Chapter 141 Yu Xiaogang, well done!

"Six million." Ning Fengzhi spoke gently.

He directly added 1 million. The people present immediately went silent, including the head of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, whose family didn't have many properties outside, and couldn't be compared to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan at all. 6 million is something that really can't be taken out. It wasn't that there wasn't any, but after the money was taken out, it would be difficult for the family to maintain the normal expenses.

Besides, for such a big deal, he can't make the decision. As for the spirit bone, the money can still be considered as something outside the body, but the spirit bone is a strategic resource, so he can't even more unable to make the decision.

On the other side, Tang Yuehua was anxious inwardly, whether the Immortal Herb Catalogue would be obtained by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan or by the Martial Spirit Hall, it would not be good news for Clear Sky Clan. But there was nothing they could do about it, the Clear Sky Clan had long since retired, and with hardly any external revenues, there was even less money.

Besides, this was only the first offer.

Xue Qinghe, who stood beside Ning Fengzhi, sipped red wine and watched quietly, not to mention the fact that the huge sum of 6 million was beyond the scope of what he could move with his status as the crown prince of the empire. Even if the booklet was auctioned off, the imperial family didn't have the high-end combat power to guard it, much less the ability to search for the Immortal Herb.

It might even attract a large number of foreign experts to come and explore the palace at night, and the whole palace will not be peaceful.

Not to mention, he wasn't the true crown prince, so why would he want to benefit the royal family. No matter which angle he stood on, there was no need for him to raise his hand to bid, so he just watched the show.

"Seven million." Ghost Douluo shouted casually as well.

"Ten million." Ning Fengzhi said indifferently.

"." The melon-eating crowds were dumbstruck.

Damn, what a wealth.

"15 million." Ghost Douluo glanced at Dugu Bo, smiled faintly, and continued to raise his wooden card.

Damn, rich bastards. Flender's eyes went red, he had never seen so much money in his entire life.

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Ghost Douluo, his voice remained flat, "15 million, plus a 10,000-year-old spirit bone."

"!!!" The crowd was stunned, a ten-thousand-year-old spirit bone, this was something without a price.

"." Ghost Douluo also fell silent, a strategic resource like a ten-thousand-year-old spirit bone was indeed beyond the realm of what he could decide, even if he was a Titled Douluo. Moreover, the book in Dugu Bo's hands actually didn't mean much to the Martial Spirit Hall. The relevant records of the Immortal Herbs, his good friend Yue Guan had them in his possession as well. Besides, this kind of miraculous thing could not be found, and it was extremely difficult to find it, with only one sight occurring once in a thousand years.

Instead of spending a great deal of manpower searching for Immortal Herbs, it would be simpler to find a way to exterminate the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

"Sect Leader Ning, it is true that your sect is rich as a nation as rumoured." With a slight nod, Ghost Douluo stopped raising the price.

After hearing Ghost Douluo's polite words, Dugu Bo on the stage also knew that he didn't intend to raise the price.

Looking around the hall, seeing that no one had raised their voice, he immediately tapped the wooden hammer and said aloud, "Since no one has raised their bid, this auction will be won by Sect Master Ning."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Ning Fengzhi, "Come on, Sect Master Ning, there's still a need to go through the formalities."

Ning Fengzhi smiled, ignoring Dugu Bo's crude words, and slowly walked onto the stage, receiving the handbook from Dugu Bo in a rather ceremonial manner, he proceeded to put it directly into the spirit tool without even looking at it, and then arched his hand, "Brother Dugu, first thing tomorrow morning, the money and the spirit bone will certainly be sent to by Ning."

"Hmm." Dugu Bo nodded indifferently.

"I'm not afraid of you reneging on your debt anyway."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at the hall, "Since the auction has ended, please feel free to make yourselves comfortable for the rest of the night."

The crowd smiled and began to disperse one by one.

Ning Fengzhi returned to Sword Douluo's side, greeted Xue Qinghe, and headed towards Ning Rongrong.

Ghost Douluo, on the other hand, walked with the group to Dugu Bo's side and called out, "Brother Dugu, please stay."

"Something wrong?" Dugu Bo, who was about to head towards Lin Manshan, stopped his steps and turned around to ask.

Ghost Douluo arched his hand, "I only came here to resolve past grudges. In the matter of that year, I also know the helplessness of Brother Dugu, and there is really no need to bear grudges." With that, he pulled out a refined wooden box from his spirit tool, "This is a thousand-year-old ginseng king, consider it as a gift to amend, what does Brother Dugu have in mind?"

What's so rare about a thousand-year-old ginseng king? There are several ten-thousand-year-old plants in my garden. Dugu Bo skimmed his mouth, although there was still resentment in his heart, he still accepted the wooden box with vigour, "Alright, I'll accept this gift. Back then, I was indeed wrong to begin with, and after being hunted down by you for nearly 10 years, and being on the verge of death several times, it is also considered to be a justifiable punishment. This matter is over, in the future, our well water will not interfere with your river water."

Back then, his son's poison attacks were serious, and his body became more and more fragile day by day, and he was really desperate. Chrysanthemum Douluo loves his flowers like life and is good at cultivating medicinal herbs, his lifetime collection of precious medicinal herbs was countless. But with the character of Chrysanthemum Douluo, he certainly will not allow a plant to be picked easily, not to mention that he wants a large number of them, kneeling and begging for it is useless, so he can only take the risk and steal them.

But he was not promoted to Titled Douluo level at that time, so naturally he couldn't escape from the eyes of Chrysanthemum Douluo, who had already become a Titled Douluo, and was discovered and hunted down afterwards. If it were not for his control spirit skills, and the ability to amplify the range of poison to delay, coupled with his running speed, he would have accounted for his crime long ago.

However, Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't trouble his family back then, and was considered a principle-abiding fellow. It's just that after being hunted down for so long, he has been holding his breath in his heart.

Most importantly, right now it is necessary to buy enough time for his granddaughter and grandson-in-law to grow up, so some grudges should be let go. However, Chrysanthemum, you wait for me, sooner or later one day I will uprightly beat the shit out of you...Dugu Bo inwardly noted down quietly. Well water does not interfere with river water, but normal sparring is always fine right?

"That's fine, then I won't disturb Brother Dugu." Ghost Douluo smiled and bowed his hand to leave.

Dugu Bo walked next to Lin Manshan in large strides.

"Greetings, Senior Dugu." Su Yuntao was instantly a little formal.

"No need to be formal, I don't have that many rules here." Dugu Bo waved his hand and said indifferently.

Su Yuntao laughed awkwardly, still being a little formal, and drank fruit juice to hide his inner nervousness.

In a short while, the red-faced mother-in-law Bai Xue and Yun Qian arrived with Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

Followed by his father-in-law Shui Chaozong with his head held high, his face is no longer withered and haggard, but full of vitality, it seems like he is living a good life during this period.

Looking at each other, the things between men can only be understood and can not be conveyed in words.

Not long after, mother-in-law Ye Xintang also brought people over.

Su Yuntao, as an outsider, felt a great deal of pressure, greeted Lin Manshan and excused himself.

It was said that three women make a show, let alone a group of women, so Lin Manshan and the men quickly ran away and came to another corner to chat awkwardly.

Then they saw Ning Fengzhi walk over with Ning Rongrong in tow.

"Greetings City Lord Shui, Lady Shui," The few people greeted politely.

After it was over, Ning Fengzhi's gaze went to Lin Manshan, his smile was amiable, and he stated his intentions with a sense of purpose, "Little friend Lin, I've come here this time mainly in the hope that you'll prepare some pills for my daughter. Don't worry, in terms of medicinal herbs my clan does have some reserves, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Sect Master Ning, if you're referring to helping with martial soul defects, I'm afraid that I can't do anything about it at this point in time." Lin Manshan pretended to be unaware of his intentions and said helplessly, "When it comes to healing the sick and saving people, Junior does have a small amount of experience. But as for the study of martial souls, junior can be considered to know very little."

"It doesn't matter, being able to help prepare some beneficial pills would be sufficient." Ning Fengzhi smiled warmly.

Dugu Bo was instantly alert, "Sect Master Ning, may I ask where you learnt that Man'er would be able to refine such pills?"

Next to him, Shui Chaozong glanced at Ning Rongrong, whose gaze was somewhat evasive beside Ning Fengzhi, and then recalled that his own daughter had just quietly described to him the battle at the Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena and that Yu Xiaogang was none other than the leader of the Shrek Battle Team, and his mind stirred, and he hastened to interject, "Uncle Bo, I've heard that the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team went out to the Great Spirit Arena of the various major cities to compete as a travelling team a couple of months ago."

Nicely done!

Dugu Bo inwardly nodded in approval, and his eyes narrowed, "It seems like someone doesn't take my words seriously at all."


The uninformed melon eaters instantly listened with their ears sideways.

Lin Manshan would be able to refine pills that are beneficial to the body, and Ning Fengzhi had personally brought his daughter to ask for help in refining them, so this pill might not be too bad in terms of its effects. Furthermore, it sounded like someone from the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team had leaked this matter to Ning Fengzhi despite Dugu Bo's warning, who could it be?

It seemed like there was only one person in the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team who could have this background and guts.

''Crap, what has Tianheng done now?'' The head of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan instantly felt his heart go cold.

It was Yu Tianheng who leaked the secret to Yu Xiaogang, and then Yu Xiaogang told this to the other people in Shrek Academy. Ghost Douluo, who knew that the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team had lost to the Shrek Battle Team in the Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena, was instantly overjoyed in his heart.

Yu Xiaogang, I would like to thank you!

However, Yu Xiaogang, you are a really big smart guy, it's fine for Yu Tianheng to reveal it privately on account of you being a close uncle. Such an important matter, how dare you say it to an outsider, don't you know that there is someone in your team named Ning Rongrong, and her father's name is Ning Fengzhi?

This time Dugu Bo might hold a grudge against the entire Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan... With a glance at Yu Xiaogang standing on the other side of the hall, Ghost Douluo only wanted to say one thing at this time.

Well done!


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