Chapter 266 No, don’t say it anymore

I didn't realize that you're also a little helper. Lin Manshan couldn't help but glance at the emotional Blue Silver King.

"My Emperor, it's not impossible!" The Blue Silver King turned his head to look at the Blue Silver Emperor, "Our clan is innately weak, we are plant-type Spirit Beasts who rely on the earth to nourish and grow, and our cultivation and life force all rely on continuous accumulation and transformation over time, and are not achieved in one fell swoop. Unlike those walking beasts or plant-type spirit beasts that possess the ability to devour, and can also accelerate their cultivation by preying on other spirit beasts."

"Moreover, you have also always taught us not to harm other spirit beasts and use their corpses to nourish the clan."

"In this case, with the situation you were in at the time when you were re-transformed into a seed, even if my people and I were to exert our full strength and share the life force in our bodies with you without harming our own origin, at most, we could only pull your cultivation up to the equivalent of a human's Spirit Saint realm. Moreover, with your kind character, once you awaken, you will definitely not be willing to watch us excessively transmit life force into you. Otherwise, back then, when you walked out of the territory, you wouldn't have only less than the human Spirit Emperor cultivation level."

So, back when Ah Yin left the territory, she had already cultivated for some time and had received energy sharing from the Blue Silver King and the surrounding subjects to help raise her cultivation. Lin Manshan couldn't help but think, no wonder, no wonder, when Tang Hao met the Blue Silver Emperor, the Blue Silver Emperor was already in the form of an adult woman who was about to step into maturity, and it seemed that she decided to come out and contact humans only after she had cultivated in the territory for a while and possessed a certain amount of self-protection ability. Thinking about it this way, Xiao Wu had only just reached level 10 when she ran out, what a dud.

Spirit beasts need to contact humans to go further, but it's not like they have to do it right away, so what's your hurry?

However, there is one thing to say, this bloodline ability of the Blue Silver Grass clan to share their life force and turn it into cultivation to aid in cultivation is really a BIG BUG. Damn, it's practically cheating!

"But even so, it still took us nearly ten years to recover at that time. However, it was only because we were influenced by your more condensed bloodline power during that time that we were able to take a further step forward." The Blue Silver King said with a respectful face, then the topic changed.

"But, My Emperor, think about it. Back then, when we and other descendants channelled life force to you to assist in your cultivation, you were merely reconditioning and re-condensing your body, your cultivation and essence were all still retained within your body, and we were merely using our life force to catalyse and strengthen your physical body, so that you could quickly transform your internal cultivation to restore yourself. But if you were to switch to the most basic seed form, the difficulty would definitely increase greatly."

"After all, you had already sacrificed all of your own cultivation and physical body essence to Tang Hao at that time."

"Under such circumstances, if we were to share our life force to help you recover again, the consumption would be absolutely enormous, and the time required for us to recover would also be greatly lengthened, with a conservative estimate of several tens of years, and we would indeed be powerless to help Tang San activate his bloodline and awaken his martial soul for the second time."

"I think that Tang Hao must have known this as well, which is why he deliberately hid you in that kind of dark and sunless cave, and it's not far from me." Speaking of this, a look of exasperation intensified on the Blue Silver King's face, "Hmph! Thinking about it this way, I even suspect that he had ulterior motives for approaching you in the first place."

"Regarding this point, the junior has actually always had doubts in his heart as well." Glancing at the heartbroken Blue Silver Emperor, Lin Manshan took over, "According to the information I've got from my spying over the past few years, the point in time when the Martial Spirit Hall found Senior Blue Silver Emperor back then, I honestly think it's quite coincidental."

"Senior Blue Silver Emperor was found on the day she gave birth, and Tang Hao also happened to break through level 90 during that time."

"In addition, Tang Hao's change in attitude towards Tang San is also mind-boggling." Lin Manshan continued, "When he hadn't yet awakened his martial soul, he completely ignored him. Tang San at a young age left home alone early in the morning, travelling to the back of the mountains full of poisonous insects and wild animals, climbing the steep mountain walls, while he slept at home. Whereas, after Tang San had awakened his Twin Martial Soul, his attitude suddenly changed again, following him everywhere he went. The difference between the two is a world apart."

"This gives me the feeling that Tang San, in Tang Hao's eyes, doesn't seem like his own son, but rather like a tool person to achieve a certain goal."

"In this world, there aren't that many coincidences! Not to mention you humans, I wouldn't believe even spirit beasts with this much doubt." The Blue Silver King's face became even more exasperated as he agitatedly said, "In that case, it seems that Tang Hao's approach to my Emperor back then was absolutely intentional."

"The purpose was for my Emperor's spirit ring and spirit bone and even my Emperor's bloodline. That Tang San's awakening of a Twin Martial Soul is the best evidence for this. Planted not far from me, and just happens to be a location that I can't easily detect, it's a long thought idea for him to come to me to help his son awaken his Martial Soul for the second time, and also to make it easy to hunt us down in the future."

"Perhaps, later, he also wants to make use of my Emperor again. For example, first pretending to help my emperor recover her strength, then killing my emperor and letting his son Tang San absorb the spirit ring."   

'Old man, this divergent thinking of yours is even more terrifying than mine.' Lin Manshan was surprised to hear that.

"Don't, don't say anymore." The Blue Silver Emperor's emotions suddenly fluctuated violently, and she had even become a bit confused.

"Cough!" Lin Manshan immediately coughed lightly, and then with a wave of his hand, the images continued, "Since we're here, the junior will show all my memory images in which I crossed paths with Tang San at once." During the narration, a scene flashed by, and the three of them were immersed in the scene.

Tang San intentionally used his hidden weapon to murder and explicitly expressed his murderous intent in Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena, and Tang Hao chased after them outside the city. Tang San viciously injured people several times in the Spirit Master Tournament, using the Eight Spider Spears to devour the life force of people. Recognized the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng and hid it for himself in the Strength Clan. After that, Yu Xiaogang was seriously injured, and Tang San didn't save him as he died. Tang Hao led a mob to surround and kill them, but he killed his comrades on the way to escape. The second awakening of the martial soul, Tang San proposed to Tang Hao about hunting the Blue Silver King. After that, he came back from Clear Sky Clan and hunted and devoured spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.

One by one, the Blue Silver King looked very agitated, blowing his beard and looking very angry.

On the other side, the Blue Silver Emperor was staring blankly, and after seeing Tang Hao agreeing to Tang San hunting and killing the Blue Silver King and constantly hunting and killing spirit beasts in the forest, the whole person trembled.

Every single thing that had happened was placed in front of her eyes, and he was just too different from the person she remembered.

Her husband was using her, and her child had died a long time ago, and now it is a vicious evil spirit master who occupying the body.

At this moment, she believed it.

Perhaps, in the beginning, I should not have chosen to recultivate and travel to the human world, the human heart, it is really too sinister. Inwardly, she thought with great pain.

Feeling the chaotic and agonizing mental fluctuations of the Blue Silver Emperor, Lin Manshan immediately waved his hand, lifting the Dark One Art.

With a turn of vision, Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes, then his body shook, and he slightly shook his head.

Bringing two people into the memory space at the same time, and also playing a memory for such a long time, although his soul power didn't consume much, his mental consumption was not small.

"Ah Man, are you alright." Ye Lingling quickly reached out to help.

"It's fine." Lin Manshan turned his head and smiled, then turned his head to look at the Blue Silver Emperor who had returned to reality, whose spiritual body had swiftly returned to her own body, and whose entire body's branches and leaves were trembling slightly. He didn't even need to sense it, the Blue Silver Emperor must be extremely heartbroken right now, which was why she retracted back into her main body in the first place.

Ai, it's indeed quite tragic... Inwardly, he also sighed quietly.


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