Chapter 149 Refining Medicine and Fishing

Four days later, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo once again came to Skywalker Academy.

Inside the guest hall, Dugu Bo handed the prescription to Ghost Douluo, "Here, this is the prescription."

Saying that, he raised his chin towards the direction of Chrysanthemum Douluo, "Old 'Chrysanthemum' should know what it is about, let him see if the prescription is real or fake, after reading it, hand over the medicinal materials."

"Good." Ghost Douluo took the prescription and handed it over to Chrysanthemum Douluo.

For Dugu Bo's habit of picking up nicknames, Chrysanthemum Douluo was sort of immune to it, skimming his lips, he took the prescription and looked down at it. The more he looked, the wider his eyes became, and the more shocked his face appeared, and when he saw the final efficacy assessment at the bottom, he was even more shocked.

Raising his head, his face clouded with uncertainty, he looked towards Lin Manshan, "Young friend Lin, if you want to produce this elixir, you need to fuse dozens of herbs with different medicinal properties, apart from the difference in medicinal power, it's almost the same as creating your own immortal herb, are you really sure about this?"

"If you don't believe me, Elder Chrysanthemum can observe on-site." Lin Manshan nodded with a smile.

Both Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo's faces changed, and in the next second, the former arched his hand solemnly.

"Then thank you, Young Friend Lin, if you need a hand, just order."

A demonstration of pill refining that combined dozens of medicinal herbs was not something he could watch just because he wanted to, so he certainly didn't want to miss out on it.

And inwardly, he was even more admiring Lin Manshan for being so generous to offer an invitation to spectate.

The refining process of such a divine medicine, in the outside world, he believed that even if a master and disciple had been together for decades, the master might not be willing to demonstrate it to the disciple, let alone him being an outsider.

Inwardly, he already treated Lin Manshan as a peer.

"How formal can you be with the whole thing, as if you can learn it." Dugu Bo bristled.

However, he still knew some etiquette. With this thought in his heart, his resentment towards Chrysanthemum Douluo couldn't help but become smaller.

Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't want to pay attention to him and arrogantly turned his head to the side.

"Hurry up, old 'Chrysanthemum', bring out the herbs! I feel like I'm losing out by letting you observe on-site." Dugu Bo said with a big grin.

Chrysanthemum Douluo grimaced and began to take the herbs according to the prescription list.

Afterwards, Ghost Douluo assumed the leader status and began to bargain with Dugu Bo for payment for the pill refining.

After the two of them settled the payment, Lin Manshan suddenly intervened, "Elder Ghost, when the pill refining is over and when you return to Spirit City, I hope that you can help to propose a deal to the Pope Coronation for me. Now that the Spirit Master Tournament is only 1 year away, I would like to buy a water-attributed 10,000-year-old spirit bone to boost the strength of my wife, Shui Yue'er, to strive for her to break through to level 40 when the Spirit Master Tournament begins."

"As for the payment, I can pay with Gold Soul Coins, or I can use a pill refining opportunity in exchange."

"Good, I will definitely convey it." Ghost Douluo agreed with enthusiasm.

Using a ten-thousand-year-old spirit bone to save dozens of rare medicinal herbs as payment, it would be foolish not to agree to it out of fear of them getting strong.

Ah Man is rather a sentimental person. Both Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo secretly sighed, and the good feelings in their hearts suddenly increased again.

"Then I'll trouble you." Lin Manshan smiled and arched his hand.

"Alright, alright, don't be polite." Seeing that Ghost Douluo was about to open his mouth again, Dugu Bo hastily interrupted and raised his hand, "Let's go. I'll take you to the alchemy room, it's not easy to refine this medicine, any later I'm afraid it will take until tomorrow morning."

Not long after, the four of them arrived at the alchemy room.

The fragrance of the medicine was overwhelming, dry heat invaded the body, a two-metre-high alchemy furnace with a burning charcoal fire stood in the centre, next to it a jade table was placed, and the roof had a pipe inserted into it.

The surrounding walls have neatly placed wooden cabinets, above are rows and rows of drawers labelled with red paper and black letters.

After walking to the changing room on the side to clean his hands, Lin Manshan came straight to the centre.

While Chrysanthemum Douluo and the others were standing not far away, with their eyesight, they didn't need to get too close to watch.

Lin Manshan took out a tray of jade vials from his spirit tools and placed them on the jade table, speaking softly, "The first step, quenching the herb."

Walking to the side of the alchemy furnace, he took out a medicinal herb from the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, wrapped it with his soul power and sent it into the mouth of the furnace, and it was just suspended in the furnace, withstanding the high temperature, carbonising a little bit, and ultimately leaving behind only the water droplet-like essence.

His spirit power is almost the same colour as soul power, and there has never been anyone on the continent who has cultivated soul power. Even Dugu Bo admits to himself that if he hadn't mentioned it in the first place, he wouldn't have thought that it was a different kind of power from spirit power.

Therefore, he wasn't worried about Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo seeing anything amiss.

Surprisingly, he was able to make the spirit power so gentle and protect the essence of the medicinal herbs from being roasted dry by the blazing heat. Wrapping the medicinal herbs with one's spirit power and quenching the essence of the medicinal herbs in the heat, what kind of subtle control of spirit power was needed? No wonder it was said that the energy of the fire attribute herbs could not be suppressed right now, if a careless mistake is made this close, I'm afraid that it will be blown up and seriously injure him on the spot. Ghost Douluo's gaze could not help but concentrate.

Spirit power externalisation, volleying blade energy, no wonder, it might be created from refining medicines with this kind of strong spirit power control.

Unexpectedly, it is possible to exercise spirit power control in this way. Ghost Douluo thought that he had gained a lot of knowledge.

Shit, it can still be done like this! Quenching the essence of the medicinal herbs first and then fusing them, the risk would indeed be greatly reduced. However, this kind of way of quenching the essence of medicinal herbs is simply unheard of. Chrysanthemum Douluo stared straight blankly and was excited inside.

'Extraordinary, when I go back I will give it a try as well.'

One herb was fed into the furnace's mouth, and one drop of herb essence was refined and put into a jade vial.

The only thing Chrysanthemum Douluo could do was to help carry the firewood.

Midway through the process, he took several consecutive breaks and rested on his knees to recover, and it wasn't until late at night that Lin Manshan finally finished refining the required herbs.

"The next step is fusion." As Lin Manshan's words trailed off, Chrysanthemum Douluo hurriedly opened one of the jade vials and drew the essence of the medicinal herbs from it, controlling and pushing it in front of Lin Manshan, who wrapped it in his soul power and sent it into the mouth of the furnace, suspended it in mid-air.

Drop after drop, the exceeding portion was sent back to the jade vial, and the liquid-like brown water mass in the furnace rolled bigger and bigger.

Lin Manshan's forehead also gradually seeped out with dense sweat.

Damn, this method of refining pills was too terrifying! If you use immortal herbs to refine, especially fire attribute immortal herbs, how can you control the whole process with such a huge medicinal power, if you stop in the middle of the process, it might explode on the spot, killing the refiner. Chrysanthemum Douluo looked at the liquid pill in the furnace that kept on rotating and getting bigger and bigger, and he only felt his scalp tingling. He found that he couldn't learn even after watching. Even if Lin Manshan had already opened his mouth to point out the order and reason for adding herbs, watching and practising on his own were two different things.

I'm afraid that if I want to use this method to refine medicines, I need to be absolutely familiar with the medicinal properties of each and every one of the medicinal herbs, and adding a tiny bit more or a tiny bit less will deviate the medicinal effects, can I really do that...? He suddenly realised that he was unsure of himself at the moment.

Let's go back and practice properly. Chrysanthemum Douluo sighed deeply, picked up the jade vial from the side, and worked part-time at ease.

Time passed little by little until the skylight shot in a ray of early morning light.

Lin Manshan lightly exhaled a cloudy breath, right hand raised, making the gesture of breaking, and slowly moved his hand to the right side. The next moment, the liquid became a purple-golden rounded water bead within the furnace and slowly separated, split into two, and turned into two dragon-eye-sized water beads.

Subsequently, the glittering green 'spirit power' on Lin Manshan's arms suddenly burst out, quickly surging into the furnace, completely wrapping the two pills, as if to isolate it from the surrounding environment.

When the pills could only be glimpsed in outline, they were controlled to slowly float out of the furnace.

In a few moments, Chrysanthemum Douluo handed over a jade box, the elixir then fell into the box, a few people then saw the two elixirs in their entirety, purplish-golden, crystalline and translucent, just like two glass beads, "Hurry up and cover it up, if it is exposed to the air for too long, the medicinal power will vaporise." Lin Manshan dispersed his soul power, and hurriedly shouted softly, frightening Chrysanthemum Douluo whose hand trembled on the spot, and the other hand holding the lid quickly covered it.

At this time, Lin Manshan's feet moved, his body immediately swayed a little, and he was held up by Chrysanthemum Douluo's outstretched hand.

"Young friend Lin, are you alright." Chrysanthemum Douluo looked at Lin Manshan whose face was a little white, and a trace of heartache flashed in his eyes.

"It's fine, I just stood for a bit too long. The potency of the pills refined this time is indeed a lot stronger than the previous ones, and it took a bit more time." Lin Manshan shook his head, stretched his body and laughed:

"I'll go take a bath now, you guys chat."

Now Qian Daoliu should be convinced that this medicine can only be refined by me alone. In between his thoughts, he walked towards the changing room.

After all, Qian Daoliu is a level 99 Limit Douluo, so he had to be cautious.

Seeing Lin Manshan walking into the changing room, Dugu Bo immediately made a face, ''Humph! Originally, Man'er could have split this medicine refinement and fusion of elixir over two days, but this time, for you to be able to observe the entire process, it was directly refined in one day and one night."

"." Chrysanthemum Douluo's face instantly stiffened a little, but facing Dugu Bo, he was unwilling to show friendly behaviour, and stood awkwardly in his place.

The Ghost Douluo beside him played aid at the right time and arched his hand, "Brother Dugu, thanks a lot this time."

Dugu Bo nodded slightly and raised his eyebrows towards Chrysanthemum Douluo, "How is it, have you learnt it?"

You should ask yourself. Chrysanthemum Douluo glanced at him and nodded slightly, "A great gain!"

"If you haven't learnt it, then you haven't learnt it, what are you pretending?" Dugu Bo threw over a look of disdain.

"You learned it?" Chrysanthemum Douluo sarcastically sneered back.

"I have a grandson-in-law." Dugu Bo said.

"So, are you calling yourself a useless cauliflower snake?" Chrysanthemum Douluo laughed coldly.

"." Dugu Bo was greatly shocked by his opponent's increased intelligence, snorted coldly, and stopped speaking.

Chrysanthemum Douluo suddenly found himself in a happy mood, reaching out and stroking the jade box, carefully putting it into his spirit tool.

Not long after, Lin Manshan who looked slightly tired walked out from the changing room with big strides.

Chrysanthemum Douluo immediately looked serious, and when Lin Manshan approached, he solemnly arched his hand, "Young friend Lin, many thanks for the instruction."

"Today's favour, I, Yue Guan, have noted it down. If you need help in the future, just ask, as long as it's within my power, I will never be ambiguous."

"Elder Chrysanthemum is overstating it, it's just a small matter." Lin Manshan smiled, then slightly arched his hand.

"Since the elixir has been refined, then junior won't keep the two seniors much longer."

Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo saw the slightly tired appearance of Lin Manshan and knew that the other party was rushing to catch up on his sleep, so they nodded their heads in unison, "Good."

"Man'er, you go back to your room to rest first." Dugu Bo said, then turned his head to look at Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

"Let's go, I'll see you guys off."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo also followed in step.


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