Chapter 330 Ice God, Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor

In one moment in the Divine Realm, many days passed in the Lower Realm, and on the other end, within the Skywalker Academy, Lin Manshan drifted and landed in the small courtyard.

Leaving the Extreme North Land and parting with Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu halfway through, the few people flew for a few more days before returning to the outskirts of Heaven Dou City. Afterwards, Dugu Bo brought Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er to return to the academy first, while he made a trip alone to fetch herbs from the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.

Now, finally, he returned home at nightfall.

Let's meet Qian Renxue tomorrow. Patting his pants leg, he took big steps towards the house.

When he pushed the door in, several women were sitting in the living room, looking back at him. Calculating the time, it was precisely the time to kill time after dinner. And with the several women's strength right now, they were naturally able to perceive the sound of the door being pushed in and use it to judge his return.

"I'll go heat up some rice for you." Zhu Zhuyun was the first to speak out, smiled, and got up to walk towards the kitchen.

"I'll go help." Zhu Zhuyu got up to follow.

Lin Manshan smiled and nodded, then swept his eyes over the several women, "I'll go back to my room to wash up first."

Saying this, he walked towards the bedroom in large strides.

Not long after, when he stepped out of the room, the food had already been heated up and served on the table, Lin Manshan ate while chatting with the group.

While chatting, he suddenly asked, "How is Xiao Wu doing now?"

"Still the same." Zhu Zhuyun shrugged, "Doesn't like to talk, according to Aunt Xin, she just sits and stares all day, when she's hungry, she pulls her own carrot and nibbles on it, and glares at anyone who passes by."

Because her spirit power was confined and there was no need to worry about her escaping, currently Xiao Wu had been relocated to a valley to live alone, with guards outside to watch over her.

Hearing this, Lin Manshan nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions. Now Zhu Zhuqing's strength is only level 75, without level 80, even if Xiao Wu is willing to sacrifice, they can only postpone it and wait a little longer.

Not long after dinner, a few people chatted for a while, and then each went back to their rooms to cultivate.

Late at night, Lin Manshan walked into Shui Bing'er's room, his wife's appearance had changed drastically, and as a husband, he naturally had to check it properly.

"The foundation is very solid, there are no signs of weakness." After some touching, Lin Manshan made an evaluation.

"That's for sure, don't forget who Xue'er and I are?" A clear and cold voice inappropriately popped up.

Lin Manshan turned his head to look, a green-clothed little loli had appeared not far from Shui Bing'er's side, her hands clasping her chest, her expression arrogantly looking down.

Lin Manshan didn't want to pay any attention to her and turned his head to look at Shui Bing'er, "Bing'er, can you control her emergence now?"

Shui Bing'er shook her head slightly and said softly, "The enhancement that the two seniors have brought to me with this sacrifice is just too great, whether it's the newly elevated and massive spirit power in my body or the many newly acquired spirit skills, I'm currently still familiarizing myself with them and can't use them proficiently yet."

The Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor's soul strength was also far above Shui Bing'er's, thus they were able to retain a certain amount of initiative. Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

"How can you be so rude?" On the other side, the Ice Emperor expressed her anger at Lin Manshan's disregard.

Lin Manshan raised his head and helplessly said, "Ice Emperor, you have to look at the time if you want to come out."

The Ice Emperor was stunned, then glanced at him and coldly snorted, "Isn't it just a matter of reproduction? It's not like we haven't seen it before."

In the Extreme North, it is not like she hasn't seen other clansmen doing the breeding thing, it's just that she hasn't practised it.

Hmph, in this world, only Xue'er can be worthy of me. Inwardly, she thought darkly.

When she was born, the Snow Emperor was already the rightful king of the core circle of the Extreme North Land, blessing thousands of spirit beasts in the Extreme North Land. After a few coincidental meetings, she has determined the goal of her life as a beast, which is to cultivate hard and conquer the Snow Emperor with her strength.

Conquer by force, the strongest is honoured, this is their Ice Jade Scorpion clan's rules of conduct.

I almost forgot this guy is a spirit beast, and lives in a barren land like the Extreme North Land, with almost zero knowledge of human customs. Moreover, it seems that the one whom she is fond of is still a Snow Emperor, does she have trouble distinguishing between males and females? Or is she a genuine lesbian? Or does her basic physiologic knowledge still remain in a state of confusion? The corner of Lin Manshan's mouth twitched slightly, glancing at the Shui Bing'er beside him, whose face was already flushed with red.   

As if thinking of something, he suddenly spoke, "Your Excellency, the Snow Emperor, please also come out to meet me."

As the words fell, a snow-white figure appeared on the other side of the Ice Emperor, with white clothes, white hair, and white skin, floating like an immortal.

"May I ask what Your Excellency has called me for?" The voice was clear and cold, yet melodious like a silver bell.

"Snow Emperor, you have lived in the Extreme North for countless years, have you heard of the name Ice God?" Lin Manshan continuously asked, "According to the rumours I know of, your companion, the Ice Devil Titan, possesses the bloodline of the Ancient Ice God in his body."

"I don't know if it's true or not, and the information I know is also what the ancestors of the Extreme North Land left behind." The Snow Emperor replied, "Rumour has it that the Ice God's original body was a Frost Giant, and just like me, he was condensed from the purest ice-attribute Heaven and Earth elemental energy within the core circle of the Extreme North Land. After that, the Ice God was immortalized and attained Divine Personality Status from a certain powerful Divine Beast, and left shortly after."

"In addition, it is rumoured that the Ice God was the first living being born in the land of the Extreme North."

The Dragon God came to the Douluo World, which was still in the barbaric period when elemental beings had just appeared, and seeing that the Ice God had good qualifications, he helped him attain the position of Ice God, and the Ice God commemorated the Dragon God's kindness by following the Dragon God to the Divine Realm. Lin Manshan made a summary in his mind.

Since this is the case, if Bing'er wants to inherit the Ice God's divine position, I'm afraid it's not possible. Ice God is a spirit beast that became a god, even if there is a legacy, it certainly will not be inherited by Bing'er, who is a human, no wonder the original Divine Realm gods didn't have the title Ice God.

The Ice God is actually a beast god, who would have thought that? Frost Giant, no wonder, the offspring Ice Devil Titan can still retain a hundred meters high in size, what a genetic endowment.

"Kid, you wouldn't want Bing'er girl to inherit the Ice God's position, right?" Ice Emperor on the side abruptly interjected, "I advise you to dispel this idea, I have lived in the Extreme North for so many years, I have long strolled everywhere, but I simply did not find any traces left by the Ice God."

"Moreover, if the inheritance was truly left behind, Xue'er would have found her way to Godhood long ago."

Lin Manshan did not refute and nodded slightly, "Your Excellency, the Snow Emperor, does indeed have the qualifications to become a god."

After a moment of silence, he continued, "I will plan again for the matter of Bing'er becoming a god. Don't worry, what I promised the two of you, I will definitely make it come true."

"In addition..." Turning his head to look at the Ice Emperor who was all in turquoise, "Ice Emperor, why don't you change your name to Bi'er in the future."

"Why am I the one to change the name?" The Ice Emperor looked at Shui Bing'er, and although she understood, she still showed reluctance on her face.

"I think the name Bi'er is not bad." The Snow Emperor immediately smoothed things over, "It's really not very convenient to call each other by the same name."

The Ice Emperor pouted her little mouth and reluctantly changed her words, "Then, I will reluctantly agree."

"Since there's nothing else, then I'll take my leave first." The Snow Emperor's recently learned human vocabulary chimed in.

"Good." Lin Manshan nodded with a smile.

Thus, the Snow Emperor disappeared on the spot.

Lin Manshan immediately said, "Miss Bi'er, remember to close your divine sense when you go back, and if you want to come out in the future, please try to greet her first."

"Hmph!" The Ice Emperor glared at Lin Manshan and also directly disappeared.

Only then did Lin Manshan turn his head to look at Shui Bing'er, who had a rosy and lustrous complexion at the side.

With a gentle wave of his right hand, the lights suddenly went out.

Not long after, "Eww! It's really noisy!" Inside the spirit ring, the Ice Emperor covered her ears with a red face.

She suddenly realized that human reproduction, and spirit beast reproduction, seemed to be a bit different. Spirit beast faces wouldn't be red, and their facial expressions and body movements wouldn't be as rich.

On the other side, the Snow Emperor was also flushed red and quickly turned off her divine sense.


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