Chapter 144 Think individually (2 in 1)

Outside Heaven Dou City, on the carriage.

"Hmph! That Lin Manshan was targeting Xiaogang and deliberately stirring up discord." Liu Erlong had an indignant look on her face, "The medicinal bath that Xiaogang prepared was something that Boss and I had personally experienced before, and we didn't sense the slightest damage to our bodies at all, only benefits."

Because you guys have Beast Martial Soul. Zhao Wuji, who was sitting next to Flender, glanced over and thought to himself.

Lin Manshan had already made it very clear to others that Ning Rongrong, because she is an auxiliary spirit master and a girl, has a weak physique, which is why some of the medicinal power couldn't be absorbed and was hoarded in the body, transforming into impurities.

Although I didn't understand it, it felt quite reasonable.

Moreover, Ning Rongrong's physique was indeed not good enough, when she first entered Shrek Academy and participated in training, she was exhausted just by running around the academy.

Hey, after all, she was born in a famous family and was pampered.

He took a quick glance at Oscar next to him, and couldn't help but worry a little inside, Oscar is also an auxiliary spirit master, and his physique is also weak, and it is unknown whether soaking in a medicinal bath for so long has left any impurities in his body, and whether it will affect his future cultivation.

Innate full spirit power auxiliary martial soul should have the qualification to promote to the Titled Douluo level, hope it will not be wasted.

Back then, they did follow the formula given by Yu Xiaogang to prepare the medicine as prescribed.

Moreover, isn't it normal to target him?

Who let your Yu Xiaogang deliberately dig a pit and mess with a child when he was staying in the Primary Spirit Master Academy?

Hey, I don't know if Ning Fengzhi will let Rongrong drop out. Flender is also worried, in Suotuo City, the reason why the Shrek Battle Team can win over the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team, can be greatly attributed to Ning Rongrong's auxiliary enhancement, which directly narrowed the gap between the two teams' hard power. If Ning Rongrong withdraws from the team, then the Shrek Battle Team's combat strength will absolutely plummet, and in the Spirit Master Tournament, it will be very difficult for them to make any waves.

The way Sword Douluo had looked at Yu Xiaogang earlier, he was clearly displeased and was definitely angry.

"Erlong, there is no need to be angry. These empty words, I've long been used to them." Yu Xiaogang shook his head slightly.

"The medicinal bath I dispensed for Rongrong back then had already cut down on the dosage, so by all rights, it should be fine."

Other people talk about matching the medicinal properties, perfectly adapting to the physique, and absorbing it would not have any side effects, while you cut the overall dose, the messy medicinal power that the body can't absorb still can't be absorbed as usual. This explanation of yours is not even close to explaining what was said. Dai Mubai was speechless inside when he heard it.

In the future, I still have to rely on this team to win Dai Weisi, so it can't be disbanded. Looking up at the group, he spoke with a sigh, "Honestly, this really can't be blamed on the Master."

The crowd's eyes were instantly drawn.

"A person who learnt medicine like Lin Manshan, who can formulate customised medicines for others specifically to achieve perfect absorption, how many people like him can there be in the world? With auxiliary spirit masters around, fewer spirit masters on the continent are willing to spend time researching medicinal herbs and learning medical principles to cure the sick and save people. As a matter of fact, we, Spirit Masters don't usually get sick at all. As for ordinary people, most of them can only come into contact with ordinary medicinal herbs, and the medical skills they have learnt are only enough to treat ordinary illnesses. If they don't even have any spirit power themselves, how can they study ways to formulate medicines for use in aiding cultivation?"

"In addition, as far as I know, in today's Spirit Master world, even the big families, most of them take medicines according to the prescribed formulas, and it's impossible to ensure that not a single impurity is left behind after consumption. Quite a few clans, don't even have a formula yet."

"That's right, that's right, Spirit Masters are all busy cultivating, who would bother to study these." Liu Erlong followed and agreed.

Then she skimmed her mouth and laughed out coldly, "Only poorly-qualified Lin Manshan, Dugu Bo who is poisoned, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, whose martial souls are inherently flawed would spend their time on this kind of thing. If they weren't forced by reality, would they be willing to do such things?"

"Moreover, Xiaogang's formula can be much more effective than some of the big clans."

"This is true." Flender nodded, 'After all, it was obtained from the Martial Spirit Hall and has long been tested by countless spirit masters in real life.' With a small secret sigh, he shook his head in emotion.

"If they weren't forced to do so, what spirit master would put their time into something that delays their cultivation?"

Upon hearing this, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and the others all looked relieved, a formula that even the big families didn't have, it was already good enough for them to be able to benefit from it as civilian spirit masters.

However, when they thought of Lin Manshan being able to prepare a better one, they couldn't help but feel a strong envy welling up inside.

If there is not even the slightest impurity in my body, achieving the legendary Unsullied Body from my previous life, I think my cultivation speed will be even faster, sitting next to Yu Xiaogang, Tang San quietly thought, in his previous life, he was a person who pursued perfection, or else he couldn't have created the Buddha's Fury Tang Lotus. For the body impurities, he also wanted to clear it, so that his own cultivation speed would be able to go further.

Moreover, he is not content and unwilling to lag behind others.

Although they are from the same village, he has a Twin Martial Soul, Innate Full Spirit Power, a talent that is rare in the world. On the other hand, Lin Manshan, his martial soul only had innate level 3 spirit power, a talent that is below average.

The gap between the two could be described as a world of difference, but now, Lin Manshan had actually overtaken him.

In addition to not having a Twin Martial Soul, in other aspects, Lin Manshan now has a hidden tendency to surpass him.

To be surpassed by an indigenous child after two lifetimes of being a human being was really hard for him to accept.

In addition, he couldn't beat Lin Manshan before, if Lin Manshan had really resolved the qualification issue by quenching away the impurities in his body through medicine now. Together with being able to use medicine to assist, his cultivation speed might be able to match or even surpass that of him who has the Mysterious Heaven Skill.

In that case, wouldn't it be even harder to win in the future.

Then how would the revenge for hurting Xiao Wu, the revenge for seriously injuring him, be avenged?

Thinking of these, his fists couldn't help but clench a little tighter, looking for Lin Manshan's help would definitely not be an option, the two of them had long formed a feud, and he himself wouldn't be able to refine a similar elixir, nor did he have the strength to go out and look for immortal herbs.

'Let's hope that father's side will yield some results.'

Now he could only pin his hopes on his father, Tang Hao.


On the other side, in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

Inside a meeting hall, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo were gathered together.

During the process of reading the Immortal Herb Catalogue, Ning Fengzhi also told Bone Douluo about what had happened in detail.

Shortly after, Bone Douluo, who had finished reading it, spoke out with emotion, "I never thought that there would be such miraculous things in the world. In the past, I had also heard that there were miraculous things in the world that could help Spirit Masters in their cultivation, but I just treated them as foreign objects and disdained them. Now it seems that I have a shallow understanding."

"It is just their birth conditions are too harsh, it is really hard to find them, each plant has to survive in a unique environment for a thousand or ten thousand years to become an Immortal Herb. So to be able to have such a medicinal effect, it is truly a matter of course." Sword Douluo had a helpless look on his face, "It's no wonder that Dugu Bo is willing to take it out and sell it, just as he said, in the present era, it is estimated that it can only be found in certain unexplored forests or in isolated places where humans have never set foot before. And these places are very dangerous to explore without a certain level of strength."

"Moreover, Dugu Bo has been searching for decades, and it is estimated that he has long scurried through the normal dangerous places."

"Perhaps, these places were not only searched by him, but also by those who knew the information about the Immortal Herb for countless years in the past, and thus even Dugu Bo returned with no luck."

"In that case, we bought a losing deal?" Bone Douluo smacked his lips.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "It's better than the Martial Spirit Hall getting it, besides, it's also considered to be leaving a glimmer of hope for future generations."

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo fell silent, and they understood that Ning Fengzhi was referring to the flaw of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul.

"Fengzhi, there's no need to worry. With my strength, it's more than enough to break into the vast majority of the extreme environmental regions on the continent. When the Spirit Master Tournament is over I'll go out for a walk and try my luck, it might even be beneficial to my cultivation." Sword Douluo smiled, "The fact that I haven't made a breakthrough in so many years might just be because I've stayed in one place for too long."

At those words, Ning Fengzhi had no reason to refute him, so he could only smile and nod slightly, "That's fine."

Then he heard Sword Douluo shake his head slightly and speak in a relaxed tone, "It's just a pity that child Ah Man was short-changed by that old fellow Dugu Bo, or else with Ah Man's heart and talent, he would definitely be the best candidate for Rongrong's husband. Whether it's his achievements when he grows up, or his unique method of using medicines, his value to the clan is far beyond that of a single Immortal Herb."

"It's just that there are too many love debts on him." Bone Douluo rebutted nitpickingly.

Sword Douluo glanced at him, "At least he dares to take responsibility, like a man, look at that Dai Mubai."

"Don't compare with the inferior ones." Bone Douluo bristled, "Besides, that kid now has a grudge against Yu Xiaogang, especially Tang San, can't you see how much that kid holds a grudge? If Rongrong follows him, the saying that the upper three clans are in the same breath will become nonsense."

In his opinion, if Lin Manshan joined the Clan, in the future, he might be able to grow into a top combatant like Tang Hao, adding strong help to the Clan, but at the same time, he would also destroy the alliance between the Upper Three Clans, the impact of which might not necessarily be in the Clan's favour.

After all, although Lin Manshan's medical skills are strong, they are limited by medicinal herbs and won't be able to create a large number of high-end combatants, and they also can't solve the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Soul Flaw.

Just being personally powerful, it would be difficult to lead the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, which was founded by Auxiliary Spirit Masters, to overwhelm other top forces.

Especially since this force also includes Clear Sky Clan and Martial Spirit Hall.

With the current situation, the alliance between the upper three clans still had to be maintained, even if it was only on the surface.

"That sentence was just nonsense in the first place!"

Sword Douluo snorted coldly, "Tang Yuehua was very perfunctory when she traded the information about the Immortal Herbs with us before. As for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, let alone the fact that they are stubbornly stuck in their ways, their current generation is not as good as the previous one."

"Especially that Yu Xiaogang, it's infuriating to talk about him."

"He is indeed infuriating." Bone Douluo didn't retort this time, but instead coldly grunted out.

"For Yu Yuanzhen to have had a son like him, he has also met with the bad luck of his eight lifetimes, even after leaving the clan, he is still causing trouble for the clan."

"The point is, he even spread the fire to our heads."

"If it wasn't for those disgraceful things he did at Nuoding Academy back then, which completely provoked Lin Manshan, how would the situation have developed into what it is now? Based on the current situation, although Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo are not holding a grudge against us, given the relationship between the upper three clans, coupled with the fact that Rongrong is still enrolled in Shrek Academy, they won't get too close to us no matter what."

"Furthermore, the impurity problem within Rongrong's body is also caused by him."

Saying that he turned his head to look at Ning Fengzhi, "Fengzhi, why don't we let Rongrong withdraw from that academy."

"Let's not talk about how good this person, Yu Xiaogang, is at teaching, just because of his character, I can't stand him teaching our little girl. Didn't you hear what Rongrong said? He has become a so-called spiritual couple with Liu Erlong, isn't that just a trick?"

"Moreover, you know what kind of people Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun in the Shrek battle team are. Staying with such people, I'm afraid that Rongrong will be led astray."

"Ah, Uncle Bone, this is something I've thought about as well." Ning Fengzhi had a helpless look on his face, "But, all the other things can be ignored, only that Tang San, who has Twin Martial Soul, Innate Full Spirit Power, such a talent, in my opinion, Clear Sky Clan will never ignore it, and in the future, it's highly likely that he will recognise his ancestor and take the helm of the Clear Sky Clan."

"Moreover, although the nature of the heart shown today is not good, his leadership talent is already reflected."

"Today's Shrek Battle Team is already vaguely respecting him."

"In addition, Oscar and Xiao Wu in the team are both Innate Full Spirit Power, not a bad talent. That Ma Hongjun's Fire Phoenix Martial Soul has flaws, but its quality is also extremely high. If they all grew up and were all taken under Tang San's wing, it would undoubtedly be a terrifying force. Both an important aid against the Martial Spirit Hall in the future and at the same time, a hidden threat that is not trivial to us."

"Other than that, the hidden weapons made by Tang San are just too significant for the Clan to ignore." Ning Fengzhi sighed, "And by having Rongrong stay there, we can maintain the partnership in the hidden weapon trade as well as keep a watchful eye on them at all times. This time, we were able to know that Tang San is Tang Hao's son, understands the relevant information about Lin Manshan, and learn that Tang San has the Immortal Herb information in his hands, all because Rongrong was there."

"In addition, if Rongrong can maintain a good relationship with Tang San and the others, when Tang San really takes the helm of the Clear Sky Clan in the future, as long as the Martial Spirit Hall doesn't decline, this friendly relationship will be maintained. At least for a long period of time, it will be beneficial to us."

"Since we can't eliminate him in advance, then we can only befriend him while keeping track of his movements at the same time. This point also applies when it comes to dealing with Lin Manshan. Right now, Dugu Bo is a fatal threat to any force, and since we don't have certainty in eliminating this threat, we can only try to befriend as much as possible. In fact, we have no other choice when it comes to handling these matters."

"Sigh, Dugu Bo after the evolution of his martial soul is indeed not easy to deal with." Sword Douluo also looked helpless.

"Is he really that strong?" Bone Douluo was still somewhat unconvinced.

"Not strong, but fast." Sword Douluo gave his assessment, "If we were to fight head-on, you and I would have a chance to defeat him. But when counting his formidable flying ability and movement speed, in today's world, the person who can have absolute certainty of defeating him, apart from the two Great Mountains of the Spirit Master World back then, Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen, I really can't find anyone amongst the Titled Douluos that I'm aware of." Saying that, he stroked his chin.

"In addition, if I'm not mistaken, the movement ability that Dugu Bo demonstrated after landing today, which was comparable to instantaneous movement is most likely a self-created spirit skill in which spirit power is utilised on the legs to achieve instantaneous acceleration, and it's the kind that can be inherited."

"What!?" Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo were instantly stunned.

"Fengzhi, old bone, have you forgotten what Rongrong said back then? In that battle between the Shrek Battle Team and the Skywalker Battle Team at the Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena, under Tang San's instructions, she used a hidden weapon with her teammates to besiege Shui Bing'er. According to Flender's description afterwards, at that time, Lin Manshan had used instantaneous acceleration skill to rush directly in front of Shui Bing'er, and used an ability that could harden his arms to fend off the hidden weapons." Sword Douluo said with a slight nod.

"Perhaps that ability to harden the arm is also a self-created spirit skill that could be inherited."

"If that's the case, then I'm afraid that Dugu Bo's purpose for creating the Skywalker Academy isn't as simple as it seems." Ning Fengzhi's face was grave, "Moreover, Dugu Bo's actual battle power might be even more powerful than what was displayed today."

He had tested the power of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, it was enough to kill a Spirit Ancestor at a short distance, and Lin Manshan was able to block the flurry of shots from the Godly Zhuge Crossbow without any injuries by using his Spirit Elder's body to perform his arm-hardening ability, and with this kind of defensive power, if Dugu Bo as a Titled Douluo was to use it, how terrifying would it be. Not to mention that Dugu Bo's martial soul had already evolved, and it was still a dragon-type martial soul, so the enhancement to the physical body would definitely not be low.

"Fengzhi, do you think we can unite with the Clear Sky Clan and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan to surround and kill him?" Bone Douluo couldn't help but ask.

"Stop messing around, do those guys from the Clear Sky Clan dare to come out right now? The Martial Spirit Hall is staring at them." Sword Douluo immediately glared at him, "The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan is even more of a problem, they are now relying on Old Dragon alone to hold up the fort, they wouldn't dare to take this kind of risk."

"Moreover, the consequences are too serious." Sword Douluo shook his head, "Dugu Bo is now living in Skywalker Academy, less than a hundred miles away from our clan, once we fail, our clan will definitely be the first to bear the brunt. Dugu Bo isn't stupid, something like grabbing Dugu Yan and the others and forcing him to give in, he's well aware of the consequences. Therefore, it is likely that he will first counterattack and retaliate against our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, killing the chicken to make an example to the monkey and forcing other forces to intervene. Other than that, Heaven Dou City is 30 miles away from Skywalker Academy, so do you think that Xue Ye would not interfere?"

"So as long as it doesn't succeed in one try, at least our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan is doomed."

"." Bone Douluo's face stiffened.

"Uncle Chen is right, we can't afford the consequences of it." Ning Fengzhi shook his head, his fingers tapping the desktop, "Besides, our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan doesn't have any conflicts with the Skywalker Academy, so there's no need to stir up trouble."

Saying so, his gaze chilled, "In addition, a change in the position of the upper three clans might not be a bad idea."

"Eh?" Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo's faces immediately froze, then they looked at each other, and their eyes narrowed.

The former nodded slightly, "Indeed it's not bad, getting along with people like Dugu Bo and Lin Manshan who have clear-cut grudges is much better than certain people who have one set of words on their lips and one set of words behind their backs, who are perfunctory when there are benefits and sell out their teammates when things go wrong. Don't forget about the four single attribute families, what a pity."

The latter interjected with a cold smile:

"There are also some old guys who are stuck in their old ways and don't do a thing, what's the point of having such an ally."

"In that case, tomorrow morning I'll send someone to bring a message to Flender, to let Rongrong stay home for a few more days. When that child Lin Manshan has refined the medicine, we can also see how the effect will be after Rongrong takes it, and it won't be too late to let Rongrong return to the academy after that." Ning Fengzhi smiled, then turned his head to look at Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, "As for the problem of the impurities in Rongrong's body, the formula for the medicinal bath to strengthen the roots and cultivate the vitality of the body isn't something that any force can have. Yu Xiaogang has actually given Rongrong the best, so we don't need to blame him too much."

"In addition, Uncle Chen, tomorrow morning, you go to the Skywalker Academy for a trip, and bring all the rare medicinal herbs from the clan's collection as well, so that Lin Manshan can count and familiarise himself with the herbs on the spot. In this way, it will also be convenient to check with Dugu Bo later on."

"As for the spirit bone, let's use that piece of the left leg bone of the Netherwolf."

Sword Douluo understood in a second and nodded, "Good!"

Netherwolf, a common pack-type spirit beast on the continent, the quality of the spirit bone could only be considered average, but the attributes did fit extremely well with the martial souls of the Zhu Clan trio.

Well, as long as it wasn't suitable for the likes of Dugu Bo, Dugu Yan, and Shui Bing'er, who possessed top-tier martial souls, anything would do.

Ning Fengzhi nodded and slowly got up.

"Let's call it a night, then."


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