Chapter 238 Dark Devilgod Tiger

After the New Year, the holidays ended, and various Academies began to enrol students, and Skywalker Academy was among them.

However, because Dugu Bo announced that he would be hostile to the Clear Sky Clan, not many students came to enrol, and not a single student was the son or daughter of a prominent noble, almost all of them were civilian spirit masters, and even if there were nobles, they were small nobles who had been promoted from the commoners.

Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo had expected this and did not take it seriously.

It was worth mentioning that the Speed Clan and the Strength Clan had formally joined the Skywalker Academy during the enrolment period.

During the time when Tai Long and Bai Chenxiang were carrying out their filial piety for Tai Tan, Bai He, and the others of their clans, the two clans' situation could be described as miserable. Because their former clan heads had surrounded and assassinated Dugu Bo, none of the forces in Heaven Dou City were willing to befriend them.

The business of the clan was also cut off, the iron weapons made by the Strength Clan could not be sold. After all, there was no shortage of blacksmiths on the continent, and substitutes were not hard to find.

With the announcement of the start of enrolment, Skywalker Academy's Sacred Casting Faculty has also begun to take orders, and there are also divine smiths in charge. Not to mention that the academy also had the Sacred Healing Faculty, which refined and sold medicines, and the Defence Clan, which specialized in construction.

Bundled marketing, one group was worth three.

In comparison, the Strength Clan had no advantage.

As for the Speed Clan, they didn't have any money-making skills.

Without a source of income, the two clans, including their families of more than 1,000 people, had been living on a tight budget for the past few months.

Moreover, because of the lack of high-end combat power, their status in the Spirit Master world was in tatters.

Choosing to join the Skywalker Academy, apart from the fear that Tang Hao would come back to silence them, as well as the thought of avenging their dead clansmen.

There was also another reason, that being that there was really no other way out.

In addition, after a few months of hard living, it was obvious to the naked eye that the two clans' disciples' level of resentment towards Tang Hao father and son, as well as the Clear Sky Clan, was off the charts. As long as the name of Tang father and son was mentioned in ordinary conversations, the anger value would soar.

On this point, Lin Manshan, who possessed the ability of soul perception, felt it quite deeply.

Time quickly came to the beginning of March, the enrolment ended, and the Academy held the first opening ceremony.

Although there aren't many new students, with the presence of Skywater Academy, the four single-attribute clans, and the Ye family, there are quite a lot of spirit masters of the academy who participated in the first commencement ceremony, almost close to 2,000 people and a black mass of them spread out over the entire plaza, making it an extremely spectacular scene.

'The current Skywalker Academy shouldn't be underestimated,' Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting in the VIP seat, thought to himself as he saw this.

Sweeping his eyes over the location of the four single-attribute clans, honestly speaking, he had always suspected that Dugu Bo had intentionally refrained from killing Bai He, Tai Tan and the others who had participated in the siege, to let Tang Hao kill and exterminate them, and take the opportunity to divert the hatred and annex the two Strength and Speed Clans.

When standing in Tang Hao's point of view, choosing to exterminate them is actually not that wrong, just that he didn't expect Dugu Bo to bring an image-retaining stone with him.

Now Tang Hao killing his own people was already a fact, there was no more possibility of turnover, and it was useless to think about it.

Ghost Douluo's gaze was similarly focused on the four clans, secretly rejoicing inwardly, 'From now on, the Clear Sky Clan will have no more wings outside!'

'It seems like I need to have more dealings with Lin Manshan in the future.' Xue Qinghe's gaze moved to Lin Manshan, 'Making good relations with Lin Manshan means gaining the friendship of the entire Skywalker Academy. In this way, Xue Ye's trust in me will also be deeper.'

'Once the handover of the throne is completed, the next step of the plan can be carried out.'

Between the thoughts of the three people sitting in the VIP seats, "Clang!" A loud and clear bell rang out.

Dugu Bo, dressed in full ceremonial attire, strode onto the stage and began his speech.

Immediately afterwards, the three guests of honour, Ning Fengzhi, Xue Qinghe, and Ghost Douluo, entered and participated in the ceremonial cutting of the ribbons. After the cutting, the entire commencement ceremony was declared over, without even a performance program. As the students dispersed, Dugu Bo also left with Xue Qinghe and the other guests.

After simply having a large meal, each went back to their own home.

After bidding farewell to Xue Qinghe, Lin Manshan also returned to the compound and continued his cultivation life.

Five months later, when the time came to the middle of August.

Lin Manshan's spirit power finally broke through level 60, and, Dugu Yan also broke through to level 60.

Thus, together with Shui Chaozong, who had already handed over his affairs and moved into the Skywalker Academy, plus Yang Wudi and Dugu Bo, the five of them set out in full gear and headed to the Star Dou Great Forest.   

Because three people in the group could fly, they didn't choose to take a carriage. Instead, Dugu Bo and Shui Chaozong took one with each of them and flew to rush the journey.

It only took five days to reach the outskirts of the forest, and after a brief rest, they continued to fly.

Midway through the 10,000-year-old spirit beast area, they successfully hunted a 40,000-year-old spirit beast for Dugu Yan, and after absorbing it, her spirit power broke through to level 64.

After resting in place for the night, they continued their journey.

It wasn't until four days later, near the edge of the core area, where Lin Manshan sensed familiar soul fluctuations that they stopped.

According to the original plan, they slowly approached, and in a short time, they came to a position hundred meters away from the target.

And right at that moment, the forest, which had originally had sunlight shining down through the holes in the leaves, suddenly darkened.

"We've been discovered, this should be its domain skill." Lin Manshan whispered.

"Eh? It wants to escape!" His tone changed abruptly.

"It's not that easy!" A brilliant light flashed in Dugu Bo's eyes as his body rose into the sky, "Ring Fusion! Eighth Spirit Skill, Time Freeze!"

The turquoise light rippled, spreading outwards at an extremely fast speed, falling leaves, the sound of the wind. Everything suddenly froze and stopped.

"Swoosh." Shui Chaozong and Yang Wudi encircled left and right, their bodies moving quickly.

'Vanishing Art!' Lin Manshan charged head-on.

In just the blink of an eye, the three of them saw a giant black tiger, its red eyes filled with an eerie murderous aura. Its entire body was dark, with barely a hint of mixed colours, and its stature was over eight meters, with gnarled muscles. The most peculiar thing was that it had bat wings on its back, and its tail was up, made up of countless bone joints, with a huge barb at the end. It looked roughly like a scorpion's tail.

'Surprisingly, there really is such a peculiar spirit beast' Shui Chaozong and Yang Wudi both looked astonished.

Immediately afterwards, they struck out without hesitation.

"Sixth Spirit Skill, Extreme Freezing Ray!" The spirit rings underneath his feet lit up, and a thick blazing white ray of light erupted from the mouth of the snow eagle that had coalesced behind Shui Chaozong, freezing the Dark Devilgod Tiger that had been imprisoned in place on the spot.

"Eighth Spirit Skill, Soul Breaking Strike!" Yang Wudi raised his Soul Breaking Spear in his hand and threw it with vigour.

Right at that moment, a black light flashed by, the ice on the Dark Devilgod Tiger's body suddenly collapsed, and the tail hook behind it suddenly emitted a grey airflow, almost instantly forming a layer of grey light shroud that wrapped around its body.

"Boom!" But the violent explosion still let its massive body uncontrollably deflect, the withered branches and wood shavings around it fluttered, and the giant trees that were close to it even crumbled directly.

'It's the Dark Devilgod Tiger's defence skill, Evil God Protection. Moreover, it's worthy of being a top-tier spirit beast with time and space attributes, it actually broke free from the bindings so quickly.' Lin Manshan was inwardly shocked and hurriedly seized the moment, stabbing the great sword in his hand fiercely.

"Limit Break, Ominous Moon Extreme Light!" The blade light was like lightning, suddenly glowing and piercing straight into the tail hook behind the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

"Plop!" There was a loud sound on the ground, and the Dark Devilgod Tiger which had not yet stabilized its stance was struck on the spot by the blade light that was extremely concentrated at one point and had been subjected to multiple enhancements.

"Ka-ching." The end of the tail hook bone position suddenly cracked, and an ink-like liquid seeped out.

"Roar" The intense pain made the Dark Devilgod Tiger subconsciously roar, and at the same time, a crisis surged in its heart.

Obviously, the few people in front of it knew its abilities and weaknesses very well. The Evil God Hook at its tail was its strongest means of attack, and many of its skills had to be launched by using the tail hook. Including Evil God Protection, Evil God Stab, and so on.

The bone joints on the tail hook, on the other hand, were its weakness.

Now that the Evil God Hook was damaged, it was difficult to launch all of such skills.

The cooperation of these few people just now was definitely intentional.

Moreover, these few people purposely pulled away from it, obviously defending against its melee attack methods.


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