Chapter 203 Quietly changing mentality (2 in 1)

It is really not a family, does not enter the house, how can you ask this kind of question. Lin Manshan mumbled inwardly, and then expressed his views, "Although I do not know how to handle political affairs, as a civilian spirit master of humble origins, I feel that in terms of treating the people at the bottom of the hierarchy, the Martial Spirit Hall under the governance of the Pope is doing extremely well, free of charge for the awakening of the Martial Soul for civilians alone, this one, it is enough to praise the virtues and merits of the Martial Spirit Hall. "

"As a matter of fact, I am also one of the beneficiaries. If it wasn't for the support of Deacon Su Yuntao and Supervisor Matthew Nuo, perhaps it would have been unknown whether the commoners could awaken their martial souls in my village, not to mention the subsequent quotas for work-study students, as well as the subsidies for spirit masters."

If you let the aristocrats do it, maybe it's a one-stop shop that collects awakening fees, sells quotas, and signs body contracts. Inwardly, he thought darkly.

"Honestly speaking, the junior inwardly hopes that a person in Heaven Dou City can succeed." Lin Manshan's tone was sincere.

"In that case, in the future, perhaps the Pope will be able to lead the spirit masters under the banner of the Martial Spirit Hall and the army of the Heaven Dou Empire to combine their forces and move south, peacefully persuading the Star Luo Empire to surrender utilizing military might, and reaching unification of the continent, instead of ushering in a prolonged war in which innocent people will die and be injured."

"As for after that, the only thing that the junior expects is that the Pope will treat the people well."

Do you call this not knowing anything about politics? The plan was all pointed out by you. Bibi Dong inwardly sighed at Lin Manshan's intelligence and keen political sense, while slightly nodding her head:

"Don't worry, this throne is also from a humble background, if I can make it, I will not forget my original intention and treat the people well."

Lin Manshan smoothly arched his hand, "Then I will thank your Holiness on behalf of the people on the continent."

"No need to be formal, this is also this throne's long-cherished wish." Bibi Dong slightly pressed her right hand, with an unchanged expression, but inwardly she was thinking.

I can complete the Divine Examination when I unify the continent and gain power. Cut off the angel family heritage, and erase all their information, although it is no more than a breeze after becoming god, it can be considered as a great revenge. As for establishing a new empire after unifying the continent, let's consider it a gift I left for Nana before I left.

Originally, her idea was to drag the Martial Spirit Hall to destruction, but after seeing Yu Xiaogang's true colours and being able to think more calmly, she suddenly found that idea fading away.

As for Hu Liena, not only was she her disciple, but she was also regarded as her own daughter, so she had to do something for her.

For example, giving an empress position; of course, it would be better if she could bring with her to the God Realm, far away from everything that had ever happened to her.

In the middle of her thoughts, she asked another question, "Ah Man, what are your plans for your future?"

Is she testing me? Lin Manshan was inwardly flabbergasted, and immediately replied, "Without hiding it from the Pope, the junior actually only has three wishes since the beginning. One is to continue the Lin family's lineage, to be worthy of my deceased parents."

"The second is to run the Skywalker Academy, widely accepting civilian spirit masters and cultivating them with all my heart so that I can be worthy of my origins."

"The third is to wait for the chaos to subside and the continent to unify, then take my wife around, travelling around, meeting people and competing using the spirit skills along the way, and incidentally helping people to cure their illnesses, to seek further progress on the two paths of Spirit Master and Healer. As for the rest, frankly speaking, I am not interested nor do I have the time."

Once upon a time, have not I always longed for this kind of life with him? It is a pity that it is no longer possible anymore. Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with a hint of gloom, and then she squeezed out a smile, "Ah Man, you are living a carefree life, causing this throne to be a little envious as well."

"Your Holiness is joking, Junior is just accustomed to idleness." Lin Manshan responded back.

Bibi Dong nodded without asking any more questions and slowly got up, "Ah Man, let's go out."

"Yes, Your Holiness." Lin Manshan followed and got up, collecting the herbs and following Bibi Dong out of the inner hall.

"Elder Chrysanthemum, next, please take young friend Lin to your alchemy room." Bibi Dong said, with a swipe of her right hand, a token appeared in her hand, then she turned her head to look at Dugu Bo, "Coronet Dugu, this Pope's Decree is for you to keep, in the future, if there is something you need help, you can come to the Spirit City at any time to meet with this throne. If you need anything, you can always come to see me in Spirit City."

As the words fell, she controlled the token to float towards Dugu Bo.

"I am thankful." Feeling that it would be a waste not to have it, Dugu Bo replied simply and concisely and reached out to take it.

Only then did Chrysanthemum Douluo approach from the side, "Two please."

"Hm." Dugu Bo responded, and arched his hand with Lin Manshan towards Bibi Dong, excusing himself and leaving.

Seeing the three of them walk out the door, Bibi Dong turned his head towards Ghost Douluo, "Elder Ghost, send someone to find out what happened after Yu Xiaogang left the Pope's Palace back then."

"He had his martial soul abolished at that time, and without his spirit power, he can't open the spirit tool to obtain money."

So where did the money to rent a horse come from, then fall off the horse on the way back? Was it cheated, or stolen? The Pope was trying to bring Yu Xiaogang to his death. I think the decision to abolish Yu Xiaogang's martial soul was deliberate in the first place. How can you live in Spirit City without money? Without spirit power, how do you dare to leave the city? Then you can only sleep on the street and pick up things to eat. Ghost Douluo instantly understood and hurriedly arched his hand.

 "Yes, your subordinate will carry out this task."

When Ghost Douluo left, Bibi Dong suddenly raised her head and faintly said, "Come out."

As the words fell, a golden light suddenly flashed through the empty space in front of her, and Qian Daoliu's figure steeply appeared.

"I'm sure you heard the conversation before." Bibi Dong's tone remained flat.

"This child, Ah Man, is not bad." Qian Daoliu expressed his thoughts briefly and concisely, then said, "I have guessed your thoughts, when the Spirit Master Tournament is over, I will accompany you to go and take a look at the super spirit beasts with a cultivation of more than 100,000 years, I would also like to see it."

"Also, congratulations." After saying that, the figure disappeared on the spot.

I will be able to utilise my full strength once the hidden dangers in my body are eliminated. If I can absorb the spirit ring of a super spirit beast in addition, perhaps. Bibi Dong's hand tightened on the sceptre, a brilliant aura flickered in her eyes, and without lingering much, she drank a mouthful of clear tea, and then got up to leave.

On the other side, Chrysanthemum Douluo brought Lin Manshan and the two of them to a small garden courtyard located at the back of the Pope's Palace.

Before they even walked through the doorway, they could smell a strong medicinal fragrance.

"Old Chrysanthemum, I didn't expect you to be quite good at cultivating medicinal herbs." Dugu Bo was surprised for a moment.

"Hmph, don't you know who I am!" Chrysanthemum Douluo slightly puffed out his chest and arrogantly said.

"All I see is your foolhardiness." Dugu Bo skimmed his mouth.

Chrysanthemum Douluo expressed that he didn't want to care about him, opened the door and took the lead to walk into the small courtyard, the lush green medicinal herbs immediately came into view, separated into a block area by flower gardens, and the flowers were purple and red, swaying with the wind, bees and butterflies fluttering around, it looked extremely colourful.

Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo, who were following behind, were also brightened up when they looked at the flowers.

"Old Poison, you better not have any bad ideas." Chrysanthemum Douluo, who turned back, was instantly on guard.

"Heh, with this stuff of yours, I can't really be bothered to look at it right now." Dugu Bo scoffed.

"Alright, grandpa, business is important." Lin Manshan immediately interjected, "Elder Chrysanthemum, please take me to the alchemy room. The Spirit Master Tournament is approaching, and after refining pills for the Pope, I still have to rush back to prepare for the tournament to discuss tactics."

"Fine!" Chrysanthemum Douluo also had a straight face and slightly sidestepped, "Friend Lin, this way please!"

After saying that, he turned around and continued to lead the way.

Dugu Bo also stopped grumbling and followed with the same steps.

Not long after, the two of them were led by Chrysanthemum Douluo to a small, solitary building at the back of the compound.

At the very end, there was a stone room, the interior was brightly lit, and in the centre, there was a refined alchemy furnace, the carbon fire was raging.

The three of them walked to a stone table on the side, Lin Manshan was the first to speak, ''Then let's begin. Elder Chrysanthemum, I need these herbs."

While listening, Chrysanthemum Douluo took out the herbs he had reported from his spirit tool, which Bibi Dong had handed over to him in advance.

Soon, the stone table was neatly layered with herbs.

Lin Manshan also did not hesitate, with the assistance of Chrysanthemum Douluo, he walked to the fireplace and began to pick up the herbs and refine them.

Time passed little by little, only when the sun was about to set did he finally refine all the required auxiliary herbs.

Walking aside to rest on his knees for about half an hour, he got up and took the essence of the herbs that had been refined before from Chrysanthemum Douluo's hands and began to fuse them. As long as all the auxiliary medicines were fused, and finally, the main herb Sacred Soul Grass was refined separately and integrated into it, it would be complete.

The essence of the medicinal herbs was integrated drop by drop, and time quickly came to the evening.

And right at this moment, all the major hotels, restaurants, and even the streets within Spirit City were all talking.

"Have you guys heard? The matter of why Yu Xiaogang fell off his horse and got injured in the first place."

"Went to the reception to get help from the attendant to open the spirit tool to get the money, and didn't even give her a tip. He hired a carriage and wanted to meet up with the big group, but he met a wild wolf in the middle of the journey, and then tricked the carriage driver into staying behind, and rode the horse away as fast as the horse could run by himself... are you talking about this? I learnt about it this afternoon! Damn, this Yu Xiaogang is really a fucking animal, why didn't he fall off his horse and die on the spot at that time?"

"It's said that the driver came back cursing in the street, after that someone asked about the appearance, only to recognise that it was Yu Xiaogang."

"It's strange if you don't curse, that coachman was hanging on a tree all night, and a group of wolves were squatting below, so I guess he was scared to death."

"In addition, I also heard it was Lin Manshan, who was pitted by Yu Xiaogang back then stepped in to save him, or else he wouldn't have survived that night. Moreover, he didn't receive any payment from them, but just asked him to apologise privately. As a result, after Yu Xiaogang recovered from his injuries, not only did he not come to the door to apologise or thank him, but he also cursed at the door. I'm just surprised, without Lin Manshan's help, he wouldn't have survived that night, right?"

"That's why I said he's a fucking animal."

"Counting the time, a day has passed, and Yu Xiaogang has yet to make a public apology as requested by Coronet Dugu."

"Have you guys received the news of Yu Xiaogang's apology?"

"Received my arse, I reckon he's planning to renege, this guy's skin is thicker than the walls of Spirit City."


The crowd was riled up, especially the Spirit Masters affiliated with the Martial Spirit Hall, who cursed the loudest. In their eyes, taking a Pope's Order of unknown origin and sneaking into the Pope's Palace for an audience with the Pope and also contradicting the Pope with his words was already a great sin, not to mention a bad character.

"Damn, don't let me see him go out alone in the future, or I'll definitely beat the shit out of him and stuff it in his mouth!"

"Count me in. And me."

Inside the tavern, the spirit masters who drank wine spoke most roughly.

On the other end, the room where Shrek Academy resided.

Yu Xiaogang sat on the sofa with a pale face, 'Bibi Dong is trying to ruin me.' Inwardly, he was wailing.

In just one day, these things were spreading throughout the entire Spirit City, it could even be heard in the dining area downstairs, in his opinion, only Bibi Dong could do it.

"Xiaogang, why don't you refrain from following the team for the match." Flender couldn't help but speak.

He had a premonition that if Yu Xiaogang dared to appear in the arena, the Spirit Masters affiliated with the Martial Spirit Hall would definitely curse on the spot.

Good, it's better not to appear, we can't afford to humiliate ourselves. Ning Rongrong, Oscar and the rest of the students and instructors glanced at Yu Xiaogang with their hindsight, and all of them thought the same thing.

The shameless things that Yu Xiaogang had done these days were too much, too humiliating, and they all felt ashamed.

How could I have worshipped such a person in the first place. Tang San was also inwardly resentful and regretful.

Nowadays, Yu Xiaogang is notorious, and worshipping him as a master has undoubtedly become a major stain in his life.

Every day that Yu Xiaogang lives is a disgrace to me. Thinking of this, his eyes flickered, and some sort of thought arose.

"No, I must participate, these gossips can't defeat me yet!" Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, he wanted to command the Shrek Battle Team on the field, achieving victory after victory, using his strength to shut up all those who questioned him.

He couldn't afford to wait now, he couldn't wait for Tang San to grow to a Titled Douluo, this Spirit Master Tournament would be his only chance.

Bibi Dong, Xiao San will definitely be able to defeat your Martial Spirit Hall battle team, at that time, your pride will be trampled under my feet; I, Yu Xiaogang, will never be a waste...

Between his thoughts, he turned his head to look at Liu Erlong, a sense of humiliation also welled up inside, last night, Liu Erlong obviously slept further away, 'Is she disliking that my Martial Soul is abolished, that I am old and disfigured?' Inwardly he could not help but conclude darkly.

The tone of his voice was soft, "Erlong, please go to Spirit City to help me customise a mask."

The herbs to treat his injuries, he now had to rely on Liu Erlong, on Flender to find them.

The only ones he could rely on right now were Flender, Liu Erlong, and his own personal disciple Tang San who he regarded as his own son and who had outstanding talent.

As for the others, he could sense that they never had much respect for him.

"Alright!" Liu Erlong nodded slightly.

Late at night, inside the stone room, Lin Manshan finally made the pill.

Carefully placing it into the jade box and putting it into his spirit tool, he turned to look at Chrysanthemum Douluo, "Elder Chrysanthemum, I'd trouble you to take me to have an audience with the Pope next, whether or not everything is completely cleared up after consuming the elixir, I'll still have to check it out on the spot to be sure."

"Alright, please!" Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't delay and hurriedly sidestepped to lead the way.

Why is the end product effect so much worse when I practice? Inwardly, he was groaning, ever since the last time he came back from the Skywalker Academy, he had been trying to refine pills in Lin Manshan's way, and his alchemy skills had indeed improved, but the finished product was always poor.

What exactly went wrong? Could it be that I really don't have such talent?

Returning to the realm of simplicity is really beyond the reach of any human being. He walked ahead with a depressed heart.

Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo followed.

Not long after, they came to the guest hall again, the two of them sat down, and Chrysanthemum Douluo went to report.

About two-quarters of an hour later, Bibi Dong, who had changed into new clothes, arrived.

Receiving the jade box, she once again called Lin Manshan into the inner hall.

After sitting down, Bibi Dong picked up the elixir and directly took it. In just a few moments, a faint green colour emerged from the surface of her body, and then the veins on her forehead suddenly bulged out, and her body trembled with slight spasms as if there was something within her body that she was fighting against.

Lin Manshan quietly waited, regarding what might happen, he had already spoken to Bibi Dong.

Who asked Bibi Dong to devour the Qian Xunji?

Martial soul attributes conflicting, the medicinal power used to neutralise them after entering the body, it would be strange if there wasn't a fight.

Time passed little by little, and soon, visible to the naked eye, Bibi Dong's originally snow-white skin began to glow with a hint of redness, allowing the already stunningly beautiful face to blossom with a hint of charm, which in turn allowed Lin Manshan to feast his eyes on the afterglow. Immediately after that, he saw Bibi Dong's body become even more green, and a grain of golden-yellow light began to rise from the surface of her skin, causing the temperature in the air to rise slightly.

This couldn't be the origin of the Six-Winged Angel Martial Soul, could it? No wonder Bibi Dong couldn't cleanse it herself. Lin Manshan was surprised.

The Six Winged Angel Martial Soul, in terms of quality, was estimated to be above the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor and the Death Spider Emperor, this was a Martial Soul and not a living Spirit Beast, it couldn't fight two against one. Therefore, after being devoured by Bibi Dong, the Martial Soul Origin had been in a stalemate in the body, mixing with the remnants of Qian Xunji's soul, becoming a special impurity.

And because it clashed with Bibi Dong's physique and martial soul attributes, it had been causing continuous damage.

After pondering, Lin Manshan reached out with his right hand, his soul power surged, and drops of light converged towards his palm.

'What a surprise!' Inwardly, he was stunned.


PS: Yu Xiaogang's mentality is starting to distort, while Bibi Dong's is starting to shift towards normal.


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