Chapter 240 Guess and Improvement

"You want to obtain the abilities contained within this bead?" Dugu Bo instantly realized, and his eyes lit up.

But soon frowned again.

"However, it won't be safe, right? This is, after all, a crystallization left behind by a spirit beast, and may not be suitable for human constitutions."

It was something to be swallowed into the stomach as a soul core nucleus. Wouldn't it instantly explode if there was a slight mishap?

Not suitable for humans, where did Zhou Weiqing get the Essence Bead? Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, "Grandpa, as I said before, the soul remnants inside have all been purified by me, along with the Extreme Evil Attribute that clashes with the power of the soul. Therefore, I'm afraid that all the skills contained within have now been purged, leaving only the most basic attribute origin energy. In other words."

"You have to redevelop your skills even if you absorb it, right?" Dugu Bo picked up the sentence with an odd expression on his face, and then his brain spun wildly.

"So, right now, this bead is no different from a spirit tool that can reserve elemental energies, right?"

"Or maybe it's equivalent to a special external spirit bone?"

There's still a bit of a difference, right? How could any spirit tool and spirit bone be able to reserve so many different attribute energy at the same time, this is an origin energy, not a simple heaven and earth element. Lin Manshan scratched his head, he hadn't studied it carefully yet, and he didn't know how to explain it, he could only give an awkward smile, "Almost the same meaning, I guess? Anyway, right now this bead is harmless to me."

"Then try it when you go back?" Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "Put it away first and go absorb the spirit ring."

"Well, let's wait until we go back." Lin Manshan put the bead into his spirit tool, sat down on his knees and started absorbing the spirit ring.

Dugu Bo, on the other hand, took Shui Chaozong and Yang Wudi with him and walked towards the clearing not far away where Dugu Yan, whose gaze was currently focused on Lin Manshan, stood.

After the battle ended, Dugu Yan, who was hiding, rushed over at the first opportunity.

And just as the three of them turned around and picked up their steps, between where Lin Manshan once stood, the grey aura that had already dissipated suddenly surfaced in mid-air again, like silk, coalescing into a thin line at a very fast speed, circling around in place, and shooting swiftly towards Dugu Bo.

Without a sound, it entered the back of Dugu Bo's head.

"???" Dugu Bo immediately shivered, subconsciously touching the back of his head, and then touched his eyebrows.

What are you trembling for? Beside him, Shui Chaozong poked his head out and asked with care, "Dean, what's wrong?"

Dugu Bo shook his head slightly, "Nothing, it's just that I suddenly feel the back of my head a bit chilly, and my forehead feels a bit itchy."

"It's probably because my spirit skill just now has lowered the temperature here." Shui Chaozong replied in this way.

"Hmm." Without giving it much thought, Dugu Bo took big strides to the clearing and sat down on the carpet that Dugu Yan had laid out.

On the other side, with Lin Manshan's tugging, the pitch-black spirit ring on the Dark Devilgod Tiger's corpse swiftly descended and was attached to the pocket version of the great sword martial soul suspended in front of his abdomen, followed by a cold aura with a strong unwillingness as well as an evil aura swiftly rushing into his body.

But almost instantly, it was blocked by the soul power within his body, and then, it unwillingly dissipated.

At the same time, the body of the Dark Devilgod Tiger next to him was also dissipated, and it turned into grey gas and disappeared into thin air.

"This," Not far away, Dugu Bo and the others watched with solemn expressions, this was the first time they had seen such a situation.

"Grandpa, will Ah Man be alright?" Dugu Yan's face was clouded with worry.

Dugu Bo gazed at him carefully, and then his face was relaxed, "It should be fine, the breath on Manshan's body is very peaceful."

Shui Chaozong on the side then secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "This Dark Devilgod Tiger is really strange."

At his side, Yang Wudi nodded in agreement.

"Man'er once said that according to ancient records, the Dark Devilgod Tiger is rumoured to be the result of an Evil God descending onto a white tiger, leaving behind the attribute of Extreme Evil which caused the mutation. It's normal to have some peculiarities if you can get involved with a god." Dugu Bo slightly nodded, "It's just that I don't know if this rumour is true, if it is, this tiger would be considered a surviving descendant of the Evil God."   

"Gods, they are just too far away from us." Shui Chaozong shook his head and sighed, then looked at Lin Manshan.

"However, I feel Man'er still has a chance to break through the rumoured hundred-level mark."

Dugu Bo instantly straightened his back and tilted his head, "Hehehe, wouldn't I, as a grandfather, be able to walk horizontally on the continent then?"

It would be even better if I could become a god myself. Inwardly, he thought to himself.


A few hours later, Lin Manshan woke up quietly.

Turning his head to look, the corpse of the Dark Devilgod Tiger had already scattered into ashes.

Looking at the empty ground, Lin Manshan couldn't help but fall into contemplation, the Dark Devilgod Tiger's situation was just too odd, especially after the previous encounter in the special space, "Welcome to the Life and Death Arena. Five, four, three, two, one, begin!" With that voice, words and tone, it was hard to believe that this was a skill belonging to a spirit beast, as that Dark Devilgod Tiger itself was still restricted there.

When that voice didn't announce the start, both sides could only stay where they were.

This situation gave him the first impression that the space and the rules there were not constructed by the Dark Devilgod Tiger, but originally existed, and the Dark Devilgod Tiger was only using its spatial attribute ability to pull people in to fight in accordance with the rules.

'Could it really be related to the so-called Evil God, that it is actually some kind of trial space instead? And the bead I got has the coordinates to enter that space? The Dark Devilgod Tiger, is part of the trial?' Slowly standing up, he walked towards Dugu Bo and the others, inwardly sighing, 'Unfortunately, even if it really is there, I'm afraid that it has already been washed away along with my soul power.'

The rejection reaction of the soul power, the current him, could not stop it at all.

'Unless I encounter another Dark Devilgod Tiger' He couldn't help but think deep inside, the original story clearly mentioned that the Dark Devilgod Tiger is a spirit beast tribe, not the only one. It was so rare to the point of being almost extinct because of the race's overbearing nature, growing not by cultivating themselves but by devouring others. Thus, as soon as it appeared, it would suffer a swarm of attacks from other spirit beast races.

To put it simply, it was killed off by its fellow spirit beasts.

'However, even if I encounter another one, it's hard to say if there will be this kind of bead again.'

In the middle of his thoughts, he came to sit next to Dugu Yan.

"How?" Dugu Bo couldn't help but ask.

"Not bad, level 65." Lin Manshan smiled faintly.

"Directly advanced by 5 levels!?" The crowd was astonished.

"Honestly, I didn't expect to be able to advance this much either." Lin Manshan also sighed, but thinking about it, it was reasonable. After all, it is a top power spirit beast with more than 65,000 years of age, and after the original level 93 Tang San absorbed its spirit ring, his spirit power was able to soar to level 94 and a half, so it can be seen how terrifying the quality of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, which relied on devouring to raise its cultivation, is.

He was only level 60 just now, so it was normal for him to rise 5 levels.

"No matter what, this is a good thing." Dugu Bo smiled with a beaming face, then shook his head, "It's just a pity that there were no spirit bones left behind."

"I think it might be because of that bead." Shui Zilu uttered a guess.

"I think so too, I'm even more suspect now that bead is a piece of external spirit bone." Dugu Bo nodded slightly.

With that, he raised his hand and stood up, "Let's go, we should go back."

"Hm." The crowd rose one after another.


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