Chapter 147 There is no more Yu Xiaogang in the world (2 in 1)

Spirit City, The Supreme Pontiff Palace.

"That boy can really refine such a miraculous medicine?"

Before Bibi Dong on the throne had spoken, Chrysanthemum Douluo, who was now beside Ghost Douluo, had already exclaimed in shock. He felt his three views had been drastically impacted, after decades of dabbling with medicinal herbs, he couldn't even compare to a junior.

Damn it, what's wrong with this world?

"Confirmed to be true." Ghost Douluo didn't give a damn about the nearby Chrysanthemum Douluo, facing Bibi Dong, he continued:

"When Ning Rongrong was on her way back to Shrek Academy, I personally went to investigate. From the spirit power fluctuations emanating from Ning Rongrong's body, it's obvious that she has just made a breakthrough, and comparing it to when she attended the banquet, her strength has increased by more than 1 level, and I believe that she's not far from level 29."

"And, this news should be spreading soon, at that time, there were also other forces in Heaven Dou City who were spying on Ning Rongrong along the streets. In addition, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's subordinate industries have already made their moves, and they should already be scavenging for rare medicinal herbs by now."

With a contemplative look on her face, Bibi Dong then asked, "Elder Ghost, with Dugu Bo's current strength, do you and Elder Chrysanthemum have a chance to use your Martial Soul Fusion Skill to take him down in one fell swoop?"

"This, I'm afraid there is no chance." Ghost Douluo's face stiffened, "Dugu Bo's speed is too fast, your subordinate and Yue Guan need preparation time to execute the Martial Soul Fusion Skill, and although the gap is short, it's already enough for Dugu Bo to distance himself."

"In addition, according to your subordinate's observation."

"Dugu Bo should have learnt some sort of self-created spirit skill in which the spirit power used on the legs to achieve an instant speed boost. And this skill seems to be the same as the one Lin Manshan used when he fought against the Shrek Team Warriors in the Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena."

"Inheritable self-created spirit skill!" Chrysanthemum Douluo beside him was immediately startled, while Bibi Dong, who was in the high seat, narrowed her eyes.

Amazing speed and a martial soul ability that could poison and kill spirit masters below the Titled Douluo in a wide range was undoubtedly a huge threat.

As for Lin Manshan, his medical skills were superb, and now that he has solved the qualification problem, his talent is amazing.

Moreover, he has a deep grudge against Yu Xiaogang master and disciple duo.

Hehe, Innate Full Spirit Power, family name Tang, Yu Xiaogang, do you really think I can't guess?

Raising her head, she looked down from the high seat, "Elder Ghost, later on, you go to Nana to fetch two drops of blood, and then immediately set off and rush to Skywalker Academy." Saying that, she turned her head to look at Chrysanthemum Douluo, "Elder Chrysanthemum, you should follow along as well. With your medical skills, you might be able to see something from the sidelines."

The spirit tool for storing living things is something that Martial Spirit Hall also has, so she doesn't need to worry about the blood storage issue.

As soon as the words fell, a thick voice suddenly resounded through the grand hall, "On the way, go and find Xue'er to ask for a portion of blood for that child to look at."

As the voice echoed, golden light filled the centre of the hall, and a middle-aged man clad in golden armour appeared out of thin air.

Bibi Dong's face instantly turned gloomy.

"Greetings to the Great Worship." Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Although the one they serve is Bibi Dong, the one in front of them is a Limit Douluo, they couldn't afford to mess with him.

Qian Daoliu didn't give a damn about the two, his gaze was indifferent as he looked at Bibi Dong, "I believe that I am qualified to make this decision."

Bibi Dong's face was glum, as she squeezed out a voice from between her teeth, "You may!"

Seeing this, Qian Daoliu turned to look at Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and faintly said, "I'm authorising you the permission to mobilise all the treasured herbs of the Martial Spirit Hall, so you can go and fetch them directly later on, and also avoid the need to make a trip back and forth again."

After saying that, with a flash of golden light, his figure directly disappeared.

"Go down." Bibi Dong's faint voice also came out.

"Yes." Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo were trembling and hurriedly bowed and made a run for it.

On the other side, Heaven Dou City Shrek Academy, the forest hut.

On a winter night, the wind was cold and chilly, causing the doors and windows to creak, the lights inside the house were swaying, and on the wooden bed that was not spacious, there was a gentle call, "Xiaogang, still thinking about Xiao San's departure? Don't worry, he was just taken out for special training by his father, it's not like he won't come back."

"No, just a bit unable to sleep." Yu Xiaogang said, his body couldn't help but move a little further away.

In recent days, Liu Erlong had been drilling into his room at night and dead set on not leaving, making him helpless. Once or twice was fine, many times in a row, even the instructors and students in the academy dormitory were looking at him a little differently.

In order to avoid things from fermenting further, he had no choice but to compromise and follow Liu Erlong into the forest hut, and then, as usual, Liu Erlong burrowed into his room.

With no hard power and no way to resist, in the end, he could only sleep in the same bed.

These days, he had been having a tormenting time.

Just as the words left his mouth, he felt something warm behind him.

"Xiaogang, are you going to keep running away like this?" A slightly sultry voice was heard.

"Erlong, sleep. Give me some more time, when the Spirit Master Tournament is over, we can go to some faraway place wherever you want, and I'll listen to you."

Is Xiaogang unable to leave Tang San, his personal disciple, behind? However, from what he said, he's prepared to leave Tang San behind when the Spirit Master Tournament is over, and then take me far away. Although her heart was still a little lost, Liu Erlong's face was crawling with joy.

"Hm." Lightly responding, she put on some of her clothes and once again wrapped her arms around Yu Xiaogang's waist.

This time, Yu Xiaogang did not struggle.

Soon, the sound of even breathing was heard.

Creaking and crunching, the sound of fingers grinding echoed in the air, muffled by the sound of the cold wind whistling. In the open space not far from the bed in the room, a middle-aged man stood trembling, his fists clenched, his eyes red.

After a long silence, he slowly turned around and left the wooden hut, took a firm step, and walked to the stone chair not far from the door to sit down.

The next day, early morning.

Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong woke up one after another.

After putting on the clothes, Liu Erlong's lips laced with a smile, smilingly walked up quickly to hold Yu Xiaogang's arm, the latter helplessly shook his head, and was dragged by Liu Erlong into the bathroom to wash up, to be washed up, and walked out of the bedroom arm in arm.

They came to the living room and pushed open the door.

Their faces turned pale in unison.

Swish both hands loosened, Yu Xiaogang's voice trembled a little, "Second... second..." as if something stuck in his throat.

Liu Erlong dashed and jumped in front of Yu Xiaogang, reaching out to block him, her eyes stubbornly staring straight ahead at the middle-aged man sitting on a stone chair, "No one is allowed to hurt Xiaogang!"

She now finally understood who it was that pushed open the window last night. With a scruffy beard, messy hair, and sunken eyes, it was obvious that he had been sitting outside all night last night.

His eyes were bloodshot, and although he didn't show any anger, that indifferent look was chilling.

Yu Xiaogang lowered his head, trembling, and did not utter a word.

Yu Luomian slowly stood up, his eyes looked at Liu Erlong, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, ''Twenty years, twenty years have passed, huh? Erlong, when you wanted to start an academy, I ran around to find connections and helped you. I thought that by managing an academy, you would be able to slowly forget about that past and start a new life. I didn't even dare to appear in front of you for fear of you getting angry at seeing me."

"But why!"

"You can choose whoever you want, why did you choose him out of all the others?"

Saying that he turned his head to look at Yu Xiaogang, his eyes bloodshot, "Obviously you have fled, fled for twenty years, why did you come back? Why do you want to mess with my daughter again? If you guys combine, have you ever thought about what the consequences would be?"

"Have you thought about your father, if you do this, how will you let him face his ancestors after he dies? How will you let me face my ancestors after I die?"

"Have you thought about how outsiders will view the Yu family if this spreads out? Have you thought about your own offspring? Will they carry any illness, will they be criticised?"

"When they grow up and learn the truth, what will they think of their own father and mother?"

"None! These consequences never cross your mind; all you think of is always yourself."

"That's why you, a man of several dozen years old, would fool a six-year-old into absorbing a mismatched spirit ring to confirm your own theories. That's why you used Tianheng's trust in you to obtain information and then threw your head back and informed outsiders, provoking Dugu Bo, who is strong enough to wipe out a family."

"Have you thought about it, if you didn't have a background of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, how many times would you have already died?"

"Outside, you claim to have broken away from the family, so why don't you change your name and present yourself?"

"Think about the things you've done over the years, which one of them wasn't sheltered by the family's background behind it? If you didn't have a family background, with your martial soul talent and strength, could you have entered the Spirit City back then? Could you have urged the dean of Nuoding Academy to expel a student? Do you believe that he is interested in your knowledge and let you stay in the academy for decades to eat and drink for free? He valued your background!"

"But you, how much trouble have you caused the family over the years?"

"Yu Xiaogang, when exactly will you grow up!?"

He almost roared out, frightening Yu Xiaogang so much that he turned pale and trembled.

Yu Luomian turned his head again to look at Liu Erlong, whose face was equally pale after hearing the consequences, and his tone was indifferent.

"If I didn't happen to bump into it last night, would I have multiple grandchildren or nephews in the future?"

"No!" Liu Erlong immediately knelt down and begged, "We are fine with not having children, we can go far away in the future, find a place where no one lives and live in seclusion, and be a spiritual couple until we die of old age, and it definitely won't affect the reputation of the Yu Family."

"Father, please, Xiaogang and I truly love each other."

Yu Xiaogang's lips trembled and opened and closed as if something was stuck in his throat.

He just couldn't spit out a single word.

Liu Erlong's words, this kneeling down, directly made Yu Luomian's body tremble in anger, and his face turned a shade of purple.

Then he violently laughed out loud to the sky, ''Hahaha, sin, what a sin. What exactly did I, Yu Luomian, do wrong to endure such a punishment."

After saying that, pointing his finger at Yu Xiaogang, he looked down at Liu Erlong and laughed coldly, "Erlong, just look at him, he's still the same as he was before, just as cowardly, he still can't say a word even after you've knelt down, how does he look like a man worthy of being entrusted with your life."

"So be it, so be it" Looking at Liu Erlong whose eyes were red, and both eyes were filled with tears, Yu Luomian shook his head, and looked up at Yu Xiaogang, "Yu Xiaogang, I came here this time to inform you that you have been removed from the family tree by the Clan Elders, and this is the result of the deliberation of all the Elders. From now on, you are not allowed to use the Yu family name to present yourself, if there is any violation, you will be eliminated!"

At those words, Yu Xiaogang's body shook a little. Back then, he had left the clan of his own volition, not being expelled from the clan, this was not the same thing at all.

But now, his name was removed from the family tree...

However, Yu Luomian hadn't finished speaking.

"Also, since you guys want to be a spiritual couple and live together, fine! Then I will fulfil your wishes."

As the words fell, his aura exploded violently, before Liu Erlong, who was kneeling on the ground had time to react, she was knocked back from the spot, her back slamming against the edge of the door, while Yu Xiaogang, who was weak in strength, was directly kicked into the house.


Liu Erlong cried out hoarsely, and as soon as her spirit power was mobilised, a black shadow had already flashed past her eyes and knocked her back with an extremely strong burst of spirit power.

In just a blink of an eye, "Ah!" Yu Xiaogang's mournful screams resounded from within the house, and then it instantly subsided.

Liu Erlong hurriedly crawled up to look towards the house, and her eyes instantly widened in anger. Yu Xiaogang lay hunched over quietly on the ground, the floor beneath him dyed bright red.

"Xiaogang!" Shrieking in shock, Liu Erlong rolled and crawled towards the direction of Yu Xiaogang.

On the other hand, Yu Luomian directly turned towards the door, indifferent words echoing in the air, "Since he has already been removed from the genealogy, then for the sake of the family's stability, there is no need for his bloodline to be passed on, and my bloodline doesn't need to be tainted by this kind of waste. Liu Erlong, from now on, the father-daughter relationship between us is also severed as well, if you want to take revenge, come to me."

Only mournful sobs remained in the house.

"So ruthless!?"

The Sword Douluo standing on the tree in the distance was dumbfounded. Originally he was thinking of stopping by to spice things up secretly, but he never expected Yu Luomian to directly resolve the matter personally and came up with an even more ruthless solution.

This is to burst the eggs with a kick on the spot.

A trace of unbearableness flashed across his face, slightly shaking his head, he turned around and left.

After an unknown period of time, in the bedroom, Yu Xiaogang was lying on the bed neatly dressed, a young woman in blue clothes was holding a sceptre in her hand that flashed with light, shrouding the pale-faced Yu Xiaogang, and as the light infiltrated the body, his face gradually regained its rosy colour.

Liu Erlong looked haggard and watched with a worried face.

The force of Yu Luomian's kick was extremely heavy, cracking even his pelvis, leaving not a single chance to repair it.

This kind of thing was an unacceptable blow to any man, and the fewer people knew about it, the better it would be. Therefore, after providing Yu Xiaogang with emergency treatment and changing him into brand-new clothes, she didn't inform anyone and called in a healing martial soul instructor from the academy to help with the treatment.

Not long after, seeing that Yu Xiaogang's aura was stable, the woman stopped the healing and excused herself to leave.

"Xiaogang." Liu Erlong immediately plopped down on the bed and let out a cry.

On the other hand, Zhao Wuji, who was watching Dai Mubai and the others train, turned his head to look at the entrance of the training ground, raised his eyebrows, and said in a cheap tone, "Hehehe, Flender, Master and Erlong haven't been here for this long, it seems that things have already come to fruition last night."

"When he comes over later, make sure to let him treat us." Flender's eyes flashed a hint of bleakness, but he still said with a smile on his face.

"Well, that's right, he must have to treat us." Zhao Wuji nodded repeatedly.


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