Chapter 297 Entering the Secret Realm

"It is also precisely because this final test is too special that the Rakshasa God's divine examination is also known as the most difficult divine examination to pass." Shan added, "For this reason, for the inheritor to be able to pass this final level, the Rakshasa God even had to pull up the difficulty of the previous tests as a pavement to sharpen the inheritor's mind. Imagine, if you don't suffer in the front, how will you get through this test of ten thousand sins in the back?"

No wonder the original Rakshasa God didn't give any benefits, and just dragged it out to the last level. Lin Manshan couldn't help but think quietly, nodded, and asked, "What about the current Rakshasa God? Since she was able to successfully inherit the divine throne, doesn't that mean she passed this hurdle?"

"And since she passed, why has her strength decreased?"

"She did pass, but chose the path of degradation and did not complete the final transcendence. Therefore, although she inherited the divine position, she was not able to utilize the full power granted by the divine position, and her strength naturally plummeted with it." Speaking of this, Shan glanced over his shoulder, "Speaking of which, it's also because the previous generation Rakshasa God was ostracized by the other gods, that he was too eager to leave the divine realm, and let off some water during the Divine Examination process."

Surprisingly, there was such a thing? Lin Manshan was surprised.

But it was understandable when he thought about it, it was natural to want to leave after having a bad time in a place, let alone having a bad time for many years. If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't be killed, it was estimated that the Rakshasa God would want to slaughter all the gods who were displeased with her.

"Actually, it's not just the Rakshasa God, the other Gods in the Divine Realm have also done the act of letting water in the Divine Examination. A large part of the reason why the Gods in the Divine Realm, except for those few still-standing God Kings, are not as good as the previous generation is because of this." Shan couldn't help but laugh coldly.

The Sea God and the Shura God were typical representatives of this kind of water release. Lin Manshan nodded his head in deep thought.

"That's probably all." Shan continued, "The key to passing the Reincarnation of Sin lies in keeping one's original heart and not losing one's mind because of all the unpleasant things happening around you. On this point, from what I've observed of you over this period of time, there is a chance, and that's why I want you to participate in it. Moreover, with the strength of your current divine soul, you can stay in there for a long time."

"The most important thing is, this place is my territory no matter what. If it really doesn't work, I'll be the first to pick you up back."

When he said that, he nodded slightly, "After all if you go crazy in there, the one who will suffer the most is me."

"In addition, this is the Underworld, and the nature of the Reincarnation of Sin is an illusion, the flow of time is not the same as the outside world at all. A year inside, only 1 day is estimated to have passed in the outside world, so you don't even have to worry about your physical body being damaged or anything like that when you go in."

When the words finished, without waiting for Lin Manshan to respond, Shan glanced at the image in the air and immediately waved his hand, "You go."

"???" Lin Manshan immediately felt that his soul was restrained and drifted towards the direction of the eyeball view. Moreover, his own soul was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just a few blinks, it turned into a child-like form. At the same time, the line of sight roamed across the grand hall.

Afterwards, it swept towards a dark green orb-shaped secret space suspended in the air at an extremely fast speed.

A ripple flashed by, and the entire figure disappeared into it.

His sight went dark, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on a village road. Looking around, the time was already late at night.

"Eh!?" Inside a certain hall in the Divine Realm, the face of the Rakshasa God, who was sitting by the poolside sipping tea, suddenly froze, as she unexpectedly sensed the existence of a Divine Soul in the Divine Examination Secret Realm.

She hurriedly got up and looked down at the picture in the pool, it was a child who was not very old.

"Is a God just sent an heir to my Divine Examination Secret Realm?"

Combined with the strength of the soul of the person directly below her, her first thought was that it was a certain god in the divine realm who, after sensing that her heir had just made it to the ninth examination, had casually sent in his own heir, who had already completed the first eight examinations.

It wasn't unheard of for gods to collaborate with each other and have their heirs participate in the divine examinations together. The God of Food and the Nine-Coloured Goddess were typical examples of this, as the two of them completed the Divine Examination together as husband and wife and were promoted to become gods. However, it was the first time she had seen something like this, directly sending one in without even saying a word, like today.

However, to be able to send someone in directly under her nose while she was drinking tea was a testament to that person's strength.

What's more, even she was unable to perceive any aura of divine power on the divine soul in front of her. Those who could conceal it to such an extent were at least first-level gods of the same level.

The fact that she had chosen an heir wasn't exactly a hidden secret in the Divine Realm, and she had never thought of trying to hide it. Not to mention, the fact that Bibi Dong had once travelled to the Killing City and passed through the Hell Road, was something that her nemesis, the Shura God, definitely knew about.

As if thinking of something, the Rakshasa God laughed instead of being angry, "Heh, not afraid of losing your spare heir."

"However, it's just perfect." The corner of her mouth slightly hooked, her eyes stared straight at the figure on the surface of the pool, "The seven emotions - joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, hate, and greed - I'm still worried about how to fill in the gaps for Bibi Dong currently, and this person is just right for it."

"Hehe, it's time for the good show to begin." Between the murmurs, her fingertips couldn't help but flick a little in the direction of the pool.

On the other end, inside the hut, Bibi Dong turned around on the bed and spoke to a woman, "Mom, let's relocate, shall we?"

Although she guessed that this might be an illusion created by the Divine Examination, she still wanted to try to change. Most importantly, even if she is in an illusion, she is really happy to be reunited with her parents. Her father's love, her mother's love, they had been gone from her for too long, too long.

All these years, she was really tired of living. The warmth that she could touch now, she wanted to continue it for a little longer.

"Why do we need to move when we're living well?" The woman looked puzzled.

She felt that her daughter was acting strangely today, suddenly proposing to sleep with her during dinner, and now she was talking about moving.

"I," Bibi Dong was just about to give her reason, "Boom!" A loud noise suddenly came from outside the house.

At the sound, Bibi Dong's face suddenly changed, and the woman beside her also got up with a scramble, bewildered, "What's wrong?"

"Mom, ignore this, hurry and go wake up Father, let's hide first." Bibi Dong urged her.

Just as the words trailed off, "Ah!" A shriek came, followed by a second and a third.

"There are bandits in the village." The woman instantly reacted and quickly climbed up from the bed.

Her feet had only just landed when a man scrambled forth from a side door, "Child's mom, quick, take the child into the cellar!"   

"Okay, okay," The woman responded while pulling Bibi Dong and running out of the room, with the man following.

However, before they could take a few steps, a bone-green fishy odour suddenly drifted in along the window cracks of the wooden house.

"Why is it so itchy." The man suddenly felt his skin itching unbearably and reached out to scratch, and with just one scratch, the flesh and blood were ripped off. A feeling of relief came over his heart, followed by another itch, and he couldn't help but continue scratching. At the same time, his eyes gradually turned red, scarlet flowed out of his seven orifices, and the scratching action in his hands became more and more frantic, the flesh began to splatter, and the blood under his feet became a puddle.

While running fast, flesh and blood fell.

Immediately, the woman who was pulling Bibi Dong to walk through the corner, also couldn't help but use her free hand to scratch her skin.

Right at this moment, Bibi Dong, who smelled the odour, instantly paled and violently turned her head and shouted.

"Mom, don't scratch, this is poison!"

However, it was already too late, the woman's eyes were already crimson, and the movements of her hands were nearly frantic.

"Plop!" Behind her, the man whose feet had just stepped out of the bedroom door suddenly collapsed, his face and neck already bloody.

"Father!" Bibi Dong subconsciously shouted out, "Plop!" The woman at her side also suddenly collapsed.

"Why, why!?" What a similar death, which is now reproduced, Bibi Dong's face instantly revealed a pained expression.

"Hehe, there's actually one here who hasn't fallen." A soft whisper suddenly rang out from outside the house.

Immediately afterwards, "Boom!" The main door was kicked open, and a man wrapped in a black robe strode in, with a little boy with a slightly furrowed brow yanked in his left hand.

So miserable. Seeing the tragic situation inside the house, Lin Manshan could not help but be shocked internally as well.

'So, when Bibi Dong was a child, that's how her parents were killed?'

Just now, when he descended outside, a cloud of poisonous mist drifted out from the distant road, and then the night wind rose from the road and blew directly into his face, however, nothing happened. He was, after all, a divine soul who descended directly, so this kind of illusion couldn't cause an impact.

However, the man who burst forth right now suddenly grabbed a hold of him back then.

Divine power, he instantly felt the strange energy contained in the man's hands, and at the same time, he also realized some of the rules of the illusion realm. Most of them were simple illusions, such as poisonous fog, which could have a direct effect on NPC-type characters within the illusions, but had very little effect on outsiders like him who had descended with their souls themselves. Unless, like the man's hand in front of him, it directly contained divine power.

In other words, it wasn't the man himself who grabbed him, but the divine power that had materialized into his hand.

As for afterwards, the man pulled him all the way here and didn't do anything to him.

Was it Shan who helped to cover up? Or did the Rakshasa God treat me as if I am an heir of some other god? He couldn't help but wonder at the bottom of his heart.

Looking at Bibi Dong in this situation, it seems that she is also a soul. Lin Manshan raised his head and looked Bibi Dong up and down.

The next moment, a force came from his wrist, and the man let out a laugh while pulling him in stride towards Bibi Dong, "Surprisingly, you can ignore my poison, I'm afraid it's either a special martial soul or a special physique, but it's exactly the same as this boy, there is some research value."

"You shouldn't have let me see this again!" Bibi Dong raised her head abruptly, her eyes were vicious, and she swung her fists and charged straight over.

The current Bibi Dong probably realized that this is an illusion. Lin Manshan pondered in his mind.

Then he saw the man's other hand quickly lift up, directly grabbing Bibi Dong's wrist and yanking violently in front of him. With a pull, the skinny body immediately left the ground, he directly held his hand straight at his armpit level, letting Bibi Dong struggle hard to break free.

Without a physical body, only her soul is left, so she can't exert any abilities.

In the next moment, two vines sprang out from under the man's feet, quickly sucking the two corpses dry as he turned around and went out the door.

After that, as expected, he kicked the doors one by one from house to house under the eyes of the two of them.

Bibi Dong coldly watched all this without uttering a word, but Lin Manshan could clearly feel the soul fluctuations in her body, it was filled with anger and resentment.

It was unknown whether it was aimed at the man or the Rakshasa God who had created this illusion.

However, with Bibi Dong in such a state, Lin Manshan could not say anything, and could only quietly watch everything happen in front of him first, while pondering in his mind.

It had only just begun, and the Rakshasa God had already used Bibi Dong's parents to mobilize her emotions. Then, what will happen next? And how should I insert myself into it and influence Bibi Dong so that she can avoid falling into darkness?

In between his thoughts, "Not bad harvest today." The man chuckled softly and led the two of them out the doorway in large strides.


PS: This is just the beginning of this plot, so I'll write in more detail, and it will speed up in the upcoming chapters. Otherwise, it will be possible to write a book with this plot.


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