Chapter 284 The Fall of Tang Xiao

"Elder..." When his spare glance caught a glimpse of Lin Manshan's group's arrival, Tang Xiao's eyes instantly reddened.

There was no need to think to know that the remaining four elders had all died in battle.

Grief, resentment and anger instantly rose from his chest, "Ah!" Tilting his head back, he let out a prolonged roar, and his berserk energy suddenly erupted, shaking the air around him.

In the next moment, his body suddenly turned sharply, transforming into a black light with a bloody shade, charging straight at Lin Manshan.

Now he had already blown up his ninth spirit ring, and under the successive battles, his body had long been on the verge of its limit. When his current state wore off, even if Dugu Bo didn't kill him, he would still die due to the backlash, and at the very least, he would become a cripple, with his entire body being paralysed and reduced to disabilities. Moreover, although he didn't want to admit it, he knew in his heart that even if he fought to the death, he wouldn't be Dugu Bo's opponent at all.

The elders had died in battle, and the clan members would soon become lambs to the slaughter, while he could not do anything about it before dying, he was unwilling to die like this!

His eyes reddened as he stared at Lin Manshan, 'Even if I die, I'll still drag one of them to be buried with me!'

From a certain perspective, the destruction of the Clear Sky Clan today was all caused by Lin Manshan. If Lin Manshan hadn't helped Dugu Bo detoxify his poison, caused his martial soul to evolve, and then made pills to aid in the cultivation, how could Dugu Bo, Yang Wudi, and Niu Gao possibly achieve what they have achieved today? How would they be able to destroy Clear Sky Clan? Therefore, Lin Manshan was the root cause of all of this.

At the same time, Lin Manshan is also the absolute core of the current Skywalker Academy, the genuine co-owner.

If I can't kill the level 99 Dugu Bo, why can't I just kill Lin Manshan?

"Tang Xiao, I take back my previous words, you are no different from Tang Hao. Originally, I still thought you would be a man and wanted you to die in battle as a warrior. But now it seems that you don't have this qualification!" Anger rose on Dugu Bo's face.

"Wind!" With a low shout, the wind surged around his body, and his figure instantly transformed into a stream of rays shooting towards Tang Xiao.

"Tang Xiao, if you want to kill me, you don't have that qualification yet!" With a cold snort, Lin Manshan's hands suddenly raised, resting on Yang Wudi and Niu Gao's shoulders.

And right at this moment, "Great Sumeru Hammer!" Tang Xiao's entire body transformed into a giant Clear Sky Hammer tens of meters tall and smashed over. The giant hammer head with a more than ten-meter diameter was like a mountain, covering the sky and the sun, with bursts of sonic booms surrounding it.

"Humph! Bullying the small with the big, Tang Chen's reputation has been tarnished by his group of juniors." The face of Qian Daoliu in the distance was dark and cold.

However, he didn't make a move, judging from Lin Manshan's reaction, he should have had a way to deal with it.

Just as he was thinking, in the next second, a green aura flashed brightly across his eyes, 'Vanishing Art!' Lin Manshan, Yang Wudi, and Niu Gao directly disappeared from their original location. When they reappeared, they were already more than ten meters away, precisely avoiding the wide hammer surface coverage of the Clear Sky Hammer.

"This move can still carry people?" Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong, and the rest of the Martial Soul Hall's crowd were all taken aback.

"How is this possible?" In the distance, Ning Fengzhi was also taken aback and couldn't help but turn his head to look at Sword Douluo.

"Can't tell." Sword Douluo shook his head slightly, "However, it should be a technique that is extremely difficult to comprehend. Otherwise, Lin Manshan wouldn't need to bring anyone. With Dugu Bo's current realm and relationship with Lin Manshan, there's no reason he wouldn't be able to do it if he could."

"Lin Manshan's understanding is truly enviable." Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but lament.

"I am also not as good as him." Sword Douluo nodded slightly.

On the other side, the giant hammer continued to fall, eventually diffusing the mists and clouds across the sky, Lin Manshan trio's figure was then revealed in front of Tang Xiao's eyes, and his reddened face froze, followed by a jaw-dropping look, which instantly changed to disbelief, and he blurted out.

"This is impossible!"   

Once the Great Sumeru Hammer was swung out, the powerful pressure it carried would instantly lock the enemy within range. Unless one possessed a will that could transcend life and death and could break through the fear to react at the first moment, as well as possessing enough strength to ignore the mighty pressure, they couldn't get away at all.

When people encounter danger, the first reaction is often not rational behaviour, but rather an emotional reaction, in which they would flee. Driven by emotion, in that instant the body will not listen to the brain, the legs would involuntarily soften, staying in the same place.

One of the reasons why the Great Sumeru Hammer was known as an unavoidable magical technique was that the momentary outburst of aura would give the enemy the illusion that it would be unavoidable.

Especially when a powerful pressure suddenly struck and covered the entire body. Out of self-protection, the body's instinctive reaction would be triggered instantly, and this sense of illusion would become especially obvious in that instant. Even for a battle-hardened Spirit Master, if the body failed to react first because of the stress response, they would still miss the first opportunity to escape and be smashed by a wide-range attack.

His grandfather, Tang Chen, had said that the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul strikes with an unstoppable momentum. As long as one could instantly overwhelm their opponent in terms of momentum, the battle would be half-won. The reason why he was able to comprehend the Great Sumeru Hammer was because he had gone through countless battles and summarized a set of fighting styles that best suited him.

At such an age, how many battles and trials could Lin Manshan have experienced? How could he have such a tenacious will to overcome his body's instinctive reaction to cope in the first instance? Moreover, even if the willpower was strong enough, although the battle power displayed by Lin Manshan was strong, his cultivation was definitely less than the Titled Douluo Realm, so how could he be able to get rid of the terrifying pressure brought on by the Great Sumeru Hammer so easily?

It was incomprehensible! Everything that had happened in front of him had completely exceeded Tang Xiao's perception, and at the same time, his heart was cold.

His body was no longer capable of swinging the second strike.

And right at this moment, behind him, Dugu Bo arrived.

Fast as lightning, a kick, just smashed out the big hammer, Tang Xiao whose body hadn't gained enough vigour couldn't even react in time and was directly kicked in the back.

"Puh!" Blood instantly sprayed out of his mouth, the Clear Sky Hammer disappeared, and his body flew forward.

Within his sight, Lin Manshan disappeared in place.

In the next moment, it only felt like the entire world was spinning, and his consciousness gradually disappeared into darkness.

"Tang Xiao, died just like that?" Looking at the flying head, Ning Fengzhi's face was dumbfounded, and he suddenly had the feeling that a lifetime had passed in a few seconds.

"Ai, that final blow was already Tang Xiao's endgame." Sword Douluo also lamented, "With Tang Xiao's physical condition, he simply wouldn't be able to control the energy backlash from blowing up the ninth spirit ring, not to mention forcibly performing the Great Sumeru Hammer."

"After one strike, his body had obviously reached its limit, and there was simply no remaining strength to make a resistance."

Before the words trailed off, Lin Manshan had already waved his hand and put Tang Xiao's body into the spirit tool.

Seeing this, Ning Fengzhi's expression was complex, Skywalker Academy's current strength was already formidable, and now that they had obtained the Clear Sky Clan's spirit bones, when they went back to complete the distribution, there was no doubt that Lin Manshan, Yang Wudi, Niu Gao and the others would definitely make another leap forward in their strengths.

At this moment, Dugu Bo's voice suddenly transmitted, "Friends from the Martial Spirit Hall and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, please come out."

Upon hearing his voice, Ning Fengzhi immediately returned to his senses, turning his head and exchanging glances with Sword Douluo, who understood and immediately took control of his flying sword and flew towards Dugu Bo.

On the other side, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu also flew out with their squads.


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