Chapter 213 Master is kind and disciple is filial


The numerous academy spirit masters who had just come back to their senses were instantly confused and somewhat unsure, "What is Lin Manshan laughing at?"

Then they saw Lin Manshan's gaze turning towards Flender who had just picked Tang San up, his tone carrying a sneer, "Dean Flender, let me tell you a piece of news; In fact, there was no need for you to come to me in the first place to save Mu Xiaogang, the medicine that can cure Mu Xiaogang's physical injuries has actually always been around you guys." With that, his gaze shifted down to the Tang San in his arms, "That's Tang San in your arms."

"Damn it!" Tang Hao, who was standing in the distance, instantly thought of something, killing intent suddenly rose in his eyes.

"What!?" The surrounding spectating spirit masters, on the other hand, revealed their stupefaction, and Flender also unconsciously stopped in his tracks.

"Previously, I've always been puzzled about how Tang San was able to recover quickly every time he was injured, now I finally understand."

The sarcasm in Lin Manshan's tone intensified, "The reason is simple, Tang San has consumed a medicinal herb called Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng."

"It is a rare holy herb for healing wounds in the world, ranked as an immortal grade. When Mu Xiaogang's wound turned pus due to inflammation, it caused the infection to enter his body, causing his organs to fail. However, the time when the condition developed was less than three days after all, if you have this medicine, there is a complete possibility of recovery."

"Only a small bowl," Lin Manshan stretched out a finger.

"All it takes is for Tang San to be able to provide a small bowl of blood for Mu Xiaogang to consume back then, and the medicinal power contained within will be enough to allow him to recover that night."

"What!?" Liu Erlong scrambled up from her seat.

"How, how is it possible..." Yu Xiaogang directly stayed in place, his face was pale, his eyes were devoid of emotion, and he had an incredulous look.

Tang San, a personal disciple whom he regarded as his own son!

Within the arena, Flender was also trembling, frozen in place, lowering his head a little, looking towards Tang San in his arms with an expression of disbelief.

"This," The surrounding academy's crowd of spirit masters were similarly stunned, their gazes swiftly focusing on Tang San.

The first thought was that Tang San had actually consumed Immortal Herb.

The second thought was that Tang San was Yu Xiaogang's personal disciple! One who he had formally worshipped as a master!

Surprisingly, he couldn't even afford to shed a small bowl of blood to heal his master!

The reputation of the immortal herb had long been spread, they had also heard of it, the medicinal effect was potent and strange, if one didn't know how to distinguish it and eat it indiscriminately it would kill them. So, if Tang San dared to consume it, he must have known about the effects of that immortal herb.

Therefore, Tang San knew that his blood could save Yu Xiaogang but didn't choose to do so.

Most importantly, if it weren't for Lin Manshan's intervention to save him back then, Yu Xiaogang would have died that night.

If Lin Manshan hadn't saved him, then how it would be different from Tang San killing his own master?

Is he afraid of exposing the immortal herb? So he even doesn't trust his own master?

For a time, the crowd's thoughts were all over the place, but the eyes that looked at Tang San changed, not willing to trust even the master who had taught him for many years, not even willing to save his own master, what kind of ruthlessness, what kind of selfishness must such a person possess?

When their eyes looked at Yu Xiaogang again, it was suddenly filled with pity.

Perhaps, this time, I am truly wrong. Ning Fengzhi's expression changed from dismay to gloominess, he knew that on this kind of occasion, Lin Manshan wouldn't lie.

His eyes looked towards Tang San, he only felt his heart go half-cold, and a trace of disgust couldn't help but flash through his eyes.

'Such a heartless and uncaring person, how can anyone befriend him? What's the point of befriending?'

He can even watch his own master die rather than save him, such a person, not to mention trust and co-operation, not backstabbing is considered good luck.

Thinking in this way, his eyes couldn't help but move to Lin Manshan, pondering.

"Hehe" Looking at the disillusioned Yu Xiaogang, Bibi Dong just laughed coldly and stopped paying attention, then moved her gaze to Lin Manshan, a trace of praise flashed in her eyes. This wave of Lin Manshan's on-the-spot play, in her opinion, was nothing short of a stroke of genius.

In the future, if it could be used appropriately, it would be enough to make the Clear Sky Clan's reputation plummet, causing the impact caused by the annihilation of the Clear Sky Clan to be drastically reduced. Who let Tang San have the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul?

A mouse poop spoils a pot of porridge, there was nothing more adequate than this saying to describe the subsequent impact that today's occurrence would bring.

"Ha, if you don't believe me, Tang San hasn't stopped bleeding yet, Dean Flender, you can perfectly collect all this outflowing blood and let Mu Xiaogang consume it, whether it's effective or not will be obvious at a glance." After saying that, Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Yu Xiaogang who was sitting frozen in the rest area, shaking his head slightly, "Before, I did not receive any payment for my efforts in saving Mu Xiaogang, it was merely an apology and a fair deal."

"But things didn't go as planned, perhaps, this is retribution."

Saying that, he turned to leave.

And right at this moment, with a swish, Liu Erlong's figure transformed into a stream of light, and in just the blink of an eye, she arrived in front of Flender.

"Erlong." Flender's expression was complicated, but he did not stop her.

Liu Erlong's right hand raised, close to Tang San's chest wound, and a faint suction force arose out of thin air as spirit power surged. Immediately afterwards, the outflow of blood rose up, gathering into a small ball of blood bead hovering in her palm.

"Lin Manshan," Tang Hao was trembling with anger, yet he could do nothing about it.

He also knew in his heart that Liu Erlong's purpose of collecting the blood was for verification. With Flender around, Liu Erlong wouldn't hurt his own son's life no matter what.  

But if he made a move to stop it at this moment, it would be a different situation.

Not only would the situation described by Lin Manshan be verified, but he would also suffer a siege from the Martial Spirit Hall elites present, with an unpredictable ending.

If he didn't make a move, the matter would likewise be verified, but Tang San would be brought back safely by Flender.

Therefore, there was no need for him to risk his hand.

In the middle of his thoughts, Liu Erlong had already returned with the blood bead, followed by Flender who was holding Tang San.

"Third brother." Xiao Wu's eyes reddened, and a trace of uncertainty crept through her pupils as she quickly ran over towards Flender.

Liu Erlong ignored it, instead, her gaze focused on Yu Xiaogang, her tone radiating an irresistible tone, "Xiaogang, open your mouth."

Only then did Yu Xiaogang return to his senses, his expression switched to one of pain, looking at the blood bead suspended in front of him, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes, and his voice trembled a little, "Erlong, I- Cough, cough," before he could speak, Liu Erlong controlled the blood bead in her hand, and it flew into his throat.

Flender who subsequently tagged along turned his head to look at Jiang Zhu, "Jiang Zhu, heal Xiao San for a bit."

"Hm." Without hesitation, Jiang Zhu glanced at Tang San, immediately activated her martial soul and used her healing spirit skill.

In a few moments, under the gaze of all the spirit masters inside and outside the arena, visible to the naked eye, Yu Xiaogang's pale face recovered a trace of rosy redness.

"Unexpectedly, it's true!" All of them revealed expressions of shock, including the group of Shrek students.

Liu Erlong, on the other hand, her face reddened with anger, fiercely turning her head to look at Tang San, her body trembling.

"Erlong." Flender's expression instantly changed, and he immediately spoke out to remind her.

Tang San is Tang Hao's son, at this time, if a stabbing and bloodletting were to spread out, they might not be able to live.

Xiao Wu's expression also changed, she immediately jumped forward and opened her hands, "No one is allowed to hurt the third brother."

Liu Erlong trembled, looking at Xiao Wu who was blocking in front, a trace of complexity immediately flashed across her face, she squeezed her fists and eventually loosened them. Flender's reminder was something she could completely understand, if she did something to Tang San, Tang Hao would most likely retaliate after knowing about it.

As for them, they couldn't afford such retaliation!

Just as she turned her head, "Pfft!" The party in question, Yu Xiaogang, whose eyes were already frozen, suddenly flushed red and sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiaogang!" Liu Erlong, Flender instantly had a startled look and ran forward in unison.

"Is this a rapid burst of anger?" The surrounding melon eaters also looked stunned.

After a good match, they actually watched a big scene of a disciple back-stabbing his master, which, was really unforeseen.

"However, Yu Xiaogang is indeed quite miserable, I can only say that he raised a white-eyed wolf disciple."

"Tsk tsk, it is indeed ironic enough for a personal disciple to watch him die, and he is instead saved by an outsider who has a grudge against him."

"Bah, deserved it! Just like Lin Manshan said, this is retribution coming. I've decided to be a good person from now on"

While the crowd was talking to each other, on the other side, in front of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong turned her head to look at the cardinal on her side.

The latter immediately understood and got up to announce, "Skywalker Academy has won."

"Today's match is over, the finals will be held tomorrow morning, please exit the venue in order under the guidance of the staff next."

As the words fell, in Shrek Academy's rest area, Flender carrying Yu Xiaogang and Dai Mubai carrying Tang San were the first to get up and walk out of the rest area. Seeing this, the academy spirit masters at the front of the line didn't say much, they just silently stepped aside, allowing Flender and the others to pass through first.

It wasn't until a few people walked down the steps that the rest of the academy teams made their way out in order.

As they walked, they discussed.

"This time, Tang San's reputation is considered to be completely stinking. Eh, isn't Yu Xiaogang pretty much the same."

"Well, I still think that Yu Xiaogang is a bit more miserable, after all, he was backstabbed by his own personal disciple, and he's pissed off and spitting blood."

"This pair of master and disciple, they are really more bizarre than one another."

"If you're not a family, you don't enter a house. It's because they're all bizarre that they were able to get together in the first place."

"That makes sense."


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