Chapter 197 Yu Xiaogang commits suicide in a fancy way (2 in 1)

Spirit City, in front of the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

Yu Xiaogang, who was dressed in plain clothes and had his right hand behind his back, slowly approached, his face devoid of sadness or joy, and his expression was indifferent.

"Stop!" A light shout came, on both sides of the passage in front, two halberd-wielding knights in silver armour clanked down their halberds, blocking the way forward by crossing their halberds, "Supreme Pontiff Palace is a restricted area, if you approach again, you'll be killed on the spot."

In the next moment, hundreds of knights at the back turned in unison to face Yu Xiaogang, long swords raised in their hands, their faces put on high alert.

Yu Xiaogang's face remained indifferent, his right hand raised, revealing the token in his palm.

"Greetings Elder." The knights immediately fell to one knee in unison.

Seeing this, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but straighten his back a little more, and said indifferently, "Take me to see the Pope."

Not long after, the door creaked open, and a clear yet majestic voice suddenly came from beyond the door.

"You and others wait outside, without my order, no one can enter to disturb."


Yu Xiaogang who was sitting and drinking tea turned his head to look, Bibi Dong walked in holding the sceptre, wearing a purple gold inlaid ceremonial robe, and a nine-curved purple gold crown on her head, she looked less than thirty years old, with fair skin, a sharp and pretty melon face, as carved, her features were exquisite and flawless, her face was absolutely beautiful, her temperament was graceful and magnificent, it was as if the years had never left traces on her body, which made Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but be dumbfounded for a moment at a glance.

In the next moment, his eyes flickered with complexity, there were apologies, memories, and more than anything else, he was disappointed.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang staring at herself like this, the originally bland-faced Bibi Dong had a trace of distaste rising within her heart for no reason at all, 'Heh, having already married that woman spiritually, you actually showed such a gesture in front of me, was it intentional?'

For the sake of Tang San and honour, he is even willing to throw down his dignity?

Her brows subconsciously frowned.

Seeing Bibi Dong's expression change, Yu Xiaogang immediately returned to his senses and slightly lowered his head as if by reflex.

Or the same cowardice. Bibi Dong coldly smiled, slowly walked to the main seat, sat down, and faintly said, "Say it, for what reason you are looking for me?"

"Bibi Dong," Yu Xiaogang's tone was slightly softer.

For Tang San, even the emotional card was played. Bibi Dong's gaze instantly turned cold, interrupting him with a frown, "Mind your words!"

"Yes, Your Holiness the Supreme Pontiff." Yu Xiaogang's pupils instantly shrunk, and a few hints of pain flowed in his eyes, reaching out to hold up the fragrant tea, hanging his head low and not speaking, the entire person fell into silence, wearing a vicissitude expression, seeming to fall into the memories of the past.

This is even worse. Bibi Dong felt a wave of nausea inwardly.

'Coming here to beg, yet acting so sympathetic and not saying anything. This is playing a game of emotion here, still treating me as if I am a little girl who didn't know any better like back then?' With chaotic thoughts suppressed using the pill, she could think more rationally, coupled with the information she got before, her gaze grew more and more cold, and her brows knitted tightly.

"My time is limited." Her tone also took on a dissatisfied edge.

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang forced down his inner thoughts, his eyes reproducing the usual indifference, "Your Holiness the Supreme Pontiff, I have come here to ask for something."

This is the attitude of begging?

Bibi Dong glanced at his demeanour, her willow brows raised, her tone carrying a hint of teasing, "Oh? You're here to request something? This does not seem to be your style, it seems that time does change a person. Speak, what is it?"

Yu Xiaogang put down the fragrant tea in his hand without much explanation, if it was his own matter, he would never come to plead with Bibi Dong for anything. However, for the sake of his personal disciple Tang San, who had bonded with him to the point of being like a father and son, he was willing to let go of some things.

"Your Holiness the Supreme Pontiff, I want to know how you got through the difficult hurdle in cultivating Twin Martial Soul back then." His tone remained flat.

Lin Manshan's words are indeed true. Bibi Dong's gaze flickered, and she replied blandly, "Given your situation, it seems that you don't need to know this?"

Yu Xiaogang's tone remained unchanged as if he was describing an insignificant matter, "I took in a disciple many years ago, and luckily, that child is as gifted as you are and also possesses a twin martial soul, and I hope to train him into a formidable powerhouse of his generation."

"Why should I help you?" Bibi Dong's voice was cold, "So that you can cultivate a great powerhouse to go against me?"

"Of course not!" The Grandmaster's face instantly solidified, his brows slightly furrowed as he said in a deep voice, "If you are willing to tell me the secret behind it, I can guarantee you that this disciple of mine will never go against the Martial Spirit Hall in his entire life."

"So, if I refuse, you can't guarantee that he won't go against me right?" Bibi Dong asked rhetorically, then laughed coldly, "And, guarantee, what guarantee do you have? With your less than level 30 Great Spirit Master strength, can you stop him?"

Yu Xiaogang's face instantly stiffened, and then he heard Bibi Dong's tone blandly continue, "Tang San, Clear Sky Clan's direct disciple, has twin martial soul, broke through to Spirit Ancestor at a young age, possesses a 10,000-year fourth spirit ring and a piece of external spirit bone, and is also close to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and Heaven Dou Empire. This kind of talented and brilliant person who will inevitably become an enemy of the Martial Spirit Hall, what do you think I should do?"

"Bibi Dong, what do you mean by this!?" Yu Xiaogang dusted his dress and stood up, his face was grim and his eyes were bloodshot as he walked forward in large strides, reaching out and trying to grab Bibi Dong by the shoulders. "Put your hands off!" A clear and cold voice sounded at first, then majestic spirit power in Bibi Dong's body instantly burst out, and the body of Yu Xiaogang who wanted to get close to her was instantly shaken and flew away, his feet retreated back and forth, and in the end, he crashed down on the chair behind him with a bang.

However, the person was oblivious to the situation, and quickly propped up his body, his crimson eyes stared at Bibi Dong, and spoke in a deep voice, ''Bibi Dong, you listen to me clearly. If anything happens to Tang San, then I will destroy the Martial Spirit Hall at all costs. I've been childless all my life, Tang San is my son, I will defend him with my life!"

"Just by you?" Bibi Dong glanced at him with disdain on her face, then her fingertip lightly tapped the desktop, and she blandly uttered, "There are a total of three pieces of Pope's Orders issued by the Martial Spirit Hall to the outside world, which were respectively held in the hands of the three Titled Douluos of the upper three clans, one piece is in Sword Douluo's hand, and one piece is in the hand of your father, Yu Yuanzhen, and as you've long since separated from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan for many years, how could Yu Yuanzhen possibly give it to you. "

"So, the piece that you showed outside the Supreme Pontiff Palace just now, where could it have come from?"

"I guess that it was given by Tang Hao, who was expelled from the Clear Sky Clan long ago, right? Also, if Tang San was born within the already reclusive Clear Sky Clan, I don't believe that Tang Xiao would be willing to send such a gifted descendant out on his own."

"So, Tang San's identity speaks for itself."

She unexpectedly guessed it. Yu Xiaogang's expression instantly flustered, and he just wanted to open his mouth to retort.

"There's no need for sophistry, the source of the Pope's Order, if I want to verify it, I'll know once I send someone to the Upper Three Clans to enquire." Bibi Dong spoke blandly, "So, with the hatred between Tang Hao and the Martial Spirit Hall, do you think Tang San would let the Martial Spirit Hall go if he grows up? Would he spare me?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid the first person he wants to kill would be me!" Saying that her eyes looked at Yu Xiaogang, "And you, you would be the one to help him come and kill me. So, Yu Xiaogang, what do you think I should do with you now?"

"Relying on the Pope's Order sent by a wanted sinner of the Martial Spirit Hall to enter the Supreme Pontiff Palace, and threatening to destroy my Martial Spirit Hall in front of me." Her tone suddenly turned cold, "These two points alone are already enough for me to execute you right now!"

At those words, Yu Xiaogang's face suddenly turned pale.

'Bibi Dong actually wants to kill me, how could she want to kill me?' Inwardly, he was completely flustered.

His eyes that were looking at Bibi Dong also instantly flickered with panic. If I died now, how can I prove myself, how can I make a name for myself, everything would become empty talk.

"How? If you kneel down and beg me now, perhaps I will spare your life." Bibi Dong sneered.

Yu Xiaogang instantly turned red, his fists clenched tightly, his body trembled slightly, and unwillingness was written all over his face.

"Maybe I can even temporarily spare that Tang San's life." Bibi Dong suddenly added another sentence.

I'm doing all this for Xiao San. Plop. Yu Xiaogang knelt down on the spot.

"Hahaha," Bibi Dong suddenly threw her head back and laughed, her voice carrying a hint of desolation, as well as a hint of relief.

After a moment, she lowered her head to look at Yu Xiaogang, and said scornfully, "Yu Xiaogang, it wasn't until today that I truly saw you clearly, saw your hypocrisy, saw your cowardice and incompetence."

Yu Xiaogang's face instantly turned even redder, slightly lowering his head and clenching his teeth, as if he had been greatly wronged.

In the next second, Bibi Dong's voice that turned cold sounded out, "The Pope's Order will stay, get lost."

Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth, took out the Pope's Order, placed it on the ground, slowly stood up with his head lowered, and turned towards the door.

When his right hand was placed over the pull handle; as if he thought of something, he suddenly stopped his movement and used a sighing tone, "Bibi Dong, I know the bitterness in your heart, and I also understand your resentment. More than twenty years have passed, you are still as beautiful as ever, but I have grown old. If it was you who was threatened today, I would have reacted the same way."

"After all, you were the first person I ever loved."

Bibi Dong was stunned, then evil chills welled up inside, her face turning even colder, "Heh, you really like to play smart, it's disgusting. Originally, I was prepared to let you off the hook, but now I've changed my mind. Punishment of death can be exempted, but punishment of living is hard to avoid, it is not considered to be against what I said just now."

Saying that she raised her voice towards the outside and softly shouted, "Someone come!"

"???" Didn't Bibi Dong force me to kneel down because she had grievances in her heart? Yu Xiaogang was instantly confused, then panicked, his face somewhat at a loss for words.

In the next second, the sound of stomping, and hurried footsteps was heard.

Then with a creak, the door was pushed open by the guards from the outside, pushing Yu Xiaogang back into the hall.

Bibi Dong's clear and cold voice also followed, "Take him down for me!"

"Yes!" The two palace guards who had just pushed the door open immediately made a move to hold down Yu Xiaogang.

Bibi Dong slowly stood up, reached out her hand and pulled the Pope's Order on the ground into her palm, then she blandly spoke, "The Pope's Order presented by this person today is not given by any of the previous Popes or by this throne personally, its origin is unknown."

"However, not only did he use this as a means to gain an audience with this throne, but he also overstepped his bounds in his speech, which is a great offence."

"Now seize the Pope's Order in his hand; considering that he has once served the Martial Spirit Hall, he is exempted from the death penalty, but it is hard to escape from the living penalties. The punishment is to remove him from the position of Honorary Elder and hand him over to the Elder Ghost to abolish his martial soul and make it public as a warning to others."

'Abolish his martial soul and make it public...' Yu Xiaogang's face suddenly turned deathly white, and his heart was anxious, so he hurriedly shouted.

"Bibi Dong, you can't, you can't do this!"

"Bold, how dare you call the Pope by her name!" The guards on both sides were instantly enraged, dragging him up and leaving.

With a snap, Yu Xiaogang's shoes fell off.

A guard arrived right after, respectfully saluting Bibi Dong, closing the door as he stepped back, picking up the shoe from the ground to follow his companion.

Only then did Bibi Dong return to the seat, smiling coldly and murmuring, ''Hehe, Yu Xiaogang, with your martial soul crippled, you are nothing more than an ordinary person. Without the support of your spirit power, at your current age, your physical body is bound to age rapidly. I would like to see if Liu Erlong would still be willing to follow such you. Your disciple Tang San, who is dear to you like a son, will he still be willing to recognise you as his master. Hehe, letting you continue to live is just me wanting to watch you fall into deeper despair."

Not long after, the guards who dragged Yu Xiaogang all the way along happened to encounter Ghost Douluo who had come to have an audience with Bibi Dong.

"Yu Xiaogang?"

Looking at the very miserable Yu Xiaogang, Ghost Douluo's eyes flickered as he walked forward to meet him.

One of the two guards was the first to speak, "Reporting to Elder Ghost, Her Holiness Supreme Pontiff has asked us to bring this person to the Hall of Punishment where the Elder is situated to be punished."

"Oh?" Ghost Douluo glanced at the trembling and shivering Yu Xiaogang, nodding slightly, "What is the sentence?"

"Abolishing the martial soul." The guard reported every single word after that.

Yu Xiaogang, you also have this day. Ghost Douluo's eyes immediately lit up, directly stretched out his right hand, spirit power surging, under the look of horror on Yu Xiaogang's face, a ball of black mist directly thrown into his abdomen, and the gloomy cold breath immediately filled his whole body, "No!" Yu Xiaogang screamed miserably and fainted on the spot.

Fainted from fear? Ghost Douluo skimmed his mouth and lightly waved his right hand, "Find a random bench in Spirit City that no one sits on and put this person on it, don't care about the rest, let alone persecute. This person is a Senior Academy's leading instructor in this Spirit Master Tournament, so he must not tarnish the image of our Martial Spirit Hall."

"Yes!" The guards hurriedly saluted and responded, dragging Yu Xiaogang away together.

Ghost Douluo, on the other hand, quickened his pace and walked straight towards the entrance of the hall.

In a moment, duk duk duk, the door was knocked on.

"Come in!" Bibi Dong spoke blandly.

Creak, the door was pushed open, Ghost Douluo walked in with small steps, slightly bowed and saluted, and respectfully spoke, "Your Holiness, your subordinate has already dealt with Yu Xiaogang on the way here according to the given punishment, and will go back later to send someone to announce the announcement." Saying that he pulled out two letters from his spirit tool and presented them, "This is the letter that boy Lin Manshan had Salas send before the team departed, as well as Salas's own report."

"Hmm." Bibi Dong nodded, took Lin Manshan's letter and opened it, sweeping her gaze over it.

The contents mentioned were summarised in just three things.

One, don't let Shrek Academy be matched against Star Luo Imperial Academy. Two, let Skywalker Academy match against Shrek Academy. Three, please help prepare some image-retaining stones, which may be of great use in bringing down the Clear Sky Clan in the future.

The first thing, obviously, Lin Manshan didn't want to let Dai Mubai fight against Dai Weisi, because once Shrek Academy won, Dai Mubai would have the chance to return to his homeland to compete for the throne, Lin Manshan wanted to kill Dai Mubai, and didn't want to leave Dai Mubai any hope.

The second thing, Lin Manshan is truly vindictive, this is to find Tang San to beat, never missing an opportunity!

The third thing, this is exactly what the Martial Spirit Hall needs the most in the future, no matter what the odds are, it has to be supported.

Reaching out, she handed the letter to Ghost Douluo, "Just do as stated in the letter."

"Yes!" Ghost Douluo hastily took it.

Bibi Dong opened the second correspondence, and with a sweep of her eyes, she instantly fell into deep thought.

Lin Manshan's strength had unexpectedly reached such a level, and in the future, he would almost certainly be able to become a character like Tang Chen. His understanding is also terrifying, and he has actually researched a way to allow spirit masters with flying martial souls to comprehend their flight skill in advance. The strength of the other participants in the team was also amazing, Shui Bing'er and Dugu Yan were no worse than Nana.

Lin Manshan's medicine refining technique is truly amazing.

As of today, the Skywalker Academy has indeed become a force to be reckoned with.

When Lin Manshan comes, I need to probe a bit before making a decision. Inwardly she couldn't help but think deeply.

Lifting her head, she looked at Ghost Douluo and said flatly, "I already know the matter, leave."

"Yes!" Ghost Douluo arched his hand as he retreated.


#Eduardo Tolentino, Thanks for all your love and support.

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