Chapter 153 A leaf blinds the eye

Why are you suddenly asking me this kind of question?

Xue Qinghe froze for a moment, and then pretended to sigh, "Hey, the affairs of the empire are hectic, and as the crown prince of the empire, I should share my father's worries, so where would I find the time and heart to care about childish love?"

"Then what hobbies do Brother Qinghe have normally? Such as drinking wine and tasting tea, the kind that everyone would know about." Lin Manshan asked again.

"Since it's a hobby, why would it be necessary for others to know about it?" Xue Qinghe looked puzzled.

"So, brother Qinghe has never been impeached by ministers in all these years as the crown prince?" Lin Manshan asked again.

As if Xue Qinghe had grasped something inwardly, he was suddenly flabbergasted and replied with a straight face, "Never."

"Then, if Brother Qinghe is an Emperor, would you pass the throne to such an Imperial Prince?" Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

Born in the Imperial family, a man who is trying to become Emperor, forget about the marriage alliance that confirms the Crown Princess, there isn't even a woman outside that you like, and you haven't made a single mistake in your life, a fool would suspect that there is something wrong with you. As for the one who can be the emperor, how many of them are fools?

Xue Qinghe's expression suddenly changed, and after pondering, he turned around and slightly arched his hand, "I hope that Brother Lin will not be stingy with his advice."

"How could a perfect person exist in the world?" Lin Manshan turned his head slightly and asked a rhetorical question.

"Brother Qinghe, don't you think so?"

Xue Qinghe was silent for a moment, then his face regained its composure as he nodded with a warm smile, "Indeed there isn't."

"Brother Lin, please!" Slightly sidestepping his body, he continued to lead the way.

After taking a few steps forward together, Xue Qinghe suddenly asked, "Brother Lin mentioned so much to me, may I ask why?"

Lin Manshan bristled, "I am not fond of Xue Beng."

This person could hold a grudge like no other.

Xue Beng had once obstructed Lin Manshan outside the gates of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and threatened Lin Manshan to give his companion away, she was aware of this, 'But, Xue Beng, a dandy, is he anything worth keeping an eye out for? Lin Manshan is talking as if Xue Beng has a chance to inherit the throne.'

Turning his head slightly, his face showed doubt, "Fourth brother?"

"The world knows that what you hear may be false, but you may not know that what you see can be just as deceptive. This is the reason why you can't see the mountains when you're blinded by a single leaf." Lin Manshan's tone was casual.

"I have heard that Prince Xue Xing has always favoured the Fourth Prince."

"." Xue Qinghe's face sank.

"The scenery here is indeed good." Lin Manshan nodded appropriately and continued to walk forward.

Xue Qinghe followed at the same pace, initiating the side-talking mode.

In the end, only a few words were returned, "Think from a different perspective more often."

In the face of Lin Manshan, Xue Qinghe had no choice but to pick up the pace and head back.

Not long after, the two returned to the palace.

Seeing Lin Manshan return, Dugu Bo also didn't want to stay for a moment and immediately got up to bid farewell to Xue Ye.

Xue Ye knew in his heart that they wouldn't stay any longer, so he just instructed Xue Qinghe to see them off.

Out of the palace on a carriage, driven by the guards, they returned to the academy on the same route.


A few days later, the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

Ghost Douluo walked into the main hall, inside, only Bibi Dong was seated on the throne, which inexplicably made him a little weak in his heart, he quickly walked to the front of the dais, pulled out a rectangular wooden box from his spirit tool, and respectfully offered it to her: 

"Holy Supreme Pontiff, please take a look."

Such a large box. Bibi Dong inwardly flinched slightly, if it was just a few pills, there was no need to pack it like this.

This could only mean that there was a lot of medicine inside.

Either they needed to be taken over a long period of time to be cured, or they could not be cured and could only be suppressed by taking medicine.

With her right hand slightly raised, and her fingers slightly flicked, the wooden box quickly floated into her hand.

Opening the wooden box, there were porcelain vials separated by squares, a total of eight vials, with two prescriptions laid on top.

So many pills. Bibi Dong's eyes flickered as she picked up the prescription and began to read, 'Can it only be suppressed?' A hint of gloom and disappointment could not help but flash through her eyes.

Raising her head, she looked down at Ghost Douluo, "Elder Ghost, report the experience in detail."

"Yes." Ghost Douluo nodded and began to narrate.

'A chaotic and twisted strange impure energy that exudes disorderly energy fluctuations that will subconsciously affect the physical body and mind.' Bibi Dong extracted keywords in her mind, 'Too strange, is it because there's no way to start without understanding this energy? What about if the source of this energy had been made clear? There would at least be a direction...' Thinking of this, she could not help but frown slightly and fall into deep thought.

For Lin Manshan to be clear about the source, she would at least have to make up a lie about having devoured a Spirit Beast.

It would be feasible to use 'experimenting with the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor Martial Soul ability' as a reason.

However, after all, it involves the martial soul and the soul, and to add to the certainty of a cure, an in-person diagnosis would undoubtedly be best.

Now there is still a year to go before the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament, with the strength of the Skywalker Battle Team, they should be able to advance to the finals and come to the Spirit City, and then I would be able to meet that child at that time. Now there are medicines to suppress it, there is no hurry.

The matter at hand was still to collect as many rare medicinal herbs as possible, especially the rare herbs related to the soul. Otherwise, even if that child had a solution, he would not be able to start the treatment due to the lack of medicinal herbs.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked towards Ghost Douluo, "Elder Ghost, please go summon Elder Chrysanthemum over."

"Yes!" Ghost Douluo clasped his fists and arched his hands, turning to leave.

Seeing Ghost Douluo go out, Bibi Dong picked up a porcelain vial and opened it, pouring out a pill and taking it.

In a few moments, her face showed surprise, and she subconsciously stimulated her spirit power, and her complexion turned gloomy again, 'With full strength, the medicinal power is consumed too quickly, and it can only be maintained for a breath. It seems that if you want to eradicate it in one fell swoop, relying on pills refined from ordinary herbs is impossible.'

Once again, she poured out an elixir and took it.

'At least now in this way, without the need to be distracted and suppress it, it's much easier.'

Between her thoughts, she leaned slightly against the edge of the throne and waited with her eyes closed.

A few days later, the day before the New Year.

Lin Manshan went to the Martial Spirit Hall to call Su Yuntao over, and everyone gathered at Old Jack's house to have a good New Year's Eve dinner. The next day, first he brought Ye Lingling to her mother's house, and then he brought Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er to their mother's house.

This New Year's Eve, Lin Manshan was a bit too busy.

On the other hand, inside the Supreme Pontiff Palace, a golden light suddenly burst forth, and Qian Daoliu's upright figure suddenly appeared inside the palace.

Holding a letter in his hand, he flicked his fingertips and floated it to Bibi Dong's hand, his tone was bland:

"This is a letter from Xue'er, she has already met that child Lin Manshan, and it contains a record of their conversation. I now suspect that Xue'er's disguise has been seen through."

"The breakthrough lies in that drop of blood."

The two had barely met, and with Lin Manshan suddenly being so kind enough to point it out, he had to be suspicious.

"Heh, with that kid's medical skills, isn't that normal?" Bibi Dong looked up and sneered, "You should be happy that child doesn't get along with Xue Beng, or else your stupid behaviour in the beginning, was enough to make her years of scheming a lost cause."

"There is even a risk of death."

If Lin Manshan had chosen to hide the matter and leaked it to Xue Ye at the necessary moment, that would have been the end of Xue'er. Qian Daoliu's brows furrowed, and he did not refute it, instead, he said, "It seems that child is more biased in favour of our Martial Spirit Hall right now."

Bibi Dong glanced at him, "You're overthinking it, he just doesn't want Xue Beng to be the Emperor."

Letting an enemy take the throne, isn't that disgusting?

"Regardless, he at least has a good feeling towards our Martial Spirit Hall, or else he wouldn't be pointing out so much." Qian Daoliu was not only not angry, instead, he was a little happy inside, Lin Manshan's guidance was undoubtedly helping to plug up the only crack in his granddaughter's current identity and plan, which would help the plan immensely.

The two spirit bones from before were worth the exchange.

Lin Manshan, this child is truly capable of handling things.

In this matter, Bibi Dong didn't retort, but still let out a grunt and sneered:

"Although the pointing is good, it also has to depend on whether the person receiving the pointing can understand it, otherwise it's just a waste of time."


That girl was born to you anyway... Are you cursing your child to be that stupid? Qian Daoliu didn't want to bother with her, and his figure directly disappeared.

"A leaf to blind the eye?"

Bibi Dong's eyes flickered, and she fell into silence.


In the valley of the mountains, in a silver waterfall pouring down like a torrent, a topless short-haired teenager holding a small wooden hammer with his feet nudging the reef, rushed straight to the bottom. Amid the rumbling sound, the turbulent current slapped the already reddened shoulders, splashing snow-white water. With a flutter, the teenager was shot down on the spot.

Falling into the water pool on the side.

But the teenager was not discouraged, instead, he swam to the other side of the reef, climbed onto the shore, and continued to launch a charge.

Again and again, he was forced into the deep pool.

Not long after, a flat but powerful voice suddenly sounded, "Stop."

Tang San turned his head, it was Tang Hao who had returned with rabbit ears in his hands, he immediately smiled, dragging his slightly tired body around the pool of water to move forward.

Tang Hao casually threw the two already dead rabbits on the ground and said indifferently, "Eat them when you're done and then continue."

"Yes, Father." Tang San nodded, carrying the rabbits and walking to the waterhole to start skinning and extracting the bones.

Luckily Xiao Wu isn't here, or else I'm afraid I'll be yelled at. Tang San thought quietly.

However, it wasn't the time to be picky when it came to survival in the wilderness.

In this forest full of blue-silver grass, rabbits were the easiest prey to find.

Let's not mention to Xiao Wu in the future about this.

After handling the rabbit meat, Tang San walked over to the fire set up by Tang Hao, skewered it and added seasoning to roast it.

Not long after, father and son had one each, their lips glistening with grease.


PS: The plot of the tournament is about to begin.


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