Chapter 229 Take it with you

Meanwhile, in another section of the valley.

Tai Tan, who had activated his martial soul, led his clan's disciples to jump out from the mountain wall crevices or behind the shrubs one after another and landed right behind the carriage. On the other hand, Bai He led his disciples to fly and descend mid-air in front of the carriage.

The two groups went front and back, sandwiching the carriage front and back.

The horse had never seen this kind of situation before, and the constant pressure of the beast martial souls coming from the surroundings made its legs soften and shiver, frozen in place and not daring to move.

"Junior Lin, come with the old man." Bai He, who was flying in the front, showed a gentle smile on his face, with the appearance of a harmless and amiable old man.

As the words fell, his figure directly disappeared in midair, transforming into a ray of green light that swept towards Lin Manshan.

"Just by you!?" Lin Manshan snickered coldly.

In the next second, "Penetration!" A soft shout echoed as a black light streaked past his ears.

The pupils of Bai He, whose right hand was about to touch Lin Manshan, instantly shrank, his expression changed drastically, and his wings flapped as he hastily dodged.

"Whizz..." The body of the spear brushed close to his heart, taking away the fabric on his chest as well as a splash of blood.

"Old Goat, why are you here?!" Bai He covered his chest wound with his hand and asked a question in panic.

"You don't deserve to mention the two words Old Goat." As his voice echoed, two figures cut through the curtains one after the other and scurried out of the carriage. The long spear that had poked deep into the ground in front of them then returned as a stream of light, landing in the hands of Yang Wudi who was already standing in front of the carriage.

Without even looking at Bai He, he turned around and leapt to the back of the carriage, his target was Tai Tan.

As for Shui Chaozong, who waved his wings and stopped in mid-air to confront Bai He, he did not hesitate to attack.

"Eighth Spirit Skill, Splitting Ice Storm!"

He started with a big move, with a wave of his wings, six tornadoes entrapped with ice and snow directly wreaked havoc in the valley, and ice shards flew chaotically.

Bai He knew that he couldn't resist, and hurriedly flew towards the side of the mountain wall and retreated.

Shui Chaozong's martial soul is a snow eagle, and at the same spirit douluo level, his speed may not be as good as his, but his attack power definitely throws him off by eighteen streets. Especially since the martial soul is also an ice attribute, with most spirit skills being ranged attacks, it also has control effects such as freezing and slowing down.

Once controlled, the consequences are serious.

Fortunately, his speed is amazing, in the blink of an eye, he flew to the side of the mountain wall to avoid the tornado.

The disciples were out of luck, being hit by the ice shards thrown out by the tornado one after another, with miserable screams they fell down like jumping chickens one after another.

The strongest among them only has Spirit Emperor strength, and under Spirit Douluo's eighth spirit skill, they were almost defenceless.

"The first spirit skill, Ice Cone!" Shui Chaozong pursued Bai He with a barrage of shots.

To dare to touch his son-in-law, was something that could never be spared.

"Yang Wudi, you traitor." From behind him came Tai Tan's furious shout, "I'll stop him, you guys go surround and kill Lin Manshan!"

Just as the words fell, two figures suddenly flew out from the front and back of the valley, above the mountaintop.

"Got caught in a trap! How could..."

Looking at the Skywater Academy Dean Bai Xue flying in front of him, Bai He only felt his heart go cold.

The surrounding disciples of the Strength Clan who had wanted to rush forward to surround and kill Lin Manshan also instantly turned pale.

A Spirit Saint was rushing towards them.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan turned around and entered the carriage, at this distance, a few people couldn't rush in front of him yet.

Shui Zilu was not a pig.

After entering the carriage, he quickly pulled out the image-retaining stones set on the front and back wall holes. The first one recorded Tang Hao's appearance as he slammed out the Clear Sky Hammer, as well as the subsequent image of Bai He appearing and launching an attack. The latter one recorded the image of Tang Hao fighting with Dugu Bo at the back and the subsequent image of Tai Tan leading people to cut off the back road and shouting that they should surround and kill him.

Together with the process of the carriage escaping in the middle, there was everything that needed to be there, and the evidence was conclusive.   

Retrieving the image-retaining stones back into his spirit tool, Lin Manshan turned around and scurried out of the carriage, looking down, those Speed Clan disciples who had crashed to the ground had already been shot into sieves by the subsequent ice shards thrown out by the tornado, one by one, they lay down on the ground and turned into ice lumps.

And in the sky, "Damn it!" Shui Chaozong was howling in exasperation.

Bai He was worthy of being known as the continent's number one speed spirit master, although he lacked attack power, his flying speed was amazing, dodging his and his wife's spirit skills one after the other.

Turning back, he happened to see Lin Manshan and immediately accelerated and swooped down.

"Man'er, be careful." Bai Xue shouted in a hurry.

Want to capture me to defuse the crisis? Lin Manshan's eyes were calm and unperturbed, one Spirit Emperor, and two Spirit Kings, after receiving the spirit power injected by the three of them with the Martial Soul Fusion skill, the total amount of spirit power in his body at this time had already reached the peak of Spirit Saint.

With a grab of his right hand, the martial soul instantly appeared in his hand, the light in his eyes flickered slightly, and the expression on Bai He's face instantly became crystal clear.

"Spiritize!" A low murmur was uttered, and his aura suddenly erupted.

Amidst Bai He's astonished and drastically changing expression, "Vanishing Art!" A figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Poof!" Without even having the time to dodge, the blade slashed straight into his chest, bringing forth a lingering blade light, and blood was splattered.

"Ah!" With a miserable scream, the skinny body was slashed on the spot.

"First Spirit Skill, Ice Seal." As soon as the body landed, it was frozen into an ice sculpture by the white powder snow that rushed over.

When he saw this, Shui Chaozong flew directly to the back of the carriage, and Lin Manshan also landed and turned to follow.

Immediately after that, he saw Shui Chaozong's wings swinging in succession, with a swooping dive sweeping past, the disciples of the Strength Clan who were still barely supporting under the attack of Shui Zilu instantly transformed into ice sculptures.

Single attribute spirit masters were like this, when they encountered someone who restrained them, they would directly tumble to one side.

On the other side, Tai Tan was also in a declining situation, being forced backwards by Yang Wudi's berserk attacks.

"First Spirit Skill, Ice Seal!"

"Third Spirit Skill, Frost Nova."

The successive arrivals of the Shui Chaozong couple instantly changed the situation, blue light spreading under their feet, and white light descended straight down through the air like a comet, "Puh-puh." Tai Tan who was held back by Yang Wudi was hit by both and turned into a big ice sculpture on the spot.

"Ominous Moon Light, Slash!" Lin Manshan's blade light followed.

"Second Spirit Skill, Pierce!" Yang Wudi, who had retreated back to open up space, followed up with a shot.

"Poof!" The blade light landed on his body, the ice instantly cracked, and a two-finger wide long scar appeared on his martial soul true body.

"Poof!" The black light went straight in and pierced through his chest.

"Ah!" Tai Tan, whose upper body's ice shattered, immediately let out a miserable scream.

In the next second, a stream of light was flung out from Lin Manshan's hand, went straight into his throat, and was swallowed.

"Damn it, what did you feed me? If you want to kill, just kill, no need for these whole underhanded tricks." Tai Tan gritted his teeth and spat lightly, "Master will definitely avenge me."

"Spirit dispersing pill, to abolish the martial soul and cultivation." Lin Manshan faintly spoke.

"You!" Tai Tan's face instantly turned pale.

"Uncle Zilu." Lin Manshan didn't pay any more attention to him and turned around to hand the pills to Shui Zilu, who took the pills and quickly ran toward Bai He.

Soon, the pale-faced Bai He was dragged over, tied up in five different ways.

Tai Tan, on the other hand, was tied up by Shui Chaozong.

"Patriarch Tai Tan, we will know later whether Tang Hao will take revenge for you or not, and whether he takes you seriously or not." Lin Manshan laughed lightly as he pulled out the image-retaining stone from his spirit tool and raised it, "Let's go, we will bring the two of you with us."


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