Chapter 251 Divine Test?

One month later, in the afternoon, in the backyard of Skywalker Academy.

"Ta Ta Ta" Hurried footsteps were heard as Dugu Bo ran into the house with swift steps.

Lin Manshan, who sensed the soul fluctuation in the inner room, stopped practising and opened his eyes, got up and walked forward to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Dugu Bo's slightly flushed face came into his eyes, Lin Manshan couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong, Grandpa?"

"Something big has happened to me, let's go in and talk about it." Dugu Bo said while squeezing into the house.

Walking over to the table and sitting down, he gulped a mouthful of tea and said coherently, "Just a moment ago, I broke through level 96."

In order to assimilate the enhancement brought about by absorbing the spirit bones, he had been in seclusion during this period of time, and now that he had finally taken care of it, his strength had made another breakthrough as well.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Lin Manshan's face was puzzled.

"It is indeed a good thing, but just after my spirit power made a breakthrough, a voice suddenly popped up in my head." A hint of worry permeated through Dugu Bo's eyes as he narrated with some concern.

"The first test, kill all the spirit beasts with imprints attached to them and collect complete divine thoughts. Injecting spirit power into the imprint on the brow will open the teleportation channel to the Life and Death Arena to participate in the examination. Reward, Energy Crystals obtained from fusion."

"That's what the original words stated." Saying that he pointed to the center of his eyebrow, "See, there's really a mark here!"

"???" Isn't this a divine examination? Lin Manshan was surprised by this, and subconsciously looked up, and sure enough, he found a thin grey line at the location of Dugu Bo's eyebrow, so tiny that he thought it was a hair strand when he didn't look at it carefully.

'Gray?' Inwardly, he suddenly realized something.

Could it be that evil aura that I forced out from that bead of the Dark Devilgod Tiger with my soul power back then? Damn it, wasn't that the remnants of the Dark Devilgod Tiger's soul? There's even a divine thought attached to it!

That tiger was really one of the contents of the Divine Examination!

Moreover, listening to Dugu Bo's words, the divine thought that released the divine examination to him should not be complete, but was divided into many parts that were attached to different spirit beasts, and it was necessary to kill all of these spirit beasts to collect the complete divine thought and obtain all the information of the divine examination.

The reward is the energy crystals condensed in the bodies of those spirit beasts, the same as the bead dropped by the Dark Devilgod Tiger, isn't it? As for me, I dispelled the Divine Thought on it.

Freeloading a piece of the reward?

It shouldn't cause any repercussions, right? I've absorbed it all, so it's hard to take it out even if I want to now. Lin Manshan withdrew his gaze, there is no doubt that the rewards of this Divine Examination are generous, sending a piece of Fusion of Ability Crystal for killing a spirit beast is definitely beneficial to Dugu Bo's strength enhancement. The realm after level 95 Titled Douluo is extremely difficult to improve, Dugu Bo was simply dozing off and someone delivered a pillow. Damn, it feels like Dugu Bo is the real protagonist! What is lacking, he upgrade like drinking water.

Compared to this evil god, what kind of trash is the Rakshasa God?

So, why didn't Zhou Weiqing get the Divine Exam?

Different realms, too far away to link up?

Or perhaps, during the teleportation process, this incomplete divine idea couldn't hold out and dissipate?

Amid his thoughts, Lin Manshan asked tentatively, "Grandpa, after we hunted the Dark Devilgod Tiger back then, did your body feel any abnormalities?"

"Yes, the back of my head suddenly went cold when I turned around." Dugu Bo immediately responded back.

It looks like what I eliminated back then should only be the remnants of the Dark Devilgod Tiger's soul. The divine thought attached to the top of the bead on the other hand was dispelled, not eliminated. Lin Manshan thought to himself, After all, it is a divine thought, even if it is not complete, its strength would not be matched by the soul remnants of a spirit beast.

With my current soul power, it's normal that I can't completely erase it. As for the fact that it didn't drill towards me at that time, it should be the isolating effect of the soul power in my body. If I didn't stimulate my soul power, perhaps this thread of divine idea might still be able to stay in my body like Dugu Bo, but once it was stimulated, this thread of divine thought would definitely be driven out of my body.

As for Dugu Bo, he was the strongest person on the scene at that time, and the quality of his martial soul was not low. It made sense that the divine thought would turn to Dugu Bo after being driven away.

Thinking of this, Lin Manshan stroked his chin, "Grandpa, if I'm not mistaken, you should have obtained the divine Examination, the kind where you can become a god if you pass."

"Divine examination, become a god if you pass it?!" Dugu Bo was immediately taken aback. If someone else had said this to him, he would have absolutely opened his mouth to inquire if the person speaking was insane.

But he believed what his grandson-in-law said.

There was such a good thing?

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded, recounting the sound he heard after being pulled into the special space by the Dark Devilgod Tiger, and then said, "After that sound rang out, I had my suspicions at the time, how could a spirit beast comprehend such a skill? And it would even affect itself."

"Now it seems that it should be a trial space created by that Evil God specifically for selecting successors. Spreading divine thoughts on spirit beasts with strong bloodlines, allowing the chosen one to hunt them down, and then treat the energy crystals that fall as rewards to enhance the successor's strength."

As long as the successor's own strength wasn't too pathetic, this is simply a one-stop package delivery service for the godhood.

Perhaps there are other test contents to follow, but helping the successor raise his strength right from the opening, Tsk, it blows up and kills the Rakshasa God next door by a mile. Inwardly, he couldn't help but think darkly.

"It's just that I don't know if that crystal absorbed by me will have an impact on your subsequent divine tests." Lin Manshan added.

"It shouldn't, didn't that voice say that the energy crystals would be a reward? Moreover, as soon as I heard it, I knew that the core of this divine examination is to collect other divine thoughts. Moreover, there are more than just one or two spirit beasts to kill, and the reward is definitely more than just one piece. With my current strength, what impact would absorbing one less piece possibly have?" Dugu Bo waved his hand, 'I don't care' written all over his slightly excited face.

This is a divine examination! It equalled getting a direct path to becoming a god, which is more valuable than anything else.

Thinking back to the scene at that time, he also guessed in his heart. The heir chosen by this divine thought at that time was probably his grandson-in-law, that bead was stabilized at that time after being seized, but then it spontaneously merged into his palm, it was just that Lin Manshan rejected it. Afterwards, Lin Manshan's soul power should have stripped the divine thought away from the bead, and the grey aura emitted at that time was something he had witnessed clearly.   

In other words, if Lin Manshan hadn't refused, it wouldn't have been his turn to take this divine examination at all.

Lin Manshan nodded, ''Grandpa, no matter what, this divine examination sounds like it can rapidly increase your strength, so you might as well give it a try. However, it's important to be exceptionally cautious."

"Judging from our last experience in hunting the Dark Devilgod Tiger, the bloodline of the spirit beasts these divine thoughts possessed are top-notch on their own, plus being possessed by a divine thought will result in a mutation, so their strength will only be taken to the next level."

"If my expectations are correct, I'm afraid that the era in which these Divine Thought fragments were dispersed must be extremely ancient. During the process, some of the possessed spirit beasts may have already been hunted by humans or spirit beasts, but there is no guarantee that these divine thoughts can be inherited along with the bloodline. Regarding this point, the fact that the Dark Devilgod Tigers in the ancient records are a tribe rather than a certain individual is enough to illustrate the problem."

"Therefore, the spirit beasts that inherited the divine thoughts are most likely all the strongest of the tribe, with absolutely terrifying abilities, and it might even be a hundred thousand-year-old spirit beast."

"Moreover, judging from my last experience, this Divine Examination, I'm afraid that it's a one-on-one battle to the death, and outsiders can't assist. In addition, there is no way to verify the direction of the mutation of the spirit beast's abilities after being possessed by a divine thought."

"If it's a fixed mutation route, it might still be possible to draw inspiration from the Dark Devilgod Tiger and come up with a strategy to deal with it. But if it's a mutation based on the spirit beast's own abilities, it means that the spirit beasts you're battling against each have their own unique characteristics, and their specific abilities all belong to the unknown."

"Therefore, you must be cautious when battling against them."

Upon hearing this, Dugu Bo's face also turned grave, and he solemnly nodded his head, "Well, I will adjust my state to the best before starting the examination."

After pondering, Lin Manshan added, "However, I guess, Grandpa, this order of match-ups should be in accordance with the strength of the spirit beasts. After all, if you're allowed to fight against super spirit beasts right off the bat, then this examination would be meaningless."

"Makes sense." Dugu Bo was also secretly relieved, "Then it's not choosing an heir, it's a murder."

"That's right." Lin Manshan nodded, "Also, the life and death arena, well, it sounds like it will pull both you and the spirit beast with the imprint attached into that space at the same time to fight. If that's the case, not having to go all over the continent is a good thing."

Running around, would cost time and put them at risk as well.

"If that's the case, it would truly save time." Dugu Bo squeezed out a smile, then raised an eyebrow, "Moreover, why do I feel that this Evil God has a grudge against spirit beasts? Spreading divine thoughts on the spirit beasts and then getting the chosen heir to challenge them, isn't this fattening up a pig before killing it? In addition, the Dark Devilgod Tiger mainly relies on devouring to cultivate. If the other spirit beasts were the same, then for so many years, how many of their own kind would these spirit beasts have killed? Is this surely not aimed at exterminating a spirit beast clan?"

"In addition, I'm afraid that these spirit beasts are just like the Dark Devilgod Tigers, they are targeted as soon as they appear, and their numbers shouldn't be high. Otherwise, the spirit beasts on the continent would have been killed off long ago."

You don't have to say it, it's really possible, gods do have a grudge against spirit beasts, maybe this Evil God even fought with the Beast God in the past. Lin Manshan nodded his head slightly.


Then he added, "Grandpa, later I'll write a letter, have someone give it to Platinum Bishop Salas and have him send it to Pope Bibi Dong. It's just the right time to mention it and say that I've recently researched something new. If the experiment is successful, it will also be of great benefit to the Martial Spirit Hall. Incidentally, if Bibi Dong's second martial soul hasn't yet been finished attaching all nine spirit rings, perhaps she can wait, as my research may be helpful. Using this reason, have her transfer all the knowledge of spirit beasts that the Martial Spirit Hall possesses to us."

"Grandpa, when the time comes, take the time to take a good look at it. In this way, if you encounter a spirit beast that the Martial Spirit Hall has documented in the examination, you will also be able to find a weakness to deal with it at the first opportunity, and in this way, your chances of passing the Divine Examination in the follow-up will also be improved."

"Hmm, this is indeed a noteworthy idea." Dugu Bo nodded slightly.

"Other than that, there is one last point." Lin Manshan's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, "Grandpa, Evil God Possession."

The strength of his soul power right now couldn't do anything to eliminate divine thoughts, it didn't mean he couldn't do it in the future.

"Hmm?" Dugu Bo mused and instantly realized, nodding his head slightly.

It is necessary to maintain a minimum level of vigilance towards the unknown.

One couldn't drift too much, or else they would easily get stabbed.

Lin Manshan nodded and continued, "Grandpa, I should be able to break through to level 70 by the end of this month."

During this recent period of time, he hadn't left the house, he had been practising inside the house and had put up a fight in order to break through to level 70 earlier.

"That's a good thing, it's just the right time to settle your seventh spirit ring first." Dugu Bo smiled and nodded, then got up, "Then you continue to cultivate, I'll go to Old Niu's place and ask him how long it will take for him to break through. By the way, go and talk to your father-in-law and the others, make arrangements, and we can go hunt spirit beasts together at that time. The hundred thousand-year-old spirit beasts are not easy to deal with, we need to prepare more manpower to get it done."

"Well, Grandpa goodnight." Lin Manshan nodded.

After watching Dugu Bo leave, he continued to cultivate.'


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