Chapter 170 Spirit Master Tournament

In March, the Great Spirit Arena of Heaven Dou City.

Early in the morning, the sun had not yet risen, and the distant east was still lit up with just a splash of fish-bellied white.

"There are so many people."

Looking at the dense crowd in the square, Shui Yue'er, who was wearing a face scarf, couldn't help but smack her lips.

"It's a good thing we're a participating team." Dugu Yan also couldn't help but voice out, her tone tinged with a hint of celebration.

As the venue organiser of the qualifiers, the Great Spirit Arena had specially prepared contestant passages for the participating academies. As for Heaven Dou City, which is also the capital city, the imperial family had specially arranged for soldiers to maintain order, to avoid spectators rushing into the participating teams or malicious incidents occurring because of the crowding.

A careless bumping was fine, but if you moved your hands, then you could only be greeted with a big stick.

"There are indeed quite a lot of people."

Lin Manshan also nodded slightly.

According to Shui Zilu's description, the population of Heaven Dou City had skyrocketed in the past few days, at least fifty percent more, and all the hotels were full, full of spectators who had come to watch the tournament. The same was true for the previous Spirit Master Tournaments, and on the opening day, one-third of the streets in the city were empty.

It was nothing more than thousands of empty streets.

"Huh." Zhu Zhuyun's voice suddenly sounded from his side, "Ah Man, look behind you, hehe, it's so green!"

As soon as the words ended, there was a commotion in the crowd behind them.

"Haha, so green!"

"What kind of academy is that? Gosh, did they crawl out of a shithole? Shit green! SHIT GREEN!"

"I am dying from laughter! That green monster pattern on their chest is so cute, and their ears are like flappers mixed with little horns."


Lin Manshan looked back, it was Shrek Battle Team who wore a shit green uniform, each drooping their heads and not daring to raise their heads. There were just too many people, and the various soul fluctuations stirred his brain, which he had directly shielded just now.

He hadn't really noticed Tang San coming over.

The one who designed this set of uniforms is definitely a talent. The corner of his mouth tugged a little twice, and Lin Manshan's gaze moved forward.

Flender is leading Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong into the crowd ahead in stride, the trio are not wearing green uniforms, a lot smaller school logo embroidered on the left chest lapel in an inconspicuous position, with slightly reddened ears and a bland expression, all of them are acting as if they don't know Tang San and the rest of the team.

Heh, making the students wear this kind of uniform and not wearing it yourself is also interesting.

Shaking his head slightly, he turned his head to look towards the entrance of the passageway that was getting closer and closer as the team advanced, uttering a reminder, "Don't pay attention to them, let's hurry and go in."

"Hmm." The women nodded and followed suit.

Surrounded by crowded people, the air smelled of sweat, and they didn't want to stay any longer.

Walking into the Great Spirit Arena, the group quickly arrived at the resting area. As far as the eye could see, there were thousands of seats densely packed, divided into individual zones.

As an academy with a Titled Douluo in attendance, they could undoubtedly enjoy some privileges. Under the leadership of Shui Zilu, the group quickly arrived at a lounge area that had a better viewing angle and a wider view of the matches.

One by one, they sat down and waited.

Boringly looking around, all the battle teams were wearing uniforms with their respective academy's characteristics, Blazing Academy's fire red, Thunderclap Academy's golden yellow, and Skywater Academy's water blue were all bright and shiny, especially the female students, who were graceful and there was not a single ugly one. Male students are also all spirited, attracting the girls in the audience seats below to glance frequently, with bright shining eyes.

Hey, this is not a spirit master tournament, it is simply a "matchmaking" convention. Lin Manshan sighed inwardly.

The number of spirit masters on the continent is not much, and the students who can participate in the competition on behalf of the Senior Spirit Master Academy are the best among them, coupled with the age limit of 25 years old, these male spirit masters have undoubtedly become the best object of marriage for some young girls and noble ladies. If you can get one, it is undoubtedly a wonderful piece of fame and fortune, it is also extremely beneficial to the development of the family.

Who wouldn't want to have a powerful spirit master in their family as a backing?

As for the organisers and participants, the purpose of the two empires and the Martial Spirit Hall jointly organising the Spirit Master Tournament was to recruit talent. Whereas the Spirit Master Academies competed to gain recognition and fame and to expand their student population.

The essence of it all was to solicit people.

As for the contestants, of course, they were here to showcase themselves, train themselves, and fight for a better future for themselves while winning honour for their academy.

Such as power and status.

Career and beautiful love!

So, this is an alternative dating assembly. Lin Manshan made an internal conclusion while secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, my wives and I are all wearing masks to cover our beautiful faces

The Spirit Master Tournament stipulates that participants are not allowed to wear masks, after all, the tournament is organised for the purpose of recruiting talent, so what's the point of not being able to see your face? Of course, it was also for the sake of the audience's experience. As for cheating by temporarily switching, the height, body shape, martial soul, spirit rings and spirit skills are enough to explain everything, and falsifying is useless. Therefore, this is not considered a mandatory rule, at most it can only be considered a requirement.

As for them, their family has Dugu Bo, so they don't have to comply with this kind of requirement.

Retracting his gaze, Lin Manshan's gaze continued to sweep, and then he paused, and his eyes couldn't help but narrow.

In the more remote rest area, the Shrek Battle Team was confronting the nearby Cang Hui Academy, and Ma Hongjun could be seen raising his chin and mouthing words with contempt in his eyes.

With his current Purple Haze Pupil Realm, he was naturally able to see the shape of Ma Hongjun's mouth as well as distinguish the words that were being spat out.

"Oh? The master of the little white dogs has come. Old man, hurry up and take these little white dogs of yours away, to avoid them barking around here. It would be bad if they urinate and defecate all over the place and dirty someone else's ground."

His mouth is really stinky... Skimming his mouth, one glance at the target of Ma Hongjun's 'fragrant' spit, Lin Manshan was speechless.

The leading teacher of Cang Hui Academy, Shi Nian.

This Ma Hongjun is truly not afraid of death.

If the target of the original Shi Nian attack wasn't Tang San, but Ma Hongjun, it was completely certain to him.

Ma Hongjun would definitely die!

On this kind of occasion, he dared to swear this kind of dirty words in front of other people's leading teacher, this Ma Hongjun is really, his courage is commendable. Lin Manshan let out a dark sigh and withdrew his gaze.

At some point, all the participating academies entered the rest area, and the entrance was closed and guarded by the staff.

About a quarter of an hour later, another staff member walked in from the other side of the passageway, organising the entry of the participants from the major academies, and it was soon their turn.

The group rose in unison, and under the guidance of the staff, they walked out of the passageway and entered the competition venue.

And right at that moment.

A clear and powerful voice echoed in the air as the introduction was made.

"Next to enter is the team from Skywalker Academy. Skywalker Academy is a Senior Spirit Master Academy that was founded less than two years ago, founded by the continentally renowned Jade Phosphor Douluo, Coronet Dugu."

"Damn, why Lin Manshan's team can wear masks to compete, but we can't?" While the hostess was introducing, Ma Hongjun, who was standing in the rest area, suddenly had indignation creeping up on his face, "Discrimination, this is blatant discrimination!"

"Didn't you hear what the host said? The academy was founded by Coronet Dugu, if I were a Titled Douluo, I would be able to make you guys wear masks if you wanted to." Flender bristled, his tone was bland, "Besides, the purpose of the two empires and the Martial Spirit Hall joining forces to organise this tournament is to solicit talent, and with Lin Manshan and the others' relationship with Dugu Bo, it's naturally impossible for them to join other forces."

"So for the Martial Spirit Hall and the Empire, it's the same whether they can see the face or not, so the organisers will naturally turn a blind eye. In addition, the martial soul, spirit ring, spirit skills, height and body shape and other characteristics, in fact, with or without a mask you can judge who they are, and it is impossible to cheat and change people on the competition field. Not being allowed to bring a mask is just to remember your face and facilitate the follow-up in finding the person to recruit."

"Then when the tournament ends, won't there also be someone who will come to recruit me right away?" Ma Hongjun couldn't help but ask.

It would be even better if they could send a few big beauties... the knot in his throat swelled up, and he thought so inwardly.

Flender glanced at him and nodded slightly, "That's natural, Fatty, perform well, maybe someone will even bring their daughter to you to recruit you."

Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up.

"Hehehe, then I have to perform well."

"." The group skimmed their mouths, shook their heads, despised, and turned their heads one after another not to look at him.


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