Chapter 245 Tang San returns to Clear Sky Clan (3 in 1)

Ten days later, Sunset Forest.

Tang San slowly opened his eyes, no sadness or joy visible on his face, "Father, level 63."

With his current physical quality, absorbing a 30,000-year-old plant system spirit beast spirit ring was a matter of course, and didn't make his heart fluctuate.

After all, he had devoured hundreds if not a thousand spirit masters in the Killing City.

Even though the external spirit bone was unable to store life energy, coupled with the fact that the physical body was able to transform after each devouring was very small, resulting in a very small increase in physical body strength each time. However, under the accumulation of days and months and many small amounts, it was still not a bad enhancement.

"Hmm." Tang Hao nodded and stood up from the ground, "In that case, let's part ways."

After saying that, he directly turned around and left.

Tang San didn't say anything more, just stood still, watching Tang Hao's back disappear.

With his current strength, it was very difficult to encounter spirit beasts that could threaten his life in this Sunset Forest. Even if he encountered one, he could circumvent it with his scouting ability. This was also the reason why Tang Hao was relieved to leave.

This was something he could completely understand.

A father's love is like this, unspoken but silently guarding.

"Father, I won't let you down!" Murmuring, he turned around and ran towards the north.


On the other side, the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

"Bring along the image-retaining stone, increase the surveillance around the Clear Sky Clan, and if you find Tang Hao father and son outside, immediately record and report back." After hearing the report from the returned Titled Douluo, Bibi Dong didn't show a displeased look but instantly ordered.

"Yes, the subordinate will go and make arrangements now!" The Ghost Douluo standing on the right side below immediately bowed and responded.


Inside the Skywalker Academy, Lin Manshan stood in front of the window and watched the finches fly away.

'Running quite fast, however, Tang Hao once again performed the Ring Explosion Technique, and the time to strip the spirit bone to remove the stagnant blood must be close.'

Between his thoughts, he returned to the futon and sat down.

In the recent period of time, he had spent time every day sensing the multiple attribute energies contained in the Elemental Soul Core in his lower dantian, and now he was able to make the most superficial use of it.

Moreover, after observing, the Elemental Soul Core was indeed slowly improving his physique.

Even if he didn't run the Meridian Skill to accelerate it, this improvement would still proceed gradually as the Soul Core revolved on its own.

And his physical body resistance nowadays could already support a hand-spun small fireball.

Of course, the greatest improvement was still the wind attribute, which had a milder property, and was the centre of attention for his current development. Nowadays, not only can he fling wind blades with his hands, but he can also transfer wind attribute energy to his legs, making his body lighter and enhancing his movement speed in disguise.

Safety first, running fast was important!

Unfortunately, it was still far from truly walking on the wind, and flying on the wind was even more uncertain.

Shaking his head slightly to eliminate distracting thoughts, he continued to immerse himself in comprehension.


A few days later, outside the Clear Sky Clan.

'As expected, Clear Sky Clan has been completely blockaded by the Martial Spirit Hall.' Sensing the silhouettes hidden around the village in the distance, Tang San further catalysed his mental power to restrain his killing aura, then tapped his toes and displayed the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track to silently disappear into the village.

The Tang Sect was best at assassination and tracking, compared to him, the people of the Martial Spirit Hall were far worse.

However, being exposed to the sight of flying spirit masters before had still left a deep mark on him. Therefore, this time, he chose to come in the early hours of the morning.

This point in time was the moment when people would be most sleepy.

Borrowing the shadows of the dilapidated houses for cover, he continued to move forward.

The map Tang Hao gave him not only had a detailed location record, but the terrain in and out of Clear Sky Clan was also clear. His father, Tang Hao, hadn't returned to the Clear Sky Clan for many years, so it was naturally impossible for him to understand it so clearly. Therefore, he expected that it was the map left behind by his aunt Tang Yuehua.

Between his thoughts, he crossed the village and spent nearly half an hour before finally circling around to a mountain peak.

With a height of around five hundred meters, it was extremely steep, and the entire mountain wall was almost vertical to the ground, and extremely smooth, with hardly any plants present.

As he stared, at the smooth mountain wall, he found weeds were irregularly distributed, just right for borrowing strength.

Withdrawing his Purple Demon Eye skill, he bowed his calf and directly rose into the air.

The mountain wall was too smooth and steep, it was impossible to hide someone, coupled with the hidden location, he did not find any hidden Martial Spirit Hall secret sentries around the area.

'I'm afraid, Father has long anticipated this situation, which is why he had made Aunt prepare this map in advance, marking out this hiding place.' While lamenting inwardly, he once again displayed Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, cautiously controlling his power, and silently ascended to the top of the mountain.

Through the resonance between his spiritual power and the Blue Silver Grass, he could completely sense that in front of him, there was a large expanse of vegetation, and a lot of it was growing on the steep cliffs.

After carefully sensing his surroundings, he instantly realized that the area near the right side seemed to have figures hidden in it.

In the rest of the area, there were also figures hidden spread out, only their numbers were extremely small, but they all occupied the high ground.

'It seems like that side is where the Clear Sky Clan's disciples go in and out on a normal day.'

Thinking about it, he released the Eight Spider Spear, grabbed the cliff edge, moved towards the valley below, and then followed the shadows of the mountain wall to go around in the memorized direction.

Not long after, a chain was found in the lower section of a mountain stream, the bottom was so deep that it couldn't be detected at all.

Without hesitation, Tang San tapped his toes and stepped on the chain, leaping quickly.

Not long after, he finally came to the other side, under the spiritual perception, there was no Martial Spirit Hall secret sentry around, 'This chain spans nearly a thousand meters, if you can't fly, you'll surely die if you fall down. Moreover, the chain is slippery, if you want to cross it safely, it is by no means something that an ordinary spirit master would be able to do. Even the Martial Spirit Hall would find it difficult to set up secret outposts on so many mountain peaks, not to mention that this place is sufficiently secretive.'

'Who would have thought that underneath this mountain stream where the bottom cannot be seen, there are chains present within?'

'This, I'm afraid, that it is one of the back roads that the clan has prepared.'

'Moreover, it should be a back road prepared for elite disciples, ordinary disciples, they simply cannot cross over it.'

After a moment of silence, he once again unfolded the Eight Spider Spear and gripped the mountain wall to continue crawling.

Crossing over a mountain peak, and walking through a chain, the climate became colder and colder, the mountain wall turned to solid ice, and Tang San also finally arrived at the fourth mountain peak. Looking ahead, the front was no longer deep black, but a cold fog filled the air, covering an ice chain.

Seeing this situation, Tang San also did not dare to be slow, summoning the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, latching on to the ice chain, and utilizing the force to slide.

Slipping and sliding, "Who is it!?" A soft shout came from not far away.

'No wonder there's no one around here, the front should be where the Clear Sky Clan is truly located, this mountain stream with a width of at least two thousand meters is the alert range that the Clear Sky Clan has blocked off and strictly guarded.' Tang San inwardly thought quietly, and his waist exerting a force, he borrowed the force to swing on the ice chain.

Right at this moment, the mists rolled ahead, and a burly man holding a Clear Sky Hammer rushed out.

Seeing this, Tang San's right hand grasped, Clear Sky Hammer martial soul appeared in his hand, and the surging murderous aura unconsciously diffused, making the burly man who rushed out furrow his brow, and then he heard Tang San's clear and cold voice sounding out, ''My name is Tang San, and I've come to look for my aunt, Tang Yuehua. I think this martial soul is enough to prove my identity."

When he spoke, his mind recalled his father Tang Hao's instructions and added, "I just came out of the Killing City, I can't fully control my emotions and the killing aura in my body, so please forgive me if I have offended you."

A trace of surprise flashed through the burly man's eyes, looking Tang San up and down, he faintly said, "My name is Tang Long, follow me."

After saying that, he withdrew his martial soul, twisted his body with a bounce, and drilled into the mist.

Looks like the Clear Sky Clan's people don't have a good impression of me and Father. Tang San frowned, retrieving his martial soul to follow.

When he walked through the iron chain, the distant east happened to be blindingly bright, reflecting the huge stone building at the top of the mountain, grey in colour, looking as if it was part of the mountain, occupying almost the entire top of the mountain, at the bottom of which was a stone gate as high as five metres, with three big words engraved on it, Clear Sky Clan.

"Please present the clan's token." Just as he followed Tang Long to the gate, a grey-clothed youth on the side swept his gaze over.

"A token!?" Tang San subconsciously frowned.

Tang Long possessed the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul, clearly a direct disciple of the Clear Sky Clan, when he brought him here without a fight, couldn't that explain the situation?

The Clan was facing a difficult situation, and there were even internal disagreements. How exactly did the Uncle leading the Clan?

What were the elders within the Clan doing this for?

"It's the Clear Sky Hammer." Tang Long turned around and said indifferently, "Only the clan's direct descendants can enter here, the affiliated and collateral disciples all live in the village outside. They only let you show it because they saw that you looked unfamiliar, that's the rule." As he said that, his gaze also darkened.

After the Clear Sky Clan announced the total closure of the mountain, many more affiliated disciples chose to leave silently. Right now, most of the people still left in the village under the mountain were the collateral descendants who hadn't awakened the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul. It was also these people who were under the close surveillance of the Martial Spirit Hall when delivering the necessary supplies for the clan.

The Clear Sky Clan had surprisingly fallen to such a state. Tang San inwardly fell silent, he had observed it earlier when he was walking through the village, judging from the size, the residents of that village were only a few hundred at most, and were living in an extremely difficult situation. This could be seen from the dilapidated houses and the worn-out clothes hanging outside. How was this the situation that a clan's descendant should be in, it was clearly just an ordinary farmer's household.

Nodding slightly, Tang San flipped his left hand, and between the surges of black light, a foot-long Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand.

There wasn't even a single spirit ring. The eyes of the two gatekeeper disciples suddenly turned indifferent.

"Let's go." Seeing the change in the two men's expressions, Tang Long didn't explain, just raised his hand and continued forward.

Tang San didn't say anything either, retrieving his martial soul to follow suit.

Soon, the two arrived in front of a huge castle-like building, and after entering, there was a wide hall.

"It's still early, you can sit here first. I'll go inform the clan leader and the others."

Saying this, Tang Long stomped up to the second floor via the inner staircase on his own.

Not long after, he walked down again and faintly said, "Come up."

Tang San, who was standing in place waiting, immediately walked up the stairs and then followed Tang Long into the second-floor living room.

As soon as his feet stepped over the threshold, a surging pressure bypassed Tang Long and pressed straight over.

"Eh?" Tang San's complexion almost reflexively seemed to become cold, his eyes flashed red, and his milky white killing aura suddenly erupted like a substance.

"???" Tang Long who was standing in front of him felt a wave of cool air rush straight to his head, his expression then changed drastically, jumping to the side with a swish. The eyes that looked towards Tang San also carried a trace of gravity, in the face of the powerful pressure released by clan leader Tang Xiao, not only he didn't bend down in any way, but he was even able to make a counterattack right at the first opportunity, it was enough to show that Tang San's strength, it was probably above him, but Tang San's age.

No wonder Aunt Yuehua usually holds him in high esteem. Inwardly, he thought quietly.

Tang Xiao, who was sitting behind the table, also had a change in expression, Surprisingly, he had already broken through to the Spirit Emperor!

Brother Hao, what kind of monster have you raised? Amid lamentation, a wave of relief and hope also rose in his eyes. At the same time, it was also clear why Tang Hao let Tang San come, such a reaction, such a murderous aura, it was obvious that he had just come out of the Killing City.

"Big brother, what are you doing?" A scolding sounded, followed by gentle chords of music resonating through the room in spirals. As the stringed music continued to sound, the red aura in Tang San's eyes gradually faded down, and the murderous aura lingering around his body also gradually converged.

"Xiao San, quickly come over and let Auntie have a look." Tang Yuehua retrieved her martial soul, her face filled with joy.

Hearing this, Tang San took big strides and walked not far in front of Tang Xiao, plopped down and then bowed, "Tang San, meet clan leader."

"Get up." Tang Xiao nodded with a bland expression.

On the side, Tang Yuehua's brows furrowed as she rose from her seat and quickly walked forward to help Tang San up.

"Xiao San, what are you doing? How could your father's deeds be borne by a junior like you."

"Father's debt is paid by a son, it's a heaven's law, I'm willing to take all the liabilities on behalf of my father." Tang San said humbly.   

"Can you afford it?" Tang Xiao sniffed and his aura exploded, slapping his palm on the stone table and shouting angrily.

Tang San immediately fell to his knees again, "I don't know if I can afford it, but I'm willing to use this life of mine to serve the clan and do what I can to atone for my father's sins." The tone of his voice was suppressed and low, seemingly harbouring unwillingness and stubbornness.

"To let a child bear the burden of his actions. Tang Hao ah Tang Hao, do you really want to keep running away like this?" Tang Xiao turned around and stood up, walking to the window next to him, waving his right hand and scattering the powdered dust on the ground to the window.

"Clan Leader, Father isn't running away!" Tang San's tone was resolute and decisive, "He simply knows that he has disgraced the clan and has no right to return without authorization."

"Get up." Tang Xiao turned back, his expression turning soft, "Do you know? Actually, I never thought that your Father did anything wrong back then. If your mother had chosen me back then, I would have made the same choice, even more drastic than him. So, in the future, no matter what others say, I don't want your Father's matter to become a burden for you. Doing your best for the clan is something you must do, not because of your father's incident, but because, you are also a member of the Tang family, a part of the clan."

"Clan Leader, you know my mother?" Tang San's expression instantly showed some surprise.

Listening to Tang Xiao's tone, it seemed that he had pursued his mother with his father back then, only that he had failed.

"Call me Uncle." Tang Xiao quietly looked at Tang San, his tone was gentle.

"Uncle." Tang San immediately said.

Tang Xiao nodded and continued, "Since your father didn't choose to tell you this, he must have his own considerations. I can probably guess his purpose for letting you come here alone. From today onwards, you will live in the clan and study under your aunt."

"When you can completely control the killing aura in your body, I think that he will take the initiative to inform you about everything."

"However, you have to be prepared. The clan isn't solely under my control, whether you can stay or not, the Elders' hurdle, you'll need to break through it on your own. And my advice to you is only two words, be tough. Here, strength is the power of speech. If you want to atone for your father's sins on behalf of your father, first you need to use your own strength to prove that you have that ability to do so."

"Otherwise, everything is just empty talk."

"Now." Tang Xiao turned his head to look at Tang Yuehua, "Yuehua, take Xiao San to his room to wash up."

"After breakfast, bring Xiao San to the front yard to attend the clan assembly."

Tang Yuehua nodded, pulling Tang San towards the door of the room on the other side.

An hour later, the front courtyard of the Clear Sky Clan.

Unlike the emptiness in the early morning when Tang San arrived, at this time, there were at least 150 people close to the courtyard, and they were forming a circle, surrounding Tang Xiao, who was sitting on a chair, and five white-haired old men who were surrounding the centre of the circle, and one of the old men was talking to Tang Xiao about something.

After giving Tang San some good advice, Tang Yuehua walked towards Tang Xiao.

Tang San, on the other hand, walked straight into the encirclement from the front, heading towards Tang Xiao and the several elders.

Seeing Tang San arrive, the crowd of disciples made a path, their faces mostly tinged with unkindness. The Clear Sky Clan had secluded itself from the world back then because of Tang Hao, and not too long ago they suffered a total blockade because of Tang Hao's besieging act. Once upon a time, the Clear Sky Clan, the number one clan in the world, how strong and glorious it was. As direct disciples, they were well-fed and well-drunk. But all of this had gone because of Tang Hao.

They were once well-dressed and well-off, but now they had to live in this bitterly cold place, eating and sleeping in the wind.

How could they not hate him?!

Seeing Tang Hao's son at this time, the anger that filled their hearts was difficult to suppress.

"Tang Hao's bastard, get out of the Clear Sky Clan, you don't deserve to be here!" A stern cry suddenly erupted from the crowd.

"That's right; since you've already left the clan, why are you still coming back?!"

"Both of you, father and son, are sinners of the Clear Sky Clan!"

"." There were instantly people around who responded to the uproar, basically some young people.

"Sinner?!" These two words undoubtedly penetrated deeply into Tang San's heart, his eyes almost instantly turning crimson.

Since he was young, his mother wasn't around, and he was dependent on his father. A mother's love had always been something he had longed for in both of his lives. In this life, although he still didn't know exactly what his mother's identity was, that longing was getting stronger as he grew older.

"Boom!" Almost without warning, a flash of white light erupted from within his body, and the cold and gloomy killing aura turned into substance, carrying a majestic momentum and spreading around indiscriminately.

At the same time, yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, six spirit rings were unveiled one by one.

The surrounding Clear Sky Clan's slightly weaker disciple's face almost instantly turned pale, and the rest of the disciples' faces suddenly froze with disbelieving expressions.

Six spirit rings, Spirit Emperor! Several elders' faces also changed.

"Deserve!?" Tang San swept his gaze coldly, "Just you guys dare to talk to me about being deserving? A bunch of trash!"

"Back then, who started all this? Was it my father? It was the Martial Spirit Hall! After being bullied at the door, does my father still have to bend his knees and beg for forgiveness? As a member of the clan, does my father still have to kowtow to the Qian Xunji?"

"Moreover, my mother is dead! She's dead!" Almost roaring out.

Although he didn't know the whole truth yet, he had got some information from just a few words from his father's mouth and his own searches during his conversations with Ning Fengzhi in Heaven Dou City. He had already guessed that his mother, most likely, had died in that battle back then.

"My father fought back, he defended the reputation of the clan. He repelled the incoming enemies of the Martial Spirit Hall with his own strength, and supported the backbone of a clan."

"And as a husband, he took on the responsibility of guarding his wife. But what about all of you? What did you guys do when the clan's disciples were being bullied and humiliated?!"

"You chose to shrink back and escape without resistance! Allowing my father to be forced out of the Clan, displaced, and subjected to a siege by the Martial Spirit Hall. In the end, letting my mother tragically die in battle!?"

"All of this was caused by your cowardice!"

"The number one clan in the world? Do you guys deserve this title? Are you guys qualified?"

"As for Dugu Bo, doesn't he deserve to die? My father is outside working hard to eliminate hidden dangers for the clan even though he's separated from the clan. What about you guys? You guys are hiding here like shrunken turtles, waiting for your external enemies to grow up and eliminate you."

"Look at you all, besides moving your mouths, what else can you do for the clan!?"

"You guys hate me and my father, then who should I, who grew up motherless and dependent on my father, hate!?"

The disciples were dumbfounded, a few elders looked unsightly, Tang Yuehua was sobbing uncontrollably, Tang Xiao, who was on the side, was flushed red and his fists were clenched tightly.

Then he saw Tang San withdraw his spirit ring, his right hand grasped, and the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul smashed heavily on the ground.

His tone was high and cold, "Take a good look at yourselves, based on your potential, based on your shrinking here behind closed doors, trapped here like a flower in a greenhouse, never subjected to the wind and rain and tempering, can you reach the point where you can fight against Bibi Dong, against the level 99 Limit Douluo Qian Daoliu? If you guys think you can, then come on! Defeat me and prove yourselves!"

"If you guys can't do it, then this matter, I will do it!"

The crowd of young disciples looked at each other, none of them dared to step forward. In the same age group as Tang San, the strongest among them was only at the Spirit Ancestor level, going to fight a Spirit Emperor, wasn't that looking for abuse? Those of a higher generation, going up would be bullying the small with the big.

"Tang San, don't be reckless in front of the elders." Tang Xiao's voice sounded out.

However, Tang San was unmoved, turning his head to look at Tang Xiao with a cold face, "Uncle, the current Clear Sky Clan is really disappointing. After cowering here for so long, many people have become incapable of knowing right from wrong, and can't even tell their own enemies apart."

Saying that he swept his gaze over the several elders and coldly said:

"Now that I'm standing here, it's not that the Clear Sky Clan is giving me a choice, it's that I'm giving the Clear Sky Clan a choice."

"How Arrogant!" An elder instantly shouted out harshly, his strong aura gushing out.

It immediately shook Tang San backwards a few steps.

But Tang San's tone remained cold, "Whether it's arrogance, or the facts laid out in front of you, you yourselves are clear in your own hearts. With my great-grandfather gone, I am now the only one who has a chance to grow up and confront the Qian Daoliu. Moreover, with the great grandfather's majesty back then, if he knew that you guys made the move of cowering to protect yourselves back then, letting the clan decline to this point."

"How do you guys think that he would feel?"

"Whether to continue to cower like this and show your necks or to rise up and fight back, I think it's time to make a choice. Of course, Seventh Elder, you can also choose to kill me right now, I will not resist, consider it as paying for the life of your dead eldest son back then."

"Or, let go of the grudge and face the common enemy, the Martial Spirit Hall, together with Junior."

"If you're willing," Tang San said, his right hand brushed across his waist, and the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent Inner Dan appeared in his palm.

"This is the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent Inner Dan I got from clearing the Hell Road, it contains abundant fire attribute energy, if you take it, you'll definitely benefit greatly."

"I can give it to you as an atonement for the confrontation just now and for what happened back then."

The insults of the Clear Sky Clan's disciples earlier had indeed made him angry, but he had expected these after Tang Yuehua had finished telling him about the present-day situation of the Clear Sky Clan.

Recognizing his ancestor had always been his father's wish, and for his father's sake, he had to restrain himself.

Just now, he did have the intention of venting, but why wasn't he being truthful?

As for taking out the inner dan of the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent, it was also the result of much deliberation.

Resolving the grudges and giving a few elders with the heaviest grudges against his father a step-down was one. As for the second, the current Clear Sky Clan was indeed in dire need of boosting its battle power.

The five Titled Douluos who had chased after him and his father before had left a deep impression on him.

Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Ghost Douluo, plus the five who chased after them, added together were nine Titled Douluos, and that didn't even include whether or not there were any other Titled Douluos hidden in the Martial Spirit Hall's rear. Counting the many spirit masters under the command of the Martial Spirit Hall, the difference in battle power was simply too great.

Even if he really grows to the realm of Tang Chen in the future, the chances of winning are also hard to predict.

Uniting all the forces that could be united was something he had to do now.

This was also what his father had instructed him earlier.

"Old Seven, the big picture is the priority." The Grand Elder at the side couldn't help but speak out.

Although Tang San's words were impulsive, they were indeed the truth. Moreover, he could see that Tang San had prepared these words earlier, not being reckless. Not to mention the strength, just the wisdom shown by this move of advancing and retreating, he recognized Tang San from the bottom of his heart. Against the huge Martial Spirit Hall, relying on brute force alone wouldn't do.

"Hmph, brat. All of this is not enough to get my approval, you must use your strength to prove your potential." The Seventh Elder snorted coldly and took a few steps forward, his right hand flung out, the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul was in his hand, "I will suppress my strength to the peak of the Spirit Emperor, and I won't use any Spirit Skills, come on."

"Let me see if you actually have the qualifications to make us bet the life and death of the clan on you."

At those words, Tang Xiao and Tang Yuehua's eyes by the side instantly lit up.

How could this move of the seventh elder not be an act to demonstrate to the disciples of the clan?

With a wave of his hand, he signalled the surrounding disciples to back away at once.

"As you wish!" Tang San retrieved the inner elixir and said without humbling himself.

When the crowd dispersed, his foot stamped, the ground suddenly crumbled, and his body disappeared in place.

"Death God Domain. External Spirit Bone. Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer. Clear Sky Nine Absolutes," Without any hesitation, he struck out a killing move.

Two-quarters of an hour later, the ground was devastated, and the disciples were dumbstruck.

"Seventh Elder, I wonder if the strength of the junior has satisfied you?" Tang San stood still, his tone was indifferent.

"Hmph, count yourself as passing." Seventh Elder coldly snorted and withdrew his martial soul, then added, "However, the promise your father made to me back then still needs to be fulfilled, a Martial Spirit Hall Titled Douluo's head, this is the ultimate test for you to gain my approval."

"This is natural." Tang San nodded, retrieving his martial soul and took out the inner elixir, directly flinging it over, "Please accept it with a smile, Seventh Elder."

Raising his hand to receive it, the seventh elder didn't say anything, turning around to walk towards the rest of the elders.

Seeing this, Tang Xiao stood up and formally announced that Tang San would stay in Clear Sky Clan to cultivate next.

Thus, Tang San officially moved into the Clear Sky Clan.


PS: Writing this chapter plot this big was to avoid disjointedness, I have no choice.


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