Chapter 234 Clear Sky Clan

A few days later, Clear Sky Clan.

The snowy peaks were lofty and snow-capped, and above the cliffs surrounded by clouds and mist that made it impossible to see the way ahead, there was an azure sky, "Swoosh..." Two golden streams of light-like comets streaked by one after another, carrying a majestic momentum that stirred the clouds and mist at the bottom.

"Eh?" Tang Xiao and the others sitting in the hall were instantly startled.

"It's two Titled Douluo, moreover, I'm afraid their strengths are both above level 95." Tang Xiao's face was grave as he turned his head and swept to both sides, "Few elders, gather your breaths, no matter what, you can't be exposed."

"Yuehua, you shouldn't come out either."

The several elders looked at each other and nodded slightly, while Tang Yuehua on the side had a worried look on her face.

Soon, Tang Xiao walked out of the gate and raised his eyes to see Qian Jun and Jiang Long, who had already arrived in the sky above the square.

"I wonder for what reason the two of you have honoured us with your presence today?"

"That's something you have to ask yourself." Qian Jun's tone was bland, then he loudly announced, "Passing on the Great Worship's word, the Clear Sky Clan has taken the initiative to interfere in the affairs of the continent and conspired with Tang Hao. This action is a proactive attempt to tear up the agreement of that year."

"Therefore, the agreement is null and void from this day forth."

At these words, Tang Xiao's brows furrowed.

"Both of you, everything has to be based on evidence. Isn't it a bit inappropriate to make such an arbitrary judgment?"

Although the situation was unclear, he still wanted to struggle a bit.

"Evidence?" Qian Jun sneered.

"I guess you probably are not aware that your siege plan was long ago intercepted midway by the Skywalker Academy, and it was notified to Dugu Bo in advance. Dugu Bo went along with the layout to counter the siege, and had already teamed up to repel Tang Hao. Speaking of which, that brother of yours is really ruthless. In order not to expose the plan and affect the reputation of the Clear Sky Clan, he even silenced Bai He and Tai Tan, as well as the disciples of the two clans, whom they had brought there, on his way to escape. Hehe, I recall that Bai He is your own uncle."

"But what Tang Hao doesn't know is that Dugu Bo went there with the Image Retention Stone, and now everything has been publicized."

"Tang Xiao, your sister Tang Yuehua has been in and out of the Strength Clan's compound during her time in Heaven Dou City, and you don't really think that we, the Martial Spirit Hall, don't know about it, do you? During the time Tang Hao led his people to carry out the siege plan, she suddenly returned to the Clear Sky Clan, doesn't that speak volumes?"

"Could it be that you guys view us, members of Martial Spirit Hall, as fools?"

Tang Xiao's face turned grim, and then he heard Qian Jun continue, "The Great Worship only gave you two choices. One, start the war on a certain day! Two, completely shut off the clan, direct disciples are not allowed to take a step out of your secluded place, and if they are found, it will be deemed as starting a war."

"Tang Xiao, give your reply." His tone was flat as he uttered.

"I-We, Clear Sky Clan, choose the second option." Tang Xiao squeezed out a reply from between his teeth.

No matter what, it wasn't the right time to go to war.

"What a regrettable choice." Qian Jun let out a light laugh and turned around with Jiang Long to fly away.

"All of you go back." Looking at the surrounding clansmen with angry faces, Tang Xiao waved his hand and turned around to return to the hall.

As soon as his feet stepped through the entrance, "Pah!" An old man slapped his hand on the table next to him, gnashing his teeth:

"This Tang Hao, what's wrong with him? To think that he would bring such big trouble to the clan. This move by the Martial Spirit Hall is undoubtedly an attempt to completely encircle our clan here, just waiting to eliminate Tang Hao outside and eliminate the hidden dangers, that's when it'll be time to attack our Clear Sky Clan in a big way."

"Great Elder, Hao is also doing this for the sake of the Clan. It's just that he didn't expect," At this point, Tang Yuehua didn't continue.

"Hmph! He did that for the sake of the clan? It's clearly for his precious son!"   

"The prestige and reputation that the clan has built up over several generations has been completely ruined by their father and son!"

"Why don't we relocate to the Star Luo Empire and cooperate with the Imperial Family? Instead of sitting on the fence, why don't we give it a shot?"

"Move? Now that the agreement is torn up, if we leave the secluded place, Qian Daoliu will have a reason to attack. With just us few, are we a match for level 99 Limit Douluo Qian Daoliu and the Elder Hall under his command? Moreover, can we reach the Star Luo Empire? Right now, I'm afraid that there's already been a net spread by the Martial Spirit Hall outside, just waiting for us to break out so that they can take the opportunity to annihilate us in one fell swoop."

"Furthermore, even if we escape to the Star Luo Empire, will the Martial Spirit Hall be afraid of killing us? Right now, everyone on the continent believes that we took the initiative to provoke the Martial Spirit Hall and tore up the agreement first. The Martial Spirit Hall clearly stands on the right side of the reasoning, what reason does the Star Luo Imperial Family have to stop them?"

"." Upon hearing this, the few elders who were still speaking indignantly were suddenly silenced.

"Announce the external closure of the clan." Tang Xiao sighed, "Although grandfather disappeared for many years; his strength is still in place, the deterrence is still there, and Hao is also outside now."

"As long as there's no news of death, the Martial Spirit Hall won't be able to do anything to us for the time being."

"If we want to break this situation, we need a super-strong person who is strong enough to fight against the Qian Daoliu." He clenched his fists, then looked around at the crowd, "Xiao San has a Twin Martial Soul and outstanding talent, so I'm sure that Hao will cultivate him even more devotedly next. When he grows up in the future, he will become the most likely point to break the predicament. As for me, I will also choose to go into seclusion next, striving to make a further advancement in my strength."

"Of course, on top of that, we need to prepare for the worst. So, next, Second Elder, please have the clansmen speed up the progress of digging the secret passage in the back mountain. If it really comes to that day, we must leave behind a spark for the clan, regardless of the circumstances."

"If the Old Ancestor was around, how could we have suffered this kind of grievance!" The second elder burst out in anger.

"Ai, things have come to this point, there's no point in talking more, let's do what Xiao'er said." The First Elder shook his head and sighed.

On the other hand, within Skywalker Academy, Lin Manshan, who was standing in the courtyard, released the small bird in his hand.

Calculating the time, Tang San's breakthrough to level 50 should be within these few months. Moreover, he was certain that Tang San must be training next to that waterfall right now, the exact location of that place was clear to him. After his strength breakthrough, Tang San would definitely go to the Blue Silver King to condense his fifth spirit ring. In this way, he could take the opportunity to locate the Blue Silver King's position, making it convenient to bring Ye Lingling to hunt in the future.

According to the original description, the Blue Silver King's location is five days away from the waterfall.

In order to be sure, he had to release a few more birds to follow, and by the way, follow Tang San and go outside the Killing City to guard next. In addition, there was the entrance to the Clear Sky Clan.

Now that Moon Pavilion had been taken over by the Imperial Family; after Tang San came out of the Killing City, he might go straight to the Clear Sky Clan to look for Tang Yuehua. The original Tang San went alone with the map Tang Hao gave him, so he needed to place 'true eyes' in advance in order to locate Tang San.

'There's nothing much to do next, let's work hard on the cultivation.' Between his thoughts, he turned around and went back to his room.

Two days later, in an unknown village, a man clad in black robes stepped out, his hands clenched tightly, veins bulging on his forehead.

"Dugu Bo is detestable!"

Tang Hao spat out words through clenched teeth.

After a period of adjustment, his injuries had recovered somewhat, and the spirit rings that had shattered due to the ring explosion had also recovered. However, he didn't directly choose to return to Heaven Dou City or the waterfall, but first scouted around the neighbouring towns to find out the news. To check out the aftermath of the siege incident, as a result, the development of things was completely out of his expectations, as Dugu Bo even had an image retention stone with him.

The news he heard along the way was all unfavourable to him, and the Clear Sky Clan had also announced a complete lockdown.

'Good thing, with me out here, the Martial Spirit Hall probably won't dare to do anything for now. And now that Grandfather isn't here, I simply can't break the situation with my current condition.'

'I can only seize the time to train Xiao San up so that he can lead the clan out of the predicament.'

Thinking of this, he accelerated his steps towards a certain direction.


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