Chapter 208 Tang San did it on purpose (2 in 1)

And five metres away, the line of sight had been completely obscured by a white dusty mist.

At that moment, "Ah! Ah!" miserable screams suddenly rang out in the mist, the voice was from the injured team member who had been shot down before.

At the next moment, more than ten purple streams of light suddenly emerged from the surrounding white dust and mist, flying rapidly in an extremely strange trajectory.

In addition to the back, there was one in front and on both sides.

It was the Batwing Rebound. Lin Manshan, who was sitting in the spectator's seat, raised an eyebrow, then realised.

'Not bad tactics.' An evaluation was made in his heart.

In the ring, "So fast!" Huo Wu was inwardly flabbergasted as the third spirit ring under her feet suddenly lit up, "Fire Ring of Resistance!"

A wall of fire three metres high immediately rose around their body.

Pointless Struggle! Your Brilliant Sun skill, without vision, cannot lock on the target. While your Fire Ring of Resistance, the emission height is only three metres. Huo Wu, this is your biggest flaw. Looking at the fire rays in the sky ahead that hadn't moved, Tang San laughed coldly inwardly.

He used the manipulative hidden weapon technique Thousand and One Nights to fling out vine fragments coated with poison to attack, the reason why he also mixed the spore burst created by the fourth spirit skill in the middle was to block the field of vision, avoiding being locked by Huo Wu's Brilliant Sun skill.

At the same time, to raise the Batwing Rebound skill hit rate.

In the middle of his thoughts, on the other side of the dust and fog, more than a dozen purple streams of light suddenly rose in a strange arc when they were about to approach the fire wall. "Poof poof poof" A few of them were blocked by the fire wall, but more of them crossed the fire wall and continued to head towards the Huo Wu.

Feng Xiaotian's pupils instantly shrunk.

"Sister Huo Wu be careful!" He hurriedly accelerated towards Huo Wu and picked her up by the waist to fly away.

However, it was too late. Because of the dust cover, when the hidden weapon flew out and was discovered, the distance was already less than five metres. Now that the Fire Ring of Resistance did not work, the distance was even shorter. Huo Wu had just activated the Fire Ring of Resistance, the spirit power in her body hadn't been adjusted yet, and she still had to control the Brilliant Sun skill on top of her head, so she was simply unable to mobilise her spirit power to activate the Fire Ring of Resistance once again in a short period of time, and the speed of these flying hidden weapons was too fast.

These flying hidden weapons were too fast.

Moreover, there were also too many of them, and he couldn't block many of them.

Almost in an instant, Feng Xiaotian's back, arms and thighs, which were blocking Huo Wu's front, were cut open. The team members such as Huo Wushuang in the surroundings were also hit, the flight trajectory of the streams of light was too weird and there were too many of them, so they were unable to block them in the slightest.

"Hiss!" The intense pain immediately caused several people to let out grunts of pain, Huo Wushuang, who had been reminded by Lin Manshan, even had a bad premonition rising in his heart, and hurriedly raised his arm to look at the wound, which was obviously a little purple.

"Poison!" Gritting his teeth, he reminded in a deep voice.

"Damn it!" Huo Wu's eyes turned red at once, and with a slightly reddened face, she pushed Feng Xiaotian away and raised her eyes to look, the dust fog had dispersed quite a bit, revealing Tang San's charging figure, immediately she raised her right hand, controlling the Brilliant Sun skill that had already split into six fireballs above her head to lock him.

The next moment, there was a sudden feeling of some dizziness in her brain, as her calf was also scratched by a stream of light.

The separated fireballs were instantly somewhat deviated.

Tang San instantly brightened up, hastily seizing the moment, "Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track." His figure flashed continuously, dodging before the fireball touched the ground.

"Bang, bang, bang," Explosions occurred one after another behind him.

"Third Spirit Skill, Spider Web Restraint!" A blue ball of light was quickly flung out as he ran.

"Let Tang San in," Feng Xiaotian, who also had a somewhat foggy mind, gritted his teeth and whispered. Tang San's Eight Spider Spear came with intense poison, Lin Manshan had mentioned it to him. From the pain he felt when he was cut and the time it took for his body to react, he could tell that the streams of light Tang San threw out were definitely fragments of the Eight Spider Spear, otherwise it would have been impossible to make his head feel dizzy and his body feel weak in such a short period of time.

In addition, Tang San's purpose for using the third spirit skill, Spider Web Restraint, was also instantly clear to him.

Obviously, he wanted to take advantage of their weakness to recreate the tragedy of that Balak Academy student back then and injure their roots by devouring their life force.

Is it because you see that we have many injured people and think that Lin Manshan can't save us all at once?

Then, I will grant your wish!

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang also instantly understood Feng Xiaotian's thoughts, gritting their teeth and bracing their bodies, they made an attack stance, and the team members behind them also rushed to surround him.

The next moment, the root vines from the blue light in the sky extended out, poking the ground, and soon formed a huge net, covering all the people. Then they saw Tang San, who had opened his Eight Spider Spear behind him, rushing in along the gap, his face was indifferent, and his gaze was cold.

'Huo Wu, Feng Xiaotian, and you guys, for injuring me and Xiao Wu, I'll let you pay the price today. It would take Lin Manshan quite a long time to cure even one of you in the first place, I'd like to see how he can save all of you in a short period of time.' Between his thoughts, the eight spider spears behind his back rooted forward, his palms once again turned into white jade, charging straight towards Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang who stood tall in front.

"Sh.Sh.Sh." The vines continued to grow, and soon people inside were completely obscured.

The next second, "ah" a high painful grunt came out, just by listening to the sound, one could feel that it was definitely really painful.

But it didn't hurt that much!

"???" The more Tang San fought, the more confused he became, 'How could it be so easily stabbed? Is it because the poison is acting up, their body already extremely weak?'

In the middle of his thoughts, he threw out Huo Wushuang, whose shoulder was stabbed and whose right hand grabbed the Eight Spider Spear.

'Tang San, you're finished.' Landing on the ground, Huo Wushuang glanced at the fallen teammates around him, as well as the surrounding vines that were blocking out the vision, seeing it, he grinned instead.

Without moving, he wiped his right hand, and an elixir instantly appeared in his palm, which he quickly stuffed into his mouth.

This is the antidote pill that Lin Manshan had given them back then, and it was also the reason why they dared to do so.

In fact, they had already taken one before the match, worrying that Tang San would play dirty tricks. According to Lin Manshan, taking it in advance could raise the body's poison resistance, which was also the reason why they hadn't been immediately poisoned just now. Back then, Lin Manshan had sent them two portions, one for each team, and after that, the two teams merged, so one person just happened to be able to carry two on them, so this was no coincidence.

Originally, they were thinking of directly defeating Shrek Academy, but now, there was little hope.

It takes time for the antidote to work, and now it's obviously too late. They can only change their mindset to screw Tang San over, and it's also a way to relieve themselves of their hatred.

On the other side, seeing that the purpose of attracting Tang San's attention had been achieved, and his teammates had basically taken the pills, Feng Xiaotian hurriedly revealed a flaw and was stabbed by the spider spear.

Huo Wu, who was standing at the back and still had some strength left, immediately shouted out, "We admit defeat!"

"." Tang San instantly showed unwillingness, but in his heart, he was also clear that if he made another move, Huo Wu would casually yell out, and the referee outside would immediately know.

With a cold snort, he no longer continued his attack. Retracting the eight spider spears, withdrawing the spirit skill, he turned around and left.

Looking at Tang San's departing back, Huo Wu sneered coldly, taking advantage of the Vine not completely disappearing, she hurriedly took the elixir.

Then she quickly ran to Feng Xiaotian's side, reaching out to help him up.

"???" Obviously, your old brother, I am much closer... Huo Wushuang's gaze was suddenly filled with some bewilderment.

Right at this moment, the surrounding vines all dispersed, revealing the Godwind Academy members who had either collapsed on the ground, sat on the ground, or barely stood up, all of their faces were pale.

Moreover, apart from Huo Wu and the ones who had fallen on the ground just before, the rest of the team members all had bloody holes in their bodies.

"Shrek Academy wins." The referee's voice was heard.

As the voice fell, Yu Xiaogang, who was sitting in the rest area, suddenly straightened his waist, and a hint of joy finally appeared on his slightly pale face. Although there was assistance from his teammates, throughout the entire match, it was practically his disciple who defeated the entire New Godwind Academy with his own strength, whether it was the tactical formulation or the combat implementation, it was all done by Tang San alone, and the rest of his teammates only played the role of supplying energy.

With his personal strength to defeat the entire Spirit Ancestors of the New Godwind Academy, was enough to reflect Tang San's power.

As well as the results of his teaching.   

His eyes scanned the entire field, eventually looking up at the Pope's Palace towering in the distance, pride rising within him:

'Bibi Dong, did you see this? This is the disciple I taught! Perhaps I don't have much strength myself, but I can teach powerful disciples.'

'I, Yu Xiaogang, am never a waste!'

However, this victory didn't usher much cheering.

"Tang San is just going too far!" In the rest area of the Heaven Dou Empire, someone spoke out in indignation.

"Hmph, this is obviously intentional, previously when we Balak Academy was beaten in the advancement match, Tang San used this same trick."

"This still needs to be seen? Look at that wound, it's obviously stabbed out by an external spirit bone."

"That's right, Tang San is trying to use his spirit bone devouring ability to devour the life force of several people and hurt their roots. Otherwise, why would he use the third soul skill to hide our sight when they have been poisoned, isn't it just to hide our eyes so that he can use the evil skill?"

"Last time was considered an accident, what is this time? What's the difference between Tang San's behaviour and a fallen spirit master?"


While the crowd was discussing, Huo Wu on the ring was also waving towards the Skywalker Academy's resting area.

This Feng Xiaotian, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang are also ruthless enough, not even admitting defeat when they were poisoned, instead choosing to deliberately let Tang San rush in to stab themselves and their teammates. Lin Manshan also sighed deeply, and instantly got up and jumped down from the rest area, running in the direction of a few people.

Since this is the case, I also have to do something. He glanced at Tang San, who had returned to the rest area with his teammates, and inwardly sneered.

On the other side, the instructors from Blazing Academy and Godwind Academy also hurriedly ran in and carried the team members lying on the ground together. One of the instructors was explaining to the referee, Su Yuntao, that the participants were in urgent need of treatment right now and needed to take up some of the tournament time.

Su Yuntao turned his head to look at the judges' table, and several judges looked at each other, all nodding slightly.

Being stabbed by Tang San's external spirit bone would devour the life force and injure the foundation, they had at least heard of it. This kind of injury naturally the sooner it was treated, the better it would be, and now that several members of the Godwind Academy had been injured, it was indeed a bit time-consuming to carry them down one by one.

Instead of carrying them to find Lin Manshan, it would be better for Lin Manshan to run down alone.

In addition, they also wanted to see Lin Manshan's healing process, especially the Star Luo Empire's representative, who was inwardly curious.

Only then did Su Yuntao turn around and raise his hand to signal a pause in the tournament.

Lin Manshan was then seen running to Feng Xiaotian's side, gesturing for the injured participants to sit in a circle with himself as the centre.

With the help of their instructors, the seven quickly made their way through.

In the next second, with a swish, the Eight Spider Spears popped out from behind Lin Manshan.

"External Spirit Bone!!!?" The audience both inside and outside the ring was taken aback.

"It looks just the same as Tang San's, also dropped from a spider-type spirit beast, but how come it's green? And it looks sharp. The tops of the spider legs are like open-bladed scythes, and the attack power isn't weak at first glance, what kind of spirit beast did it come from?"

"Why haven't I seen Lin Manshan use it before?"

"This style, it's the Soul Devouring Spider's External Spirit Bone." Yu Xiaogang's face turned gloomy almost instantly.

"Soul Devouring Spider?" Ma Hongjun, who didn't understand, instantly looked puzzled.

"That's right, Soul Devouring Spider, a spider-type Spirit Beast Emperor-like existence, specialising in strength and speed, and known for its extremely strong attacks," Yu Xiaogang explained in a low tone.

In terms of bloodline quality, the Soul Devouring Spider was definitely above the Man Faced Demon Spider. Thus, he could completely predict that the quality of Lin Manshan's external spirit bone was definitely higher than his own disciple Tang San's.

"If Lin Manshan were to use it next on the arena, then..." Thinking of this, gloom immediately covered his heart.

No wonder, no wonder Lin Manshan's strength is so much stronger than mine. Tang San's face was also gloomy.

Having an external spirit bone like me, plus also having exchanged several pill refining sessions with the Martial Spirit Hall for a ten-thousand-year-old spirit bone, Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er had relied on absorbing the exchanged ten-thousand-year-old spirit bone to get their body strength up to the point where they could absorb a ten-thousand-year-old spirit ring.

If his teammates had them, it was impossible for Lin Manshan not to have them.

Therefore, Lin Manshan now had at least two spirit bones in his body. Coupled with the fact that the spirit rings attached to his martial soul were all from power-type spirit beasts, his body strength was naturally much stronger than mine. And Lin Manshan has never used this external spirit bone so far.

If he uses it in the next match. He can't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart.

'Damn it, how could Lin Manshan be so lucky!?' This thought rose in the minds of the master and disciple in unison.

"This Lin Manshan, must die!" Tang Hao, who was hidden in the distance watching the match, had a chilling gaze.

When his gaze looked again, Lin Manshan had already controlled the Eight Spider Spear to lightly stab the necks of a few people, and at the same time, he spoke out to explain, "Don't worry, my external spirit bone is non-poisonous, and the poison inside has long been forced out by me. Moreover, I have already been able to control the devouring ability of the external spirit bone at will, so it will not harm your vitality. Instead, I will use this ability to suck out the remaining poison in your body. At the same time, I will inject the life energy that I have stored within the external spirit bone into your bodies to make up for your loss of life force and heal your injuries."

A rhetoric that was almost identical to what was explained to Feng Xiaotian and the others at the beginning.

After listening to Lin Manshan's explanation, the crowd of spirit masters in the rest area of the Heaven Dou Empire immediately burst into a frenzy.

Especially that participant from Balak Academy.

"Shit, intentional, absolutely intentional. Lin Manshan can manage to perfectly control the External Spirit Bone Devouring ability, so why can't Tang San? When Tang San injured me with the Externally Spirit Bone, causing the life force in my body to drain away, he definitely did it knowingly and deliberately."

"If that's the case, Tang San is considered to have taken the initiative to devour the spirit master's vitality with the Externally Spirit Bone, isn't he an evil spirit master?"

Most people didn't make their first comments but quietly watched.

Within their line of sight, the tips of the eight spider spears behind Lin Manshan's back, the seven spider legs placed against the neck position of Feng Xiaotian's seven members glowed with a faint greenish hue, and then, visible to the naked eye, several people's faces quickly became red, while the remaining one of the eight spider spears that were left free, in which a few drops of purplish-black liquid were squeezed out, slid down from the tip, and dripped onto the ground, and as if burning, smoke suddenly rose up, which was especially blinding under the sunlight.

"It turns out to be true, Lin Manshan has completely developed the devouring ability of the external spirit bone in the direction of healing."

"And what he said is also true, he has never used this spirit bone for fighting with spirit masters, I've never heard of it in any case."

"Damn, look at Lin Manshan, obtaining such a powerful external spirit bone, the first thing he did was to worry that if he used it frequently, he might develop a sense of dependence, which would cause his cultivation to become unfocused, and he usually didn't use it at all and developed it in the direction of healing and saving the lives of others. Then look at Tang San, how many times have it been used on the arena, how many people have been injured?"

"Again, it carries a strong poison and devours life force, tsk, it's really a comparison of goods to goods and people to people."

"Nah, could Tang San even be called a human? Lin Manshan can control it at will, do you think Tang San would be unable to control it?" The voices were lowered.

Tang San now dared to use his external spirit bone devouring ability to injure people in the arena, in full view of everyone, what about in the future?

Would he directly devour spirit masters to cultivate?

Lin Manshan has medicine refining skills, so he wouldn't need to take the risk, but Tang San, it's really impossible to say.

"." For a time, many spirit masters' eyes changed when they looked at Tang San.


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