Chapter 247 A great harvest!

Time passed little by little.

After an unknown amount of time, inside the cave, Tang Hao, whose face had regained some trace of blood colour, slowly opened his eyes. Taking a deep breath, his gaze suddenly condensed, and his right hand then lifted up.

In the next moment, his left hand picked up a sharp blade, and the light of the knife swiftly cut through. "Hmm." With a muffled grunt, Tang Hao clenched his teeth, hastily urging his spirit power to expel the stagnant blood from the right half of his body.

Violent soul fluctuations swirled up, and Lin Manshan, who was sitting on the meadow waiting outside the waterfall, instantly felt something in his heart, then turned his head to look at Dugu Bo, "Tang Hao is quite courageous; if I'm not wrong, he cut off another limb of his own."

"So ruthless!" Dugu Bo also looked surprised, "Then wouldn't he only be at the Spirit Saint realm now."

As a Titled Douluo who had travelled extensively, he was aware of the cost of stripping the spirit bone.

"Well, it should be." Lin Manshan nodded.

"Then, should we, uh, just rush in and finish him off now and be done with it?" Dugu Bo suggested.

Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, "As long as we open the secret door, Tang Hao will definitely be alerted at the first opportunity. The cave entrance behind the waterfall is deep and narrow, so if a fight breaks out, I'm afraid all three of us will be buried inside."

"There's no need to do that."

"That's also true, it wouldn't be good to get dusty when the time comes." Dugu Bo nodded.

Thus, the two continued to wait.

Meanwhile, inside the cave, Tang Hao, after treating his wounds, once again began to regulate his breathing first to stabilize his injuries.

It wasn't until half an hour later that he slowly opened his eyes. Looking down at the chopped-off limbs, his left hand slapped through the air, and between the blood and flesh flopping around, two spirit bones surging with berserk energy appeared in front of his eyes. Subsequently, with an empty grip of his left palm, the two spirit bones flew to the side of an empty space.

Picking up a kettle, he quickly cleaned off the blood on top of the spirit bones with clean water. He didn't want his blood to get on his wife Ah Yin's spirit bone, which was also the reason why he didn't open the box right away.

Soon, the blood stains were cleaned.

Tang Hao placed the spirit bone on his still-fresh right leg; then slapped a pothole next to the blue silver grass with a palm, then buried the severed limb and bloodstains by blasting them in, before reaching out to pick up the lead box from the empty space on the side.

His fingers twisted as he slowly opened it.

In the next instant, his pupils shrunk violently, and his face changed dramatically.

What came into view was a long piece of metal, on which was attached a note written with a red pen.

"Surprised? That piece of spirit bone has long since been absorbed by me, and the Blue Silver Emperor has long since been taken away by me as well. What you see now is nothing more than an ordinary Blue Silver Grass that has been disguised. Ha, Tang Hao, what a pity that I can't see you kneeling in front of it and recounting your deep feelings with my own eyes."

With veins bulging on his forehead and eyes turning crimson, spirit power and murderous aura instantly erupted from Tang Hao's body. The blue silver grass planted in the centre of the stone room was shattered into pieces on the spot.

"Who! Who is it!?" A loud roar containing violent anger echoed within the stone room, stirring up gusts of dusty crumbs.

Immediately afterwards, he only felt that the blood in his entire body suddenly accelerated as if it was on fire, and his heart suddenly ached.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of reverse blood spurted out.

The bright red blood landed on the ground, and the moss on the ground was instantly corroded, with wisps of fishy smoke rising up.

"It's poison! A colourless and odorless poison!"

'Dugu Bo! And Lin Manshan! Only they have the ability to create such an extreme poison' As his mind fluttered, he hastily urged his spirit power to suppress the poison.

However, this instead allowed the poison to travel even more swiftly. It felt as if the spirit energy had become the poison's nourishment, catalysing the growth of the acute poison.

"I can't, I can't die here!"

"Since Dugu Bo has already discovered this place, he must have also known that Xiao San would return here. With Xiao San's current strength, if he encounters Dugu Bo's attack, he will surely die, I must stop this from happening."

"Death God Domain!" Gritting his teeth and letting out a low cry, the Death God Domain activated, the light in the centre of his eyebrows operated, and the blood in his entire body instantly condensed as if it was fixed by great power.

The left hand held up his chest and he quickly stood up, his sole right leg lightly clicked, and his entire body turned into a black light rushing towards the cave entrance.

"Boom!" With a punch from his left hand, he directly shattered the stone door, and his body then leapt up, splashing water in all directions.

"Ring Fusion! Eighth Spirit Skill, Time Freeze!" A soft shout suddenly rang out, everything around him returned to calm, and the body surrounded by rushing currents and splashes of water suddenly stopped.

With only the Spirit Saint realm and not being able to use his spirit power at will, he was obviously unable to resist Dugu Bo's control.

Anger and unwillingness instantly rose from his chest.   

Right at this moment, "Limit Break, Ominous Moon Extreme Light!" A green stream of light flashed by, striking his heart in the centre.

"Pfft!" The colour of blood stained his clothes, and his body flew backwards directly. Successive crashes resounded in the cave behind the waterfall.

After a moment, everything fell silent again.

"Dead or not?" Dugu Bo turned his head and asked.

"The soul fluctuation is still intense, but the breath is extremely weak, it should be soon. His heart has already been pierced by me, it's impossible for him to have any more strength left to resist the intense poison eating away within his body." Lin Manshan responded back, "Right now he's relying solely on his will to persevere, I guess he's thinking of Tang San."

Dugu Bo nodded, glancing down at the water pool, "I didn't expect Tang Hao to still have the ability to suppress the poison even though he's weakened like this, luckily we blocked him in time, or else we'd have let him run out with the poison, and it really wouldn't have been easy to deal with."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan lightly responded, pulling out the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Herb from the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse and turning his head, "The soul aura has disappeared. Grandpa, please take care of the rubble outside, lest the Tang San who comes afterwards sees the clues."

"Good!" Dugu Bo nodded and flew down.

Lin Manshan, on the other hand, clutched the Aromatic Silk Beauty Immortal Herb and plunged straight into the waterfall.

"Ta," His feet landed on the ground, and he walked forward through the halo of light emanating from the Immortal Herb.

Soon, Tang Hao was seen ten meters away from the cave entrance, blood flowing like a stream underneath his body, constantly rising up with a fishy aura, and the whole person was drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Lin Manshan watched silently until only clothing remained on the ground, as well as the faint halo of light flickering underneath it.

Waving his hand, he threw out a wind force to blow the clothing away, and then with a gentle sweep, he brought all the spirit bones to the empty space at the back. Then he took out a bottle of potion from his spirit tool and poured it into the bloodstain, then walked to the spirit bones with big strides and squatted down to continue pouring the potion.

After waiting for a moment, he took out water from his spirit tool and rinsed all the spirit bones.

Only then did he pick up one piece and examine it, and the more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

'In addition to the left arm bone, the quality of the rest of the spirit bones is surprisingly above 50,000 years, especially the torso bone, I believe the age is above 80,000 years, the quality is not inferior to an ordinary 100,000-year-old spirit bone, and it's only a level lower than the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone that I absorbed.'

After pondering, he couldn't help but murmur, "This torso bone should have been obtained when Tang Hao absorbed the eighth spirit ring. With Tang Hao's identity and talent, the quality and age of the power spirit beasts hunted for the eighth spirit ring would definitely not be bad. The chances of a top spirit beast at this level dropping a spirit bone were indeed extremely high. Maybe, being able to find this spirit beast is also because of the Blue Silver Emperor's guidance?"

"Not a bad harvest." Murmuring lowly, he put the spirit bone into his spirit tool and turned around to leave.

When he walked to the entrance of the cave, he summoned his martial soul to slash and chop, sealing the cave entrance completely before jumping out of the waterfall.

"How?" Seeing Lin Manshan jump down, Dugu Bo, who had already tidied up the rubble, went up and asked.

"Grandpa, you are blessed." Lin Manshan smiled faintly.

"Hehehe, go go go, let's go back first." Dugu Bo urged while urging his spirit power to make his body float in the air.

"Hm." Lin Manshan nodded and was grabbed by Dugu Bo and flew.

Not long after the two of them left, in the Unknown Land, a white-clothed man walked into the grand palace.

"Hm? Tang Hao is dead?" With no fluctuation in his face, he blandly walked to a pool.

With a wave of his hand, the surface of the pool instantly reflected the image.

"Eh? This person actually has a divine thought mark on him as well, which wasn't there before, so it seems to be a recent acquisition of qualifications. However, why is this divine thought fluctuation so weak?"

"Forget it, dead is dead, nothing more than a self-defeating failure."

"However, this spirit master who has newly obtained the divine thought mark has a grudge against that child, I am afraid that some twists and turns will be produced in the future ..." He could not help but fall into thought.

God can't observe the lower realm at will, and can only look through the divine thoughts left behind in the land of divine examination or the chosen one with the divine thought mark on his/her body. Moreover, they can only rely on special channels to observe, and all other places have been blocked by the boundaries created by the core of the Divine Realm.

This was done to prevent certain gods from prying and interfering with the lower realms as they wished.

The reason why he had set up a reward like the Death God Domain was to spread his divine thought imprints widely and collect information through these imprints to increase the probability of encountering a suitable successor. After all, one day in the Divine Realm is several years in the Lower Realm, and he holds an important position, so he can't constantly keep an eye over there.

Unfortunately, for the previous two, one was halfway finished, and the other had only just begun when he fell on his own.

"Let's hope that this one, now, will be different." Waving his hand at the newest light situation, he turned to leave.

"There is a lack of mentality, and the killing heart is too heavy, so when the time comes, I should put in some extra effort on the Seven Emotions test. Killing, heh, how am I ever solely dependent on killing to walk up the ladder."


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