Chapter 287 Each has a breakthrough

Lin Manshan followed with a nod and expressed his opinion.

"Tang Chen rose too quickly, and the Clear Sky Clan also rose too quickly because of him. The things that are obtained too quickly are often not cherished. Staying high up all the time, it's difficult to peek into the mundane world and not understand the hardships of the common people."

When he said this, Lin Manshan couldn't help but think of Tang Hao's attitude towards Old Jack when he was in the Holy Spirit Village.

Obviously, Old Jack had taken the initiative to help Tang Hao so much, but he still couldn't receive the respect he deserved, and he didn't even say a single kind word when they usually met.

"So, they fell down hard and badly now." Dugu Bo gave a slight nod, then waved his hand.

"Let's not talk about these unhappy things! Come on, come on, let's talk about how should these spirit bones be arranged?"

Yang Wudi and Niu Gao exchanged a glance, and the former said with a straight face, "Dean, I think we should prioritize equipping the Shui Clan Leader. Old Rhino and I have broken through the Titled Douluo level and do not need it. On the contrary, if the Shui Clan Leader absorbs a few good pieces, he will surely be able to advance to the Titled Douluo level in a short period of time."

"I don't think so." Shui Chaozong shook his head with a solemn expression, "Although the power-type spirit bones don't clash with the martial soul attributes of Xiao Liu and mine, it can't be said to be the most suitable either. On the contrary, it is extremely suitable for Clan Leader Yang and Clan Leader Niu."

"Although the two of you have both broken through the Titled Douluo level now, everyone knows about the strength of the Martial Spirit Hall, and there are more than 10 Titled Douluo Elders above the level 95th alone."

"Even though our relationship is still cordial right now, in the future, who can say for sure? As a precaution, I think it is still necessary to raise the battle power of Clan Leader Yang and Clan Leader Niu within a short period of time, and it is best to raise to Level 95 or even higher as soon as possible, in case of any unexpected situations in the future."

Dugu Bo mused and nodded, turning his head to look at Lin Manshan, "Man Er, what do you think?"

"I think the same way." Lin Manshan nodded, "However, father-in-law's spirit power has already reached level 86 right now, so it really isn't too far from Titled Douluo level."

Saying this, he pointed his finger at three spirit bones on the side, two ice blue left and right arm bones, and one light white leg bone.

"I just probed these three spirit bones, two of them belong to the ice attribute. Looking at the situation, they should have been acquired by the Clear Sky Clan over the years as they cleaned up the spirit beasts around the snowy mountains where they were living. The other piece is the water attribute, and its origin is unknown. Although the age is not high, the quality is considered medium to high, so it is worth absorbing. It can be absorbed first to aid in cultivation, and if you can find a better one in the future, you can replace it."

Hearing this, Shui Chaozong did not feel happy, but rather his pupils shrank, subconsciously shrinking his neck.

Replacing a spirit bone would involve chopping off hands and feet.

"As for the spirit bones that fell off Tang Xiao and a few Clear Sky Clan elders." Lin Manshan had no qualms about expressing his opinion, "This, 90000-year-old right leg bone on Tang Xiao's body, I want to use it to replace the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, and then let Lingling absorb it."

"This is what I've always wanted to do, her martial soul is just too suitable for the Blue Silver Emperor's spirit bone."

"That's true." The group nodded slightly.

"And this, 75000-year-old left arm bone, I want Zhuyu to absorb it." Lin Manshan continued, "With Lingling and Zhuyu's current realm, after absorbing it, they should both be able to directly break through to Spirit Saint. As for Zhuqing, I'm sure she's close to breaking through to Spirit Saint, so we can just go out together to obtain spirit rings."

"In addition, regarding Xiao Wu's arrangement, I've recently had a new idea..." With that, he began to narrate.

After hearing what he said, Dugu Bo immediately brightened up and said, "Although it's a bit demeaning, there's no need to be polite when it comes to using these methods to fight enemies... it's really a good idea."

Lin Manshan nodded and added, "As for Bing'er and Yue'er, it's really not easy to find a suitable seventh spirit ring for them, so we still need to think long and hard about it. Luckily, with their cultivation right now, if they want to break through to Spirit Saint, a few more months should be needed, so we still have some time to make preparations."

"As for the rest of the several power-type spirit bones of excellent quality, as well as these two ten-thousand-year-old head bones, I suggest letting Uncle Yang and Uncle Niu absorb them. Although all of these spirit bones are only around 30000 years old, their quality is not low, otherwise they wouldn't have been absorbed by Tang Xiao and those few Clear Sky Clan elders. Although Uncle Yang and Uncle Niu have both broken through the Titled Douluo level now, there's still quite a distance to go if they want to step into the peak 99th level, so there's enough time for these pieces of spirit bones to evolve."

"Moreover, with the Meridian Skill, cultivating with the body of a Titled Douluo, the speed of evolution won't be low."

"That's true." Dugu Bo nodded, "The piece that I absorbed when I was dispelling the poison, its quality has increased by nearly ten thousand years in only a few short years. When I practice the Meridian Skill, the spirit power in my body runs fast, and under the daily flushing, the speed is indeed not slow. Although it is getting slower the further back it goes, with Old Yang and Old Niu's age, there is still a good chance that they will evolve to more than 50,000 years in the future."

When speaking of this, he couldn't help but lament, "It's a pity that there are no torso bones, or else the two of you would be able to have a full matching spirit bone as well."

Yang Wudi was touched inwardly and hastily shook his head, "Torso bones are too rare, we don't have the luxury to desire them."

"This kind of thing also depends on luck, maybe there will be one in the future?" 'For example, don't my granddaughter and I both have it?' Dugu Bo raised his chin, swept his eyes over the group, and continued, "Since everyone has no opinions, it's a deal."

After saying that, he picked up the spirit bones from the table and handed them out one by one to Yang Wudi, Niu Gao, and Shui Chaozong, and then put the rest of the spirit bones into the spirit tool, "The rest of these low-aged, average-quality ones will be used as rewards for the inner academy in the future. If there is anyone within your clan who is really nearing that critical step, they can also come over and apply, the requirement is to be stuck at the Spirit Emperor realm and above."

"Yes!" Several people hurriedly arched their hands in response.

Dugu Bo nodded and turned his head to look at Shui Zilu, slightly raised his eyebrows and laughed, "Zilu is even better, you've eaten a superb medicinal herb, and you definitely have the qualifications to become a Titled Douluo."

"Go back and cultivate well, when you break through level 80, maybe you'll be able to get a 100,000-year-old spirit ring in time."

"Hehehe, Dean, I will definitely cultivate well." Shui Zilu immediately slammed his chest.

"Cousin, I'm optimistic about you." Shui Chaozong gave a look, one eighth spirit ring, one ninth spirit ring, that's two 100,000-year-old spirit rings and spirit bones.

His Shui family, their rise is imminent!

"In that case, let's all sleep early, we still have to continue our journey tomorrow." Dugu Bo stood up and added.

"Yes!" The group followed and got up, turning around to go back to their rooms.   

The night passed without words.

The next day, the group gathered and continued their journey.

A few days later, as they neared Heaven Dou City, they parted ways with Ning Fengzhi and returned straight to the academy.

After returning to the academy, Lin Manshan returned directly to his own small courtyard, simply relaxed and nattered endlessly for half a day to the girls and after eating, he handed over the Clear Sky Clan's inherited left arm bone to Zhu Zhuyu to absorb, and then walked straight into his cultivation room.

After simply meditating for a while, he took out the 90,000-year-old right leg bone obtained from Tang Xiao from his spirit tool and then summoned his martial soul. Stretching out his right leg, without hesitation, he cut it, and in the next moment, quickly placed the spirit bone close to the cut.

At the same time, operating the Meridian Skill to mobilize the life energy within the Lower Dantian Soul Core, he surged it towards the leg.

The glowing green light immediately haloed within the room, and time passed little by little. It was only after three days that Lin Manshan finally slowly opened his eyes.

"Fortunately, there was no regression in cultivation after replacing the spirit bone." Sighing in relief, Lin Manshan picked up the broken leg on the ground and sliced it open, revealing a piece of blue spirit bone that was haloed with golden light. Visible to the naked eye, compared to before, the quality of the current Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone had obviously improved a lot.

Turning it upside down, he began to calm his heart and mind, mobilizing life energy from within the Elemental Soul Core and infusing it into the spirit bone.

After a long time, he put the spirit bone into his spirit tool and got up to start cleaning up. When he finished cleaning up, he walked out of the room with big strides, and when he looked around, he saw all the girls sitting around and chatting.

Lin Manshan approached with big strides, walked straight to Ye Lingling, pulled out the Blue Silver Emperor's right spirit bone from the spirit tool, and said, "Lingling, go and absorb this piece of spirit bone."

What a strong spirit power fluctuation, and this breath of life. Ye Lingling immediately froze and then looked up at Lin Manshan as if she was telepathically connected.

Seeing that Lin Manshan's body was not in any serious condition, only then did her mind relax a little, but she still couldn't help but ask in a small voice.

"Ah Man, this piece of spirit bone, where did you get it?"

After returning home, the first thing Lin Manshan did was hand over a piece of top-grade spirit bone to Zhu Zhuyu. However, he didn't take out this piece of spirit bone at that time, which couldn't help but make her a bit suspicious, and even have a bad premonition.

Lin Manshan seemed to have seen her doubts and laughed, "Obtained from the Clear Sky Clan, this piece of soul bone is extremely suitable for you, and I took some time to infuse the life energy stored in my body into it. This way, you will receive more benefits after absorbing it. There will be plenty of opportunities for me to replenish the life energy in the future, and doing so can be considered making the best use of it."

Only then did Ye Lingling dispel her doubts, nod her head and accept the spirit bone.

Watching Ye Lingling walk into the bedroom, Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Zhu Zhuyu again and asked with a smile:

"Zhu Zhuyu, how was it?"

The girl's face instantly became a little excited, her face flushed red as she crisply said, "Level 70."

"Not bad!" Lin Manshan nodded and turned his head to look at Zhu Zhuqing, "Zhu Zhuqing must be close to breaking through. Just in time, after helping Lingling go to the Blue Silver King to obtain her spirit ring, I'll take you guys out to obtain your 7th spirit ring."

Other than certain top-tier spirit beasts with extremely high bloodlines, agility-type spirit beasts are considered to be the most abundant type of spirit beasts that existed in all the spirit beast forests. After all, in familiar territory and with high speed, it was extremely difficult for average spirit masters to capture them, so their survival rate was naturally extremely high. Because of this, obtaining a 100,000-year-old spirit ring for Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyu would not be too difficult.

It was just a bit of a waste of herbs.

Fortunately, with the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, we could cultivate rare medicinal herbs quite fast... Inwardly, he thought quietly.

"Uh-huh." Zhu Zhuyu immediately nodded her head, and Zhu Zhuqing on the side also smiled sweetly.

Then, Lin Manshan directly sat in the middle of the two, holding a waist with one hand, and began to chat idly.


The right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor, which was over 100,000 years old was naturally not something that Ye Lingling, who was an auxiliary spirit master, could easily absorb. Even if Ye Lingling's cultivation had reached level 67 and was close to level 68, the soul residue inside the spirit bone had long been purged by Lin Manshan.

It took half a month, a whole half a month for Ye Lingling to finish absorbing the spirit bone.

Her spirit power had undoubtedly reached level 70.

During this time, Yang Wudi, Niu Gao, and Shui Chaozong also came with good news. Although there were quite a few pieces per person, because they weren't very old, and they weren't the first ones to absorb them, all three of them only gained 1 level up in their spirit power, with Yang Wudi and Niu Gao breaking through to level 94, and Shui Chaozong breaking through to level 87. However, no matter what, it was a good thing to be celebrated.

When one's spirit power breaks through, it naturally needs to be stabilized, not only for Yang Wudi and the three of them but also for Ye Lingling.

After spending three days stabilizing, Lin Manshan took her to the Blue Silver King's place at the first opportunity.


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