Chapter 206 You are free (2 in 1)

There would be six rounds of finals, with the first four rounds using a team elimination system to determine the top three teams. There would be one day break after each round, and three days break after the fourth round. Then the fifth round, using the individual elimination system, the first place will advance, the last two will enter the loser's bracket, and the winner of which will compete with the first place in the form of a team competition to determine the final champion.

Now that the first round was over, the winning academies were given a rare day of rest and recuperation.

Those who were summarising were summarising, those who were recuperating from injuries were recuperating, and they were all actively preparing for the next round of the tournament, with no one going out to have fun with their team. Lin Manshan was also the same, cultivating honesty with his team members in their respective rooms.

When the day passed and the second round of the tournament started, he brought his team to the tournament venue early.

As the first-place winner of the Heaven Dou Tournament, they had a free turn in this round. In the afternoon, Shrek Academy, which did not obtain the qualification for the free turn, played against Thunder Academy.

Relying on Tang San, whose spirit power had already reached level 49, Shrek Academy won without a doubt.

Compared to Blazing Academy's full fire-attribute martial souls, Thunder Academy's thunder-attribute martial souls didn't impose much restraint on Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial soul. During the match, Yu Tianxin was miserably targeted, being tied up tightly, and after being knocked down, the rest of the team was also knocked down one by one.

The victory in this battle undoubtedly swept away the inner gloom of the Shrek students and boosted their confidence.

Along with Yu Xiaogang's confidence, this point could be seen from the hands he had behind his back.

This subconscious action, it's really embedded deep in his bone marrow. Lin Manshan looked on with a straight face.

After a long time, the second round of matches ended and the academies left the arena.

After a day's rest, the third round of matches began, and as the second-place winner in the advancement tournament, Godwind Academy had a free turn in this round.

As the sky was still dimly lit, the teams from all the academies walked into the tournament venue in order.

Not long after, in Shrek Academy's rest area, Flender approached with a happy face, "This round we're playing against the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy."

Ma Hongjun instantly had a cheeky grin, "Isn't that an easy win?"

"Back in Suotuo City, they weren't our opponents, and it's even more unlikely that they'll be our opponents now."

The crowd also revealed a look of relief, only Dai Mubai, who was sitting beside Ma Hongjun, quietly looked towards the arena, silent, and worried inwardly.

The match had gone to the third round, how come they hadn't been matched against Star Luo Imperial Academy yet?

If he couldn't be matched, wouldn't that mean that he wouldn't be able to defeat Dai Weisi on the field?

If I miss this opportunity and want to compete for the crown prince position again, then I will have to return to the Star Luo Empire to challenge Dai Weisi alone and win, but not to mention that my strength is far below Dai Weisi's, making it difficult to win. After leaving the Star Luo Empire for many years, I have almost no roots in the Empire now, and if I return home alone, I might be recognised halfway across the border, and then be intercepted by Dai Weisi's men.

On the other hand, in the arena, I at least have the help of my teammates, especially Tang San, and it's almost a sure thing.

In the middle of his thoughts, the referee's announcement rang out from the ring, and Flender's voice accompanied it.

"Alright, it's our turn in the ring."

Only then did Dai Mubai come back to his senses, following his teammates as they went up to the ring.

The result was obvious, an easy win.

On the way back to the rest area, Ma Hongjun held his head high and took a peacock stride, lightly tossing his head around with a flirty expression, and the rest of the team members also wore joyful expressions on their faces. As for Yu Xiaogang, his waist was also straightened.

Although the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team was not considered strong, after all, it was the seeded contestant of the Heaven Dou Empire, and to be able to defeat them held great significance.

First defeating Thunder Academy, which had the background of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, and then defeating the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team, which had been nurtured by the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, this was undoubtedly enough to prove Shrek Battle Team's strength and to prove that his teaching ability was not vain.

After all, his personal disciple Tang San's performance in the tournament ring could be described as crane-like and extremely outstanding.

This couldn't be separated from the many years of training from him as his master!

"Good job." When everyone returned to the rest area, Flender didn't mince his words of praise.

At the side, Yu Xiaogang nodded slightly and did not say anything more, as if everything was a matter of course.

Bending over to sit down, the crowd chatted with smiles on their faces, waiting for the next match to begin. Only Dai Mubai remained silent, his brows slightly furrowed, seemingly in thought, appearing somewhat out of place, which was noticed by Ma Hongjun beside him, who couldn't help but elbow him.

"What's wrong, Boss Dai? From the time you came on to now, you seem to have been in a low mood."

"Nothing, just thinking about who would be our opponent in the next round." Dai Mubai glanced at him lightly.

Next opponent... the crowd froze.

Who else could it be, other than the Godwind Academy who had a free turn today, the rest of the ones who could kill their way to the fourth round were the Star Luo Imperial Academy, the Skywalker Academy, and the Martial Spirit Hall Academy who had three Spirit Kings in their team who hadn't even stepped on the stage yet, without exception, all of them are strong teams.

Thinking of this, the expression of all the people was stagnant, the original atmosphere that was still quite relaxed was instantly broken.

Ma Hongjun, who hadn't realised it, made a soft sound and stopped asking more questions.

And just at this time, the referee's loud voice rang out.

"Next match, Skywalk Academy versus Star Luo Imperial Academy, let's welcome both participants to enter the arena."

Before the words fell, Dai Mubai's face had gone rigid with a hint of paleness.

Skywalker Academy, surprisingly, it is Skywalker Academy, how could Star Luo Imperial Academy be the opponent of the Skywalker Battle Team?

This thought instantly rose in Dai Mubai's mind.

On the other hand, both team members slowly walked out of the passageway. On the side of Star Luo Imperial Academy, Dai Weisi walked at the front with a slightly sullen expression, wanting to curse in his heart.

As soon as the draw was over, he suspected that the Martial Spirit Hall was doing it on purpose, to see his joke.

When he raised his eyes to look, outside the passageway on the other side of the ring, the one walking at the front was Zhu Zhuyun, followed by Zhu Zhuyu, Zhu Zhuqing, and the four people who had been in the ring before, namely Shui Yue'er, Yu Hairou, Gu Qingbo, and Shen Liuyu.

Lin Manshan did not enter the arena.

Of course, this was not the point, the point was that this time, Zhu Zhuyun's three didn't wear a face scarf, and their hot bodies paired with their stunningly beautiful faces instantly triggered the entire arena. In the rest area of the Star Luo Empire's camp, some people looked at Dai Weisi with odd faces, while others showed angry expressions.

Zhu Zhuyun did this, obviously on purpose.

She really didn't give the Star Luo Empire's Imperial Family and the Zhu Family any face at all. The Heaven Dou Empire's spirit masters were all thinking the same thing, looking at the Star Luo Empire's spirit masters, some of them had faces that seemed to be very unimpressed, but in the bottom of their hearts, they were secretly feeling good.

Our Heaven Dou Empire's person abducted your Star Luo Empire's imperial princess, may I ask if you're angry?

Brother Lin, well done!

On the other side, the person in question, Lin Manshan, was sitting quietly in the rest area, quietly looking towards the arena, the line-up for this match was a request made by Zhu Zhuyun on purpose.

The three wanted to rely on their own strength to end things with the Star Luo Empire, and he could only choose to support it.

The reason why he chose this line-up was also because no one in the Star Luo Empire Academy had a control system martial soul or a flight martial soul.

Not to mention Dai Weisi, the remaining six members of the team, two auxiliary system, two power attack system, and two agility attack system. Although their strength was not bad, they had all reached the Spirit Ancestor realm, but their martial souls were all melee types. In terms of melee combat skills, Zhu Zhuyun, who had received his special training, could definitely beat the other side. Not to mention that Zhu Zhuyun's current spirit power has already reached level 56, Zhu Zhuyu and Shui Yue'er are both at level 49, and Zhu Zhuqing is at level 46. In terms of actual combat power, it was estimated that they could abuse the other side without help from the rest of the team.

There is no control system spirit master restriction, with the speed of Zhu Zhuyun three girls, Star Luo Imperial Academy's two auxiliary spirit masters are basically just decoration.

Between these thoughts, the two teams of participants had already walked to the centre of the ring and stood firm.

"Zhu Zhuyun, long time no see." Dai Weisi forced down his emotions and squeezed out a smile as he greeted.

Zhu Zhuyun was unmoved, glancing at him and saying indifferently, "Dai Weisi, there's no need to be hypocritical, I know very well what kind of person you are. What is in your heart right now, I don't need to guess to figure it out, it's nothing more than thinking about why Zhuqing and I just didn't die in the Star Dou Great Forest back then."

"That being the case, there's no need to disgrace yourself."   

"How could it be." Dai Weisi laughed and shook his head, and just as he wanted to continue speaking, Zhu Zhuyun's slightly cold voice came out, "There is no need to say more, Zhuyu, Zhuqing and I did not wear face scarves on the stage today, just to make a clean break with the past."

After saying that, the spirit power surged, and the five yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black spirit rings abruptly unfolded underneath her feet, glowing with lustre.

At the same time, the rest of the teammates also switched on their martial souls. Yellow, yellow, purple and black, the ten-thousand-year-old fourth spirit ring of Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er are the most eye-catching.

Seeing Zhu Zhuyun and the others' spirit ring configurations, Dai Weisi and the rest of his teammates were all unable to stop their pupils from shrinking.

Hearing about it and seeing it with their own eyes are two completely different things, and at this time, when they really saw Zhu Zhuyun's strength, they were all shocked in their hearts.

In just two years, the strength of the three people has grown to such a point, that Lin Manshan's alchemy is really powerful. Dai Weisi's heart sank slightly.

Then he heard the sound of the referee shouting for the start, and inwardly, nameless anger and indignation rose up.

'Damn it, this referee is so impatient to call for the start, it is definitely a deliberate arrangement by the Martial Spirit Hall, the purpose is not to give me and Zhu Zhuyun the opportunity to continue the communication, not wanting the relationship between the three and the Star Luo Empire to ease, and then affecting Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo behind the scenes.'

Although he wanted to curse at the bottom of his heart, he still switched on his martial soul at the first opportunity.

"Fifth Spirit Skill, Hell Body. Fourth Spirit Skill, Hell Body!" The Zhu Zhuyun trio immediately used their augmentation spirit skill.

The Hell Body skill that could only be obtained by the Zhu family members in their sixth spirit skill slot, the Zhu Zhuyun trio had surprisingly already obtained it in their fourth and fifth spirit skills. Glancing at Zhu Zhuyun's trio's bodies suddenly enveloped in black shadows, Dai Weisi's heart sank again.

"Third soul skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation!" Without hesitation, he activated the augmentation spirit skill.

Right at this moment, Zhu Zhuyun's three figures had already disappeared in place, turning into three residual shadows and rushing up.

"Second Spirit Skill, Swimming Wave." Shui Yue'er activated her Speed Increase Spirit Skill and followed closely behind with Yu Hairou three teammates.

"Leave Dai Weisi to me." With Zhu Zhuyun's soft shout, the team instantly dispersed midway, each looking for an attack target.

The disadvantages of not having a control spirit master immediately revealed, seeing the other side spread out and surround them, Dai Weisi was also helpless, and could only meet the strongest Zhu Zhuyun under the auxiliary spirit master's spirit skill support, after all, he was facing the Spirit King, who is also an Agility Attack System Spirit Master, with a speed that is far above his own, so he dared not to be careless, "The first spirit skill, the White Tiger Shield Body Barrier." He immediately activated the defensive spirit skill.

Agility Attack System Spirit Master is not strong, as long as I can seize the opportunity, it would be my chance to counterattack. He thought inwardly.

"Fourth Spirit Skill, Hell Shadow Doppelganger!" The figure shifted, and two figures immediately appeared on each side of Zhu Zhuyun, their appearance was no different from the main body, the next moment, five figures flashed back and forth in a staggered manner, dazzling people while also confusing the main body with the doppelgänger.

'So fast, can't tell them apart at all!' Dai Weisi's pupils shifted from side to side in quick succession, then he violently opened his mouth.

"Second Spirit Skill, White Tiger Intense Light Wave." Searing white balls of light were spat out from his mouth, and as his body turned, he made a horizontal sweep towards the staggeringly flashing figures in front of him.

Either jumping away or pressing forward, all five figures dodged safely.

Damn, the range of my second spirit skill is too small and linear, it simply can't hit such a flexible Zhu Zhuyun, such an unfruitful attempt... Dai Weisi's heart sank even more, and right at this moment, "Third spirit skill, Hell Decapitation!" The five figures in front of him brought their fingers together at the same time, creating conical purple blades, and their movement speed was steeply accelerated, turning into five streams of light that spread out and surrounded him.

"You won't succeed!" Dai Weisi's gaze turned cold, both fists quickly raised, and then he violently struck the ground hard.

"White Tiger Earthquake Tremor!" Using his powerful physical strength, along with the release of spirit power, he instantly exploded his force and spirit power by smashing the ground with both fists, which could achieve the effect of shaking the ground and disrupting the opponent's physical balance. At the same time, the spirit power that erupted would also shock back the enemies close to his body, this was an extended development based on his own spirit skill, and the effect was no worse than a self-created spirit skill.

"Boom!" The powerful impact force shook back the five figures rushing over at the same time, and one of the figures made a two-handed blocking action in the sky, which made Dai Weisi's eyes light up at once.

"Gotcha!" When he lightly shouted, the fourth spirit ring under his feet suddenly lit up.

"Fourth Spirit Skill, White Tiger Overturning Divine Destruction!" With a glare from both eyes, a powerful energy burst out instantly.

The figure in front was instantly blown apart as if it had been subjected to a heavy blow.

'Not good, it's a doppelganger!' Dai Weisi's expression instantly changed, at the same time, his scalp flared, and he hurriedly turned around, a stream of light suddenly enlarged in front of his eyes, violet light filled the area, and a cold aura seethed, "Poof!" The white light film in front of his chest was immediately cut through.

'This attack power, this force, how is it possible!?' With incredulity plastered on his face, his body was knocked back by the slash.

This was followed by a streak of light flashing from the left and right, "Puh-puh." Crisp slashing sounds rang out, and his feet swayed from side to side.

"Dai Weisi, I told you long ago, I know you too well." A clear and cold voice was heard, "Poof!" A force more powerful compared to the previous three figures, with a sharp stinging pain was suddenly felt from his back, his body bowed back and shot forward into the air.

However, this wasn't the end of it, the figure that had rushed past before turned back again, "Pff!" This time, there was no light shield created by the first spirit skill to block it, the sharp blade directly cut into his chest, "Ah!" Dai Weisi immediately let out a miserable scream.

This was followed by the second figure, the third figure, and the fourth figure, perfectly connected.

Dai Weisi let out miserable screams in quick succession, his body showing an unnatural twisting.

And on the other side, "Fourth Spirit Skill, Hell Shadow Doppelganger. First Spirit Skill, Hell Rush Stab." Zhu Zhuyu similarly transformed her body into five figures, adopting a 2-1 siege style of play, controlling her doppelganger to directly come to the side of the two auxiliary spirit masters, placing the sharp blades on their necks.

With a left and right pincer attack, one on each side of the shoulder, the two auxiliary spirit masters did not dare to move at once.

"Third Spirit Skill, Hell Decapitation!" Zhu Zhuqing was even more ruthless, directly slashing the Battle Spirit Ancestor with the Buffalo Martial Soul and seriously injuring him with a single slash, then turned her figure towards the other Agility Attack System Spirit Master and rushed towards him, while the rest of them were surrounded by Shui Yue'er's group.

"We admit defeat!" The instructor outside the arena immediately shouted.

Only then did the crowd stop, and Dai Weisi's body finally stood still, his entire body covered in bloodstains, his appearance was extremely miserable.

However, the discerning eye could see that the wounds were not deep, or else he would definitely be lying on the ground. After all, he is a prince of an empire, it is not good to overdo it.

"Damn, this is how an Agility Attack System Spirit Master should be!" Someone from the group of academies sighed repeatedly and turned his head to look at his own Agility Attack System Spirit Master.


"Don't look at me, I'm rubbish!"


In the middle of the crowd's discussion, "Skywalker Academy wins!" Su Yuntao loudly announced the result of the match.

Not bad sister-in-law, so powerful. Inwardly, he thought as a matter of fact.

The members of the two teams in the arena quickly rejoined, and Zhu Zhuyun turned to leave without even looking at Dai Weisi.

"Zhu Zhuyun, wait a moment!" Dai Weisi's voice came.

Zhu Zhuyun turned her head back, only to see Dai Weisi pull out a stack of letters from his spirit tool, "I think you've already guessed what this is, there is also a letter that Aunt and Uncle asked me to pass on to you guys inside, they've actually been worrying about you all this period of time. Zhuyun, I know that you hate me, and also hate them, but think about it differently, we actually have no choice."

Saying that, he swept a complicated glance at the three of them and threw out the letter stack, then used a slightly envious tone to whisper, "Congratulations, you guys are free."

As the words fell, he raised his hand towards his teammates on his side and was assisted to turn around and leave.

Zhu Zhuyun, on the other hand, took the letters, and directly put them into the spirit tool, looked up at the sky, clouds were sparse in the azure sky, and the June sunlight sprinkled on her face, mild and pleasant.

She glanced at Lin Manshan, who was sitting in the rest area and took a step towards the passageway with large strides.

When they returned to the rest area, Lin Manshan nodded his head slightly, while Zhu Zhuyun smiled gently.

Then, she pulled the small hands on either side and walked over to sit beside Lin Manshan.


#Kurtis and #Nicholas Castiglione, Thanks for all your love and support.

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