Chapter 249 Search

Two days later, at night, under Dugu Bo's lead, Lin Manshan and Zhu Zhuyu jumped on Shui Chaozong's martial soul true body and flew out of the academy. Only when they flew to the outskirts of Heaven Dou City did they release their horses from the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse and attach their carriage to move forward slowly.

Ten days later, they finally arrived at the Star Dou Great Forest.

With Dugu Bo and Shui Chaozong around, there was no need to worry about security before reaching the core circle. Therefore, relying on Lin Manshan's soul perception ability, the team directly chose to fly and search, spending only one day to reach the depths of the Ten Thousand Year Spirit Beast's living area.

Immediately afterwards, it took another two days to find a cat-like agility spirit beast with an age of 40,000 years.

At this time, Zhu Zhuyu had already broken through level 60 for almost two months, with some accumulation in her body, her spirit power was also directly raised to level 64 after absorbing her spirit ring.

The four of them continued to set off, approaching towards the core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest.

After arriving at the edge of the core circle, they did not continue to go deeper. Now that Xiao Wu has returned, the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python must be inseparable, so unless Yang Wudi and Niu Gao both break through the Titled Douluo level, it won't be easy to kill them steadily.

Moreover, 100,000-year-old spirit beasts can blow themselves up if they are unwilling to let humans get their spirit rings and spirit bones.

In the original Bibi Dong with a few Titled Douluo failed to directly kill Da Ming and Er Ming, let alone them.

After all, it is a top-tier spirit beast Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python. Lin Manshan couldn't help but sigh.

The strength of his own side is ultimately worse.

Therefore, his target this time was not the Xiao Wu trio of beasts, but the three Thousand Catties Ant Emperors, one for him, one for Niu Gao, and the remaining one for Yang Wudi. When Yang Wudi and Niu Gao both break through the Titled Douluo realm and have a 100,000-year spirit ring, can't they take down Da Ming and Er Ming?

Not to mention for himself, it's definitely very suitable. For Niu Gao, the 100,000-year-old Thousand Catties Ant Emperor whose defence prowess is by no means worse than that of other top defensive spirit beasts, and whose power can make up for his lack of attack, it is very well suited as well.

As for Yang Wudi, his first eight spirit rings are focused on providing the martial soul with increased attack and defence-breaking abilities, which makes the strength slightly insufficient. But without strong strength, how could the martial soul's strong attack and defence-breaking abilities be brought into full play? The 100,000-year level Thousand Catties Ant Emperor Spirit Ring could undoubtedly make up for this deficiency.

The reason why he said it was 100,000 years.

The three Thousand Catties Ant Emperor siblings' cultivation has already reached 90,000 years, and they are only 10,000 years away from being 100,000-year-old spirit beasts. Isn't it just a matter of getting high to make up for it?

For this reason, he had already studied and experimented for a long time.

Inside the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, there are several 10,000-year-old ginsengs, but he has never used them.

It was not difficult to raise the cultivation level of spirit beasts, the digestive ability of spirit beasts far exceeded that of humans, and the Dark Devilgod Tiger was relying on devouring the same kind to rapidly raise its cultivation level. As for the elixir that had been refined by him, no matter in terms of energy purity, or terms of digestion and absorption efficiency, it was far superior to directly devouring spirit beasts. Thus, after the spirit beast consumes it, its cultivation can grow at an extremely fast rate.

However, in his opinion, cultivation is only secondary, the real key is the subsequent physical body transformation.

One hundred thousand years is a major hurdle for a spirit beast's advancement, and it wasn't just a simple accumulation of energy.

The spirit beast's physical body transformation was even more important compared to cultivation enhancement because the strength of the spirit beast's physical body was directly related to how the spirit master's physical body would be transformed by the life essence contained within after absorbing the spirit ring and spirit bone, which was a qualitative change.

Cultivation could be raised through one's own slow cultivation; while strengthening the physical body was not something that could be progressed at a rapid pace with effort.

Between his thoughts, his footsteps were light, trailing around the periphery of the core circle, quickly scurrying above the tree canopy.

The surrounding area of the core circle is not like other places, it is not safe to fly around in the sky.   

Time passed little by little, there was no harvest until the nightfall, and the group had to look for a place to rest.

The next day, they continued to travel.

Three days later, in the corner of a dark and damp forest, Lin Manshan suddenly stopped walking, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he murmured, "What a strong soul fluctuation, this spirit beast, I'm afraid that its cultivation level is already more than 90,000 years old, and its quality is definitely not bad either."

"Moreover, this kind of fluctuation gives me an inexplicably familiar feeling."

"90,000 years." Dugu Bo's face also looked surprised, and then he said, "Let's go and have a look?"

"Hm." Lin Manshan nodded, "Let's move a bit closer, I'll use my spiritual power to detect it."

His spiritual power had already reached the Boundless realm, although it wasn't like soul power that could sense the soul's aura over a long distance and confirm the existence of life. However, it was possible to peer into the outlines and attribute essences of things from the perspective of the spiritual world within a certain distance. The two could complement each other well in terms of exploration.

Soon, the four of them arrived five hundred meters away from the unknown spirit beast.

Lin Manshan closed his eyes and tapped his fingertips on his eyebrows, concentrating his mind and rapidly spreading his spiritual power outwards.

In a short while, he withdrew his spiritual power abruptly, then turned his head and lowered his voice, "Looking at the body type, it's a Soul Devouring Spider Emperor with a cultivation level of less than 90,000 years."

"Cultivation close to 90,000 years Soul Devouring Spider Emperor! How could this kind of existence appear outside the core circle?" Shui Chaozong was taken aback.

"It should have been driven out by the 100,000-year-old spirit beasts in the core circle." Dugu Bo, who had been popularized by Lin Manshan, gave a slight nod, "The Soul Devouring Spider race is murderous, they can rely on devouring Spirit Beasts to cultivate, and their bloodline is top-notch, so their combat power is extremely strong. As for this Soul Devouring Spider Emperor, although its cultivation level is slightly less than 90,000 years old, in terms of combat power, it is already strong enough to pose a threat to 100,000-year-old spirit beasts."

Lin Manshan nodded, "There is indeed this possibility, the territorial battles between spirit beasts have always been brutal."

Wasn't that how the Thousand Catties Ant Emperors and the Dark Devilgod Tiger were driven out? The survival of the fittest, in the spirit beast world, there was no such thing as territorial inheritance, a big fist was the hard truth. Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python can occupy the core circle of that lake, isn't it by force to snatch it?

As a result, the original Tang San's reason for killing the three Thousand Catties Ant Emperor siblings was surprisingly because they had come to the territory of the Da Ming and Er Ming.

Tsk, this reason is really quite something else to make yourself look great.

Shaking his head slightly, he continued, ''Soul Devouring Spider tribe's soul strength and spirit power are generally higher than other spirit beasts because they can devour life to cultivate, which is what caused me to misjudge the years just now. Let's go, let's go around it."

"With its spiritual strength, if we approach any closer, we'll most likely be detected."

"Its spirit ring is indeed very suitable for me, I have memorized the location of this territory, we can come back if we need it next time."

It seems that the Sky Azure Bull Python can be left to Yan. Inwardly, he thought to himself.

"Hm." The group nodded and continued their journey.

Another three days later, the four of them came to a location near a river, and Lin Manshan stopped once again.

Three, they should be the ones... His gaze flickered, and he slightly raised his right hand, "There are three 90,000-year-old Spirit Beasts in there."


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