Chapter 215 How handsome can he be?

Time passed little by little until the early hours of the morning.

As the moonlight blended, a tall figure suddenly appeared on the balcony of Shrek Academy's living room.

The right arm that was covered by the black robe gently swung, and the sliding door opened silently, the upright figure also entered with the breeze, and then swung again, the door was closed.

The footsteps were not slow, but as if wrapped in a layer of soft cushion, no sound was made. Then quietly came to the bedroom door, and put the right hand on the doorknob.

With a gentle squeeze, the door that had been closed from the inside was pushed straight open, and the figure walked in with it.

Looking at Xiao Wu, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, Tang Hao's eyes couldn't help but flash with a hint of softness.

"Hmm," Seeming to perceive the strange movement in the room, Xiao Wu's body moved slightly, as if she was about to wake up. In the next second, a black shadow flashed by, and the slightly moving body paused, then softened, and the room returned to calm again. Tang Hao swiped his right hand, an envelope appeared, and with a glance of his afterglow, he lightly flung it onto a bedside table, then picked up Tang San on the bed and Xiao Wu by the bedside, and turned around to leave without a sound.

He did have the thought of letting his son Tang San leave a small bowl of blood for Yu Xiaogang to salvage his reputation. But once he thought of the fact that his son had already been seriously injured and lost a lot of blood and that he would next have to travel to the crisis-ridden Killing City for training, he dismissed the idea again. The final hell road is a place where even he could not offer help. One more safeguard, one less risk, he had to be cautious.

As for Xiao Wu, he worried that she would be ostracised if she stayed.

Moreover, she was in contact with the human world for long enough, and it was time to return to the place that was most suitable for her cultivation.

Now that Shrek Academy had been eliminated, there was no point for the two to stay any longer. When the Spirit Master Tournament ends, it might not necessarily be safe for them to follow the large group. Instead, it would be most prudent and time-saving to leave while the tournament still hadn't ended.

In the middle of his thoughts, he re-closed the balcony sliding door and disappeared into the night.

Behind him, bees and magpies were flying in the sky.

"Foolish choice! However, it is also the most rewarding choice for me." On the other side of the room, Lin Manshan sneered coldly, then murmured in a low voice as if he thought of something:

"Tang Hao, it seems like your purpose isn't simple either. However, this is also just what I want!"

With those words, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


The next day, early in the morning, Shrek Academy room.

With a gloomy face, Flender picked up the letter and read it, "Next, Xiao San will be going to an extremely dangerous place for training, that's the reason why, everything will wait until Xiao San comes back safely." The words were very brief, he read it in a second and handed it over.

Liu Erlong hastily took it, and with a sweep of her gaze, she gritted her teeth and snorted coldly, "Who are you fooling? If it's really that dangerous, would a small bowl of blood be enough to keep him alive? And even if this was Tang Hao's decision, since Tang San agreed to it and didn't explain, it was clear that in his eyes he didn't believe in Xiaogang as a master at all. Tang Hao, this person is even more selfish, with a father like this, it's no wonder Tang San has become like this."

"Heh, if there's no blood ties, you really can't be part of the family. This father and son, they're basically the same thing."

"Ai, let's go out first." Flender sighed.

"Boss Flender, Xiaogang hasn't woken up yet, I'll stay and watch, you lead the team to see the match." Liu Erlong said.

"Hmm." Flender nodded and turned to leave the room.

Outside the door, the crowd waited quietly, their thoughts racing.

'Tang San and Xiao Wu surprisingly weren't in the room, was it because they were afraid that Liu Erlong would bleed him to save Yu Xiaogang, and run straight away when he woke up?' Ma Hongjun couldn't help but think, 'I really didn't expect that Tang San, who usually seemed nice and kind, was actually this kind of person in the background.'

'It should be Tang Hao who came and took Tang San and Xiao Wu away.' Ning Rongrong guessed in her heart.   

'Shame on me for admiring Tang Hao in the past, I didn't expect him to be a raccoon of the same tribe.' Oscar was also thinking.

Between their thoughts, there was a creak, and the door opened.


In front of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, the teams of the academies were once again gathered together. Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi, and the others had also taken their seats.

The three spirit bones chosen as the champion's rewards were lying quietly in the red box on the side stage, with a faint halo of light.

As for Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, Tang San, and Xiao Wu, the four people who failed to be present, the crowd did not feel much surprise. They simply speculated that Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, the superficial master and disciple, hadn't woken up yet, and thus the two stayed behind to look after them at the guesthouse.

"The finals of the continent-wide Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament is about to begin, both participants please get ready, the tournament will begin in a quarter of an hour." Seeing that everyone had arrived, the cardinal who served as the referee rose to announce.

A quarter of an hour quickly passed, and at the referee's loud call, Lin Manshan stood up from his seat.

Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling, Shui Bing'er, and Shui Yue'er, who were sitting around, followed suit and stepped into the arena under Lin Manshan's leadership.

Soon, the two sides stood facing each other.

Raising their eyes, they saw the line-up of the Martial Spirit Hall's battle team, with Xie Yue in the first position. On the left side is Hu Liena, with a graceful, alluring body, with nearly perfect curves, from a distance, her appearance cannot be called absolutely beautiful, and she is slightly inferior to the several women who have consumed the Immortal Herb, but at a closer look, one can feel a unique kind of charm. On her right side, Yan, who was wearing red armour and combing his red hair, stood.

Brother, if you change your hairstyle, change your outfit, and don't try to be so maverick, you might be able to succeed in your courtship of Hu Liena. Lin Manshan mumbled in the bottom of his heart, and then he saw the three of them nodding slightly towards them, seeming to express their friendliness, and Yan spoke in a slightly haughty voice, "Lin Manshan, although you were kind to me, but let me say in advance, I will not be merciful."

Lin Manshan turned his head and swept a glance at him, then revealed a dawning look and nodded slightly, "Brother, you don't have to be polite, each took what we need, that's all. Honestly speaking, I am also a little curious about the changes that have occurred in your body after taking that herb."

"So, do your best and let me have a good look."

It seemed that the one who had taken that immortal herb was this person. In front of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, Ning Fengzhi pondered.

"Fine, I'll be sure to show you a good time later."

Yan did not hesitate to reply, after taking that fire-earth dual-attribute herb, not only did his strength get a boost on the spot, but the quality of his martial soul went even further, and his subsequent cultivation speed became a lot faster, and now his spirit power had reached level 56, making him the strongest in the team.

What brought him this enhancement, in addition to the Pope's reward, could not be separated from Lin Manshan who pointed out the method of consumption at the beginning.

In addition, Hu Liena had taken the elixir that Lin Manshan refined, and after eating it, her cultivation speed had also increased a lot, and now her spirit power had already reached level 54, in contrast, Xie Yue who was the oldest only reached level 52, which was enough to show Lin Manshan's role.

Because of this, he was thankful to Lin Manshan. In addition, he had heard of Lin Manshan's deeds, and his clear distinction between gratitude and grudges was very much to his liking. Moreover, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo also mentioned to them that Lin Manshan is a character worth befriending.

It was for these reasons that he was willing to take the initiative to show goodwill.

On the other hand, Hu Liena was also sizing up Lin Manshan, an orphan, with innate level 3 spirit power, learning the art of medicine to solve the problem of his own lack of cultivation talent, having mastered a handful of near-nature alchemy as well as several powerful self-created spirit skills, and making a clear distinction between kindness and enmity, this was the information she had gathered.

In addition, according to Chrysanthemum Douluo, Lin Manshan is very handsome and is a rare handsome man in the world. Because of this, he always wore a mask when he was outside.

Handsome, how handsome could he be? She was quite curious.


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