Chapter 166 Conversation

Walking out of the academy gate and picking up the stride, Niu Gao turned his head to look at Yang Wudi, pressing his voice into a whisper, "How did it go?"

"Divine, Lin Manshan's pill refining technique has entered the realm of perfection, I'm far inferior." Yang Wudi let out an exclamation, then turned his head to look at Niu Gao, his tone was self-deprecating.

"Old rhino, do you still remember what the old gorilla said when we were about to leave the Strength Clan earlier?"

"Heh, when you step out the door, we are no longer brothers."

"Years of friendship, but it's still inferior to a Tang San who came out of nowhere, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Niu Gao instantly fell into silence, recalling how resolute Tai Tan was when he spoke, his gaze couldn't help but turn bleak.

"Old Rhino, perhaps, the old gorilla has long since stopped being the old gorilla we knew back then." Yang Wudi turned back to look at the sky, and said to himself, "In that year's matter, the Strength Clan basically didn't have much of a loss, and over the years, he has been living well in Heaven Dou City, with no worries about food and clothing, which has caused a shift in his mentality. The once every two years gathering of the four clans is too long and has long since diluted the friendship."

"I think you can also see that he is now bent on relying on climbing up to Tang father and son to expand the clan."

"For this purpose, he forgot that the Clear Sky Clan had abandoned us before, and even willingly lowered himself as a slave to continue his service to Tang Hao. For this purpose, he tried his best to pull us in to follow him and gamble with our lives. But did he ever consider that those of us who had been abandoned by the Clear Sky Clan and had developed a sense of resentment due to the heavy losses the clan had suffered, would be trusted and reused when we went back again, even if we bowed out and did great feats?"

"Obviously not, broken mirrors can't reproduce the same thing, let alone the more complex human heart."

"But Tai Tan never considered any of this!"

"Because his clan didn't suffer much, he never resented the Clear Sky Clan, and he always considered himself as Tang Hao's servant. In his eyes and the eyes of the Clear Sky Clan, he has always been a loyal slave."

"That's why his first consideration right now is his own interests, his own master Tang Hao's interests, and even the interests of the Clear Sky Clan."

"But only the friendship between us is not included in his consideration."

Saying that Yang Wudi turned his head to persuade Niu Gao again.

"That's why he said something like that without a second thought at that time."

"As for Bai He, with the relationship between him and Tang father and son, there's even less to say."

"Old Rhino, perhaps, just like what Dugu Bo said, the two of us, after all, are just outsiders."

After hearing this, Niu Gao's face was already somewhat dispirited, sighing out, "Old goat, perhaps since the moment our four clans were abandoned by the Clear Sky Clan, everyone has started to change. We have to start thinking more about the survival and interests of our own clans as we are scattered all over the place, no longer like before when we were condensed into a single rope."

"Old Goat, I actually thought about this for a long time just now when I was strolling around the Skywalker Academy."

He turned his head and continued.

"In the past, I really hated the Martial Spirit Hall, and all these years, my clan has been suffering from the ostracism of other forces, and I've been living a very unsatisfactory life. But thinking about it, I suddenly realised that I don't hate them that much anymore. With their pope's death, they did what they had to do, so what's wrong with that?"

"And our fault is that we followed the wrong people and trusted the wrong people, which led to the fall to this point now."

"Back then, if the Clear Sky Clan chose to bring my Defense Clan to fight against the Martial Spirit Hall, I wouldn't have the slightest complaint even if my entire clan perished in battle. But instead, they chose to abandon us and use us as scapegoats for self-preservation."

"How can I swallow this breath!"

Niu Gao's teeth clenched as he firmly said, "Old goat, no matter what, I don't want to get involved with the Clear Sky Clan any more. As for what to do next."

He fixed his gaze on Yang Wudi, "Old Goat, your clan has suffered the most severe losses, so you'll be the one to make the decision. The two of us have one offensive and one defensive martial soul, and together our clansmen are quite a lot, so no matter where we go, we shouldn't be bullied."

Yang Wudi did not reply directly but changed the topic, "Old Rhino, you also know that my Breaking clan is good at making medicines, and there have been many tragedies within the clan because of this, even me, I have long been poisoned because of dabbling in medicines, although it is not deep, the long term accumulation of it still has caused damage to the body, or else with my talent, how could my spirit level be about the same as the old Bird?"

"Dugu Bo has a way to help you solve it?" Niu Gao couldn't help but ask.

Yang Wudi shook his head, "It's not Dugu Bo, but Lin Manshan. He can help my clan resolve the damage to our bodies caused by medicinal poisoning, and in the future, we will never have to worry about being poisoned in the process of making medicines. On top of that, he can also refine pills used to aid in cultivation to help us break through the Titled Douluo level. There's no need to doubt it, that child's pill refining technique does have this ability."

"So great?" Niu Gao couldn't help but jaw-drop.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it either." Yang Wudi sighed, then gazed straight at Niu Gao with a slightly condensed expression, "Old Rhino, if he can help us, he can definitely help himself. Those few kids from the Skywalker Battle Team, their talent isn't bad."

At those words, Niu Gao's face changed.

If that were the case, the future achievements of Skywalker Academy would be immeasurable.

"As for Tang San, Dugu Bo was able to guess that he has twin martial soul, so why can't the Martial Spirit Hall guess?" Yang Wudi continued, "In fact, as long as Dugu Bo reveals the news that Tang San is Tang Hao's son to the Martial Spirit Hall, he can just ignore everything. This is also the reason why he said before that we only need to help take care of the academy after we join because there's really no need for us to participate in battles."

"And the invitation for us to come to Heaven Dou City, now that I think about it, I'm afraid that it was also intentional. As a once-affiliated clan of the Clear Sky Clan, getting involved with Tang Hao's son once again, would undoubtedly already indicate a lot of things."

"For example, the Clear Sky Clan is preparing to make a comeback. Another example is that the four single attribute clans have chosen to take sides."

Saying this, he turned his head to look at Niu Gao, "As for the subsequent developments, old rhino, do I need to say more?"

"Dugu Bo is using a knife to kill people, pulling the Clear Sky Clan down." Niu Gao was suddenly startled.

"Then wouldn't Tai Tan and Bai He be" Worry involuntarily surfaced on his face.

"This is a conspiracy in plain sight, and it is beyond reversal now that things have come to this point. Looking back now, Dugu Bo's invitation for me to observe Lin Manshan's pill refining, apart from wanting to solicit me, how could it not be stalling for time?" Yang Wudi showed a bitter smile on his face, "We've stayed at Skywalker Academy for so long, what do you think Tang father and son would think? Moreover, I'm afraid that the old Bird has already made his choice by now."

"Old Rhino, do you think you can still persuade Old Bird to return if you go back now?"

"." Niu Gao instantly fell into silence.

Persuade? How to persuade? Trying to tell what Dugu Bo said straight out? That would undoubtedly be making an enemy of Dugu Bo.

To follow Tang San back to Clear Sky Clan as a dog? The rift has already been created, so going back would be like going to the wrong side of the tracks. Moreover, in this situation, going back would be dragging the clansman to their deaths.

Besides, he wasn't prepared to get involved with the Clear Sky Clan anymore.

And Bai He is the uncle of Tang three siblings, so how can this relationship not be tied?

As for Tai Tan, he had already called Tang San as Young Master.

"Old Rhino, what we should be thankful for is that although Dugu Bo used the two of us to set up a trap, his follow-up can be called kind, and he has been doing his best to wake us up." Yang Wudi continued.

"He's looking at the fact that our two clans were victims in the incident back then, and weren't deeply involved with the Clear Sky Clan, so that's why he kindly reminded us not to follow Tang San even if we refuse to join the Skywalker Academy, which is reminding us not to get involved and send us to our deaths again."

"Otherwise, there was no need for him to say so much to us just now, he could just simply watch us go and be cannon fodder for Tang San. Moreover, with Lin Manshan's pill-refining skills, as long as Skywalker Academy stays neutral, it's enough to make a living right and left between the major powers, whether we add or not actually doesn't have much of an impact. Instead, for Dugu Bo, taking us in would require taking a considerable risk, doing more harm than good."

"After all, our two clans have grudges with both the Clear Sky Clan and the Martial Spirit Hall. Moreover, this move is suspected of expansion, and it will easily arouse the scruples of other forces."

Speaking of this, Yang Wudi clenched his right fist.

"Old Rhino, look at Tai Tan again, we have been brothers for decades, have he considered us? Our two clans have served the Clear Sky Clan for several generations, and when faced with danger, they even pushed us out to our deaths without hesitation."

"Brothers!?" Niu Gao also couldn't help but laugh at himself.

"And Bai He!" Yang Wudi snorted coldly, "He may not treat us as brothers ."

With that, he told him about the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng.

"Hey," Niu Gao couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, disappointment crawling on his face.

Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, Bai He didn't show it to him either.

The things of his own brother, is he going to rob it? Moreover, if Bai He had taken out the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng earlier for Yang Wudi to look into it, with Yang Wudi's character, Bai He would have definitely benefited the most.

But Bai He didn't choose to do so, preferring to secretly store it away and not take it out for them to see.

Who would feel good in their heart if they helped for so many years out of their heart and lungs, only to be rewarded with this kind of distrust?

"Old Rhino, let's go."

Yang Wudi waved his hand and accelerated his pace, "There are some things that I can just take this opportunity to test out."

"Hm." Niu Gao nodded and followed with the same pace.


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