Chapter 264 Memory Recall

"This is?" The Blue Silver Emperor who was here for the first time was doubly surprised, and subconsciously looked around, it was a small village. Only, everything seemed to be in a state of stasis, there was no wind or dust, and the existence of life could not be felt.

"This is the Holy Spirit Village, where the junior was born." Lin Manshan made an explanation, and then with a gentle wave of his right hand, the image in front of them changed, and the sight came to the blacksmith store where Tang Hao lived. At this moment, Tang Hao was holding his hammer high, maintaining the action of pounding the iron lump. On the side of the path, there was Lin Manshan, who was pulled by Old Jack, it was just that he looked only three or four years old, and his expression was a bit dull.

The point in time shown here was when he was a young boy who had not yet developed his intelligence. At that time, it was a busy farming season, and his righteous brothers and sisters were all following his foster father and mother to work in the fields.

Because there were enough people and Old Jack was old and still the village chief, he usually stayed at home and looked after the house while helping the villagers with some urgent matters in the meantime. His grandmother, Chun Yan, took care of the household chores at home, cooking and washing for her children and grandchildren who were working in the fields. Because he was not yet mentally sound, he was also left at home, and Old Jack was concerned that he would be bored, so for him to communicate with other people to improve his intelligence, he would basically take him with him when he went out.

At this moment, it was the time when Old Jack brought Lin Manshan to help Tang San's family, carrying the season's new harvest of vegetables in his hand.

Although he was labelled as demented at that time, those incidents were still remembered, and he still retained his memories even after becoming mentally capable.

"Hao" Seeing the familiar figure, the Blue Silver Emperor's face was flustered, lifting her feet and quickly stepped forward.

Lin Manshan didn't stop her, seeing her walk up and reach out to touch Tang Hao's cheek, yet only managed to pass through his body.

"This is just my memory." Lin Manshan reminded, and then with a wave of his hand, everything around him began to move.

"Clang," The hammer fell, making a sharp and loud impact sound.

"After Tang Hao came to our village, he became our village's blacksmith. However, he never reclaimed the wasteland, he didn't accept the land division given to him by the village chief, he never engaged in farming, and he only relied on blacksmithing to earn a meagre living, but how much work could there be for him to do in a small village like ours? As a result, there is very little income to be gained." Lin Manshan began to narrate.

"In addition, Tang Hao basically slept at home when he didn't have work to do, or took the income from blacksmithing to buy alcohol from the village brewery, which caused him to have no food source to supply his family at all. Tang San, grew up in this situation as a child."

"How could this be..." The Blue Silver Emperor's face, whose eyes were originally filled with heartache due to Tang Hao's dishevelled and unkempt image, suddenly turned dull.

"Is it possible to be a father like this? It's really too irresponsible." The Blue Silver King was furious.

"Fortunately, the village chief Old Jack is a kind person, seeing Tang San's misery, he often brought food to provide help. When I was young, my parents died, and I was intellectually deficient when I was young, it was also because the village chief was kind enough to take me in that time, that I was able to survive." Lin Manshan said, slowly approaching, and the picture continued.

"Xiao San, I'm here to see you!" Old Jack yelled.

"Old Jack, what are you doing here?" Tang Hao glanced at the bamboo basket in Old Jack's hand, but his tone was impolite.

What kind of person was this Tang Hao? Such an attitude towards an elder, and an elder who came with food to provide relief and help him?

The Blue Silver King who was watching this frowned, and in his heart, he was even more upset with Tang Hao.

The face of the Blue Silver Emperor standing beside Tang Hao was also a bit stunned, in her impression, Tang Hao wasn't such a rude person.

"I'm here to find Xiao San." Old Jack obviously didn't want to pay him any mind and approached in large strides.

"Hmph." Tang Hao snorted coldly, putting down the hammer in his hand and walking towards the house.

Right at this moment, "Grandpa Jack." A thin silhouette trotted out of the house.

"This is Tang San?!" The Blue Silver King was instantly taken aback.

"That's right, this is Tang San when he was a child." Lin Manshan nodded.

Before the words trailed off, the Blue Silver Emperor was already experiencing violent mental fluctuations, her body freezing in place with an incredulous expression on her face. In the next moment, her right hand violently covered her lips, her face filled with sadness and pain, she was completely unable to imagine how her child was raised like this.

Tang Hao is a Titled Douluo. A random action would be enough to feed Tang San.   

"There's no need to doubt, at this time, Tang Hao still has Titled Douluo strength even though he had a hidden injury on his body." Feeling her mental fluctuations, Lin Manshan immediately guessed the disbelief in her heart, and couldn't help but voice out.

"But he, however, chose to do nothing."

"Hey," The picture continued, Old Jack responded and approached with a quick step.

"What are you dawdling for, is supper ready? I'm still waiting for my meal!" Inside the house, Tang Hao sat at the table and said coldly.

"It's done, Father, I'll serve it to you right now." Tang San responded immediately.

"Grandpa Jack, you wait a moment first." After saying that, he quickly ran to the room entrance on the other side of the house, through the open door of the room, the people could clearly see that there was a kitchen inside, and a wooden pier was padded under the not-so-big earthen cooker, Tang San is precisely standing above the wooden pier to carry a bowl of congee, and quickly walked out and served it in front of Tang Hao, who picked it up to finish it in a single gulp, and then got up without cleaning the dish and walked towards the door.

"Hao," The Blue Silver Emperor caught up with an incredulous face.

"Tang Hao. You. You're going drinking again?" Old Jack, who was standing at the door, was shaking in anger.

"No need for you to care!" Tang Hao glanced at him coldly and walked out of the room in big strides.

"How, how could this happen?!" The Blue Silver Emperor's mood swings became even more violent, lifting her feet to block, but was stopped by the Blue Silver King who jumped in front of her, "My Emperor, this is a memory scene, something that has already happened, you can't stop him. Moreover, you don't have to be angry for such a man, it's not worth it at all, there's a saying among humans that it's hard to know a person's heart."

"In my opinion, the goodness he showed you in the past was most likely all feigned to deceive you."

In between his exhortations, Tang San approached with small steps, "Grandpa Jack, calm down, come in and sit down first."

Old Jack, who had his hand over his chest, only then slightly relaxed himself, and looked at Tang San with a pained face, "Xiao San, if you really can't, why don't you follow Grandpa and live with me? This Tang Hao, doesn't act like a father at all, see how hungry you are? The few grandchildren in Grandpa's family aren't too different in age from you, so you can have a companion when you live together, and on your father's side, it's good to come back and visit when he has time."

At these words, Tang San instantly frowned, seemingly blaming Old Jack for saying bad things about Tang Hao, shaking his head slightly, and his tone became a bit blander, "No, it's fine for me to live here. Father is my only family, I have to stay with him."

"Hey, then okay." Old Jack also no longer forced, and bent down to pick up the bamboo basket placed on the ground, and slowly walked towards the table, "Xiao San, there are some vegetables in here, as well as a few eggs and a piece of bacon, you keep it to make up for your body."

Saying that the things were pulled out one by one and placed on the table.

"Thank you, Grandpa Jack." Tang San's tone softened a few more points.

"It should be." Old Jack smiled kindly, "It's getting late, so Grandpa will go back first."

"Goodbye, little brother San." On the side, Little Lin Manshan immediately poked his head out, waving his hand with a silly grin according to what Old Jack usually taught him.

Tang San didn't bother to look at him, instead looked up at Old Jack, "Okay, Grandpa Jack, I'll see you off."

"No need, you haven't had dinner yet. Tidy up the things and continue to eat." Old Jack said, turning around and pulling Little Lin Manshan, who was pinching his pants leg, out of the door, then he stepped out a few steps, under Lin Manshan's baffled looking back gaze.

Tang San quickly turned back, picking up the things on the table and walking towards the kitchen.

Right at this moment, the scene suddenly stopped.

Lin Manshan's voice followed, "Two seniors, can you see anything?"


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