Chapter 176 allows you to run nine meters first

None of Shrek's team members spoke, even Xiao Wu, whose eyes were filled with hatred.

The battle at Suotuo City had already left a deep impression on them.

The team stood in a two-three-two position, Dai Mubai and Tai Long stood at the very front, with a nearly two-metre gap between them, reserving more than enough vision for Tang San in the second row. On both sides, Xiao Wu and Huang Yuan were on the left and right, and in the last row were Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

And standing on the opposite side, there was only one person, Lin Manshan.

Although there was only one person, the disdainful eyes, as well as the unconcerned look, seemed to emanate an invisible aura and pressure, causing the Shrek members who were on the verge of confrontation to shudder inwardly.

As the time passed a little bit, their faces became more and more solemn.

On the other side, seeing that the participants from both teams had already arrived at their designated positions, the referee glanced left and right and then raised his right hand high in the air.

"Twenty-first round of the qualifiers, sixth match..." Saying this, he quickly came down, "Officially begin!"

"Brothers, open your martial souls!" Dai Mubai bellowed, boosting the morale while opening his martial soul.

"White Tiger Possession!"

 In the next second, spirit rings spread out one after another, and the entire Shrek team opened their martial souls.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan just clenched his right hand, the ferocious blade was in his hand in an instant, then he turned his wrist and plunged it straight into the ground.

Both palms were intertwined and leaned against the top of the hilt.

He just stood quietly, his upright figure was like a mountain, making the nearby atmosphere a little heavier.

The spectators outside the arena seemed to be infected, and all of them were silenced.

Silently waiting for the upcoming collision.

"Xiao San, he's only one person, my suggestion is to attack directly and strongly head-on." Dai Mubai lowered his voice.

Although he has the captain title, the most powerful within the battle team is Tang San, the actual dominator of the team's tactics, as well as the vice-captain of the battle team.

Before making a decision, it was necessary to ask for an opinion.

As he spoke, his gaze remained fixed on the figure in front of him, his eyes filled with anger and resentment.

He had trained hard over the past year or so for this day, how could he not avenge the hatred of taking his woman?

Now it was the opportunity to do so!

"Hmm." A cold aura flickered in Tang San's eyes, as his mouth lightly spat out words, "Rongrong, give me, Mubai, and Xiao Wu assistance."

With Lin Manshan's grudge against Xiao Wu, he was bound not to keep his hand, he didn't want Xiao Wu to get hurt.

"Okay!" Ning Rongrong glanced at Xiao Wu who was standing in front of her, immediately catalysing her spirit power and casting her spirit skills, "The Seven Treasures turn forth to have a glaze one is power, two is speed, and three is spirit."

As the words fell, the rays of light fell over the heads of the three people.

For three people that was nine spirit skill releases, not to mention releasing them on someone with a higher spirit power level than her own.

After releasing the spirit skills, Ning Rongrong's internal spirit power almost bottomed out in an instant, and her pretty face turned pale along with it.

"Rongrong, here." On the side, Oscar hurriedly handed over the Recovery Sausage.

"Thanks." Ning Rongrong answered, and without hesitation, she took it and ate it, only then did her face recover a few points of its complexion.

And right at that moment.

"Third Spirit Skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation." Dai Mubai's low voice was heard, "Spread out and stand, pay attention to avoiding the blade light he swings out." Saying this, he directly rushed out, with Tai Long on his side and his rear teammates following closely behind.

A blue aura gathered in Tang San's right hand, gathering momentum.

"Well then." Lin Manshan's complexion was bland and waveless, he muttered resonantly under his breath, his right hand suddenly pulled out the great sword and placed it straight in front of his eyes, and then he held it with both hands, the spirit power in his body suddenly erupted, the dusty grits flew under his feet, the glittering green light stained the arena in no time at all, and his bland voice carried out with it.

"Those who want to get out of the ring, it's still not too late."

At those words, Oscar and Ning Rongrong's faces stagnated in unison. It was obvious that the words were directed at them.

And looking at this situation, Lin Manshan was going to use that move, as auxiliary spirit masters, they couldn't block it.

Tang San, who had just stopped in his tracks, flinched, Lin Manshan could take off into the sky at any time, and it was too late to stop him.

Without the slightest hesitation, he hastily turned his head, ''Rongrong, release a strength increase for Tai Long if you have enough spirit power. Oscar, make the Recovery Sausage and the Flight Sausage equally, and take Rongrong away when you're done."

Ning Rongrong's spirit power had already bottomed out, and although she had just eaten a recovery sausage, after all, it was created by Oscar's first spirit skill, and the recovery effect was limited.

Staying on the stage was no longer necessary.

The same was true for Oscar.

And if the two were injured because of this battle, there was no need to discuss whether it would affect tomorrow's match.

Ning Rongrong could not be injured, if she got injured because he asked her to stay in the arena, it would be hard to explain it to Ning Fengzhi's side as well.

"Good." Oscar instantly breathed a secret sigh of relief and used the fastest speed in his life to quickly recite an incantation to create sausages.

Ning Rongrong also instantly unleashed a Strength Increasing Spirit Skill, enveloping Tai Long.

And right at this moment, "Boom!" The ground underneath their feet suddenly cracked, and Lin Manshan's figure rose sharply into the air.

In the next second, dots of green light appeared above the ring out of nowhere and quickly converged, transforming into sharp blades that enveloped the entire ring.

Although the course of the battle in Suotuo City had long been rumoured, hearing and seeing it with one's own eyes were two completely different things.

"Crap!" The spectators outside the arena looked dumbfounded on the spot.

"This range and density, it's too exaggerated, right? The diameter of the ring is only thirty metres in total, this is almost full coverage."

"There's absolutely no room for dodging, only hard bearing."

"I only want to say one word, awesome!"


"First Spirit Skill, White Tiger Shield Body Barrier." In the ring, Dai Mubai immediately released his defensive spirit skill.

Not far from his side, Tai Long followed suit and released it as well.

"First Spirit Skill, Rock's Defence."

Oscar, who had already handed the sausage to Tang San, accelerated to follow Ning Rongrong who was running towards the edge of the ring.

Tang San collected the sausages and quickly propped up the Eight Spider Spear, hurried to Xiao Wu's side.

And right at that moment, the large sword in Lin Manshan's hand, which had already risen to its highest point in the air, suddenly pointed straight in one direction.

"Ominous Moon Light!" The blades in the sky fell at once, and Lin Manshan swooped down after them at an extremely fast speed.

The target is actually me!

Dai Mubai's pupils shrunk, and then he roared, "Fourth Spirit Skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower." As he swung both fists, balls of light shot towards Lin Manshan.

However, as soon as they touched the tip of the blade, they were torn apart, causing no obstruction at all.

Seeing that it was ineffective, Dai Mubai didn't hesitate and jumped away in a hurry.

"Puff puff puff" The blades were the first to arrive, and the ground was splattered with rain-like rapid crackling.

The next moment, "Boom!" A loud bang landed not far behind Dai Mubai who had just dodged away.

"Swoosh" A nearly ten-metre-long blade light suddenly engulfed, the light shield around Dai Mubai's body that had been poked and prodded by the raging sky blade was somewhat dimmed and instantly dissipated.

"Ah!" A mournful scream resounded throughout the scene.

"Hiss so ruthless!" Looking at Dai Mubai, whose body flew out backwards, with a deep visible blood scar on his back, the audience inside and outside the arena all felt their scalps numb.

The blades from the sky were only used to block the path and harass, the intensity wasn't high, and the blade that immediately followed was the killing move that could only be interrupted by a hard reception. The speed was too fast, and after being locked, once one made an evasive manoeuvre to reveal an opening, they would be immediately struck by Lin Manshan who seized the opportunity to slash at them.

The distance covered by this knife light is also too long, in a short period of time it is impossible to run out of the attack range.

I slash ten metres, and you are allowed to run nine metres.

The participants were inwardly shocked while also pondering in their minds the utility of Lin Manshan's move and the way to break it.

In the middle of their thoughts, the battlefield in the ring was shifting.

"Ominous Moon Light!"

After slashing out, Lin Manshan immediately withdrew his sword and held the hilt with both hands, stabbing straight into the ground while his body pressed down, kneeling on one knee, his whole body's spirit power suddenly erupted, and a bright green light followed the sword body straight into the ground.


PS: Killing is not allowed in the match, the protagonist is suppressing the intensity of the attack, otherwise Dai Mubai would already be dead.

There'll be one more chapter.


#Miguel Mercado, #patrick smith and #HexingGreed, Thanks for all your love and support.

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