Chapter 179 Yu Xiaogang’s fault

On the other end, Shrek Academy.

The moonlight was clear and cold, and on the not-tall mountain peak meadow, Tang San sat quietly, staring blankly at the half-moon in the sky.

It was already early in the morning, but he was not able to sleep even a wink.

Lin Manshan's slash, although it tore through his chest flesh and seriously injured him, but with the Eight Spider Spear resisting it, it didn't injure his muscles and bones. With the medicinal power of the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng as well as the Martial Soul Healing ability of Jing Zhu, coupled with Oscar's Recovery Sausage, he had recovered more or less by now.

However, the severed External Spirit Bone Eight Spider Spear could not be used in a short period of time.

"Could it be, is it really impossible to win?" Tang San couldn't help but murmur, a trace of decadence and exhaustion seeping out of his face. The Blue Silver Grass martial soul's control and poisons were useless in front of Lin Manshan, the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul couldn't yield any results, and he couldn't use his hidden weapons in the match. Ever since he woke up, he had long been thinking, but he had never come up with any solutions to defeat Lin Manshan.

He felt a deep sense of powerlessness, he was unwilling, he had a hatred, yet there was nothing he could do.

"Are you prepared to admit defeat just like that?" A flat enquiring voice suddenly came from behind him.

Tang San instantly trembled, quickly turning his head, as if he had found a reliance within his heart, his eyes reddening a little.


When he saw Tang San's state, Tang Hao instantly frowned slightly, his tone tinged with dissatisfaction, "Look at you now, what do you look like?"

"Father, I!" Tang San was immediately aggrieved, slightly lowering his head and gritting his teeth.

It was clearly his Blue Silver Grass martial soul that was too inferior.

Even if he absorbed spirit rings over the levels, the attributes he could inherit were not high, not to mention the ones he absorbed weren't power-type spirit rings, which was why he was nowhere near Lin Manshan in terms of strength and speed. If he had cultivated the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul in the beginning and absorbed nothing but power-type soul rings, this would never have been the result.

Yes, it would never have turned out this way.

Of course, it was also Yu Xiaogang's fault, he shouldn't have believed in his theories and worshipped him as a master in the first place.

Spirit masters can absorb spirit rings over the level, in this point, when Yu Xiaogang was not present, he made his own decision to absorb a higher-level third spirit ring, and afterwards, he was scolded by Yu Xiaogang. Looking back now, with the foundation he had built up from cultivating Mysterious Heaven Skill since he was a child, as well as the qualifications of his Twin Martial Soul, he could easily absorb higher-level spirit rings compared to his current first and second spirit rings. When he absorbed the first and second spirit rings, he could have chosen a higher number of years.

But because Yu Xiaogang didn't know this, it caused him to miss out. If Yu Xiaogang was clear and understood the existence of Spirit Shock, and knew how to train him in a targeted manner. His achievements today would definitely be more than that, and the fourth spirit ring's absorption years could also be higher.

On top of that, Yu Xiaogang's strength was really too poor, which led to him having no choice but to absorb the 400-year-old Datura Snake Spirit Ring as his first Spirit Ring back then, and hunt the 600-year-old Ghost Vine as his second Spirit Ring, which didn't even reach the so-called optimal age. Moreover, the quality of these two spirit beasts isn't that high, with his natural qualifications, he should have absorbed a better one.

It's all because of Yu Xiaogang that the gap between Lin Manshan and me in terms of basic attributes is so big.

It could have not been this big.

Perhaps Lin Manshan was right, Yu Xiaogang just wanted to use me to help him experiment with theories and make a name for himself. really a way to seek death!

Xiao San's heart still isn't stable enough. The slightest setback can't be tolerated, and he's still impulsive... Thinking of his own son's attacking and killing moves in plain sight, Tang Hao couldn't help but wrinkle his brows even deeper.

When it comes to some things, one has to pay attention to the occasion.

With a quick afterglance, Tang Hao's tone was flat as he continued, " Xiao San, do you know where you lost?"

"The body's basic attributes are too different, especially the strength attribute." Tang San responded in a small voice.

Tang Hao shook his head and said to himself, "Lin Manshan may have great medical skills, can refine medicines to enhance the strength of his physical body, absorbs all the power-type spirit rings and absorbs all the energy of the spirit rings, and may have a 10,000-year-old fourth spirit ring just like those two girls."

"However, when it comes to the gap in the basic attributes, it can never be so large as to make you defenceless. After all, you have also taken two rare herbs."

Yeah! I have taken two extremely rare medicinal herbs, of which the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng is still an immortal herb. Moreover, I've been cultivating the Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record Skills for many years, and my regular training has brought about more physical enhancements than an ordinary Spirit Master. Together, these factors are enough to make up for the gap brought about by Spirit Ring Absorption. Previously, my father had helped to test it, my current physical body strength is enough to be comparable to a Spirit King, but when it comes to a real fight, why do I have the feeling that it's so much worse?

Tang San couldn't help but raise his head, "But, Father."

Tang Hao seemed to have seen his thoughts, and said indifferently, "Lin Manshan is right about one thing, your Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer is indeed a mess when you use it."

"Although the proficiency is not bad after previous training, the experience of applying it on the battlefield is almost zero."

"With the quality and weight of the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul itself, even without any spirit rings attached, with your current realm, if used properly, within the same rank, there should have been no opponents, let alone being easily resisted."

When he said this, Tang San could see the strong confidence in Tang Hao's eyes.

"But because your actual combat experience is really too poor, the attack you unleashed was riddled with flaws, easily cracked by Lin Manshan, and you simply couldn't utilise the advantages of the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul, which is why you were easily defeated." Tang Hao continued.

"When the basics are similar, experience and skills become the key to victory or defeat. At this point, you are indeed far behind Lin Manshan."

Lin Manshan's skill was so exquisite that even he had to admit that at the same age, even he couldn't compete.

I've been cultivating Blue Silver Grass before, and I haven't fought using the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul at all...Tang San nodded his head with a bit of a blush, and his heart was full of helplessness.

Then he heard Tang Hao's flat voice once again.

"Regarding this, there will be a one-month break after the qualifiers are over. At that time I'll personally step down as your opponent, and provide you with special training." His eyes looked towards Tang San, "And pass on my Clear Sky Clan's true skills. As for how much you can comprehend, it's up to you."

Hearing this, Tang San was instantly delighted, and quickly said, "Thank you, father."

"Hmm." Tang Hao nodded slightly, "Go back to sleep. The Spirit Master Tournament is a good opportunity for you to sharpen, don't waste it."

"Yes, Father!" Tang San nodded repeatedly, bidding farewell to Tang Hao and turning to run back to the dormitory.

While running, he pondered in his mind.

If he could combine the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique with the Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record Skills, what kind of sight would it be?

Blue Silver Grass is a rubbish martial soul, it's useless to use it against Lin Manshan.

During this period of time, it was necessary to focus on training using the Clear Sky Hammer.

On the other side, inside the forest hut.

The burning lamp was brightly lit, and Yu Xiaogang sat alone at the table.

"The Seven Person Fusion Skill that Cang Hui Academy used last time against Ao De Academy can be comprehended and made use of by our battle team, and if the entire team's spirit power is superimposed on Xiao San and increases his strength, with Xiao San's ability, he should be able to crush Lin Manshan's Skywalker Battle Team with an overwhelming strength."

As he pondered, he wrote it down in his notes.

The next day, early in the morning, inside the gathering room.

Glancing at Yu Xiaogang, who had brought Liu Erlong into the room, Tang San had a flat expression as he chatted with Xiao Wu on his own.

"Ahem." Interrupted by Yu Xiaogang's light cough, his brows couldn't help but frown.

But he quickly regained his composure and followed his teammates to look over in unison.

"I recently had a..." Yu Xiaogang spoke with a calm look on his face, voicing out the idea of the Seven Person fusion skill.

After hearing this, Flender's eyes instantly lit up, "Xiaogang, this is indeed a good idea!"

"I think it's feasible." Qin Ming also revealed a joyful expression and voiced his opinion.

Tang San smiled faintly and nodded along, "I also think Master's idea is feasible."

Everyone nodded in unison, indicating that they could give it a try.

Then he saw Flender press his hand, "Alright, alright, this matter will be discussed in detail when we come back after fighting the Elephant Armored Academy in the afternoon."

"In the morning, there is a match between Skywalker Academy and Blazing Academy, Blazing Academy, as a veteran and strong team, might be able to force something out of Skywalker Academy. Blazing Academy might also reveal some hidden means, so we should better go and take a look."

Thus, the crowd rose in unison and followed Flender out of the room.


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