising that he has this much control over his spirit power. Both arms are jade-green with a tint of gold, hard as metal, it is certainly not a spirit bone, along with the blades that filled the sky, is it a spirit skill?'

"But isn't he without a spirit ring and spirit skill?"

'Could it be that he deliberately hid his spirit skills back then? Or is it a self-created spirit skill?' His countenance instantly turned sombre.

"If it's a self-created spirit skill, with this kind of comprehension..."

'The reason for such a fast cultivation speed... I think it should be with the help of some external force that has stimulated his potential. The fact that he raised from level 3 to level 10 over 2 years previously, is there for all to see. After all, an external force is an external force, it's difficult to last long, and qualifications and talent will still limit future growth. Moreover, stimulating the potential to raise cultivation in advance will definitely leave hidden dangers for the body, which is not a good thing.'

'But even so, with his Spirit Elder strength how could he easily tear apart the vines created by Xiao San's third spirit skill by simply relying on his physical body alone?' Suddenly, he fell into thought.

'Xiao San and Xiao Wu had talked about how Lin Manshan has a mutated martial soul, which makes him eat far more than normal people, and his physical strength grows very quickly. However, how can the natural growth of physical body strength be increased by this much?'

"Unless absorbing spirit rings brings more enhancement to the physical body than Xiao San as well, mutated martial soul, can't retain spirit rings and spirit skills, hmm? Could it be!" A flash of light burst through his mind, and his face showed amazement, "If that's the case, then it all can be explained."

'I never would have thought that there would be such a mutated martial soul in this world.' Tang Hao couldn't hold back his sigh of emotion, while secretly rejoicing, "In that case, what he used should be self-created spirit skills. Fortunately, his cultivation qualifications are limited, or else he's bound to become a great foe for Xiao San in the future, and even a great foe for the entire Clear Sky Clan."

"After all, the two had already formed a feud last night."

"If not for Dugu Bo, just now..." When he thought of what Dugu Bo had said earlier, Tang Hao's face immediately flashed with a trace of anger, and then he slightly shook his head, "Forget it, he's just a junior with a level three innate spirit power."

'Even if his martial soul has a peculiar ability to transform all of his spirit ring energies, with his body's qualifications and talent placed there, his future achievements will be limited, and ultimately he will not be able to compete with Xiao San. On the contrary, he is an excellent stepping stone for Xiao San's growth in the early stages.'

'Alas, in last night's battle, the mentality shown by Xiao San was indeed too poor! Being impulsive and easily angered is indeed a great taboo. As that child said. A flower living in a greenhouse, without setbacks and tribulations, it is difficult to achieve greatness.'

"In addition..." His brows frowned again, 'Perhaps it was really a mistake to entrust Xiao San under Yu Xiaogang's tutelage in the first place... A Spirit Elder is a Spirit Elder... Even if Lin Manshan's physical body is strong enough to be comparable to that of a Spirit Ancestor, he would not be so strong as to rip apart Xiao San's Blue Silver Grass Vines with his bare hands, right? Plant-based martial souls absorbing animal-based spirit rings might not really be suitable'

His mind couldn't help but recall the scene when his wife Ah Yin used her Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, the vines created were tough and endless, breaking and immediately growing out again, although she lacked great offensive power, her control was perfect. My son Tang San's blue silver grass martial soul, although the toughness is still acceptable, still has a touch of offensive properties, it didn't have endless vitality.

"Could it be that I need to help my son complete the second awakening of his martial soul and evolve it into a Blue Silver Emperor?" While pondering, he walked towards Shrek Academy.

'When Xiao San wakes up, his mood must be extremely down, something has to be done, we can't let him fall into decadence. The continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament is an excellent opportunity to sharpen, Xiao San still can't miss it. With his current martial soul strength and power, if he continues to cultivate in Shrek Academy in such a step-by-step manner, I'm afraid that he won't be able to compete with Lin Manshan when he enters the Spirit Master Tournament.'

"How about a special training?"

"Otherwise, with Xiao San's strong nature, if he loses again, I'm afraid he'll doubt himself, which is not a good thing. Well, however, before that, the problem of Xiao Wu's identity exposure has to be solved first."

"I also don't know if that hardening arm skill of Lin Manshan's can be passed down, Dugu Bo didn't use it just now. If it can be passed on, it would be beneficial to Xiao San and the clan"


At night, in Shrek Academy.


Inside the bedroom, Flender, who was preparing to undress and sleep, suddenly shuddered and ran out of his cabin with quick steps, "Martial Soul True Body!" His figure rose up in the air, swiftly darting in the direction of the forest, and soon landed in front of Tang Hao, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Greetings, Clear Sky Douluo."

"There's no need to talk too much, I've already understood what happened clearly, the responsibility doesn't lie with you." Tang Hao's tone was flat, and after finishing, he pulled out a letter from his pocket.

With two fingers, he threw it at Flender, "After reading it, give this letter to Xiao San tomorrow."

"Yes, Clear Sky Douluo." Flender received the letter, and when he raised his head again, the figure in front of him had already disappeared.

He hurriedly opened the letter, read it, and immediately looked shocked, "No wonder that boy Lin Manshan's physical strength is that strong!" Folding the letter, he couldn't help but sigh again.

'It's a pity to have such comprehension without talent, if his talent was better, he would be another Clear Sky Douluo.'

While shaking his head, he flew back to the academy.

And at this time, on the other side within the academy.

Tang San woke up quietly, "Hiss!" Just by moving his body, he felt a sharp pain all over his body.

Raising his head to look at the roof, he gritted his teeth and spat out words with eyes full of hatred, "Lin. Man. Shan. If I don't return this vengeance, I, Tang San, swear not to be a human being!" After saying that, he fell into silence again in vain, his complexion brimming with a trace of decadence, "Tearing my Blue Silver Grass vines to shreds with his bare hands, could it be that the direction of development of my Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul is really wrong at the moment? Or is my Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul, itself, a trash Martial Soul."

"In addition, even after using such dense Manipulative Type Hidden Weapon skills, they couldn't even inflict a single damage on Lin Manshan. I'm afraid that the Manipulation-type Hidden Weapons will be spotted just as soon as they are taken out, making it difficult for them to be effective. The External Spirit Bone also has no advantage in front of Lin Manshan's Great Sword Martial Soul."

"Furthermore, he can also casually swing a sword attack at random, with long-range attack capabilities, making it difficult for me to even get close."

Thinking back to the sword energy brandished by Lin Manshan, his fists couldn't help but clench, 'Internal energy externalisation, even in my previous life, only martial arts master-level powerhouses could do it, and Lin Manshan is so young, how did he manage to do it?'

For the first time, at least in terms of comprehension, he found out that he was inferior to others, and that feeling was hard to bear.

'Two lifetimes, possessing innate full spirit power, and a Twin Martial Soul, and also possessing the Tang Sect's Great Teachings, with all these advantages, how can I still be no better than an indigenous waste spirit master with a level 3 innate spirit power?'

Tang San's silver teeth clenched.

"How is this possible?"

He refused to accept it, and became even more unconvinced!

"But how do I defeat him?" With a hundred thoughts, his face couldn't help but agonise.

The night that was difficult to sleep passed, and early the next morning, Flender entered the room with a quick step.

"Xiao San, what's wrong?"

As soon as he entered the room, he glimpsed Tang San's incomparably haggard face, with deep dark circles under his eyes, the whites of his eyes covered in red lines, and his eyebrows tightened and loosened, at a glance it looked as if he hadn't slept well last night, so he couldn't help but be inwardly shocked, and his face looked worried.

'The one who understands the son the most is indeed the father, Tang Hao has probably already anticipated that Tang San would be like this.' Between his thoughts, he quickly approached, handing the letter in his hand to Tang San, saying, "Xiao San, this is the letter your father sent."

"A letter from father?" Could it be that Father also watched my match last night? Tang San's eyes suddenly burst with lustre, receiving the letter, he quickly opened it and flipped through it.

"No wonder, no wonder." Muttering under his breath, his expression relaxed slightly, and then he looked surprised, 'Father actually wants to come and take me out for special training personally!'

While he was surprised to be able to meet with his father, he was also wondering inwardly, 'Isn't my father an ordinary blacksmith? How is he going to train me and raise my strength.'

'No matter what, father would never lie to me, since he said so, he must have some way.' With his mind made up, he refolded the letter, his face once again regained its confidence, 'Don't worry, father! I will definitely train hard next, and in the future, I will rely on my own strength to defeat Lin Manshan.'

To be precise, it is killing... A cold aura flashed in his eyes, followed by remorse, 'I was indeed too impulsive before, just like what father said, I have to learn to control my emotions in the future.'

Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record General Outline. Mount Tai crumbles before me but my countenance remains unchanged, the Yellow River rises to the top but my face is not shocked, a true master of hidden weapons will have a cool head at all times! I have not performed sufficiently. In the middle of his thoughts, he raised his head to look at Flender, squeezing out a smile on his face.

"Dean Flender, I'm fine. It was indeed me who was too impulsive before and brought you trouble."

Seeing Tang San regain his confidence, Flender was also relieved and smiled, "It's all a small matter."

As he was talking, Ta Ta Ta, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door, and when he turned his head to look, it was Yu Xiaogang who walked in with hot congee, his face looked haggard, and at a glance, he hadn't slept well.

Tang San's eyes flickered at once.

Then he lightly shouted, "Master."


A few days later, inside the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

"Your Holiness, the Bishop of Suotuo City in the Balak Kingdom has come to report that traces of the Skywalker Battle Team have been found in the Great Spirit Arena." Ghost Douluo bowed and saluted, the Martial Spirit Hall had arranged secret outposts in every main city of the two empires' Great Spirit Arena, with the same purpose as the other forces, to discover outstanding spirit masters, take them in for their own use, and if there was a threat, resolve it in time.

After saying that, he took out a letter and respectfully presented it, "He also discovered Yu Xiaogang and some unpleasantness erupted between the two sides."

Lin Manshan, that child scolded really well. He inwardly thought to himself as he said it.

Of course, he certainly can't voice it out in front of Bibi Dong, that would definitely lead to a miserable death.

"Xiaogang." Bibi Dong's expression instantly changed, her eyes flickered, and she attracted the letter into her hand with a surge of spirit power. Afterwards, she opened the letter and quickly previewed it.

After only a few moments, the aura around her body fluctuated violently, her body trembled a little, and her expression changed even more, her gaze flared out with coldness and at the same time, she also carried a trace of dazedness. In a few moments, the imposing momentum gradually subsided, and her beautiful face also regained the previous calm.

And under the steps, the Ghost Douluo slightly lowered his head, didn't dare to lift his head, and cursed in his mind: Yue Guan that unrighteous guy, after reading the letter he ran quite fast.

Squeezing the letter in her hand, Bibi Dong's voice was flat, "The plan remains unchanged, everything will wait for Dugu Bo's Skywalker Academy to be constructed and the ceremony to be held. Then we will discuss it again. In addition, send scouts to keep an eye on the Skywalker Battle Team's external combat situation, and confirm whether Lin Manshan's hardening arm skill is passed on to his teammates. As for the Shrek Battle Team, there is no need to pay attention to them for now."

"Yes, Your Holiness." Ghost Douluo hurriedly responded.

"That child's encounter with the two battle teams back then, is there any clue now?" Bibi Dong continued to ask.

"Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff, according to the reports, the people who witnessed it back then have been purposely given a gag order by the two major academies and the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team has also been threatened by Dugu Bo, so they have never talked about it outside. Therefore, no news has been uncovered." Ghost Douluo bowed. At the bottom of his heart, he complained. Dugu Bo personally threatened, that if anyone dares to talk about it, his/her entire family will suffer, so it would be strange if he/she talks about it.

Upon hearing this, Bibi Dong immediately frowned slightly, but didn't speak any further, only faintly said, "Proceed down."

"Yes." Ghost Douluo was relieved and hurriedly bowed his head to leave.

Seeing Ghost Douluo walk out of the hall, Bibi Dong once again spread out the letter, glancing at it with a complex expression, seemingly self-deprecating, seemingly bitter smile, seemingly nostalgic, biting her silver teeth and murmuring in a low voice, "Coward, huh, he didn't curse him wrongly."

Then frowned slightly, and fell into contemplation, "Tang San, blue silver grass martial soul, innate full spirit power."


In the middle of July, when the warm sun was shining in Heaven Dou City.

Lin Manshan brought all the women into the mansion and had a good reunion dinner with Old Jack, Tie Shan and the others who had returned early. Afterwards, he greeted the crowd and followed Dugu Bo into the inner room, and just as his buttocks sat on the chair, he went straight to the point, "Grandpa, I intend to poison Tang Hao."

"!!!?" Dugu Bo's eyes instantly narrowed, his body slightly tilted, "Man'er, how to implement it?"

"That lead box in the cave behind the waterfall, and Tang San." Lin Manshan faintly nodded, "Grandpa, at the Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena, I displayed my Refined Jade Hand skill and tore apart Tang San's third spirit skill with my physical strength alone, with Tang San's innate talent, what do you think he'll be thinking?"

"Without a doubt, unconvinced, unwilling, wanting to do everything he can to defeat you. Or even kill you, seize your Spirit Tool, and check to see if there are cultivation texts for training Jade Hands inside." Dugu Bo's eyes suddenly lit up in thought, "From the battle at Suotuo City, we can see that Tang San is a narrow-minded person who takes every penny into account, and will not let you go no matter what. However, after this battle, he must also be clear that it is simply impossible to be your opponent by cultivating step by step. Therefore, he can only think of other ways"

"To be precise, it would be Tang Hao who would help him think of a way." Lin Manshan sneered, "And that 100,000-year-old right leg bone that has almost been absorbed by me is the fastest shortcut. However, Tang Hao definitely wouldn't take it out to Tang San that easily. Getting power quickly through external objects, if one's heart is not strong, it will only cause one to become eager for quick success, and even more unwilling to face setbacks and lose the heart of a strong person."

"So, I have to add more fire."

"In the future, whenever we meet in the arena, I will defeat him with absolute suppression, making him feel the gap between him and me more and more. Make him unwilling, make him decadent, become hungry for power, hungry for revenge, and from then on live in the shadow of being easily defeated by me and find it hard to pull himself out."

"And Tang Hao definitely wouldn't want to see his son become like this! He wouldn't want his son who possesses innate full spirit power and has a Twin Martial Soul to lose at the hands of a spirit master of the same age whose innate spirit power is only level three." Dugu Bo's eyes flickered as he coldly smiled, "But as long as he doesn't defeat you head-on for a day, Tang San will live under your shadow for a day. By then, Tang Hao will have to make a decision."

"And while he goes to fetch that lead box, that's our chance." Lin Manshan laughed.

"The weight of the lead box with and without the spirit bone is obviously different, so Tang Hao will definitely open it on the spot to check it out. As for us, all we have to do is to hide the poison in the lead box that is strong enough to kill him instantly, so that after he is poisoned, he won't even have a chance to walk out of that cave."

Speaking of this, a cold glint flashed across his eyes, "Grandpa, the Snow-coloured Swan Kiss, might come in handy."

"With the Aromatic Silk Beauty herb, we can safely make our way in unaffected afterwards. Of course, when the time comes, I'll use my Beast Control Technique to lay surveillance birds and beasts around the area to ensure that we receive the news at the first opportunity."

"Maybe, at that time, Tang Hao will bring Tang San along with him, at that time, hehe," Dugu Bo also had a cold gaze, and then asked a question, "However, I can't grasp the medicinal properties of that Snow-coloured Swan Kiss, I'm afraid that poison will still have to be compounded by you. Moreover, the mechanism in the box also has to be arranged by you, I can't make such a thing."

"That's natural." Lin Manshan nodded.

I'll formulate a poison that's even fiercer than Yama's invitation and mix it with a slice of Snow-coloured Swan Kiss, let's see whether or not you'll die.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go now. Just in time to transplant the Blue Silver Emperor" Dugu Bo hurriedly urged.

"Well, the sooner this matter is arranged, the better it will be indeed. Grandpa, I'll go and talk to Yan and the girls first." Lin Manshan nodded and got up to walk out of the room with Dugu Bo.


#Mackenzie Rouse, #DataMonarch, and #Jackso whiston, Thanks for all your love and support.

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